spiritual challenge - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By smashthestate
Keeping the world from committing "religo-cide." The world is getting less and less religious, especially in developed countries. I fear a time in the not-too-distant future that these people will become a super majority and will seek to eliminate all religions and people who belong to them.
By Crazy Brown Guy
Edit GTG: one liner -deleted. Please elaborate on your point, thanks GTG
By Cap
Slowly, but surely, the ego will die.

Cap 8)

Cap I'm not really sure what you mean, could you elaborate on that? You know how I feel about one liners 8)

Thanks GTG


The inevitable change is coming, and it will show humanity the light.

Some will not believe, but they will not survive.

The ego blinds with fear, competition, judgement and untruth.

The spirit opens with faith, cooperation, non-judging and truth.

The ego is doomed to die. Humanity will not endure it for much longer. The people will become sick of the lies.

The conciousness will evolve. Ego will die, spirit will survive.

Do you hear the sound of silence?

Cap 8)
Last edited by Cap on 21 Jan 2004 11:55, edited 2 times in total.
By sokath
I realize that this is a fairly basic question to ask. But we do try avoid one liners here in the serious discussion forums. Seeing as this one-liner has sparked some actual debate, I'm not going to rag on it too much, but try and add some meat to your quesitons in the future.


Last edited by sokath on 21 Jan 2004 09:35, edited 1 time in total.
By GandalfTheGrey
smashthestate wrote: I fear a time in the not-too-distant future that these people will become a super majority and will seek to eliminate all religions and people who belong to them.

As opposed to what we have today: a majority of one religious group seeking to eliminate all minority religions, and people belonging to them. Religion has brought about the most violence on this earth, I hardly see how it can be much worse if it was abolished.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I think the biggest spiritual challenge in the new millennium will be trying to sustain a spiritual stance of love, kindness and benevolence in what would be a chaotically imbalance society.

If you havent figuard out where your going to retreat to in the next few years and onwards, you should start to think about it.

your going to want a bit of distance from the run of the mill energy of the collective evolution.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I like watching things crumble, especially when what is crumbling is the system.
its institutional, patriarchal dominance of the people.

As you watch it crumbling, rather than being scared, know that your true insurance is in your energy and in your ability.
your guarentee lies in your skills and enthusiasm, in your love for family, freinds , and in your courage.
what will happen ? you'll be fine.
As you begin to move away from the evolution of people, you move away from tribal emotion.
its level of energy.

You will then be able to walk through the middle of a riot and nobody will notice you.

just continue to beleive your life is sacred, and the upcoming changes wont seem so daunting.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action. There is no fixed teaching. All I can provide is an appropriate medicine for a particular ailment.

If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like and echo.

Do not run away; let go. Do not seek, for it will come when least expected.

The perfect way is only difficult for those who pick and choose. Do not like, do not dislike; all will then be clear. Make a hairbreadth difference and heaven and earth are set apart; if you want the truth to stand clear before you, never be for or against. The struggle between "for" and "against" is the mind's worst disease.

The way to transcend karma lies in the proper use of the mind and the will. The one-ness of all life is a truth that can be fully realized only when false notions of a separate self, whose destiny can be considered apart from the whole, are forever annihilated.

All vague notions must fall before a pupil can call himself a master.

After all, all knowledge simply means self-knowledge.

Establish nothing in regard to onself. Pass quickly like the non-existent and be quiet as purity. Those who gain lose. do not precede others, always follow them.

bruce lee.
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By Vivisekt
smashthestate wrote:in the not-too-distant future that these people will become a super majority and will seek to eliminate all religions and people who belong to them.

I hope so.

There is nothing wrong with individual spirituality, but organized religion and the fanaticism that goes along with it has become nothing more than an intellectual disease amongst the population, in my opinion. Children are being immersed in these binding and comprehensive belief systems and that can be of serious detriment to their ability to accept change. Religion was once a great tool of social revolution which ushered in a new maturity and coherency within human society - but like training wheels, it had a limited period of bennefit. It has now run it's course and it currently outlasts it's own usefullness. I am sick and tired of listening to our leaders regurgitate backward religious rhetoric, and i'm tired of religious influence getting in the way of science and the evolution of the human social organism - as are a consistantly growing many people.

Spirituality will eventually be cleansed of the obsolete social construct that is organized religion. There will be no primitive belief system to "belong to" anylonger.

The greatest spiritual challenge will be having the courage to utterly smash the outdated religious belief systems that shackle us, allowing spirituality and human society to evolve unrestricted.
By Antihero
CaptainCanada wrote:Slowly, but surely, the ego will die.

Cap 8)

Cap I'm not really sure what you mean, could you elaborate on that? You know how I feel about one liners 8)

Thanks GTG


The inevitable change is coming, and it will show humanity the light.

Some will not believe, but they will not survive.

The ego blinds with fear, competition, judgement and untruth.

The spirit opens with faith, cooperation, non-judging and truth.

The ego is doomed to die. Humanity will not endure it for much longer. The people will become sick of the lies.

The conciousness will evolve. Ego will die, spirit will survive.

Do you hear the sound of silence?

Cap 8)
This is very disgusting and I hate it with my everything.
Non-judging? Man, if before I disliked sprituality now I hate it, thank you very much.
By Cap
SpitfirE wrote:This is very disgusting and I hate it with my everything.
Non-judging? Man, if before I disliked sprituality now I hate it, thank you very much.

Judgement is reserved for God alone.

But anyway, do what you must do... no one is trying to force anything on you.

Cap 8)
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Using your toning work, focus your goals at your pineal gland. Ask your Oversoul to give you specific tones to bring these to fruition in your life. See what happens.
Affirmation: With guidance from my Oversoul, I tone to bring my goals and affirmations into fruition.

July 4 - Friday
Now that you have had a chance to express your soul's journey through sound, shattered old nonserving mind-patterns, and installed new ones, tone your new "Song of the Soul." Observe how this is different than the first time you did this.
Affirmation: I tone my newly created "Song of the Soul" and observe the differences from the first time.

July 3 - Thursday
Use your voice to install new mind-patterns. Ask for guidance from your Oversoul to rearrange, create, and install new mind-patterns that uplift you to vertical movement.
Affirmation: With guidance from my Oversoul, I tone to install new, forward moving mind-patterns to support my vertical growth.

July 2 - Wednesday
Use your voice to shatter all old mind-patterns. Focus your concentration at your pineal gland, open your mouth, force the sound up from the depths of your soul, and with tones, create a tool that shatters apart all old, stagnant, nonserving mind-patterns. Ask your Oversoul for explanation as you go.
Affirmation: I use tone to shatter old-mind patterns.

July 1 - Tuesday
"Play" your body like a musical instrument. Start at your feet and work your way up to/through the top of your head. What sound does each part of your body express? What story is contained within each sound? How does the toning make your body feel?
Affirmation: I "play" the tones of my physical body to further understand my own internal mind-patterns.

June 30 - Monday
Each soul-personality is a frequency which is comprised of its one unique tone based upon experience. Open your mouth to see how your soul-personality would like to express at this moment. As the tones create through you, send them up to your Oversoul for explanation.
Affirmation: I tone the "Song of My Soul" with explanation from my Oversoul.

June 29 - Sunday
Toning is one of the easiest tools of change, but often the least understood. Basically, toning is sound replication -- "playing" the sounds in and around yourself for the purpose of understanding and changing where appropriate. Most people feel self-conscious when singing, so they choose not to explore toning. Go into your shower, turn the water on, open your mouth, and see what comes out.
Affirmation: I allow myself to explore through tone.


Week of June 22, 2003
Oversoul Family
June 28 - Saturday
Within an Oversoul family, or really a group-mind, no one will be exactly the same. Everyone will have a different function, but the whole has the possibility to function in great harmony. Ask that each member of the gathering Oversoul family be prepared to function in harmony.
Affirmation: I move in harmony with my Oversoul family on all levels.

June 27 - Friday
Keep in mind that every member of your Oversoul family has been out experiencing his/her own version of this reality. While you may recognize the inner frequency, the outer frequency may seem foreign to you due to outer circumstances. Do your preparation work so that when the time comes, everyone positively recognizes each other in a way that is meaningful and conducive to harmony.
Affirmation: I am now ready for my Oversoul family and my Oversoul family is now ready for me.

June 26 - Thursday
Ask that as many members of your Oversoul family recognize you as possible. Simply because you recognize them does not mean that they recognize you. Even if they do recognize you, they may have other goals to accomplish that do not include you.
Affirmation: My Oversoul family recognizes me at the appropriate time.

June 25 - Wednesday
Ask your Oversoul to bring as many members of your Oversoul family together as possible in this reality so that you may have company who understand you as well as explore God-Mind together.
Affirmation: My Oversoul family now comes together in this reality.

June 24 - Tuesday
Ask your Oversoul to show you itself simultaneously expressing in this and other realities; in this timeline and in others. Observe your thoughts, pictures, images, and feelings. Do not "try" to get anything. Just hold your consciousness above you in your Oversoul level, relax, hold the question at your pineal gland, and see what happens. There is no right or wrong.
Affirmation: I understand the simultaneous expressions of my Oversoul in this reality and in others.

June 23 - Monday
Put a silver infinity symbol above your head. Move your mind up to your Oversoul level, then ask it to show you how it arranges itself as an extension of God-Mind. Observe your thoughts, pictures, images, and feelings.
Affirmation: I understand how my Oversoul is an extension of God-Mind.

June 22 - Sunday
Have you taken time to explore your Oversoul? On the inner level, move your consciousness up into the place above your head that contains your connection to your Oversoul. Ask for your Oversoul to show you whatever it wants in regards to its vastness. What kind of thoughts, pictures, images, feelings come into your mind?
Affirmation: I explore my Oversoul.


Week of June 15, 2003
Collective Unconscious
June 21 - Saturday
I continue to develop my awareness of the collective unconscious upon myself and others. With awareness, comes responsibility for what I choose to put out for others to follow. Every day, spend a few seconds thinking about your choices—who will benefit (or not) and how.
Affirmation: I recognize that I am responsible for all that I put out into the collective unconscious.

June 20 - Friday
Do you think the act of "doing" imprints the collective unconscious? For example, if you organize your desk, does this emphasize organization in the collective unconscious? Does this emphasize orderliness within the collective mind-pattern?
Affirmation: I refine my actions to positively imprint the collective unconscious.

June 19 - Thursday
Do you pull the collective unconscious up or down? Does it pull you up or down? Who is in control? Who do you want to be in control?
Affirmation: My individualized consciousness is stronger than the pull of collective unconscious.

June 18 - Wednesday
Do you think that making a change within yourself allows for others to make similar changes? For example, when you stand up for yourself, do you think this paves the way for others to stand up for themselves?
Affirmation: My inner changes create a blueprint within the collective unconscious.

June 17 - Tuesday
Are you creating a trail for others of upward movement? If you struggle, do you eventually make progress? Do you work on your mind-pattern of ease? Could others grasp the concept of ease, or do you think they need some additional rungs on the ladder before they can move with ease? Are you following the imprint of others?
Affirmation: I create a trail of upward movement within the collective unconscious.

June 16 - Monday
What are you imprinting upon it now? Think about your general thoughts. What kind of "themes" emit from you? Struggle, hopelessness, despair, lack, appreciation, thankfulness, Self/Oversoul/God-Mind communication? Around what “themes” does your collective unconscious imprinting revolve?
Affirmation: I identify the main themes with which I imprint the collective unconscious.

June 15 - Sunday
Every thought that you think not only affects your entire system within and without, but it also joins with the collective unconscious of humanity. Each thought that flows from you automatically imprints the collective unconscious. What kind of an imprint would you like to put into place?
Affirmation: I carefully consider my imprint upon the collective unconscious.


Week of June 8, 2003
Living Example
June 14 - Saturday
Recognize that whether you know the people around you or not, whether you see them once in your life or several times a day, anyone who comes in your space views you on some level as a living example. Every second of every day, you determine what that living example will be. Think about what you teach others so that you can decide in conscious awareness what kind of living example you want to be.
Affirmation: I decide in conscious awareness the kind of living example that I want to be.

June 13 - Friday
What do you teach through the tone in your voice? Do you teach patience and kindness? Do you teach honesty and forthrightness? Do you teach compassion and understanding? Objectively listen to yourself to determine if you like the living example that exists through your voice.
Affirmation: I allow my voice to be a living example of wisdom, tolerance, and compassion.

June 12 - Thursday
What does your environment teach others? Do you think your home can influence the homes around you, as well as those within it? What about the outside of your living space—what does that teach? What about your work environment? What are you teaching others through that space?
Affirmation: I carefully consider the living example of my environment.

June 11 - Wednesday
What does the way that you carry yourself say about you? Do you walk with your head held high or low? Are your shoulders back with a straight spine, or pushed forward with a sagging spine? Do you look people directly in the eye or avoid their gaze? Do you have a spring in your step or do you shuffle or drag your feet? What kind of example is your deportment?
Affirmation: I correct my deportment to create an uplifting living example.

June 10 - Tuesday
What does your method of transportation say about you? Do you keep your vehicle clean and neat, inside and out? How is this reflective of your own mind-pattern? How does it influence others? If you use public transportation, how are you a living example to those around you? What are you teaching them simply by being present in their space?
Affirmation: I am aware that my method of transportation is a living example to others.

June 9 - Monday
What does your physical appearance state about you? Are you neat, clean, and well-groomed? Are your clothes disheveled? Are you somewhere in between? What does your symbology teach to others?
Affirmation: I utilize my physical appearance as a positive living example.

June 8, 2003 - Sunday
Everyone is a living example of something. As the song on our new Peace In The World CD says, "What do you want to teach? Who do you want to reach?" Think about all the people that you influence every day simply by being. Everyone sees everything about everyone, regardless if they acknowledge it consciously. What kind of a living example are you?
Affirmation: I observe and evaluate myself as a living example.


Week of June 1, 2003
June 7, 2003 - Saturday
Is poor health your identity? If so, what are the consequences of losing this? Will you get less attention? Will you still be able to justify time and expense taking care of your physical body and emotional well-being? Do you deserve fabulous health? Would you still be the center of attention? Would a part of you lose control over others? Exactly how much would you lose by no longer identifying with poor health? What would you replace it with? Would you be successful?
Affirmation: I allow fabulous health to be my new identity.

June 6, 2003 - Friday
If lack is your identity, what are the consequences of losing it? Do you deserve to have abundance in every area of your life? Is your mind-pattern strong enough to pull in everything that you can ever possibly need? Would you still keep the same friends, or would they drop you? Would you have to find new places to shop, new topics of conversation? How would an abundance identity change your life and could you accept it?
Affirmation: I allow abundance to be my new identity.

June 5, 2003 - Thursday
If victim mentality is your identity, what are the consequences of losing this identity? Do you always look for a reason to be upset and/or unhappy? Is there a part of you that enjoys always being hurt and/or upset? Could you function without this part of yourself? Could you function if you had a smooth, happy life? Go deep inside to see what psychological part of yourself your victim mentality feeds. Trace it to its origins so that you can pull it out and send it up to your Oversoul.
Affirmation: I release my victim mentality as my identity, tracing it to its origins, and releasing it to my Oversoul.

June 4, 2003 - Wednesday
If low self-worth is your identity, what are the consequences of having high self-esteem? Would you expect more of yourself? Would others? Would you be thrust into a limelight with which you might be uncomfortable? Would you lose your excuse about why you "didn’t get what you want"? What exactly would you give up by giving up low self-worth?
Affirmation: I release low self-worth as my identity and replace it with a balanced sense of self-worth.

June 3, 2003 - Tuesday
If anger is your identity, what would be the consequences of bringing this emotion into balance? Would you have to take a look at any hidden fears? Would you have to allow your vulnerability to show? How many relationships would you have to recreate? See how many you can name.
Affirmation: I willingly recreate my relationships as a path to establishing a new identity.

June 2, 2003 - Monday
If weight is your identity, think about the consequences of losing it. Would you lose your "grounding?" Would you have to get new clothing? If so, what kind would you buy? Would you have the nerve to buy and wear what you envision? Would you be open to a real relationship? Would you have to give up your fantasy world and come back down to Earth? What other issues would weight loss include that perhaps on some level you wish to avoid?
Affirmation: I recognize the consequences of changing my current identity.

June 1, 2003 - Sunday
Who are you and with what mind-pattern do you identify? Which one(s) hold(s) you so strongly that without it(them) you would have to recreate your entire identity? Think about your most challenging issues, and how you would feel without them.
Affirmation: I release the need to identify myself with my most challenging issues.
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By 1skull2hands
Get ready! Pack your bags with all of your bourgouse possesions!
For fuck sake find something to grab on to at least! Built a ship for the high seas! Beg for forgiveness! DO SOMETHING!

because the spiritual revolution is coming!! :roll: like a giant wave sweeping across the globe!

Not spreading religion but spirituality, in its purest form! Mankind will come together in a new world with out classes and economic upheaval but rather in a universalistic utopia, which will propell the human race far into this new millenium, a cleansing of the earth is near, fear not, just bring your surf borad and hang 10 baby! :p

peace love and unity
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By Visage of Glory
I believe it will be trying to bring the truth to everyone in the world, and trying to save as many of them that are willing to listen into the fold. Judgement day is coming soon, and I fervently hope that world will become more and more ready to accept the gospel.

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