The story of Artemis Sorras - Politics | PoFo

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By noemon
Artemis is a Greek-American citizen who arrived in Greece about 5-6 years ago claiming that he owns $ 1,3 trillion in US bonds and that he is willing to pay off the Greek debt if Parliament agrees to his demands, his main demand was to declare the debt odious. Since Parliament never took him seriously he started building a dedicated following of discontent people who actually believed him, he also started mixing the 12 Gods in all that, organising trips to the temples and calling himself an ancient Greek correspondent of Zeus.

His huge success came when a Conservative MP pressed charges against him for fraud and the Greek Court found him innocent, this enabled him to claim that he is for real and increased his reputation quite a lot.

Now how did the Greek court find him innocent and how did he manage to get away for such a long time.

It all started with an American lawyer(Stephen Louis Wozny) who was disbarred and then sued the Lawyer Association for disbarring him, not only he lost the case but the Court ordered that he attend to a Mental Institution. The lawyer claimed damages of 1.3 trillion and he issued private illegal bonds to the tune of that amount. Now and here is the con, since those bonds are illegal, they cannot be produced otherwise the conman faces jail-time, so what he and his Greek partner in crime did instead was to go to a fringe Canadian bank and put the bonds into a safe deposit box. The bank then gave them a receipt that their safe deposit box contains bonds of 1.3 trillion in value and using that receipt from the Canadian bank, they pretended that they do own bonds to that value and since one cannot open the safe deposit box to prove the con, authorities had their hands tied down. When the hearing took place an employee of the bank was called as a witness and he re-affirmed that the safe deposit box does contain those bonds, whether the bonds were legal or illegal is not the concern of the bank, so the court found him innocent.

However during an interview in Greek TV one of his associates produced the Bond serial number in open view and that enabled investigators to track the bonds in the US archives and confirm that the bonds were indeed those issued by Wozny and that they are in fact useless.

Another citizen pressed charges against him for fraud and today the Greek court sentenced him to 8 years in prison.

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