Security Cameras in Schools - Politics | PoFo

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Hmm... there doesn't seem to be a place for discussion on either education or civil liberties. I will post this in Morals and Ethics, but if it fits somewhere else better, then please feel free to move it.

Last year, the school board at my High School voted to install security cameras. I happen to be in a film class this year, so I chose to create a documentary on the cameras for one of my projects.

It took a quarter of work, but I'm done, and I am happy with the result. It's a humorous ten-minute video that takes a critical look at the cameras, and I was given good feedback by my film teacher. Unfortunately, all of that feedback had to do with production and not content, which I am far more curious in.

Any comments or feedback? I would love to hear from you guys on what you think.

You can see the web-cast online at:


- Max
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By Boondock Saint
Poor sound, the music is too loud, its supposed to be background music yet it drowns out the peoples voices ...

I can't believe that kid used the frog in boiling water analogy ... what movie was that from? I blame that movie for everytime that analogy is used ...

As for the content ... meh, its just security cameras in a public school in public halls ... there is no privacy in public places save that which under your clothes.

Keep up the good work in questioning things though.
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If there have been known drug dealings and such in the hallways i would agree with the cameras, but if there was no bad record on the school I really so no reason for video cameras.

and i agree with boondock, poor sound, i coudn't even hear the frog analogy.

Dumb answer from Superintendant.
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By MaxTemkin
There has never been a major violent incident at my school, and there are lower drug-use rates than the national average. Nothing extraordinary.
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Then I would be pissed off and demand a reason for the unnessecary minor invasion of privacy.
By Ixa
MaxTemkin wrote:Hmm... there doesn't seem to be a place for discussion on either education or civil liberties. I will post this in Morals and Ethics, but if it fits somewhere else better, then please feel free to move it.

Last year, the school board at my High School voted to install security cameras. I happen to be in a film class this year, so I chose to create a documentary on the cameras for one of my projects.

It took a quarter of work, but I'm done, and I am happy with the result. It's a humorous ten-minute video that takes a critical look at the cameras, and I was given good feedback by my film teacher. Unfortunately, all of that feedback had to do with production and not content, which I am far more curious in.

Any comments or feedback? I would love to hear from you guys on what you think.

You can see the web-cast online at:


- Max

We have security cameras throughout our entire school. Certainly a person
is less inclined to bully, use drugs, or do something else which is evil, if he
is being watched by those all-seeing, never-blinking eyes. And the school
which I attend did have a problem with drug use. It still exists; it just goes
on elsewhere, where the Eyes are unable to see. The same with violent
acts and sexual abominations (though I do not think they were trying to
stop the latter).
By Trevor
My highschool did the same thing last year. I did not know what to think at first. I tried to avoid them almost moving behind people etc, putting things in front of the lens and so forth. But then, I realized, they are there to help and I have no problem with them anymore.
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By Unperson-S
We have had camera's in my school for longer than I have been there, and I have been there three years, apparently, two years after my dad left (he was a teacher there) when he left in 1992, so they were installed in 1994. But now, we have had fences put up all the way round the school, I see why they want to keep people out for security reasons, but it really does make the school look like a prison, and not only does it have fences but there are another lot of rows of fences - its like it a bloody fortress!!!
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By Non-Marxist Socialist
security cameras must be everywhere, watching our every move. someone won't do something bad if they are being watched, just as child won't swear if standing next to Father.
By unPerson1
If you aren't doing anything bad, you shouldn't worry about it. Everything you do in school is watched by all the other students anyway.
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By Todd D.
security cameras must be everywhere, watching our every move. someone won't do something bad if they are being watched, just as child won't swear if standing next to Father.

BS. Privacy is important, because we are individuals.

If you aren't doing anything bad, you shouldn't worry about it. Everything you do in school is watched by all the other students anyway.

Also BS. There were things I did in high school that weren't necesarily illegal, but that doesn't mean that I want an audience seeing me do it. I don't want me discretely scratching my ass in front of my locker on film, and I certainly don't want me kissing my girlfriend in the anals of school history.

However, what people forget is that this is not an all intrusive experience. First of all, if you are in school, you are probably still under 18, which means that you have absolutely zero rights. Security cameras are the jurisdiction of the school board. You don't like it, don't go.[/quote]
By Spin
Security cameras dont do anything. People in my school know exactly how lonhg it takes them to spin aroun (30 secs), so what happens is if someones gettin hit, they will be hit several times then when the camera comes round they stop. The process is longer but it still goes on. Anyway security cameras dont stop drugs. People in my shcoll can smoke well away from cameras.

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