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By PGassendi
i am all for genetic engineering. there are so many possibilities. no disease, or deformities. a chance to make the human race perfect, which is what we are ultimatly striving for.

this possibility should be persued, but not used until scientists are absolutly sure it isnt faulty. we dont want children being born and dying 3 years later with horrific mutations.

as for genetically altered crops, iv researched this and it seems like its not completely safe. testing that has been done on animals resulted in growths on the rats stomach, and most of the rats died for unknown reasons. i dont know about you, but i think regular veggies taste good. and if old fashioned farming worked in the past, i dont think theres any point changing it now, especially when human life is at risk.
By glinert
i am all for genetic engineering. there are so many possibilities. no disease, or deformities. a chance to make the human race perfect, which is what we are ultimatly striving for.

No we not, we striving for survival, perfection will end our race. No disease no deformity will leave us all looking like clones of eachother and no genetic diversity. No differences terrible.

Disease helps human reace, without disease and deformity our nation will overpopulate and explode, God had plan, he did not mean for us to break his plan for cooperating earth. If you think god couldn't have had plan because he would have stopped it, think this. Humans like turtles put in glasss tank eden, if we scratch out and break perfect tank world, our fault not his.

this possibility should be persued, but not used until scientists are absolutly sure it isnt faulty. we dont want children being born and dying 3 years later with horrific mutations.

This naive approach, you must realize scientists will lie to accelerate work, and in beginning nothing will be perfect and idea itself flawed.
By pyrothiakit
Awesome thread.

1. What is the difference between breeding crops for yield, pest resistance, etc and genetic engineering to essentially breed those same crops? Answer: time and cost. The risk of creating a wierd mutant through genetic engineering that's going to take over the world and kill us all = low.

2. Eugenics has got a bad rap. I was terrified by it when I read about it. All those geneticists in the book agreed that eugenics was a very touchy subject. Without knowing the history of eugenics that would make people automatically fear a revival, I know that if left to personal choice (say pregnant mom and dad's choice) about the genetics of their child (ie. rare genetic diseases that 100% kill very early in life) then their choice to abort would technically be eugenics.

I think people who are worried about eugenics are worried about bigger issues than the current technically "eugenic" IVD embryo screening, selection and abortion issues.

So far so good, but we will need privacy laws in place to prevent insurance and other types of discrimination based on genetic information.
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By Lord_Ryan
I got news for you scientist have already altered peoples genes. Do you know what gene therapy is? Gene therapy is genetic engineering with a different name so no one would protest it. Seems to have worked huh?

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