What kind of people do you hold in contempt? - Page 9 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Saeko wrote:^ You insult all of us in every single post you make, and then cty victim when your shit is flung back at you.

The fact that you don't see this, shows that you are either very immature or else completely socially inept.

]No, you're just being argumentative and you're choosing to be the victim. Not me. I haven't done anything wrong but express a negative opinion. Of you had any sort of real ideal of maturity or decency, you would be trying to discuss and resolve, rather than bash and trash ne. You are just not capable of any kind of rational thought in any capacity. And you are the one who is claiming to be the victim here, not me.

I am not the victim. You are choosing to be offended and the victim, and so you have to respond with nothing more than insults, with the purpose to correct my behavior or shut me up because you also have no sense of morality, since for you the ends justify the means. You have no idea how conditioned you actually are to respond in the matter you are responding with.

And furthermore, in thinking that you are fully justified in responding in such a manner, in which you will continue to do so because you have no other choice in the matter nor do you know of no other way to respond, you will simply keep on responding like you are the victim and that I am insulting you, when in reality it is the other way around. I didn't do anything wrong, I just expressed a negative opinion.

You can't even consider that i might just have a valid opinion from observing the way you people act.

You are incapable of admitting you're wrong in any capacity. You are incapable of taking responsibility for your own actions, no matter what age you are.

And that's why I hold you all in contempt. You have no intelligence nor free will nor capacity for decency and integrity.

You are all the same.

I did not insult you. You chose to be insulted because the only thing you care about is your own self gratification.

And you have no free will either. You have no other choice but to respond the way you do.

You are the ones who are creating this nonsense, not me.

I have nothing more to say.

And I have nothing but vitriol for you.
Those constantly checking your phone in the presence of others, driving their car around whilst blaring out utterly trash rap at full volume, talking on their phone whilst being served at a checkout!

I'm in line at Customer Service and there were 2 people ahead of me. 1st one gets done and leaves. 2nd one is buried in her damn phone. Clerk says "can I help you?". Dumb woman stands there not paying attention. I interject "EXCUSE ME, ARE YOU IN LINE?" She turned around and gave me a dirty look. I gave her my best imitation of Donald Trump's look he gave Megan Kelly.

People that chew with their mouth open, talk with food in their mouth, and eat while they're on the phone, oh gawd!!
People who think they're superior, when they are patently no such thing. I know some wanker who's forever pontificating on about how chavs shouldn't be allowed to breed.
I asked him to define a chav, and shorn of outward irrelevancies, such as hair style, accent and fashion sense, he described himself to a T. He didn't like it when I pointed it out. He didn't like it at all.
redcarpet wrote:Those constantly checking your phone in the presence of others, driving their car around whilst blaring out utterly trash rap at full volume, talking on their phone whilst being served at a checkout!

I'm in line at Customer Service and there were 2 people ahead of me. 1st one gets done and leaves. 2nd one is buried in her damn phone. Clerk says "can I help you?". Dumb woman stands there not paying attention. I interject "EXCUSE ME, ARE YOU IN LINE?" She turned around and gave me a dirty look. I gave her my best imitation of Donald Trump's look he gave Megan Kelly.

People that chew with their mouth open, talk with food in their mouth, and eat while they're on the phone, oh gawd!!

Drivers who don't indicate. They should definitely not be allowed to breed.
Potemkin wrote:And besides, when Chamberlain came to realise that appeasement wasn't going to work with Hitler, he went ahead and declared war on him. That took some guts, considering Britain's weakness at the time. He tried to avoid war while he believed it was still possible to do so, but when he saw that war was unavoidable, he accepted it without flinching.
He should have declared war in March, presuming French agreement which was likely. Those six months and the use of Czech production were far more of an advantage to the Germans than to the allies. Democratic Czechoslovakia would have been a far better cause than fascist Poland. He failed to launch an attack on Germany while the bulk of Germany's forces were tied up in Poland. He failed to promptly cut off Germany's Swedish iron imports. Perhaps unwisely Britain had spent a considerable proportion of its a strategic bomber force which Chamberlain failed to exploit. No guts was what Chamberlain lacked.

In September 1939 Chamberlain again put his faith in a piece of paper. This piece of paper no more made war, than his earlier one had made peace.
In September 1939 Chamberlain again put his faith in a piece of paper. This piece of paper no more made war, than his earlier one had made peace.

Nevertheless, 'Phoney War' notwithstanding, Chamberlain's piece of paper in 1939 committed Britain to stopping Nazi Germany by force. Besides, hindsight is always 20/20. Chamberlain did what he could to avoid a European War, while the window of opportunity was still open. No-one could have known at the time just how intransigent and untrustworthy Hitler would prove to be; in the early 1930s even Churchill was praising Hitler as a reasonable statesman with whom one could do business.
Iron Ant wrote:You guys don't know the irony of your craptastic behavior in comparison to what I've said.

You are all the same.

Every single one of you.

This is all you have, insult and berating because I have a different opinion than you.

As you insult me you are only defining yourselves, not me.

And you are only revealing your real character.

I have not done anything wrong.
From what I have seen since you started posting, you are either a troll or mentally ill. In either case, people should just ignore you until you go away, but poking the troll is apparently just too much fun.
I agree and have to say that one bad thing about the French is that they are generally dangerous in the motorway, more dangerous than all the others, including the Greeks which is remarkable.

They don't indicate when coming into the fast lane and you find a lot of them drifting between lanes, this can give someone a lot of stress and in France this was given to me in high dosages, also have you ever driven in the Arc de Triomphe?

Mad does not describe it.
yiwahikanak wrote:The purpose of this thread is to confront an ugly, but common feeling: contempt. The feeling that someone is beneath you, less worthy of attention or concern.

IMO, rather than being less worthy of attention or concern, it is those who do not merit respect who are appropriately viewed with contempt. Other negative emotions may also be appropriate for people who are dishonest, lazy, stupid, cowardly, greedy, vicious, etc.

Some examples of people who are worthy of contempt are those who:

throw acid in women's faces to make them ugly;
inflict suffering on people or animals for enjoyment;
take financial advantage of the elderly and people with cognitive or emotional impairments;
preach religious beliefs to the credulous that they do not actually share;
falsify scholarly research;
prevent others from obtaining education;
attack teachers, aid workers, or diplomatic staff;
employ arguments they know are fallacious;
maim children to make them more effective beggars;
lie to preserve their own false beliefs; and
devote more effort to damaging others' interests than to advancing their own.
I must admit that whenever I feel contempt rising in my throat, I ask myself why I feel it. It's always instructive. And then, when I can, I turn the spotlight on the "other" and ask why they're the way they are. Very often it's enlightening.

Let's begin with what most people would find exceedingly evil, the extremists who throw acid into the faces of little schoolgirls for the crime of being schoolgirls. It's easy and fast to conclude simple evil and dismiss the case with contemptuous grunting, but it happens so often that there must be something underlying it that we can't see. Looking for that underlying cause isn't the same as accepting it, but it does provide some perspective.

First, the use of acid isn't new, but dates back to the dawn of the industrial age, at least the early 1800s. It was used as a weapon by just about anybody with a grudge and a slender pocketbook. The stuff leaves permanent and horrible scars and can steal eyesight, so as a terror weapon it has few peers. Using acid is therefore understandable from the terrorist's viewpoint. But why target schoolgirls? Again, the answer to us is usually a wave of the hand and a declaration that the man must be insane or just too fanatical to understand. But is he?

As it turns out, the problem is often just mistrust that leads to violence. Ever since the Crusades, Islamic nations have been, to one degree or another, suspicious of anything Western, and in many cases with good reason. As the West has grown in stature and influence, Islamic countries have watched with dismay and fear. After both WWI and WWII, Western powers arbitrarily parceled out big chunks of Muslim territory and then arranged them to suit. This constant meddling has left deep fears in the Middle East. Reportedly, Iranian citizens are just as opposed to the current deal as many Americans are, and for much the same reasons - they don't think they should trust the US. Until rather recently, they were governed by an American-supported tyrannical puppet, after all. The Middle East also watched as the US and a ragtag bunch of "allies" laid waste to much of Iraq and then seemed to blow town (when actually they were politely booted out).

While there are huge factions in the Middle East and other Islamic countries that favor forward progress and actually promote schooling for girls (and for which they get precious little credit in the West), there is a sizable percentage that sees anything Western as encroachment and an effort to control. These men (and they are almost all men) turn into terrorists, tossing acid onto little girls who dare to behave in ways the hard-core mistrusts. And it's not just education. They mistrust vaccinations, Western medicine, and even Western science - there are actually Muslim scholars who declare that the Earth cannot be spherical, because the Koran doesn't say it is.

So finally, are the miscreants who fling acid from the seats of fast-moving motorcycles motivated by some kind of inchoate evil? No. They're motivated by fear, just as I am motivated by my fear of them. I can't make them stop throwing acid, but I can overcome my own fear and my own disgust.

I do the same thing (again, when I'm capable of it) with people who jam the aisles of the supermarket, yammer on cell phones while driving, slowly put away their money at the cash register instead of stepping aside, block my driveway, and argue with sound bites from Fox News. In each case, as every economist knows, the act is actually rational, in a technical sense. I find it an excellent exercise to dissociate their behavior from my own irritation and ask what the rationale is.
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