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I agree with you Politics_Observer.

I am obviously a lot more kind and compassionate than people like Godstud and DrLee, who are suggesting that fat people should be blamed for the fact that they are fat. Notice that Lee and Godstud both have struggled with weight problems while I have not. Interesting isn't it? The people who have been fat seem more likely to hate and blame other fat people. Tells you something.
:roll: @Agent Steel Who else is to blame for being fat? The person being fat is the person who has eaten sufficiently to GET fat. That doesn't mean a lack of compassion but a connection to reality.

If you took a look at diets of obese people, you'd see the problem instantly. You cannot deny this reality. It's what people eat that makes them fat(combined with their level of exercise or lack thereof).

I never said to ridicule fate people. I said to help them. I am the first person to approach a person in the gym, who is overweight, to offer any sort of assistance that I can. I've been there. I want them to succeed in their goals of weight loss, and becoming healthier.

Your claim that @Drlee and myself hate fat people is just Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation
@Agent Steel

Agent Steel wrote:I agree with you Politics_Observer.

I am obviously a lot more kind and compassionate than people like Godstud and DrLee, who are suggesting that fat people should be blamed for the fact that they are fat. Notice that Lee and Godstud both have struggled with weight problems while I have not. Interesting isn't it? The people who have been fat seem more likely to hate and blame other fat people. Tells you something.

It's kinda like those who have been abusers, visit the same abuse onto others later on in life. In a lot of cases, people will visit the same evil onto others that were once visited upon them.
It's kinda like those who have been abusers, visit the same abuse onto others later on in life.

Oh bullshit. Get out a fucking dictionary, turn to "empathy" and read. :roll:

I defy anyone here to point to anything that Godstud or I have said that is untrue or unkind.

Pro tip: Kindness does not mean "suck someone's dick when they are fucking up".

I am SO GLAD that a very kind man wrote a book that convinced me that I was digging my own grave with my spoon. I was very happy with my friends who encouraged me along the way. I did not find it cruel or insulting when someone told me that my weight loss looked good, or that I ought to add another couple of miles or another 10 pound weight. Sometimes at the clinic I compliments someone on their weight loss and tell them "keep up the good work".

A young lady who has recently gained quite a bit of weight, asked me if I thought she should go on a diet. I told her about my weight loss, how I keep it off, and how much better I feel as a result. I did not say to her, "oh its just your metabolism. Nothing you can do. Your beautiful as you are so why bother." "And when I told her that I needed to work a lot more on the weights to get more ripped, she did not say to me, "hey you're old. Why bother." She said, "I can see that. You go." Perhaps I should have been offended? No.

Observation. When someone contrives to successfully lose weight they almost always cite exercise as a big part of their success. Running and walking gives me stamina. Weight lifting gives me muscle tone and strength that protects me from falls that are so dangerous to old people. But the whole thing together, from the first day I admitted that I was fat as fuck to today...that whole journey...every mile, rep or half-hour on the speed bag, has made me tougher. And that very much includes my metal toughness. Thank God for all the people who encouraged me along the way. Especially the ones who told me what I did not want to hear.
Politics_Observr wrote:It's kinda like those who have been abusers, visit the same abuse onto others later on in life. In a lot of cases, people will visit the same evil onto others that were once visited upon them.
Sorry, but NO. That's just Agent Steel pushing is own jackass narrative.

Please quote me where I, or Drlee, have been hateful towards fat people. I'll wait for that, or the apology.
Agent Steel wrote:The people who have been fat seem more likely to hate and blame other fat people.

I haven't seen anything resembling hatred for fat people here. Pity, maybe. Even aversion or intolerance. But hatred? No.
Tells you something.

Your absurd fabrication certainly does.
@Truth To Power

Truth To Power wrote:I haven't seen anything resembling hatred for fat people here. Pity, maybe. Even aversion or intolerance. But hatred? No.

I have seen some hatred towards fat people in this thread. So, I think @Agent Steel has a legitimate point. Some people just aren't rich enough to afford to have plastic surgery nor were lucky and privileged enough to win the genetic lottery when they were born to look good. And people are judged on their looks rather than their merits. People also face discrimination due to how they look, rather than their merits and this applies to fat people. Some people get promoted simply and only because they look good.

These are facts of life. It's not right, it's not fair, but it's a fact of life and it's truth. This is the case in regards to fat people too and not just the case of race, sexual orientation or gender identity. Prejudice towards fat people is also more socially acceptable too and is more openly displayed because people know they can get away with it more easily. I can't help that I was born with genes that make it more easy for me to gain weight than say some guy who was born with genes who doesn't exercises, eats a ton of unhealthy food but never gains a pound.

I mean I can go out and exercise and I do, but even with exercise, I will still always be overweight or have some fat on me. It's just my body type I was born with. It's not my fault. I am doing everything I can to lead a healthy life though. Weight also gets harder to control as you get older too, especially when you are not born with genes that keep you skinny no matter what. Genetics really does play a role in how you look. For some people more than others.
Politics_Observer wrote:I have seen some hatred towards fat people in this thread. So, I think @Agent Steel has a legitimate point.
Please quote the people, instead of making an idiotic blanket statement that is as dumb as that made by Agent Steel. There has been NO hatred aimed at fat people in this thread. His statement is an out and out lie.

People here have expressed that it's not healthy and the reality that we control our weight, and that in very few instances is it due to a legitimate health issue. That's not hate.
@Politics_Observer Do you really want to believe everything that AgentSteel is saying? He's the guy who adores himself and has mentioned on a few occasions that he is very proud of how fit he is and that he's so talented. If people disagree with him, he gets upset. He might have even said that he has never been fat in his entire life. So what does he know about the discomfort and hatred against fat people? Seems to me like he puts himself in the fit and gorgeous category of people.

I have been fat all my life. I believed I was ugly for most of my adolescence. Some brutally honest friends had to tell me to stop looking for approval from others. Only once I stopped looking for approval did people actually start to approve of me. How ironic! If I don't give a fuck about them, then they get curious about me maybe? I still don't give a fuck and I find it amusing.

I run, I swim. I even started dancing after watching dance videos on YouTube. The dance helped build muscle. I don't like lifting weights but I do a little. I also do pushups and other floor exercises to work on my core.

I see a lot of fat people who can walk and move, yet they choose to just gorge on food and binge on alcohol and junk food. Very few are ones that are physically disabled. If I could I would say, "Get up and move around! If you don't, you'll lose muscle function!" People need to bear weight to keep in shape and maintain healthy bone density. Some older women I know didn't keep up with exercise during their youth and in their 50s, they have muscle weakness and soreness. And those conditions might be irreversible but it could have been preventable. I'm going to keep on exercising. I don't want to end up like the older women around me who hate sweating or they say they're too busy to exercise. Excuses are stupid and pointless.

Absolutely I believe what @Agent Steel is saying. He's right. People get defensive about it because they probably made fun of or bullied or discriminated against fat people and they don't want to think of themselves as the "bad guy." Nobody wants to be the "bad guy" but the truth of the matter is, at one point or another in our lives, we have all been the "bad guy." Nobody is perfect. It's also OK for Agent Steel to feel good about himself and he is showing he understands the situation and has empathy for others. It doesn't mean he is narcissistic.
@Politics_Observer I get what you're saying, but no one in this thread has been how you described, and that is what Agent Steel is saying, and which you are doggedly supporting. He's not right. It's a false premise.

Even you dodge it. I asked you to quote the hate in this thread, and you can't you just stubbornly stick to Agent Steel's false narrative. It's sad, really.
Politics_Observer wrote:@MistyTiger

Absolutely I believe what @Agent Steel is saying. He's right. People get defensive about it because they probably made fun of or bullied or discriminated against fat people and they don't want to think of themselves as the "bad guy." Nobody wants to be the "bad guy" but the truth of the matter is, at one point or another in our lives, we have all been the "bad guy." Nobody is perfect. It's also OK for Agent Steel to feel good about himself and he is showing he understands the situation and has empathy for others. It doesn't mean he is narcissistic.

Who is defensive in this thread? It seems like AgentSteel and you are the defensive ones. DrLee and Godstud are providing their feedback. They are being rational and calm.

How well do you know AgentSteel? I have interacted with him and observed his posts for years. I do not know if he understands much about humility. His posts about his appearance and his musical ability seemed to be showing hubris, excessive pride. I thought in time he would become more humble but that has not happened. Years ago he liked me but later on when I disagreed with him a few times, he decided I was not a good person. It was like I betrayed him or something. Like I was not the person he thought I was. It's okay. I refuse to always agree with someone. I do not live to please others and fit a certain mold.

I am not sure about the degree of empathy he shows either. He seems to be quick to judge others.

MistyTiger wrote:Who is defensive in this thread? It seems like AgentSteel and you are the defensive ones. DrLee and Godstud are providing their feedback. They are being rational and calm.

:lol: OK Misty! AgentSteel and I were just giving our opinions on the matter and I agree with AgentSteel. I don't think I am defensive at all in regards to this issue. I also don't think it's cool to make fun of fat people or ridicule them. It's just mean and it doesn't do anybody any good. But, there is no point in continuing this discussion because everybody is entrenched in their opinions and nobody is going to change their mind.
Politics_Observer wrote:I have seen some hatred towards fat people in this thread.

Looking back through the thread, I did notice one post from Igor that could legitimately be interpreted as hateful.
Some people just aren't rich enough to afford to have plastic surgery nor were lucky and privileged enough to win the genetic lottery when they were born to look good.

But being fat is under one's own conscious control.
And people are judged on their looks rather than their merits. People also face discrimination due to how they look, rather than their merits and this applies to fat people. Some people get promoted simply and only because they look good.

I agree there is discrimination against fat people, and it is not rational in the sense that being fat per se does not affect performance in most jobs. However, people view fat as a proxy for lack of self-discipline and ability to defer gratification, which ARE related to character and job performance.
These are facts of life. It's not right, it's not fair, but it's a fact of life and it's truth. This is the case in regards to fat people too and not just the case of race, sexual orientation or gender identity. Prejudice towards fat people is also more socially acceptable too and is more openly displayed because people know they can get away with it more easily. I can't help that I was born with genes that make it more easy for me to gain weight than say some guy who was born with genes who doesn't exercises, eats a ton of unhealthy food but never gains a pound.

All true. But you can still choose to maintain a healthy weight. It just isn't as easy for you.
I mean I can go out and exercise and I do, but even with exercise, I will still always be overweight or have some fat on me. It's just my body type I was born with. It's not my fault. I am doing everything I can to lead a healthy life though. Weight also gets harder to control as you get older too, especially when you are not born with genes that keep you skinny no matter what. Genetics really does play a role in how you look. For some people more than others.

Again, that may all be true, but you can choose to reduce your body fat. If you write down everything you eat and drink in a week, I can tell you exactly what you have to cut out and what you should have more of, and I guarantee you will lose body fat even eating all you want -- just not whatever and whenever you want.
MistyTiger wrote:I have been fat all my life.

You don't have to be. As I told PO, if you write down everything you eat and drink in a week, I can tell you exactly what you have to cut out and what you should have more of, and I guarantee you will lose body fat even eating all you want -- just not whatever and whenever you want.
Sadly, we all have different body types. I can simply glance at something sweet and gain weight, whereas I have a friend who can literally live on chocolate bars and stay slimmer than hell. I hates him! :lol:

That said, weight control can be different for some people, going from not having to think about it, all the way to needing to have control of every single thing you eat. Recognizing that weight control is sometimes very difficult for some people, would help people understand the problems of fat people.

It's not black and white. Self discipline cannot be gauged by how fat a person is. That's a hateful stereotype. Humans are simply too diverse to be able to make that assumption.
Truth To Power wrote:You don't have to be. As I told PO, if you write down everything you eat and drink in a week, I can tell you exactly what you have to cut out and what you should have more of, and I guarantee you will lose body fat even eating all you want -- just not whatever and whenever you want.

Getting fit does not automatically happen. I was a chubby baby and I got fatter in my teens. I had a slow metabolism. I have the body type where the fat likes to deposit itself in my middle section. I started swim lessons before junior high as well as weight lifting.

I learned years ago that I really need running to lose the fat. I run from 1 to 2 miles per day depending on how much time I have. I need vigorous cardio. I tried keeping a food diary one year in college and hated it. It did not help and it made me feel like I had to be strict with eating, made me feel miserable. I should feel happy so I just control portions and do not count calories.
MistyTiger wrote:I learned years ago that I really need running to lose the fat. I run from 1 to 2 miles per day depending on how much time I have. I need vigorous cardio.

If you are more than a bit fat, running can be murder on your joints, especially your knees. Swimming is generally better in such cases.
I tried keeping a food diary one year in college and hated it. It did not help and it made me feel like I had to be strict with eating, made me feel miserable. I should feel happy so I just control portions and do not count calories.

A useful food diary is about what you consume and when, not how much. The keto people are clearly onto something. Everyone I know who has tried it said they lost weight rapidly and felt better, without hunger pangs.
Truth To Power wrote:If you are more than a bit fat, running can be murder on your joints, especially your knees. Swimming is generally better in such cases.

I like swimming but I cut down on swimming since the pandemic started. A big part of it was that the pool was closed for all of 2020. So I ramped up my running. I alternate between running on the street and running on a treadmill. I don't run that long so my joints are fine. But if I was running 10 miles every day on the street, my joints would be crying out bloody murder. But 1-2 miles is not that bad. I'm near my target weight now so running suits me.

A useful food diary is about what you consume and when, not how much. The keto people are clearly onto something. Everyone I know who has tried it said they lost weight rapidly and felt better, without hunger pangs.

I would not choose the keto diet as I love eating carbs. If I up my fat sources, I would get lots of acne. I have sensitive skin. Even a little more grease than usual, and I get a zit the next day or hours later. I typically have no acne since I limit my fat/oil intake.

Also, rapid weight loss can be harmful to the heart. One year I lost 28 pounds. I was shocked off my rocker. But I don't make it a habit to lose so much weight. I have dropped two pants sizes and might drop one more in another year.

I'm most proud of the muscle tone that I now have. I feel younger and more energetic. I don't feel sluggish or lethargic. After one year of my running regime, I felt more energetic. It has been 4 years of running and I feel great. In another few years, I plan to reach 3 miles a day.
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