Anti-alcoholism - Politics | PoFo

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Dont know if I spelt that right....but who cares! People that dont drink make me sick. Alcohol is another fundamendal that makes us human! And even some monkeys drink the fermenting nectar in tropicalflowers......which isnt much diferent.

And even Jesus (who ever he might have been) was so desperate for a drink that he turned water into wine!

The only exception to this rule is a girl I met in england.....she came to the pub (dead drunk for my understanding) and only drank coke.....In the past 2.5 years I have learned that it is not the alcohol that makes her drunk.....she just is that that should be drung and not prohibited to drive!
By the SovieT
cheers on that mate...

all non-drinkers should be shoot...

but drink with moderation...for a 24/7 drunk is counter productive...

but nothiung wrong with the ocasional drink-until you fall party!!!

:cheers: :cheers: :coffee:
By Russian
nice joke... nice sig
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By Tigerlily
the SovieT wrote:cheers on that mate...

all non-drinkers should be shoot...

but drink with moderation...for a 24/7 drunk is counter productive...

but nothiung wrong with the ocasional drink-until you fall party!!!

:cheers: :cheers: :coffee:

I don't drink, yet. Are you going to shoot me?

But I can certainly see myself as a social drinker but I don't hope to be alchoholic. No no. You can't have a drunk "communist leader" (*cough* dictator*) spilling out your nation's dirty little secrets, now can we?

(FYI: I hope to become the best darn communist leader in the world when I get older)
By The_Communist_Threat
TUC, you have it all wrong...alcohol is nothing compared to pot....but, that is just my personal opinion....

but i do like you sig... :D
By Krasniy Yastreb
Ah, good old alcohol. A few shots of vodka when I'm feeling down, and I'm A-OK. :)

But everyone should, and normally does drink far too much at one time or another. It teaches you a valuable lesson, both of the perils of alcohol and the excruciating points to which nausea can go without actually making you puke.

But what are you talking about TCT whan you say pot is far better? Sleep deprivation is better than the two put together. :tired:
Alcohol is a complimentary good to least for me it is...
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By Adrien
And even Jesus (who ever he might have been) was so desperate for a drink that he turned water into wine!

Very good! :lol:

Anyway alcohol is a factor of social cohesion, cause nothing can replace a little drink with friends, creating a new world!
a spliff amongst freinds could....
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By Adrien
That's another debate. :)
By sokath
The hooch is KEY! While I can understand why certain people would choose not to drink or oppose alcohol, I think any prohibitionists should actually be punched repeatedly. It's just the most foolish thing ever.

Ah well. I guess we all now know the answer to the question, "what would jesus do" :lol:

Yes I dont see how people can say they are TRUE christians and not drink....they dont folow their leade in the slightest.

I dont like Hooch.....

@sokath we meen the same Hooch yes? the weird dutch stuff that contains alcohol...
By The_Communist_Threat
"what would jesus do"

haha, yes sokath...what would that son of a bitch do???

But what are you talking about TCT whan you say pot is far better? Sleep deprivation is better than the two put together

well, there usually isn't a moment when i'm awake that i'm not tired....dammit, they shouldn't show seinfeld at 12 o'clock.....

Alcohol is a complimentary good to least for me it is...

yes, that is true... :smokin: :cheers:
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By Yeddi
EHHHH... don't get me started on alcohol and dope... i managed.. don't ask me how, to walk bout 10km home from a party once.. adn i don't remember even thats scary... i woke up the next morning not knowing where i was... feeling extremely sick adn with a splittin headache... i'd managed however to get out of my clothes adn fold them neatly (i never do that normally :eek: )... thats the last time i'll ever mix the 2, now before each party i choose... i must confess 99.9% of the time its alcohol... u just can't go past a good beer...adn/or lager. I also distill my own spirit which when oranges/fruits been soaking in it for a while.. adn with sugar.. is damn gooooooood :p
By The_Communist_Threat
... u just can't go past a good beer

I'd rather drink my own piss than drink beer.... :hmm: ...well, maybe not, but beer is taste awful to me...
By Simon Ostap
I'd rather drink my own piss than drink beer.... ...well, maybe not, but beer is taste awful to me...

It's always been my policy with drinking that the drink 'must' taste horrible in order to deter the development of alcoholism; which has occured before in my family.

For that reason I drink most everything I can straight, and I like it like that. Every drink should taste like someone is punching you in the mouth with a boxing glove made out of acidic piss.

Down with shnaps, and fruity girl drinks... Only the strongest for my liver.
By Proctor
Well, this is the weirdest thread I have ever seen.

I don't drink. Not because I'm against it or anything, but it just tastes like shit.
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By Umoja
I just don't drink. It used to be for religious reasons, but that was only an excuse to explain why I don't. I just prefer to always been at the helm, of my brain I guess. I consider anything that prevents that, other then myself as being completely wrong.

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