DOPE! - Politics | PoFo

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I smoke it.
I turn it into cockies/brownies.
But I dont turn it into tea....

What is your view on it guys?
By sokath
Stopped smoking it myself. Not for any particular reason. I guess it just kinda stopped appealing to me. It's not like I made a concious decision to stop either, I just did.

It kinda came about after I ate three HUGE bags of Doritos and felt so sick that I wanted to die.

(should this thread even be here?)

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By Mr. Smith
It is totally wrong and benefits nobody especially the working class...

People can't even use Alcohol in moderation. If softer drugs where legalized accident rates would sky rocket and child birth defects rise.

Pot kills brain cells and reduces productivity, with it legalized not only will society grow dumber then it is now but car accidents and rash crimes will sky rocket. In the states 1/3 car accidents are caused because someone was under the influence of pot.

Religion and Drugs are the same... both numbing brainwashing tools.
Well I think it needs to be here the controversy about the legalisation of dope has never been greater!

Do you know this feeling when a glass of scotish single malt and a nice cigar just feels right to round of your night? Thats the feeling I get with dope. I have smoked maybe a grand total of 15-20g in the 7 years that I smoke it...the number of times I have been drunk out of my mind (with spirits or lager NOT EnglishBeer!!! as that gets me far to fast to have anything to do with the alcohol) will have certainly have had a much worse effect on my mind....

I think that the medical aplications of THC (tetrahydrocanabinol) are far top important then to neglect them. Why give a patient morphine (lowers apetite and makes physicaly addicited), when smoking weed or taking THC would do just as nicely and not with the negative side affects. I recon the state would make sooo much money if it would license tabaconists to sell dope in 1,2,and 5 gram packages (even if they had warnings on them like THE GENERAL SURGEONS WARNING: SMOKING WEED KILLS TOO!) it could tax it and make money and the stuff would get rid of the crimescene that blooms around the drugs.....
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By Cienfuegos
everything in moderation. . .yet anything that impares judgment and kills brain cells is not good for a working mind. . .i have been guilty of surrendering to the bottle. .. but it aint anything i'm proud of. . .for those hours i couldent remember crap. . it isn't a good thing when an outside substence takes control of your mind and body. . .just an opinion. . .cheers
By Kov
I am very anti drugs. Anything that hinders a persons "battle ablility" self controll etc, is not needed. As stated quite wonderfully above, Religion is the Opium of the people... and opium is very bad.

As much as I hate to say, only one country has teh Drug Law right... they kill you if they find possession. No surprise then that that specific country has a .009% Drug abuse level...

Please do not take the above as a sadistic remark, it is rather my personal opinion. Ohh.. and Sokath... where is my Image?
By The_Communist_Threat
As much as I hate to say, only one country has teh Drug Law right... they kill you if they find possession.

Ok, this make a lot of because you have a certain type of plant on you, you should be killed...this is fucking bullshit, think about what you're saying...honesly think about it...this is sickening :|
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By Mr. Smith
You shouldn't be killed first offense you should be forced to go to classes about how evil drugs are and be fined and arrested.

Second offense 5 years jail time
Third offense Gulag for 20 years
Fourth offense EXECUTION

Dealers should all be sentanced to life in the gulags.
By Ixa
Comrade Smith wrote:You shouldn't be killed first offense you should be forced to go to classes about how evil drugs are and be fined and arrested.

Second offense 5 years jail time
Third offense Gulag for 20 years
Fourth offense EXECUTION

Dealers should all be sentanced to life in the gulags.

No! Gulag for life for the first offence. They will work to death, so it would be execution and labour wrapped up into one.
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By redstar2000
I don't think there's much to discuss with persons who want to kill people or subject them to lengthy and harsh prison terms for wanting to enjoy some chemical pleasure in would be like having a "discussion" with John Ashcroft or Pat Robertson.

As it happens, my personal drugs of choice are still (barely) legal; caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Marijuana simply puts me to sleep...and I don't need any help with that.

As far as we can tell, humans have sought intoxication in one form or another for as far back as we can find evidence of human activity at all. Pots have been discovered with the remnents of beer and wine that are more than 7,000 years old!

All efforts at prohibition have completely failed; there is not a single instance in recorded history where prohibition actually worked...actually stopped the use of the prohibited substance. Temporarily reduced, yes; stopped, no.

The human cost of prohibition is immeasurable...the shattered lives and unnecessary deaths, the pain and suffering, etc., the creation of gestapo-like drug police and swollen gulags and corruption from top to bottom, etc. This is both the legacy and the current practice of chemical neo-puritanism.

It's really something to be proud of, isn't it? >:

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By Mr. Smith
Yes, and if they do it again they DON'T get out of Jail.
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By Umoja
Most of the people in jail today are there because of drug related charges, and many can agree that the prison system is quite messed up. Being American centric of course.

Personally, I don't agree with drug use, and think it should still be treated heavily, but making them illegal only increase their appeal. I think having them as a restricted substance would be far better and only using it medically on older people would lessen it's appeal.
By Deicidus
Sure they're drug level is very low, but did you know that it's one of the major exporter of opium and marijuana in the world. Of course they dont smoke it themselves, they'd get killed, but that don't mean they don't stop people from shiping it out to other nations. It's total hypocacy.

You have to look at the underground level of life. It's not only black and white. Theres a gray zone with a lot of people in there. What do they do, they hide in the shadows. They sell drugs to little kidsand poor factory workers. And what do they do with the money? They got enough money to bribe enough politicians to keep drugs illegal and to keep them out of jail. The guy who smokes goes to jail, not these guys. The money they make off our back is the same they use to have a hold of us. Controling unions, arranging elections, killing people who get in their way. Who do you think killed Serbian prime minister?

As long as we keep it illegal, they will always have a grip on us. If getting rid of drugs is your goal, than legalisation is the first step. Because to eliminate drugs, it is needed to eliminate the people who make fortunes out of it. You think fighting them trew illegality works ? Telle this to judge Falcone, people who get in the middle of gang warfares, policemen that get killed in drug busts, people who die of overdoses everyday, people who get killed because they tried to stop the madness. Prohibition dosn't work, sensibilation campains didn't work. Jail sentences didn't work. You bust a dealer on a corner, the next day 10 guys are waiting to take his place.
By Kov
I said not to take my post personaly, for it was my own thoughts.

I support the Gulag System: 3 levels

Example- Level one Makes the plans for the Airplane
Level twe Makes the Airplane
Level three mines the recources

This way all offenders can pay off their debts and issues. Drugies can do something benificial in a level 1-2 gulag before they go back to doing their ways again... Wo said overwork?
By ZenWilsonian
I'm not sure on this one... Alcohol is actually almost as poisonous as heroin... I support it been outlawed. Coffee is more poisonous than LSD or cannabis, and is more addictive than them both! However, LSD is kinda dangerous in other senses, for example.. when driving, and those people who think theyre superman and jump off buildings.
:coffee: :smokin: :cheers: :hippy:
As for drugs in reduction in productivity, doesn't cannabis improve musical abilities, I'm sure I read it somewhere... but it also slows reactions, and using strong cannabis often can lead to mental illness. But then listening to loud music often can lead to deafness... that's not to say stereos and discos should be outlawed.
By CasX
ZenStalinist wrote:Alcohol is actually almost as poisonous as heroin... I support it been outlawed. Coffee is more poisonous than LSD or cannabis, and is more addictive than them both!


Gotta love that factual evidence.
By Kov
Yes but alcahol also prolongs life.

ACTUAL factual evidence states that casual drinkers live much longer than non and binge drinkers.
By Deicidus
Your refering to wine, and that is only if dranked moderatly. Beer dosn't prolonge life, neither does tequila or whisky.
By Kov
Yes, Beer Vodka etc... Beer is not as much alcahol, so it can be discluded.

But other hard liqures as well as wine comrade.

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