I have a hard time understanding this - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I was at the video store yesterday, and I wanted to rent some drama. The movie was called Ken Park, and I've read the cover couple of days ago before that. Now, I walk up to the guy, and ask him if he got that movie. He says he does, but you'll have to be eighteen. I'm allowed by my parents to rent movies over 18, so I thought it wouldn't be a big problem. I told him, and the guy said it depicted sex. I said; The cover says drama, but he told me that it was a erotic drama. Well fine, I thought I'll rent it anyways, it looked like a good movie. But the guy stopped me from renting it. Then I took a look around, and I found a movie. This movie was pretty horrific. The whole movie was about people being infected with a virus, and that people all over the world killed eachother, and you have to kill people before they get the virus. The rest of the living, soldiers, raped some girls, and you saw people pressing eachother eyes out. I've seen David Pearl's head being chopped off. Russians in occupied countries who has been blowed to peaces etc. All this was real stuff. You might have killed someone too for the state, you can't watch movies depticting people kill eachother. Most guys under 18 has been with other people, and I'm sure they had some sexual experience too. So why do they have to put restrictions on films? What's the worst thing that could happen in these scenarios?
A guy chops his friends head of, because he was inspired by the movie, or, he has sex with another human?
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By Falleen Prince Xizor
or a 7 year old rents "Battle Royale" and figures "hey, it might be fun to poison everyone"
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By Boondock Saint
So allow me a moment here ...

You are not yet 18 ... the movie war rated-R and you were not permitted to rent it.

You then pickup a film which is not rated-R and you are allowed to rent it ...

Is this correct?

The PG-13 film (assumed as below R is PG-13 in the US) depicted violence ... the R film depicted sex ...

You are wondering why violence is allowed and why sex is not?

Simple ... decency laws. Its to prevent 13 year olds from renting pornos and overly violent movies ... now apparently violence has more slack then sex ... the reason? Its just how it is ...
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By Comrade Ogilvy
R film? Never heard of that. Anyways, looking at innocent sex is better than seeing people chop of eachothers genitalia.
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By Falleen Prince Xizor
Interesting comparison...

Sex can be a health Hazard....maybe
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By SueDeNîmes.
Let that be a lesson to you, boy. Brutal rape is quite acceptable as long as it does not involve the display of a single pubic hair.
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By Boondock Saint
You know I have heard the issue is even greater in South American countries ... at least on the news ...

Sex is nearly forbidden yet dead bodies with blood pouring out can be seen on television daily ...

This information comes from a Brit who studied in South America for some time ... he kept saying how naive the family he stayed with was in regards to sex and how conservative they were about sex yet violence permiated their television ...

Perhaps this is something based on religious beliefs? As it is generally the religious community that has the most to gripe about when it comes to sex ...
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Hell yeah, it's damn good. I was a bit scared at some points. Amazing movie.

I guess the problem is christians, traditions, conservatives and the likes.
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By Boondock Saint
I guess the problem is christians, traditions, conservatives and the likes.

Well we all know my favorite donkey to pin the tail on are conservative Christians ... but I can't fully blame them (though I did point a finger at them in a post above) ...

Its also fear of having to deal with situations such as sexual education and the like ... a kind of 'if we ignore it it will just go away' ...

Oh and 28 days later was 'ok' ...
By Crazy Brown Guy
Whale Rider and Charlie’s Angel Full Throttle were rated PG-13 :?: , as you can see the rating system defies logic, and it’s just pure idiotic to follow it. BTW the movie industry is now rating video games.
By GandalfTheGrey
Guys, I have done some housecleaning on this thread because there are way too many one liners. I think I deleted 4 posts from Falleen Prince Xizor and one from Enlight. I am not going to have this forum turn into a bulletin board.

Thanks, GTG
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Anyways, looking at innocent sex is better than seeing people chop of eachothers genitalia.

Children are stupid, whatever they may think to the contrary, and it generally costs society more to deal with stupid kids fucking then it does with kids being violent. And the fact this country was founded on Puritan moores and they haven't entirely gone away. That's the basics at least.
By glinert
Why was he stopping you becuase of the R thing, what this mean? I don't understand what exactly rule against this, was he following a rule?
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By Todd D.
For the record, 28 Days Later was rated R, meaning that at least in the United States, and personally I thought the movie sucked hard.

Regardless, this question of "what's worse" to me is incredibly irrelevant. BBMF, I don't think that promiscous sex nor abstract violence are morally acceptable, and presenting either one of them as innocent or downplaying their significance as you did when you called it "innocent sex" I think is irresponsible of you. That's really just my opinion though. As it pertains to the issue at hand, I've always thought that the rating system was somewhat arbitrary, so I don't really know what to tell you here.
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By Boondock Saint
glinert wrote:Why was he stopping you becuase of the R thing, what this mean? I don't understand what exactly rule against this, was he following a rule?

A rated-R movie means no one under 17 can rent it. Some places might make the rule 18 ... depending on where you are.

So yea, its a rule for the clerks. They can get into trouble for renting adult movies to underage folk.
By clownboy
glinert wrote:Why was he stopping you becuase of the R thing, what this mean? I don't understand what exactly rule against this, was he following a rule?

Yep, we have a ratings system here on movies. He was trying to rent a movie that his age group is not allowed access to. The clerk could have been fined for renting it to him.

If he had gone to a store to buy a pack of cigarettes - same thing.
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By Tex
The reason that the rating system is so ridiculous is that it was created by the film industry, itself. The fear that activist groups would find a way to circumvent free speech laws and actually enact real laws, with the right to censor their "artistic" (snort) interpretations, spurred them on to "pay lip service" to the idea of policing themselves. Like most situations in which the public must trust to the good intentions of an industry that exists for the purpose of accumulating wealth, it has been exploited in a way that dilutes the message of the activists, while maximizing the profits of the industry, itself.

I know...this sounds like the broken record socialists play continuously to "tar" capitalists with a "wide brush"...but as any capitalist knows, there are some really exploitative industries out there that feed the fires of this criticism. This particular one happens to be one of the most successful exploiters of the American desire for free speech...and ironically...it is completely dominated by American leftists, who demand their free speech rights, enabling them to become multi-millionaires... so they can then stifle other free speech, by using their millions to dominate our consciousness, and attack the other multi-millionaires for being capitalist exploiters.

No wonder the rest of the world thinks Americans are fools...we are continuously depicted that way by an industry whose only loyalty is to the almighty dollar.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I would personally allow my kid to watch whatever, I have confidence that I'd raise him to know better then take an impression on some low budget film and go out poisening the water supply and raping women. Though if he did, guess who'd be the one to maim the little bastard? :evil:
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By Tex
Big Evil wrote:I would personally allow my kid to watch whatever, I have confidence that I'd raise him to know better then take an impression on some low budget film and go out poisening the water supply and raping women. Though if he did, guess who'd be the one to maim the little bastard? :evil:

I suppose if your child "came down the chute" as a 6 year old, with a rudimentary understanding of right and wrong, you might be able to make this argument sound a little less ridiculous.

But the reality is that the child gets here with a "blank slate," and all it's behaviors are learned from your mistakes or successes in teaching him/her the consequences or rewards for the hundreds of experiments he/she conducts each and every day, whether or not you are in the mood to be a sensible "instructor."

Sure, the majority of intelligent persons will eventually figure out what the minimum levels of "acceptable" behavior are, that "society" will allow him/her to "scrape by" with, but the number of bumps and bruises along the way will be determined by the self-discipline his parents instill in him/her in the early years. Most parents screw this up...they can teach a puppy to go outside when it needs to take a crap, but are baffled by how to teach a child to pick up it's toys.

If your child reaches the teenage years as a stable, moral, and thinking person, it will usually be because you were relentless in your goal to steer him/her there, utilizing whatever logical "tricks" will shape that kind of behavior...even if it seems to contradict your adopted philosophy. There is no security for a child that is given choices on matters he/she does not yet understand. Decision-making is the hardest and most important thing a human must learn, and the teaching of that should not be trusted to people who don't deal in reality.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Exactly Tex. I am a firm believer in discipline. A child who is bad, is a child with a red behind.

After a little pain, and alot of dissapointment. The child will start to understand what I do is not my own wishes, it is but a fragment of the lonelyness and suffering society would unleash on him for commiting crimes of that nature. Punish the culprite to the level of the crime I always say.

Which is why I would allow my kid to watch whatever, he knows the consequinces. Hell, by eighteen years I think he'd find the police easier to talk things out with then his dad who's pissed off at the moment. :muha1:

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