What makes America so obsessed with sex? (no porn) - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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http://www.maximonline.com/index.html Look at this

This is the website of the magazine Maxim. What does this magazine feature? Well, it features almost-naked women posing in sexual positions, as well as other things that I cannot mention on a G-rated site. Of course, many parents would disapprove of this and forbid they're child from ever seeing this. Of course, this is inappropriate material for children, and of course for adults. Of course, where do you find this? ON THE SHELVES OF EVERY GIANT, SAFEWAY, e.t.c! Why does this occur? Simple, Americans are obsessed with sex.
If you take a look at pornography, you can see how they solicit their products. "BIG T*TS!!!" "LOOK AT THIS GIRL C*M THIS HUGE D**K!!!" You can see they advertise the sexual pleasure that viewing porn gives you. Also, if you would take a look at advertising, you could see similar tactics. How many of you have not seen the attractive blond going for that Mentos Breath Mint? Or that hot brunette going to eat at McDonalds? In essence, these messages are subtley saying "If you eat at McDonalds, you'll be attractive!" or "Only attractive people eat Mentos, so eat mentos, and you'll be attractive!!!"
In conclusion, as I always say, you could probably find two million holes in my arguments, but I just love discussing politics and such, so I have lots of fun doing this anyway! ^_^
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By Vivisekt
Why is America obsessed with sex? Because America is sociopolitically juvenile. We are a culture based upon rebellion, selfishness, and excess - and under capitalism, anything that does sell (like sex to social juveniles) is advertised en masse.
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By liberalist
It seems to be that Americans are one of the most prudish western cultures around. Just look at the uproar when Janet Jackson exposed her... breast. Oh, no. A breast, how filthy and distgusting (sarcasm)

She even had her nipple covered and still people found it so terrible that there had to be two congressional investigations in to it. Also on tv, i have noticed on american shows are shown in Australia that breasts and whatnot are always blurred out. For example on the David Letterman Show, which isnt even shown until midnight, they blurr things out. To protect people I guess. But from what. I also beleieve shows like Sex and the City and the Sopranos were refused by free to air television in America because of their sexual references. In Australia these shows are shown on regular tv, no one cares about the sex and nudity. We also show Queer as Folk and the L Word on regular TV. If people dont like it they simply dont watch it. Maybe you (america) is obsessed with sex because it is deemed a socially deviant act. Your culture thinks nudity and sex are dirty and bad, thus the obsession.
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By Repubcracy
To combine both of your points, America was born, lived, and still is a juvinille country. We were created as children who got mad because our parents (Britan) were treating us badly. We had a tantrum (American Revolution) so we became independant (emancipated). We then triumphed over our parents again when they came in to try to take control. Then, high on nationalism, we come to this point in history, where our head kid (George W. Bush), is asking for countries to come help us in a task they never agreed upon.

So we come back to sex. We are still immature children (literally or metaphorically) who live on the thrill of sexual pleasure, and the chance of being caught.
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By Boondock Saint
I think everyone is obsessed with sex ... I mean come on!

I see naked news shows from Canada and Russia ... if thats not obsessed with sex then I dont know what is ...

Anyone hear of Dutch porn?

Right ...

Anyone ever see Japanese porn?

And Americans are obsessed?

And what is so inapropriate for an adult to look at Maxim mag? Please ... this sounds like a very conservative person talking ...
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By Repubcracy
I am not saying Maxim is wrong, I am merely pointing out an example of sexual obsession
By Rinty
I think all of the analysis in this thread is over the top. I would say similar attitudes to sex exist in the UK and other places.

Some countries in the East consider USA as soddom/gommorah while we say its prudish.

There is a vocal Chistian right in America, so the impresssion is that the nation is up in arms over things like Janets nipple, but I would imagine that the people of America are no different to people elsewhere.
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By Repubcracy
I did not choose this topic to show the contrast of American obsession to other places. (I know mostly about America. I understand that there is obsession in other countries, but I merely chose America because I can relate to i the most)
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By Yeddi
Just on what Liberalist said

An Anonymous australian talking about the Monica scandal:

"Thank God we got the convicts and they got the Puritans."

I would tend to agree with: " Your culture thinks nudity and sex are dirty and bad, thus the obsession." though thats from an outsider looking in

That doesn't mean other cultures/countries aren't all 'sexed up' Iraq for one... (;) poor joke) but i think that's the reason the US is
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By Repubcracy
Just to reiterate, I know there is a lot of sex in other places. For instance, Japanese manga has a LOT of sexual content in there. Also dealing with homosexuality.
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By liberalist
Repubcracy  wrote:Just to reiterate, I know there is a lot of sex in other places. For instance, Japanese manga has a LOT of sexual content in there. Also dealing with homosexuality.

Thats the whole point. Sex is everywhere, but in America they make such a big deal of it. They dont have political inquirees in Japan at the Manga because they are adult enough to deal with it. In America you dont have more sex or porn than the rest of the world, its just that you think its dirty for some reason. As previously said, it is that america is juvenile.
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By Repubcracy
America makes a big deal about it because they want to seem to be against it, while supporting it at the same time.

Because they say its wrong, they are promoting it to be a "bad-boy" thing, and it solicits more propoganda.
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By Boondock Saint
its just that you think its dirty for some reason. As previously said, it is that america is juvenile.

Ohhhh that ...

Yea there are a handful of bible thumpers who make a big stink out of everything ...

They just happen to have really big mouths so they get on tv alot and I guess if your over seas then you might think they represent anything more then a little village ...

Janets nipple was silly, they got like 2,000 comlaints about that and the media went into an uproar over it ... 2,000 hell, 20,000 out of the entire nation?

Its a small vocal group that the media loves to give a lot of air time to ...
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By Repubcracy
They just happen to have really big mouths so they get on tv alot and I guess if your over seas then you might think they represent anything more then a little village ...

Although they are a small group of "bible thumpers" as you put it, anyone who represents the American people on TV/radio/News, they have a lot more influence on foriegn opinion than any of us.

Also, the reason that they give a lot of air time to those kinds of people is because they have such radical opinions. With their radical views, Network producers do not have to worry about the show not being interesting

So, which is really wrong, Sex, the people who promote it, or the people who scorn it?
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By Boondock Saint
So, which is really wrong, Sex, the people who promote it, or the people who scorn it?


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By Repubcracy
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Popular culture and the trash they throw at us is not a good indicator of the U.S. as a whole- I think the same could be said of pretty much anywhere.

the bottom line is that sex sells so someone will sell it, it makes headlines (whether it deserves it or not) and it is an easy, cheap way to catch someones attention than to actually have some content that takes more thought. Not that I have any aversion to seeing nice tits and ass but it's overdone and used as an advertising tool for those that can't see through the smoke.
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By Repubcracy
the bottom line is that sex sells so someone will sell it, it makes headlines (whether it deserves it or not) and it is an easy, cheap way to catch someones attention than to actually have some content that takes more thought.

Not many people know what this is, but Final Fantasy X-2, a role-playing game, featured three girls who were very scantily clad. A lot of the advertising machinations that SquarEnix involved flaunting the sexuality of these three girls. This is present in lots of other products. I just recently saw a commercial where these guys were drinking beer, and then these two barely dressed blondes com in and start performing dances for them. This is the epitome of what this advertising does.

Now the real question is, is soliciting a product using titilation moral? Is it ethical?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Now the real question is, is soliciting a product using titilation moral? Is it ethical?

IMO- sure it is, if people are stupid enough to buy a product simply because of slick advertising or that it plays to the basest instincts instead of actual practicality, usefulness or content they deserve to get mislead or manipulated, politics are the same- (and I will admit I have fallen prey to this style of manipulation as most of us have at one point or another)

I don't remember who said it but "A fool and his money are soon parted" is probably better stated as "stupidity should be painful".
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By Boondock Saint
but Final Fantasy X-2, a role-playing game, featured three girls who were very scantily clad.

That would be the Japanese for you ...

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