North Korean propaganda counters that of the West - Politics | PoFo

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With the DPRK more and more in the news lately and it being a while since I've put much thought into them and the development of the system that they have there which by the accounts of many is failing, I located through what seems to be North Korea's English news service (although an expert on Pyongyang media can further research that) a rather interesting documentary which claims to expose Western propaganda. Now, the video itself is undoubtedly North Korean propaganda (in actuality, any country on earth worth its salt has a healthy propaganda system regardless of ideology, but it is obvious why the propaganda of the other must be demonized here), but I found it quite an engrossing watch.

There are undeniably many truths within, and it is quite easy to see how the North Korean worldview toward the outside can be shaped as easily as the Western, and particularly post-Cold War era Western outlook is. A wise gentleman once told me that the best way to dissect one country's propaganda is through that of another and vice versa, as propaganda while having a political purpose, in all but the most outlandish cases itself relies primarily on or is rooted in truth.

How that truth is presented with buzzwords, moralizing, demonizing and glorification of anything politically relevant dependent upon an agenda, and even intonation and music is extremely critical.

I personally enjoyed this precisely because it does effectively bust through many a narrative, despite my visceral disagreement with some sentiments expressed or implied.

Somewhat shoddily made, but effective in its attempt to convey and drive home the point that Pyongyang's belligerence in its pursuit of an attempt to provoke some form of response in the brinkmanship game is increasingly becoming more brazen. Still, no different than Arizona Senator John McCain singing "bomb bomb bomb Iran" or other over the top outbursts which come from many countries on a regular basis.

It has garnered attention however:

‘Firestorms’ over Washington DC: N. Korean propaganda video threatens US attack

North Korea has produced a new propaganda video portraying a simulated attack on the White House and the US Capitol Building in Washington DC.

The four-minute video, entitled "Firestorms will rain on the Headquarters of War", was posted Monday on the YouTube channel of the North Korea’s semi-official central news agency Uriminzokkiri.

A series of shots depicting North Korean soldiers, artillery fire, and military hardware culminate in an image of crosshairs zooming in on the White House. The scene quickly cuts over to images of computer rendered explosions bursting around the dome of the US Capitol building.

"There is no limit to the range of our strategic rockets," the narrator warns.

The video’s release comes amidst rising tensions between Pyongyang and Washington after the UN Security Council voted to impose harsher restrictions following the North’s third underground nuclear test in February.

On Monday, the US said that every military resource at its disposal, including its nuclear arsenal, would be available to South Korea in the event of a confrontation with the North.

"We remain steadfast to our commitment to extended deterrence offered by the US nuclear umbrella," US Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter pledged after talks with South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-Jin in Seoul.

"We'll ensure all of our resources will be available to our alliance."

Earlier this month, Pyongyang threatened all-out nuclear war with the US and South Korea after the two countries began joint military drills on the Korean Peninsula. The North also nullified the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War, claiming the drills were preparations for an invasion.

On Saturday, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the United States plans to deploy 14 additional interceptors along its West Coast in response to what he had previously characterized as North Korea’s "irresponsible and reckless provocations."

This is not the first time a North Korean Propaganda video has depicted a military strike on the United States.

In February, Uriminzokkiri circulated an internet video showing a skyline resembling New York, up in flames.

"The North's high-level nuclear test aimed at US invaders is a nuclear deterrent to safeguard our sovereignty," one caption in the video read.

While an editorial published on the Uriminzokkiri website in February claimed North Korea was in possession of nuclear-equipped long-range missiles capable of hitting the US mainland, nuclear specialists say there is no evidence Pyongyang can construct a warhead small enough to mount on a missile.

This new approach seems to be only intensifying, as British and Russian media have reported this morning that a cyber attack against South Korean banks and three of its major news stations have thrown some circles in the country into a panic.

S. Korea probes North’s involvement in cyber attack that 'paralyzed' banks, broadcasters

South Korea has stepped up its information surveillance status following a cyber-attack that paralyzed banks and broadcasters. A team of investigators is now looking at the origins of the massive network failure.

Government officials told South Korean news agency Yohap that malware caused the paralysis of the computer networks.

Following the attack police issued a statement saying they were investigating reports of a hack attack that brought down a number of South Korean broadcasters, as well as two banks. Investigators have not managed to ascertain the origins of the attack, including whether or not North Korea had a hand in a possible cyber-attack.

No government-linked computer networks were affected in the incident, an official told Yohap news agency.

"Reports have been made simultaneously so we have dispatched investigators to the scene," a police officer handling cyber-terrorism said to Yohap. He went on to say all possibilities were being considering.

Among the broadcasters hit by the hack attack were KBS, MBC and YTN networks, reported Yohap news agency. Shinhan and Nonghyup banks also experienced problems with their computer systems.

North Korea was suspected to have targeted the South before in two cyber-attacks in 2009 and 2011. The hacks struck government agencies as well as financial organizations.

Cyber warfare

North Korea was suspected to have targeted the South before in two cyber-attacks in 2009 and 2011. The hacks struck government agencies as well as financial organizations.

Seoul believes that the North has an active cyber-warfare unit, manned by around 3,000 staff. Last year the Korean Internet Security Agency registered 40,000 cases of cyber-attacks, a large percentage of which were of foreign origin.

"South Korea is an IT superpower with good infrastructure but remains relatively vulnerable to hacking," Park Soon-Tai, manager of the agency's hacking response team told AFP.

Tensions have escalated over recent weeks on the Korean Peninsula with Pyongyang upping its warmongering rhetoric against the South over US-South Korean military exercises in the region. Following the UN Security Council resolution against North Korea’s third nuclear test, Pyonyang has noticeably hardened its position on its nuclear weapons program.

During a visit to Seoul on Monday US Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Washington would put all its military resources at South Korea’s disposal if it is threatened by the North.

"We remain steadfast to our commitment to extended deterrence offered by the US nuclear umbrella," Carter said after talks with South Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-Jin

South Korea recently sealed a deal with Washington which allows it to use long-range missiles with the ability to strike deep into North Korean territory.

What a contrast between the two videos. I watched them both last night.

The first one, posted by FRS, deconstructs all the consumer lies and corporate-sponsored genocides and terror campaigns of the West, lead by the USA, and before that, by England.

The second video, posted by feihua - a short amateur one that looks like it was made by the US military - isn't even worth watching, it's so stupid and fake. All I "realized" while watching Korean text superimposed on images of big bad planes, is that we get most of our North Korea representation from Hollywood's propaganda factory, or from a military Operation Smear Campaign.

The existence of the second film (as a quickly thrown-together reaction to an effective attack on Western lies) actually makes the first one more poignant.
I watched the first video two days ago and I'm still thinking of it. Americans really have a violent, decadent culture indeed. Those Tarentino movies are really sick. Would any other country have a psychopathic warmonger like McCain in a prominent position, where he's able to influence US foreign policy? I don't think so.

Without American machinations, there would be no problem in the Ukraine. Yanukovych, who had been democratically elected, would still run the country, and Crimea would still be part of Ukraine.

Putin wouldn't be afraid of being ousted like Yanukovych was, and relationships between Russia and the EU - and with the US - would be much better.
I enjoyed the stolid narration and brooding background music. The narrator is actually excellent. Amusing.

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