Noam Chomsky on the new Trump era - UpFront special (AlJazeera Interview) - Politics | PoFo

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Chomsky tries to work with what they gave him, but with a hack like Mehdi as his interviewer, what can you honestly expect? The man believes in flying horses and is basically a Q'uranic literalist. At 13:30 Mehdi tries to interpose Chomsky's interview with twaddle about American white supremacy and racism, but given the overarching victim mythology of Mehdi, Muslims are always the victim and there is really nothing left to salvage there.
I agree with essentially all of his points. I wish the interviewer had given him a little more opportunity to finish speaking, but he was trying to fit as much information as possible into a relatively short time frame. Don't see what you mean by the insertion, made total sense to me in the context of what they were talking about. I also enjoyed Chomsky's perspective about why Trump is dangerous and why he feared Kennedy and was indeed right to do so (as nuclear escalation was only stopped by a soviet, blind luck as it were).
NOAM CHOMSKY: He certainly is off the spectrum. There has never been anything like him...

He has no background at all in any political activities. he has never held office, been interested in holding office. He has no known political positions. He is all over the map in his comments. He is basically a showman...

I wouldn't compare [the Trump era] with Weimar Germany. Hitler was a sincere, dedicated ideologue. Trump isn't. He has no known ideology, other than 'me.'

If you look at the European reaction, every far right nationalist, neo-Nazi party was encouraged and excited by his victory. Whether he'll go in that direction, we don't know.

On the issues of intervention, international violence, it is not very clear what his positions are, he has been all over. He is in favor of a substantial buildup of the American military. He claims --ridiculously-- that is is decaying and depleted. In fact, it is beyond any military in the world...

He's also talked about reducing tensions with Russia, which is probably the most dangerous flashpoint in the world. So it is hard to predict. The most predictable aspect of Trump is unpredictability. I think it’s dangerous, very dangerous.

I need a transcript to hear what he's saying but he's basically right about Trump. Trump is not a far-right ideologue like Hitler and he's only a showman. Trump would be credited with ending a new cold war with Russia as Reagan ended the Cold War by shaking hands with Gorbachev. In many ways, Trump is just like Reagan such as his insistence on having a strong military and a career in the entertainment business.

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