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Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada recently removed the weigh scale from its student gym citing concerns that some students with body issues might be “triggered” by the scale. In episode 59 of The Fiamengo File professor Fiamengo discusses the bizarre disconnect between feminist assertions and the reality of the science of obesity.

- 1:50 to 3:00 - why feminists think weight stigma is a feminist issue
- 8:40 - fat feminists want to make it illegal to discriminate against overweight women
By ness31
American university campuses must be such an interesting place right now lol.

I dunno. Women are lost. Women used to be the psychological titans (sorry boys). But it’s been bred out of them. In the same way men have been effemenized and weakened physically, women have taken a hit to their psychological prowess. I’m sure it’s no coincidence, and in truth, I don’t know which is uglier to behold.
I ddo not think that this fear of scales affects only women. Men are obese too. Man boobs or moobs...never knew about those till a few years back when people were talking about an obese man, cannot remember when this conversation took place.

Women have always been concerned about body image or why do you think corsets caught on like wild fire so many millenia ago and returned some years back? Women want to be thin with a slender waist, whether they want to admit it or not. Or at least they want that hourglass shape.

I am so glad that my university campus days are long over.

No dummy, my source is Hans Rosling. https://en.[…]

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