Putin Tells Everyone Exactly Who Created ISIS - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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At least that's the title of the video.


- Putin complaining about the imperial ambitions of the USA.
- Telling journalists to take over the White House, as they're clearly more competent.
- And the usual stuff about Syria
I don't see what is particularly controversial about anything he said, unless you start from the assumption that the USA is entitled to an assertive foreign policy while Russia is not.
Putin is complaining about American imperial ambitions, while he's single-handedly redrawing the maps in Eastern Europe, while backing dictators the world over. There isn't anything controversial, but the irony is quite hilarious.
The Sabbaticus wrote:Putin is complaining about American imperial ambitions, while he's single-handedly redrawing the maps in Eastern Europe, while backing dictators the world over. There isn't anything controversial, but the irony is quite hilarious.

If Putin was actually serious about redrawing the map of Eastern Europe, Russia would extend all the way to Transdnistria.
The Sabbaticus wrote:Putin is complaining about American imperial ambitions, while he's single-handedly redrawing the maps in Eastern Europe, while backing dictators the world over

I think he's complaining about the double standard that America is apparently allowed an assertive foreign policy, while Russia is condemned for it and regularly compared with Nazi Germany. The complaint about "redrawing the maps in Eastern Europe" is a bit strange, since there seems to be a certain state called "Kosovo" that wasn't there in the early 1990s, that was not created by Russia. As for backing dictators, let me know when America and the western powers drop Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain et al. Or, better yet, let me know when they stop sucking up to the Chinese police state and ignoring its far worse human rights record than Russia.
The Sabbaticus wrote:Putin is complaining about American imperial ambitions, while he's single-handedly redrawing the maps in Eastern Europe, while backing dictators the world over. There isn't anything controversial, but the irony is quite hilarious.

How is Putin redrawing the maps in eastern Europe? Which eastern European countries are not selling out their independence to transnational capital? If you mean they intend to hold on to the same warm water port they have held on to for centuries, that hardly is redrawing any maps.

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