Bog-monster Slavoj Zizek weighs in on illegal immigrants - Politics | PoFo

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- He doesn't believe in conspiracy theories, but he isn't entirely sure about ISIS.
- He derides the left liberal masochists who are ruining Europe. 4:00
- He distances himself from the left (radicals).
- Something about the USA not always being to blame (Jessup )
- He called Turkey 'poor'. (One of the biggest economies in the world.)
- Chinese neocolonialism damning Africa, Myanmar, etc.
- Reason why Greece would not leave the EU - the Chinese and Russians are even worse. The one would start buying up everything, the other would do the same and demand a military base on one of the islands.
- He was insulted by refugees, who thought that Slovenia was too poor for them.
- He talked to the refugees, they all want the same: Norway, free apartment, medical career for kids.
- He wants reception camps in the 'remaining places in North Africa and Middle East'.
- He objects to the 'false sentimentalization' of 'having too take in everyone'.
- He criticizes the immigrant dream of 'maintaining their cultural identity' while participating fully in the 'European welfare state'
- Suddenly starts blathering about a Palestinian rapper who in the States got criticized for opposing honour killings. "Serves the Zionists." Than mocks the left (radical) centre of American universities.
- He hates left centrist atheists - like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins.
- Zizek agrees that we should also be ruthless towards Islam and that it doesn't deserve any special protection. (Ten years too late.)
- Rambling
- Claims that Europe is responsible for the tsunami of illegal immigrants
- He claims there are 2000-3000 honour related incidents in Germany each year.
- Gay communities first welcomed Muslim immigrants; Muslim immigrants were intolerant towards homosexuality; gay communities changed opinion.
- Finishes with the nonsequitur: Capitalism no longer needs democracy, explaining anti-European centrism.
mikema63 wrote:...and so on and so on...
"So on and so forth" is a common far leftie phrase. They use it to generalise form one or two examples, implying that they know of other examples when often they don't.
fuser wrote:What's wrong with his nose? Why he is always touching his nose all the time in all of his videos?
quetzalcoatl wrote:Nothing. He suffers from severe anxiety, and these compulsive motions relieve tension.
I would advise giving up Freudianism and its derivatives and taking up Zen mediation.
"So on and so forth" is a common far leftie phrase. They use it to generalise form one or two examples, implying that they know of other examples when often they don't.

Apparently it's a common leftie phrase that I only ever hear when I listen to him. I literally don't know of anyone with that weird habit of saying that at then end of every sentence.

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