Was a bunch of children marching for gun control a success or an embarrassment? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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One of the lead "activists" screeching about how the attacker deserved to be ostracized. I read that another one vomited on live television while giving her speech. Pretty cringe worthy stuff and I think it says something about the left's mental state that they think encouraging this kind of behavior by children promotes their positions.
To answer the question in the OP, wholesale success. An apathetic electorate is the cause of all of the problems our nation faces from a political perspective. Once in the arena of discussion, they can make their own minds up about what is correct and what is not; hence Hillary winning the PV by 3 million votes when historically, the party in the White House usually loses such measurements after they've been in power for 8-12 years. See McCain in 2008, Bush I in 1992, Gore in 2000...
Suntzu wrote:There is a reason children aren't allowed to vote.

Yeah we need some kind of epistocratic standards beyond age. I wouldn't completely disenfranchise the inexperienced and ignorant but votes should be somehow weighted by knowledge and experience.

Maybe in the future minds will be incubated in VR worlds until they're sufficiently experienced and have the requisite knowledge, discipline, and virtue to be allowed to participate in actual reality.
Godstud wrote:That's going to change, I think. Young people, more than ever, need to vote against these old baby Boomers who are obsolete.

Ahh the wheel turns....

Millennials will themselves get screwed over in old age by Generation Z.....

Just like the Baby Boomers screwed their parents generation over....

Be careful what you wish for.....
The idiocy of encouraging youth as a political power astounds me. Why would I want people who don’t know who they are to determine who I should be? I cringe at my younger self deciding right and wrong for my older self. It is asking hormonal emotionalism to be dominant over reason.
Only those desiring an easily manipulated electorate would desire such a thing.
Well, @One Degree, it's quite obvious that the older generations, despite their so-called wisdom, are incapable of acting on gun control, so it is indeed up to the enthusiastic youths to act, and indeed vote for change that the older generations are afraid of, or apathetic about.
Godstud wrote:Well, @One Degree, it's quite obvious that the older generations, despite their so-called wisdom, are incapable of acting on gun control, so it is indeed up to the enthusiastic youths to act, and indeed vote for change that the older generations are afraid of, or apathetic about.

So, you are willing to manipulate the youth to accomplish the opposite of what the majority of the ‘wise’ want?
I was struck by the irony of having children lead arm-in-the-air salutes, after marching for the disarmament of people they irrationally blame for all of the world's problems, because the other guys are Nazis.

On a somewhat related note: https://fee.org/articles/defensive-gun- ... -bad-guys/

An offender is shot in only 8% of cases of defensive gun use.

I suspect that many people, who favor a banning of firearms out of concerns about crime, might be misunderstanding the mentality of criminals who are using guns. The goal is not to use a gun in of itself; the goal is to take money, or injure someone (generally through some kind of surprise attack; they aren't looking for a fight) and I haven't encountered an argument from a credible source that gun control actually effects those outcomes.
The majority of the "wise" aren't acting very "wise", so that leaves the young new electorate to act on things. It's not about manipulating the youth, as you so cynically put it.

@Hong Wu very few people are calling for any kind of BAN on all firearms. That's a notorious NRA yapping point that isn't based in reality. Gun control DOES work, but the NRA, and other gun activists, don't like to acknowledge that.
Godstud wrote:The majority of the "wise" aren't acting very "wise", so that leaves the young new electorate to act on things. It's not about manipulating the youth, as you so cynically put it.

@Hong Wu very few people are calling for any kind of BAN on all firearms. That's a notorious NRA yapping point that isn't based in reality.

I ask myself “why are so many crazies shooting innocents?”. It certainly is not because guns are more prevalent than they were in 1950. I believe the problem is due to the insistence upon national laws. Laws of behavior for 300 million people means everyone is left feeling cheated. National laws banning guns just adds to the real problem. People feel powerless and they want to prove they have power. If you want to eliminate gun violence, then give power back to the people at a local level. If people feel they have the power to bring about change then they don’t resort to violence. The experiments with over population of rats and violence should also be brought into the discussion. We have created an environment that generates violence and want to blame inanimate objects instead of our choices that created the environment.
Godstud wrote:Well, @One Degree, it's quite obvious that the older generations, despite their so-called wisdom, are incapable of acting on gun control, so it is indeed up to the enthusiastic youths to act, and indeed vote for change that the older generations are afraid of, or apathetic about.

Respect your elders dammit!

Or else the next generation won't respect you either....
Watch a tv show from the 50s and compare it to a tv now. The levels of violence that are acceptable are astronomical. Pretending that the US hasn't made a cultural shift towards violence is to be willfully ignorant.

One Degree wrote:If you want to eliminate gun violence, then give power back to the people at a local level.
Local level? That doesn't do squat(see Chicago). They want guns they just have to leave Chicago to buy one.

one Degree wrote:If people feel they have the power to bring about change then they don’t resort to violence.
That march was all about people feeling they have the power, and wanting to change.

USA is not over-populated. Straw man. Many European countries have far greater population density without the propblems the USA has.

colliric wrote:Respect your elders dammit!
Only if they are deserving of that respect. If they fail to act on the gun control issues, then they are hardly worthy of respect.

Respect is earned.

(fixed mistake, Colliric! Sorry!)
Last edited by Godstud on 26 Mar 2018 14:54, edited 1 time in total.
You seem to disagree while agreeing. You say there has been a cultural shift toward violence. What caused it?
I am proposing it was caused by a desire for national uniformity and increased population. These are two changes that coincide with the increase in violence.
Your example of Chicago can be argued from my view. National laws have prevented the best local solutions. Admittedly, Chicago is so corrupt they should not be used as an argument for either of us. Their problems are not entirely due to the same cause as others.
The Chicago problem is one where the local laws have outlawed guns, but the guns are easily obtained nearby, outside of the zones where the laws are strict. You cannot enact local laws without national laws backing them up.
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