5 in Hong Kong arrested for children's book - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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AFAIK wrote:I just find it interesting that people who can't stand China being a one party authoritarian state have no problem with the 50 other one party authoritarian states around the world. I find it curious that China is criticised for constructing artificial islands in the SCS whilst Vietnam's island constructions are ignored.

1. How many of these 50 authoritarian states are pro-West and how many of them are anti-West? In some sense those pro-West are more vulnerable as the West can dispose of them when they outlive their usefulness; anti-West ones are as wicked as China, but when the big bad is dead they can easily be disposed of (e.g. North Korea).
2. China is exactly accused of bullying states like Vietnam in the SCS dispute. The Vietgong is little if any better, true, but if the United States decides to make friends with the Vietgong then they bear the responsibility and consequences (like Iraq).

AFAIK wrote:and Britain's and USA's island theft is forgotten.

Any examples?

Fasces wrote:Meanwhile, Florida is registering the political opinions of its teachers and students, and banning thoughtcrime like CRT. It's hard to swallow the idea that this is an ideological clash of civilizations between good and evil that demands a new Cold War when there's little real difference between the oligarchic regime with a veneer of democracy and the oligarchic regime without it.

In Republican controlled states in the U.S. the people are both more willing and more capable of fighting it. Period.
Fasces wrote:Meanwhile, Florida is registering the political opinions of its teachers and students, and banning thoughtcrime like CRT.

It conducts a survey. I seriously doubt anyone is forced to participate or can be fired/hired based on the response.

As for the CRT ban, every government I know of sets the public school curriculum. I'm certain you can still privately edcuate your children in CRT.

Not that I approve of all this but these analogies are fucking dumb.
Fuck it, who gives a shit.

People get arrested in America for less shit every day.

Some times a jack booted thug puts a knee on their neck and murders them, in broad daylight.

These book publishers knew they were playing with fire, and they got burned.

I would say it sucks, except that what they were doing was trying to propagandize kids.

That is fucked up. So, they probably just got what was coming.

Don't propagandize kids.

In China, you might get arrested.

Shows China is quite progressive.

I'm not crying tears for these people because they were writing propaganda for kids and got caught out.

I will shed a tear or two, because I am very anti-prison, and being incarcerated sucks, and is something no one should have to deal with.

The jails in my neck of the woods are surely worse than the jails in Hong Kong.

The jails here are torture camps.

And I've been inside. I hope I don't have to go back, but I'm currently facing a year of lockup. In a torture facility.

So, I don't wish ill on these guys, they fucked up, I hope they come out okay.

But, they did fuck up, by publishing propaganda aimed at children.
Let me tell you about the jails here.

How does it feel to be crammed into a 10x10 foot cement room, with 12 other guys?

They give you a mat, but there is no space to lay your head.

There is a neon light overhead, 24/7. They never turn out the light.

There is a small window on the steel door. You see a clock. The battery in the clock is dead, it is fixed on 7 oclock. You have no way to know what time it is.

There is a steel toilet. The water pressure is turned all the way up. So, if you take a piss, it will wake everyone up, by design. If you take a shit, you are putting on a shitting show, as there is no privacy.

You can drink water from the sink. The water is warm. It comes from the water heater. (It isn't safe to drink from a water heater.)

I suspect the jails in Hong Kong are better than this.

I might flee to Mexico, if they hit me with long jail time.
Rugoz wrote:Is this supposed to refute my point? Because it doesn't and I'm not here to teach you basic logic.

I wanted to reply to this, and then I didn't want to, and I wanted to again, but I don't really know what you are talking about.

Logic is fun.

Go on and teach me logic.

Don't worry about it.

I don't really know what you guys were talking about.

I wish I was back in my girlfriend's bar in 苏州.

Drinking whiskey, and beer, and absenth.

And watching Rick & Morty, or Mission Impossible, on the bigscreen.

Ah, yes, I miss.

Later, I would get as drunk as one can possibly get, and insist on riding her motor bike around.

Ah yes, I am a crazy fuck.

Fuck it. It is like boxing.

The first time you get punched in the face, it hurts. But really, when you are boxing, it doesn't hurt. And at some point, it feels good.
Crantag wrote:The jails in my neck of the woods are surely worse than the jails in Hong Kong.
Let me tell you about the jails here.
The jails here are torture camps.
How does it feel to be crammed into a 10x10 foot cement room, with 12 other guys?
I might flee to Mexico, if they hit me with long jail time.

Where do you live?

You do realize that jails in Mexico are even much worse than the US ?

Also I would imagine the jails in China are not very nice, if the prisoners get extradited out of Hong Kong and sent to the mainland.
Puffer Fish wrote:Where do you live?

You do realize that jails in Mexico are even much worse than the US ?

Also I would imagine the jails in China are not very nice, if the prisoners get extradited out of Hong Kong and sent to the mainland.

I told you where I live, and have been rather open about it.

Southern Oregon.

Your imagination is wrong.

Your imagination sucks.
Rugoz wrote:Is this supposed to refute my point? Because it doesn't and I'm not here to teach you basic logic.

It demonstrates that the bulk of your positions and arguments are based off emotionally driven gut feelings and instinct and little else, not "logic".

Yes, teachers in the US are being fired for expressing political beliefs, something you said you "doubted" occurred. When your beliefs in the virtues of a Western led world order are not based in reality but some general vague feeling of "we're the good guys" no logical discussion is possible.
Last edited by Fasces on 30 Jul 2021 01:42, edited 1 time in total.

The Chagos was home to the Chagossians, a Bourbonnais Creole-speaking people, until the United Kingdom evicted them between 1967 and 1973 to allow the United States to build a military base on Diego Garcia. Since 1971, only the atoll of Diego Garcia is inhabited, and only by military and civilian contracted personnel. Since being expelled, the Chagossian have been prevented from returning to the islands.
In 2019, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that the UK's occupation of the Chagos Islands, including Diego Garcia, is unlawful, and that the United Kingdom is legally obliged to hand them back to Mauritius “as rapidly as possible.”[6] Subsequently, the United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution exhorting the United Kingdom to hand the territory over to Mauritius.[7] In 2021, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea confirmed that the United Kingdom has "no sovereignty over the Chagos Islands" and that the islands should be handed back to Mauritius.
I never did have the pleasure to spend the night in a Chinese Hilton, I mean jail.

One night my Chinese girlfriend got to spend the night in the Chinese Hilton.

It wasn't her first time.

She assaulted two dudes that night. It wasn't good.

One of the dudes was one of my best friends. He is an Iranian dude.

I almost had to kick his ass, because he fought back.

I mean, he was sorta in the right, a chick was assaulting him, and he was fighting back; but, that chick was my girlfriend.

He was one of my best friends.

And I very nearly had to beat his ass, for fighting my girlfriend.

I warned him, and he toned it back; and she was uncontrolable, off her rocker.

But a point comes where, it doesn't matter if or how wrong she is. That is my girl. And in the end, I have to take her side. I will join her to hell in a hand basket.

She went to jail that night. She split open a dude's head with her cell phone charging port.

A cell phone is a dangerous weapon.

Hit 'em with the charging port.

American jails suck about 20 times worse than Chinese jails.
Crantag wrote:American jails suck about 20 times worse than Chinese jails.

First of all, I think you are underestimating how bad other jails in America are compared to what you experienced.

Second, I think you are extremely naive about what conditions are like in China.
And it probably depends what sort of situation it is and where in China.

Did you see that story about Chinese Falun Gong prisoners being forced to use mild torture techniques on each other?
Fasces wrote:It demonstrates that the bulk of your positions and arguments are based off emotionally driven gut feelings and instinct and little else, not "logic".

Yes, teachers in the US are being fired for expressing political beliefs, something you said you "doubted" occurred. When your beliefs in the virtues of a Western led world order are not based in reality but some general vague feeling of "we're the good guys" no logical discussion is possible.

Mod note: Rule 2 - removed.

A teacher is not supposed to express his/her political views in the classroom. She wasn't fired for her political views, but for actively expressing them towards her pupils and in obvious defiance of the school curriculum.
Fasces wrote:@Rugoz Why shouldn't individuals be allowed to share their political views with children?

Isn't that exactly what you're criticizing China for disallowing in this thread? :eh:

I know you're just trolling be at this point but whatever.

Being a teacher is a job. The job is to teach knowledge and the values of the community you are hired by. You don't do your job, you're fired. Simple as that. What teachers do as individuals is totally up to them.

I criticize China for banning a children's book and arresting the people who sold it, not for removing it from the public school curriculum, where it never was in the first place.
Rugoz wrote:Being a teacher is a job. The job is to teach knowledge and the values of the community you are hired by. You don't do your job, you're fired. Simple as that.

Rugoz wrote:It conducts a survey. I seriously doubt anyone is forced to participate or can be fired/hired based on the response.


You can call it trolling all you want - the simple fact is that your views, as expressed in this thread, reveal a double standard. You make excuses for the behavior of one superpower while being critical of the same behaviors of the other.
Last edited by Fasces on 30 Jul 2021 16:54, edited 2 times in total.
Fasces wrote:You can call it trolling all you want - the simple fact is that your views, as expressed in this thread, reveal a double standard. You make excuses for the behavior of one superpower while being critical of the same behaviors of the other.

Complete nonsense. There's no double standard whatsoever. You simply don't understand the standards, even though it should be perfectly obvious by now.

P.S. I don't make any excuse, I don't even agree with such a strict enforcement, let alone with what's being enforced. I agree with the principle however. No teacher I ever had was peddling his political views in the class room and I don't see why they should be allowed to do that.
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