Chinese change in Government - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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China has been ruled undeer a Communist government that has dwindled along with the shape of the Great Wall! Democratic ideas are being spread around like wildfire, people are earning new freedoms and the President of China believes as well. Democracy is the way to go for this rapidly changing country. Its economy would rise to great heights with its newly created computer industry. It is participating Internationally in the space program. It owns one of the Greatest Cities on the Earth, Hong Kong. It has a great population of people and they are ready for a world where they can voice their opinions without cruelty. Let there be change, with or without bloodshed. This is the future of China, it cannot be delayed.
By The Cactuarian Emperor
Yea right.

Communism is good for China. With out communism the ecnomy would crash.

Also many would starve
By Comrade Juanito
i would miss china as a communist state, come on, it couldnt just change like how you think. it would be a long process for anyone espesially china because of its old communist roots. Many would die and many would be pissed
By FascistDictator
No, with an unproven government like Communism all nations fail. But with Democracy China can probably become the top country in the world again.
By The Cactuarian Emperor
was china ever top country.

Prolly not. It was England for a while. America recently. Then those great european empires before england
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By ItsMe
You might tick off some of the communist by this post=]

If China did form a democracy it would be an economic power house.
I think it would be some tough first years while they are getting it started …its going to be hard to feed all those mouths and find employment for everyone….With a democracy though China will find allot of corporations looking for that cheap labor though.

Although cheap from the USA perspective the pay increase for the Chinese through democracy would be GREATLY increased.

Just take a look at North Korea versus South Korea’s economy to see how democracy kicks commy rear end. I believe South Korea has 10x the yearly gross national income as North Korea while the populations are comparable in size.

5-10 years and China might be able to rival the USA’s economy...

Although I think a coup is probably needed to change the Chinese government.
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I support the removal of the current CHinese government. I can't possibly support them 'socialist' or not especially after tienamen square.

By Proctor
I don't feel I am justified to say how another country's economy should be run. I would, however, like to see more democratic freedom in China. But it is important to realise that massive changes cannot come about both peacefully and safely. You can have one, but not the other. A popular uprising can ensure that there won't be starvation during the transition period, but you need to have the uprising first. You can have sudden parliamentary change, but the system will not be able to cope too effectively. The only other alternative is to make the changes more gradual. And I'm optimistic. The democracy movement in Hong Kong is growing very strong indeed.

But just to clear up, before the European empires The Cactuarian Emporer mentioned, China would have been #1.
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By unbalanced zealot
Tang Dynasty China would have been right up there as #1
world-wide civilisation of the time.
By smashthestate
The Cactuarian Emperor wrote:Yea right.

Communism is good for China. With out communism the ecnomy would crash.

Also many would starve

What the f*ck are you talking about? Becoming more democratic and more capitalist is what has recently brough them out of that state, which Communim put them in.
By TheReservoirDog
Communism has messed China up so much, kids become slaves for gymnastics. Those sickos.

I live in the People's Republic of China. Have been for almost three years. I can tell you what I ahve seen since I have been here.

China is a CAPITALIST nation. Communist economic theory was thrown out the window in the mid to late 1980s. I can buy in China most anything that I can get in the USA.The difference between wealthy and poor is very great here. I live in a smallish town in China, and here one can see Mercedes, BMWs and Audis drive down the street at any time. People and companies are getting rich by doing what the west is doing, but at a cheaper and more economical rate. The divide between the uber-rich and the impoverished grows by the day.

In China, if you are too poor to afford health care, you are thrown out to your family or the street to die.

If you cannot afford school for your child (education costs money here) then your child is illiterate, and uneducated, and will spend life slaving under a boss, shining shoes or plain begging for money.

The government is un-democratic, but more like the Republican Party of the USA than the Communist governments of old. Deng Xio Peng once stated "The most glorious thing in the world is money (or profit)" Rich Chinese people are spending more money in the nightclubs in Shanghai in one night than most peasants in the countryside spend surviving in one, two or even three monthes.

Life in China is free wheeling using a currency that is not convertable. The Communists in beijing try to be "bad" by complaining about the Taiwan question, while their kids party at Beijing Hard Rock Cafe.

China is really several countries, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and maybe Inner Mongolia. this is a main reason democracy will not take hold here without a revolution.

The government and the economic system will be the same as long as the Republican-Communists stick around. Personally, i think Hu Jin Tao is a good guy who wants the "good times roll" to the defference of most Chinese. Communism in China is now a farce. Capialism rules here, and soon the people will demand Democratic change. This will be the anger of the massive poor against the minority rich. this is when the s h i t will hit the fan.

I did see a cool 10 story movie on a building in Shanghai. Cool. Very cool. This is the image that bthe Chinese want to present to the world. Proof that Chinese Socialism is wonderful and generous. But anyone with a cautious eye knows its BS, including the boys in Beijing themselves.

I still love China. Wonderful people and nation.

By Dark_Stalin
China needs more social reforms to revert from 100% capitalism to a more acceptable form of government. And when the Chinese people's standard of living is raised to a certain standard they will rise and form a democratic government. Japan is a conservative country, its imperial blood line has never been changed, and technically Japan ISNT a democratic nation. The Majority has been always the majority. There has been no government change. But in China, such large nations with such a diverse populaiton is fragile. Just watch in 5-10 years or so they surely will throw out the currently illegitmate regime.

After all, Lenin himself at first thought that communism is only possible by slow change, supported by an acceptable standard of living. Well although his ideals changed, it seems the former was more right, in that russia failed as a communist nation. Ideologies such compared to bread and a roof over your head :roll:
senor boogie woogie wrote:Hola!

I live in the People's Republic of China. Have been for almost three years. I can tell you what I ahve seen since I have been here.

China is a CAPITALIST nation. Communist economic theory was thrown out the window in the mid to late 1980s. I can buy in China most anything that I can get in the USA.The difference between wealthy and poor is very great here. I live in a smallish town in China, and here one can see Mercedes, BMWs and Audis drive down the street at any time. People and companies are getting rich by doing what the west is doing, but at a cheaper and more economical rate. The divide between the uber-rich and the impoverished grows by the day.

In China, if you are too poor to afford health care, you are thrown out to your family or the street to die.

If you cannot afford school for your child (education costs money here) then your child is illiterate, and uneducated, and will spend life slaving under a boss, shining shoes or plain begging for money.

The government is un-democratic, but more like the Republican Party of the USA than the Communist governments of old. Deng Xio Peng once stated "The most glorious thing in the world is money (or profit)" Rich Chinese people are spending more money in the nightclubs in Shanghai in one night than most peasants in the countryside spend surviving in one, two or even three monthes.

Life in China is free wheeling using a currency that is not convertable. The Communists in beijing try to be "bad" by complaining about the Taiwan question, while their kids party at Beijing Hard Rock Cafe.

China is really several countries, Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and maybe Inner Mongolia. this is a main reason democracy will not take hold here without a revolution.

The government and the economic system will be the same as long as the Republican-Communists stick around. Personally, i think Hu Jin Tao is a good guy who wants the "good times roll" to the defference of most Chinese. Communism in China is now a farce. Capialism rules here, and soon the people will demand Democratic change. This will be the anger of the massive poor against the minority rich. this is when the s h i t will hit the fan.

I did see a cool 10 story movie on a building in Shanghai. Cool. Very cool. This is the image that bthe Chinese want to present to the world. Proof that Chinese Socialism is wonderful and generous. But anyone with a cautious eye knows its BS, including the boys in Beijing themselves.

I still love China. Wonderful people and nation.


Thank you. The truth needs to be told. Chinese workers need rights, Chinese drug users should not be executed, China needs religious freedom, China needs a free press, China needs demcoracy!

Taiwan has all those things, thanks to anti-fascist trojan horse Lee Teng-hui infiltrating the KMT and taking it over after Chiang II was finally relegated to the pits of Hell. When the reactionary majority reclaimed the KMT, Lee left, and the fascist retards fought among themselves. Chen Shui-bian, a centre-left lawyer who supported the Taiwanese anti-KMT movement of the 70s and 80s and former mayor of Taipei, became President in 2000.

Now, Chen faces his greatest challenge less: Faux-intellectual Lee Teng-hui and fascist appartchnik James Soong. Let's hope for a progressive victory!
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Hey I love how the stalinists don't tell the idiots brainwashed by capitalism that china hasn't been communist or even socialist in 20 years it's been state capitalist. Oh and the stalinists don't explain how true democracy is socialism because they are a bunch of middle school kids who love stalin so pathetic. READ A BOOK YOU STALINISTS.... along with capitalist believers. Oh and how will china get better by sending in corporations which will exploit the cheap labor in surplus and because there are so many people lower the salaries or wages for their workers.

The disaster would be even worse than now because although state capitalist it is still centrally planned even though china sucks right now capitalism would make it worse. There is no acceptance for exploitation and if you think that with all the computer stuff coming out companies like dell which exploit huge populated nations like, India aren't going to do the same thing there you are dreaming.

They will take more jobs from america which is wrong and what is even more wrong is that the countries they go to they pay slave wages to workers and with no civil laws and workers rights the conditions for workers get worse and worse as the corporations ruin t he economy for that country. Grow up smashthestate and instead of being a selfish jerk think about someone else for a change. We can see that you have been brainwashed by the system. You want as little govt. intervention as possible? WELL UNREGULATED CAPITALISM LEADS TO THINGS LIKE THE DEPRESSION IN 1929!!! Read up libertarian you will see.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
bravo socialists take this post! When someone from china itself is telling you how shitty it is you know its not good. And I know plenty who hate it there. State capitalism more or less fascist.(except for some of the morals parts)
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By gravedigger
Zealot of Rebellion, if you don't know china, please shut up.

senor boogie woogie, i read your post carefully, great, you give a honesty opinion to current china situation. but one thing i want to correct u is that china is neither CAPITALIST nation nor communist nation. the essence of china government is a gong of rouge,liar,mob,idiot,gangster, those motherfuckers use violence and lie to rule the country, of course their ruling with some henchmen.

the government official trade with the capitalist, to capitalists, they get franchise,to government official, they get money. No one really care how misrable the life have been on common people.

yes chinese economic is fast growing, but most of us wonder why we still live in poor, with no house, with low-pay jog,with no wife(no money,who will love u) ,with no human rights,with no....

I also come from china, where do u stay.
By fastspawn
gravedigger wrote:Zealot of Rebellion, if you don't know china, please shut up.

senor boogie woogie, i read your post carefully, great, you give a honesty opinion to current china situation. but one thing i want to correct u is that china is neither CAPITALIST nation nor communist nation. the essence of china government is a gong of rouge,liar,mob,idiot,gangster, those motherfuckers use violence and lie to rule the country, of course their ruling with some henchmen.

the government official trade with the capitalist, to capitalists, they get franchise,to government official, they get money. No one really care how misrable the life have been on common people.

yes chinese economic is fast growing, but most of us wonder why we still live in poor, with no house, with low-pay jog,with no wife(no money,who will love u) ,with no human rights,with no....

I also come from china, where do u stay.

oh come on, every country will have some people who are poor, homeless vagrants. You have a computer and internet for goodness sake, how can you claim your life hasn't improved? are u even allowed to post this ten years ago?

the world is filled with people who think about their livelihood first, in a capitalist society, this would bring about the ugly side as the best way to do this is to exploit the powerless.

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