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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Workers of the world, unite! Then argue about Trotsky and Stalin for all eternity...
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By Wilhelm
I think you should leave it as it is, and then if some fighting between them starts, do the Stalin and Trot forums.
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By Fidel Nico
Nah don't satisfy them. If you do then every little faction will want their own forum.
By Proctor
Leave it as it is, and if pain persists, direct them to the Napoleon vs. Snowball topic. But keep in mind that non communists will use this forum too, so seperating it will just kill debate.
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By Adrien
I think it's the differences of point of view that make debates, so yes let the forum as it is.
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By C-Kokos
It seems ok to me, well until TS joins anyway:P
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By C-Kokos
Well perhaps he found out that when Stalin died, he died not ascend in heavens and thus was not god. That would have made TS commit suicide :P

Seriously know, does anybody know his whereabouts?
By Kov
Comrade Fox, would it be possible for you to start an Airsofting Thread, much like the one you have about Cars + Trucks.

I think it would be worth the time, it could also be used for a general "Gun Fanatic" (Aka Sergei + Me) kind of discussions.
By Georgi Zhukov
Making separate forums for Stalinists/ Trotskyists should prolly only happen if the arugments get vicious enough. Otherwise, lets see if we can actually debate something reasonably :D

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