What Are Your Views On Child Abuse? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Workers of the world, unite! Then argue about Trotsky and Stalin for all eternity...
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The notion of a "society" is an abstraction. All societies lack consciousness, because "societies" are just ideas.

Would the word ‘community’ better suit? ‘Community consciousness’ or societal consciousness ..it’s all much of a muchness.
Perhaps not encouraging people to live hedonistic lifestyles might be a good idea.

@blackjack21 Capitalism is based on hedonism and greed. Hedonism creates massive profits.

Parents are too busy being hedonistic, selfish and being workaholics to spend enough time to educate their children about the dangers of hedonistic lifestyles.

I was raised in a traditional, immigrant family. So they really took time during the week as I grew up to tell me things or scold me when I seemed too materialistic or greedy. I'm very grateful to them and I cherish those formative years.

They also trained me to not care about Christmas. So I don't care about buying presents, swapping presents or all the seasonal mercenary events. I've never even been to a tree lighting event or any type of seasonal parade. I pretend I care about Christmas. Hopefully I'm a good actress. :lol: Well it helps that I never make any dramatic comments.
@blackjack21, A society is not just an idea. Different places and cultures have different social standards. Yes, everyone is a little different, and there is probably no society that has everyone the same, but the majority of the people in societies tend to be similar. If you have a small, religious town in the middle of nowhere, and if the economy is family oriented (no welfare, expensive housing and rent, expensive food, everything is family owned, etc.), then that society is more conservative leaning.

It's really sad that many Americans have to smile like that. It's not only useless, but it makes you feel lonely because you can't express what you really feel from your heart.

You're complaining about hedonism, yet that yankee Donald Trump is a narcissist!

Well, in a capitalist society by real conscious terms, everyone is truly miserable. They are just using fake sarcasm, religion, drugs, alcohol, and loving money to give themselves fake happiness.

Hitler was a liar. He lied to so many people. And Teresa defended poverty and the Roman Catholic Church.
One Degree wrote:I am not a psychologist,

Neither am I, but I am a military mental health nurse. It comes as no surprise to me that so many of my young soldier patients describe dysfunctional and abusive childhoods, from which they tried to escape by joining the Army, only to discover that the Army is a further order of magnitude less nurturing and supportive than the dysfunctional family from which they fled.

One Degree wrote:...but I would think a child who had (or believed they had) a terrible childhood would try their best to put it behind them as an adult. It already ruined your childhood, why let the memories ruin the rest of your life too. It is terrible to think your parents didn’t love you, but they probably did but were too screwed up to show it. Forgive them and move on.

The difficulty for my clientele is that however much they might forgive their parents, the damage is already done. Childhood is the time when that organic computer between your ears is getting its major software installed. How are you supposed to interact appropriately with fellow adults when your core programming is based on grossly inappropriate interactions? If you routinely saw your father (or, more likely, you're mother's latest boyfriend) resolve disputes with his fists, how is that going to equip you to resolve disputes more reasonably in adulthood? If your mother beat you for your disobedience, how are you going to react to disobedience from your own children? And so on...
Cartertonian wrote:Neither am I, but I am a military mental health nurse. It comes as no surprise to me that so many of my young soldier patients describe dysfunctional and abusive childhoods, from which they tried to escape by joining the Army, only to discover that the Army is a further order of magnitude less nurturing and supportive than the dysfunctional family from which they fled.

The difficulty for my clientele is that however much they might forgive their parents, the damage is already done. Childhood is the time when that organic computer between your ears is getting its major software installed. How are you supposed to interact appropriately with fellow adults when your core programming is based on grossly inappropriate interactions? If you routinely saw your father (or, more likely, you're mother's latest boyfriend) resolve disputes with his fists, how is that going to equip you to resolve disputes more reasonably in adulthood? If your mother beat you for your disobedience, how are you going to react to disobedience from your own children? And so on...

As a mental health nurse, perhaps you can reread my posts as being ‘supportive’ rather than ‘diminishing’ the seriousness. Are you suggesting they just ‘give up’? They can’t change what has happened,
One Degree wrote:As a mental health nurse, perhaps you can reread my posts as being ‘supportive’ rather than ‘diminishing’ the seriousness. Are you suggesting they just ‘give up’? They can’t change what has happened,

Perhaps there is some mutual misreading going on? That said, I didn't think you were trying to diminish the issue. You're right, you can't change how you were brought up, but you can change your 'programming'. Forgiveness would be part of that, but often - as in the case of my clientele - more help is needed to effect lasting change.

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