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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Workers of the world, unite! Then argue about Trotsky and Stalin for all eternity...
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SpecialOlympian wrote:I don't need to defend it. You're the weirdo who is obsessed with it and how it threatens fragile white male racists. The one group you believe we must defer to in all things, for some reason.

So many fallacies!!!

I don't need to defend it.
: Argument By Dismissal: an idea is rejected without saying why.
You're the weirdo
: Unprovoked Ad Hominem
how it threatens fragile white male racists
: The race card!

The one group you believe we must defer to in all things,

There is nothing special about white people. BTW, I am from Latin America.
That the left sees white straight men as the enemy tells me they see something different about this group.
It is obviously racist to judge a man according to his sex and skin color. Why do you do that?
What is really fascinating is that the scale of victimhood uses the white straight male as the
most supreme reference.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Not really, since the woman never subjected the man to discrimination or bigotry.

And now you are apparently abandoning your argument about how progressives accuse others of racism when they cannot debate.

And you are accusing someone racism in order to avoid the fact that yo have not supported your claim. So you are engaging in the very behaviour you accuse others of.

Since the last film did bot have the content you said it would, I am not sure this one will either.

What exactly did this woman say, and to whom? And what was the argument about?

What exactly did Affleck say and to whom? And what was the argument about?

Do you often post pics like this when you cannot support your claim?

Also, there is no record of Socrates ever saying that.

Too many fallacies to count. You refuse to engage in conversation. You were a bit more motivated before and now you are in defensive mode.
Why are you afraid to frankly discuss an issue?
Julian658 wrote:Instead of name calling.

Could you point out what are his positions and why you do not agree?

He is a rabid neo-con Zionist that has a long history of working politically closely with a foreign state(Israel).

He is pro-war, pro-interventionist. He believes in going to war with Iran.

He is on record saying crap about Jesus. He holds to the offensive Talmudic view on Jesus, and incorrectly believes the "Romans were entirely responsible for his crucifixion"(when the Sanhedrin is the group mainly to blame). He is also racist against Islamics and clearly hates the Islamic Religion.

So I disagree with his Religious views too and find them repulsive, racist and offensive.

I agree with @SpecialOlympian on this one. The Alt-right groups should not be listening to him or paying any respect to him. He is a warmongering Jewish Supremacist racist. Not surprisingly his program is listened to by people who hate Muslims and are racist against Muslims. And yes some anti-muslim violence was probably inspired by his program.

Alex Jones can't even stomach Shapiro either, and that says alot.

I would not be surprised if Shapiro turned out to be a supporter of Meir Kahane.
Julian658 wrote:Too many fallacies to count.

If there were so many, why can you not mention a single one?

You refuse to engage in conversation.

No. I am asking for examples of progressives using accusations of racism to get out of debate.

You have not provided any examples.

The only example you did provide was yourself accusing a woman of racism instead of supporting your point. But that was an example of you doing it, not a progressive.

You were a bit more motivated before and now you are in defensive mode.
Why are you afraid to frankly discuss an issue?

I am not afraid. In fact, I am openly confronting you about your unsupported claim.

This site has a search function. You could simply look up the word “racist” and cite the first three examples you find, if this behaviour is as commonplace as you claim.
Julian658 wrote:There is nothing special about white people. BTW, I am from Latin America.
That the left sees white straight men as the enemy tells me they see something different about this group.
It is obviously racist to judge a man according to his sex and skin color. Why do you do that?
What is really fascinating is that the scale of victimhood uses the white straight male as the
most supreme reference.

That's great. Just like how Orthodox Jews can be alt-right supremacists, Latin Americans can also be shitty reactionaries who argue in bad faith :)

I hope you are able to stop listening to Shapiro before you shoot up a mosque. Please take care of yourself.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This site has a search function. You could simply look up the word “racist” and cite the first three examples you find, if this behaviour is as commonplace as you claim.
OK, here is more:

All white people are racist
Counting blacks in the White House
See angry black woman Angela. She sees racism where there is none. She curses a white woman about racism and then learns the white woman has actually adopted a POC kid. Precious!! 8) 8)

Lastly check out Peter Hitchens an avowed ex-marxist talk about how lefty people conduct themselves in a dialog.
His view is important because he was way on the left,
Dialog with a lefty

What really matters is learning something new. Spending time withy silly remarks and stingers is tiresome.
Peter Hitchens, noted sane person with such great positions as: Anti-vax and rape denialism. Also doesn't believe poverty exists in the UK for some reason. Nobody represents the left like Peter Hitchens.

Thank you for your good faith contributions Julian658. I'm glad that, as Shapiro slowly radicalizes you into shooting up a synagogue, you have also learned how to debate from him.

I just hope that your outbursts on PoFo allow you the emotional release necessary to prevent, or at least delay, you from shooting up a Muslim daycare center.
SpecialOlympian wrote:That's great. Just like how Orthodox Jews can be alt-right supremacists, Latin Americans can also be shitty reactionaries who argue in bad faith :)

I hope you are able to stop listening to Shapiro before you shoot up a mosque. Please take care of yourself.

Are you able to write a single post without Ad Hominem?
Why are you unable to have a discussion without name calling?
SpecialOlympian wrote:Peter Hitchens, noted sane person with such great positions as: Anti-vax and rape denialism. Also doesn't believe poverty exists in the UK for some reason. Nobody represents the left like Peter Hitchens.

Thank you for your good faith contributions Julian658. I'm glad that, as Shapiro slowly radicalizes you into shooting up a synagogue, you have also learned how to debate from him.

I just hope that your outbursts on PoFo allow you the emotional release necessary to prevent, or at least delay, you from shooting up a Muslim daycare center.

Why do you always resort to insulting remarks?
I ask again: Can you write a post without insults? Did you even see the video?
Hitchens is basically describing people like you that cannot have a dialog. All these people do is demonize anyone
that has a slightly different point of view. You are very tribal in this regard.
Julian658 wrote:OK, here is more:

All white people are racist

If there is evidence of your claim in this video, please answer the following:

1. What are they debating?
2. At what point in the video does the progressive person accuse the other of racism in order to get out of the argument?

Counting blacks in the White House

If there is evidence of your claim in this video, please answer the following:

1. What are they debating?
2. At what point in the video does the progressive person accuse the other of racism in order to get out of the argument?

See angry black woman Angela. She sees racism where there is none. She curses a white woman about racism and then learns the white woman has actually adopted a POC kid. Precious!! 8) 8)

People can simultaneously say and do racist things and have a family member who is a person of colour.

Lastly check out Peter Hitchens an avowed ex-marxist talk about how lefty people conduct themselves in a dialog.
His view is important because he was way on the left,
Dialog with a lefty

No. This is irrelevant.

What really matters is learning something new. Spending time withy silly remarks and stingers is tiresome.

I have learnt something new:

Many conservatives accuse progressives of accusing conservatives of racism as a way for the conservative to get out of the debate.
Julian658 wrote: Did you even see the video?

Lmao no. You're just bullshitting, I'm not going to waste my time on your bad faith arguments.

How much more violent would you say your thoughts have become since you started listening to Ben Shapiro?
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lmao no. You're just bullshitting, I'm not going to waste my time on your bad faith arguments.

How much more violent would you say your thoughts have become since you started listening to Ben Shapiro?

OK, you are a troll. Got it! Good job trolling, I did not see it right away.
The James Brown avatar was a giveaway.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If there is evidence of your claim in this video, please answer the following:

1. What are they debating?
2. At what point in the video does the progressive person accuse the other of racism in order to get out of the argument?

If there is evidence of your claim in this video, please answer the following:

1. What are they debating?
2. At what point in the video does the progressive person accuse the other of racism in order to get out of the argument?

People can simultaneously say and do racist things and have a family member who is a person of colour.

No. This is irrelevant.

I have learnt something new:

Many conservatives accuse progressives of accusing conservatives of racism as a way for the conservative to get out of the debate.

Holy Cow, two trolls in a row!
Are you and James Brown the same poster? Just wandering!
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