What Are Your Views On Child Abuse? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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In societies that lack real consciousness the most, child abuse and domestic abuse are not recognized. People who promote the family institution tend to not view child abuse because they believe that family can do whatever they want to their related children and that viewing it as child abuse will "teach children to hate their parents."

In a completely false conscious mindset, viewing anything (forced marriages, enforced religious attendances, narcissistic parenting, child molestation, severe beatings) as child abuse will teach people to hate their parents. In Franco's Spain, domestic abuse was never recognized, and anyone that recognized domestic abuse was considered "crazy," "lacking faith and/or hope," "mentally ill or unstable," or "was taught by 'Jews' to hate their families."

I personally think child abuse is bad for several reasons:

I. It Decays Health - People who suffer child abuse are more likely to have health problems. Problems such as heart problems due to chronic anxiety, anxiety issues, depression, paranoia, eating disorders, or even schizophrenia. People who were abused as children tend to have aged hearts due to chronic stress, anxiety, and/or fear, they tend to be on antidepressants more from mental conditions such as depression caused by childhood traumas, or victims of child abuse are also more likely to be disabled caused by various health factors that have some or many roots from their child abuse.

II. It Increases Crime - Victims of child abuse are more likely to engage in crime. They are more likely to be violent, beat innocent people, and abuse others they have social power over, such as people who want to be friends with them. People who abuse their children themselves are more likely to commit crime.

III. It Wastes Energy - Children who are abused are more worried about their safety, rather than other things, such as learning in school, so that their brains can have more exercise and develop more. Victims of child abuse have lower brain growth because they had to put more of their energy into dealing or coping with the domestic abuse. Also, instead of abusing a child, why not use that energy to work? That will help the survival of humanity.

IV. Victims Of Child Abuse Are More Likely To Abuse Their Children - Some victims of child abuse, especially people who come from societies that are more religious, conservative, socially collective, or are oppressive by socialist terms, don't view child abuse as child abuse. They think that is normal! This is because they are lacking real consciousness in a way. If one was abused, and if almost everyone around them was abused ("and those who were not abused are labeled evil or wicked") then what is abuse? So many children take from their parents for various reasons, one being for economic reasons (before wage capitalism where many enterprises were family based), another for eugenic reasons, and another for cultural beliefs that are passed down.

If that were the case, when if abuse is so common that it by social norms would not be considered abuse, then where is the scientific proof that it is abuse?

My first reason, that "it decays health" is the scientific proof. When one's health is deteriorated due to child hood traumas and experiences, then child abuse is not the most efficient.

This is similar to why is happiness good? It is not because it "Feels" good, similar to how child abuse "Feels" bad. It is because people with higher happiness rates work harder, become smarter, have more energy available to contribute to the survival of humanity, and have more personal confidence to want to help society out.

Our feelings help us determine what is the most ensuring for our survival. Why is it bad for one to be stabbed? It is not because it "Feels" bad. It is because we would get wounds and lose blood and have our lives' threatened when we are stabbed. It is just that the feeling of being stabbed alerts us that having that happen to us will not ensure the best survival of us.
Some people who think that child abuse is good (after knowing the views on child abuse or other biased viewpoints or senses of reality) think that child abuse motivates children to be tougher, work harder, and be stronger. It sort of relates to the saying "Hard times create strong men."

Well, the same people who have this mindset also need currency to motivate them to help humanity survive. These are the same people who need family to inspire them to work. These are the same people who need religion to help them cope with uncertainty, cope with abuse but not view it as abuse because of the religion they are using, and cope with unstable capitalist economics, but not view it as unstable because they are lacking real consciousness.

These kinds of people are holding society back. Society cannot reach the next phase because of these kinds of people. These kinds of people lack real consciousness. They lack the sense of reality. They think that submissive women are submissive because they have faith and care, but in reality, they are submissive because they Have to. If they are not, then they could end up on the streets starving. They are using the faith to cope with that. It is the same on why people love their families. It is because their families don't have to take care of them. No one has to do anything, so they love to cope with that. And those who want love need love to inspire them to work because they are lacking real consciousness.
I am not a psychologist, but I would think a child who had (or believed they had) a terrible childhood would try their best to put it behind them as an adult. It already ruined your childhood, why let the memories ruin the rest of your life too. It is terrible to think your parents didn’t love you, but they probably did but were too screwed up to show it. Forgive them and move on.
@One Degree, Well I am no psychologist either, but one does not need to be a psychologist to gain a proper sense of reality. When a worker smiles at you in a store in the States, they don't really mean that smile, they smile because they Have to. If they don't, they lose their job and end up homeless. But it does not take a psychologist to know that. Anyone can figure that out. And the same with child abuse. People need to recognize child abuse more. It's not known enough in my opinion.

When a child grows, their brain develops, and doesn't stop developing until one is in their mid 20's. And when one's brain is developing, their personal environmental experiences can alter the brain growth. This is why some people with bad pasts have PTSD or shell shock. This is why children who grow up in poverty have their brains altered, lowering their IQ's, and making them more prone to mental illness. Because they are traumatized with their experiences (poverty in this example). For many people, it is very hard to forget the experiences that they encountered while their brains were developing.

Also, when you are abused, defense hormones are released to cope with feeling like you are attacked (or molested) and those hormones help cope with chronic anxiety caused by Chronic abuse. Well, those hormones increase your blood pressure and heart rate. So this is a simple way of explaining that child abuse causes heart problems. And you can't control your heart like that.

It is not terrible for one to REALIZE that their abusive parents did not properly TREAT them (love is not needed, love is a manipulative tool). It is good to know that one was not treated right if they were not treated right. Positive affirmation is used to keep people from realizing the truth (gaining real consciousness) and it keeps them from rebelling. Every human must stand for themselves mentally. And no abuser should be forgiven. Abuse can impact one's life.
How do you know the worker’s smile is not real? I find most employees can’t fake their feelings very well. If they smile at me, I accept it as real.
Yes, we need to be mentally strong but that does not require us to resent others for this. It is a good thing, whether you were abused or not.
It certainly should not make one believe all families lack love. It certainly should not prevent us from accepting love as an adult even if we did not have it as a child.
You can’t find all the love out there if you believe every one is faking it.
Child abuse could be a bigger problem this generation. Parents are more ignorant about proper child care. I feel like many young parents are too immature to be raising kids. With druggies and lowlifes, children are neglected or mistreated. It is just so wrong.

Not all children can get over the trauma, like how not all veterans recover from all the pain and terrors that they went through. It leaves a scar. Some are just not strong enough to ever fully recover.
SSDR wrote:What Are Your Views On Child Abuse?

pro. They're all going to grow up to be assholes anyway so you might as well abuse them first before they inevitably start abusing each other. I think child abuse should be mandatory, that way nobody would ever totally get away with a life of unabashed assholism. For instance, if George HW Bush was severely abused as a child I would feel like there was at least some justice in the universe. If I had a time machine I would go back and child abuse George HW Bush. If I had a time machine it would pretty much be used exclusively for retroactive punitive abuse of people I don't like as children.
@One Degree, No, most people don't mean their smiles. They smile because they Have to. They can lose their jobs if they don't. You can believe anything that is told to you, and if that's how society wants people to think, then people are easy to fool. It is very easy to lie to people who believe almost anything, and that if one is told enough, then it becomes the truth!

The more good one is on the outside, the more bad they are on the inside. Consciously (meaning they know they're faking it), or subconsciously (they are using religion or certain ideologies such as anti feminism to think it's normal).
@MistyTiger, What definition of child abuse are you using?

If anything, parents are less abusive now. Back then, parents would beat their kids really badly, but now, they have more of an equal understanding of each other. Back then, children were not to talk back to their parents. Parents would even choose your partner (arranged marriages were very common prior to the industrial revolution). You were not allowed to raise your voice, be mouthy, use certain "bad words" such as shit, and you had to put an act on your face. Well, it wouldn't be an act because if you support the "sacrificing" family institution, and/or religion (because religion teaches to respect parents to a higher degree just like slave owners).

In general, child abuse always existed, but people really never complained about it until in more recent times.
SSDR wrote:@MistyTiger, What definition of child abuse are you using?

If anything, parents are less abusive now. Back then, parents would beat their kids really badly, but now, they have more of an equal understanding of each other. Back then, children were not to talk back to their parents. Parents would even choose your partner (arranged marriages were very common prior to the industrial revolution). You were not allowed to raise your voice, be mouthy, use certain "bad words" such as shit, and you had to put an act on your face. Well, it wouldn't be an act because if you support the "sacrificing" family institution, and/or religion (because religion teaches to respect parents to a higher degree just like slave owners).

In general, child abuse always existed, but people really never complained about it until in more recent times.

I am not so sure that parents are less likely to beat their kids. Some parents have shaken their baby since it would not stop crying.

My definition of child abuse is really broad and it encompasses neglect and mistreatment like beating or mental abuse. Words can be very damaging to a young mind if repeated enough and in a manner that pierces the heart.

It is easy for people to be rough and mean. Education shows us to proper ways to deal with children.
Being a parent is hard and we make mistakes. Thank God children are forgiving and resilient. One should never forget how miraculous it is to have a child. It is the greatest experience in the world.
In societies that lack real consciousness

These are rather important words.

In a society that lacks consciousness due to systematic ‘dumbing down’ then abuses are almost forgivable.
It’s societies, or enlightened pockets within those societies that are aware of their deeds that really perplex me. Pederasts. Not paedofiles. They’re the ones to study.
Tainari88 wrote:Being a parent is hard and we make mistakes. Thank God children are forgiving and resilient. One should never forget how miraculous it is to have a child. It is the greatest experience in the world.

This ⬆️ should be remembered.
A lot of child abuse is parents who are simply overwhelmed. To simply address it as ‘evil parents’ is wrong headed. The best solution I have heard is to keep repeating the message to parents “just walk away, the child will be fine screaming for a few minutes.”
The message “you must do everything by the book” is actually dangerous in my opinion. It adds to the feelings of failure of not being perfect.
I once saw a woman nearly drop her child head first into a concrete floor... She was holding the "naughty" child upside down and half dragging him half dangling him.

Children should be protected from REALLY abusive parents LIKE THAT. But the courts will always side with the Female abuser just like in Liar Liar...

I critize @Ter for his Zionism, but at least his totally-not-living-there country has one thing correct.... Women are statistically more likely to abuse their children.
SSDR wrote:In societies that lack real consciousness the most, child abuse and domestic abuse are not recognized.

The notion of a "society" is an abstraction. All societies lack consciousness, because "societies" are just ideas.

SSDR wrote:When a worker smiles at you in a store in the States, they don't really mean that smile, they smile because they Have to. If they don't, they lose their job and end up homeless. But it does not take a psychologist to know that. Anyone can figure that out.

Yes. That's why we all smile in the United States. If we don't, we'll lose our jobs and end up homeless. :roll:

MistyTiger wrote:Child abuse could be a bigger problem this generation. Parents are more ignorant about proper child care. I feel like many young parents are too immature to be raising kids. With druggies and lowlifes, children are neglected or mistreated. It is just so wrong.

Perhaps not encouraging people to live hedonistic lifestyles might be a good idea.

layman wrote:Every notorious criminal you hear about seems to have had an abusive childhood.

So have many notorious prosecutors and politicians.

SSDR wrote:@One Degree, No, most people don't mean their smiles. They smile because they Have to. They can lose their jobs if they don't.

What if they are at a comedy show? Are they only laughing at the comedian's jokes to save their jobs? Is everybody just miserable, but really good at hiding it from others?

SSDR wrote:The more good one is on the outside, the more bad they are on the inside.

Is the opposite also true? Was Hitler cool, and Mother Teresa a back stabbing bitch?

What about workers? Don't we need to tie them up and whip them once in awhile to motivate them? Shouldn't employers tie people up and whip them once in awhile and say, "Wipe that damn smile off your face and get back to work!"?
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