Mocca Man is Impossible, Human Bio-Diversity is Guaranteed to Increase Exponentially - Politics | PoFo

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It is not a common idea but there are some who hope for no good reason that human diversity will reverse to the point of becoming completely homogeneous. They imagine "white", "black", "red", "yellow", "olive", "brown" etc will all get smudged together to create a single homogeneous race with skin the colour of a Mocca cup of coffee. They imagine this will happen due to what some people call "miscegenation". However, hilariously, miscegenation has the exact opposite effect because no mixing can ever be perfect and so will always result in more diversity not less. If you mix black with white for example you do not get brown, 2 into 1, what you get is black, white, dark brown, medium brown, light brown etc, 2 into infinite shading. More variety not less. The proper term for "miscenation" is hybridisation and it is a powerful cause of genetic and phenotypic diversity both for humans and other species.

Another powerful driver of genetic heterogeneity is selection to fit diverse environmental conditions. Our planet earth has a pretty diverse environment and this has shaped a lot of human evolution but some may say that as we increasingly live in artificial environments rather than natural environments which all tend to be rather similar then that may have a small convergence effect but even if true it will be shortlived as humans expand beyond earth because the environmental diversity of earth is a very narrow range compared with the worlds we may inhabit in the future.

Then of course personal genetic tailoring in the near future will allow people to quite dramatically alter genetic and phenotypic traits. Since this will be done on a individual level and might include splicing in even non-human genes we can expect this ability to vastly expand human bio-diversity. There will be as many "races" as there are individuals.

Diversity is also factored by overall population size, the bigger the population then, all else being equal, the more genetic variety. Homo Sapiens could have a serious population reversal but only a apocalyptic catastrophe could really cause that at which point worrying about the homogeneity of homo sapiens (and offshoots) is rather beside concern. In the absence of an apocalypse the human population is virtually guaranteed to continue exponentially growing as our technology opens up new worlds and resources both on and beyond earth.

Genetic isolation is what actually drives homogeneity but that cannot work across the whole species only for small clusters of it and in the long run this cements into speciesation which arguably is a net increase in diversity.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:Maybe they were looking up what 'Mocca' means?

If it's not a common idea, it may be that no one here has much to say about it.

I think the term was originally coined by a leftist novelist who wrote the Star Fraction. The term is beside the point though, it is the concept that is interesting.
B0ycey wrote:The concept is a musing. Have you evidence you can share that there are "people" who think we should all be Mocha? Or is this just something you have come up with? Which is probably the real reason why nobody has anything to say. Just putting it out there.

Like I said I became aware of this ideal(?) for the future from one of the Star Fraction books. I have noted along the way that a number of leftists here and on other boards have the same basic prophesy for the future of mankind. Perhaps it is a more obscure trend in leftist "thought" than I presumed. Fair enough.
SolarCross wrote:Like I said I became aware of this ideal(?) for the future from one of the Star Fraction books. I have noted along the way that a number of leftists here and on other boards have the same basic prophesy for the future of mankind. Perhaps it is a more obscure trend in leftist "thought" than I presumed. Fair enough.

As Star Fraction is fiction, you shouldn't really base an opinion from it. Nonetheless I find it strange anyone out there considers epidermis eugenics a good thing. Most liberals I know are pro diversity.
B0ycey wrote:As Star Fraction is fiction, you shouldn't really base an opinion from it. Nonetheless I find it strange anyone out there considers epidermis eugenics a good thing. Most liberals I know are pro diversity.

I think the author was a literal communist rather than a liberal. Notorious mass murderer Felix Dzerzhinsky was described as "heavy but, you know, right on" and many other things like that. The basic idea of the novels was that mankind was pre-destined to become a unified communist utopia. So far not exactly an unorthodox belief for commies, no? The substance of the mocha man idea was that when everyone is a practical clone of each other then racism would disappear.
Not sure why this is posted in Communism and I'm not aware of miscegenation being promoted as part of a communist program. It's just acknowledged as a matter of scientific fact that miscegenation occurs variously and the only outstanding issue are the reactionaries and fascists who have a very specific problem with it.
Donna wrote:Not sure why this is posted in Communism and I'm not aware of miscegenation being promoted as part of a communist program. It's just acknowledged as a matter of scientific fact that miscegenation occurs variously and the only outstanding issue are the reactionaries and fascists who have a very specific problem with it.

SolarCross likes to shit not only on threads but sometimes entire sub-forums like ''Communism''. He's a bit of a character, lol...
Godstud wrote:You spelled Mocha wrong, and I do like my Mochas, so does that make me a Mocha Man?

Maybe he's actually claiming that everyone will wear moccasins in the future, and we're all just misunderstanding him? :eh:
I did spell Mocha wrong yes, apologies to the spelling nazis for that, in my defence I am not a native speaker of Italian and as a working class person I do not tend to buy coffee from barristas. Middle class hipsters have a budget for virtue signalling at the local Starbucks but for myself, obliged to be more economical, I prefer to buy ground coffee from the supermarket, make it at home in a cafeteria (sp?) and chuck it in a flask if I want to go out. That way I can get about 20x the coffee for the same price. This is why come the revolution it should be someone like me who is Director-General of all the Monies and Economies. You middle class hipsters can have your heresy hunts and thought crimes, I will have the economy thanks (hopefully that means at least I can be as well fed as Kim Jong Un while everyone else is starving on a diet of grass and pebbles.)
Last edited by SolarCross on 13 Feb 2020 11:46, edited 2 times in total.
SolarCross wrote:I did spell Mocha wrong yes, apologies to the spelling nazis for that, in my defence I am not a native speaker of Italian and as a working class person I do not tend to buy coffee from barristas. Middle class hipsters have a budget for virtue signalling at the local Starbucks but for myself, obliged to be more economical, I prefer to buy ground coffee from the supermarket, make it at home in a cafeteria (sp?) and chuck it in a flask if I want to go out. That way I can get about 20x the coffee for the same price. This is why come the revolution it should be someone like me who is Director-General of all the Monies and Economies. You middle class hipsters can have your heresy hunts and thought crimes, I will have the economy thanks (hopefully that means at least I can be as well fed as Kim Jong Un while everyone else is starving on a diet of grass and pebbles.)

Awesome. You should have more mini-meltdowns like that. It's better than watching 'I'm a Celebrity - Get Me Out of Here!' :up: :)
According to the article, “Are we still evolving?” in the March 2009 issue of Discover magazine, human evolution in the past 10,000 years has occurred a hundred times more quickly than in any other period in our species’ history.

Some 2,000 genetic adaptations in that time include mutations related to the brain, the digestive system, life span, immunity to pathogens, sperm production and bones. Furthermore, “It is likely that human races are evolving away from each other,” said University of Utah anthropologist Henry Harpending. “We are getting less alike, not merging into a single mixed humanity.”
The scientific liberal (read Cultural Marxist) establishment position on hominoid genetics is a weird one. on the one hand the neo Darwinist dogma of natural selection on genetic mutation is sacrosanct, on the other they insist that there have been nothing but the most superficial genetic divergence between human population groups over tens, or even hundreds of thousands of years.
Rich wrote:
The scientific liberal (read Cultural Marxist) establishment position on hominoid genetics is a weird one. on the one hand the neo Darwinist dogma of natural selection on genetic mutation is sacrosanct, on the other they insist that there have been nothing but the most superficial genetic divergence between human population groups over tens, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

this one gets into evolution in detail:

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