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By ingliz
Peck reported on the MCC's collaboration with the United Steelworkers of America

As far as I can tell nothing came of it except a public domain template (available at http://www.usw.coop and http://www.union.coop) offering a road-map primer for competitive and equitable employment creation based on fifty-five years of Mondragon principles put into marketplace practice; aimed at creating ... blah ... blah... rhubarb... blah.

ingliz wrote:As far as I can tell nothing came of it except a public domain template (available at http://www.usw.coop and http://www.union.coop) offering a road-map primer for competitive and equitable employment creation based on fifty-five years of Mondragon principles put into marketplace practice; aimed at creating ... blah ... blah... rhubarb... blah.

Unfortunately, the US is slow to accept change. There is a very strong anti-union sentiment in America, and any change that the USW will try to accomplish will take time. But I'm an optimist...

http://www.usw.org/convention/resolutio ... rs-capital
WHEREAS, the USW has assisted in launching a new worker-owned Union Co-op in Worcester, MA in 2014, where all workers are proud members of USW Local 2936
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By ComradeTim
Former Comrades, I come again before you, cap in hand to formally submit my desire to return to this noble gathering and to again apologize for any actual or perceived slights that I may have committed against any member or any asocial behaviours I may have exhibited. My time away from the group has allowed me to ponder my leftist convictions and I return now having ascertained that they are now firmer than ever before. While I retain my right to dissent from the prevailing view I shall now always do so with no animosity whatsoever and I promise to remove myself from the keyboard should I feel the call to abrasive sarcasm or petty insults. Like Rakhmetov I have purged myself of bourgeois decadence and devote my energies here purely to the advance of socialism. Thank you.
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By ComradeTim
ComradeTim wrote:Fascism must be fought, naturally, but not before the reactionaries, liberals and their supporters are ground into dust. Many people who join these "proto-fascist" groups, would just as quickly join a leftist organisation, if we gave a clear message on the one of the issues that troubles them most, Islamic immigration and the troubles that come with them. The vast majority of Muslim migrants are hugely reactionary compared to the average member of these groups.

Also, what Cromwell said.
I would like to join this group, as I'm pretty much a Bolshevik, albeit an Orthodox Christian National Bolshevik. I've attempted to join before, but i'm serious. I may lapse into Strasserism or Iron Guard influences, but I'm pretty cool with Lenin (LHMOHS).

Comrade Stalin would vet for me .
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By Eauz
Wow, Tim, great job on making yourself look like more of a supporter of fascists. We don't need fascists, racists or KR rats in this group.
No Tim.
The nomination process remains the same. Someone must elect you and you must be seconded with no fierce opposition.

Should this occur, you will know--just like last time.

Thank you for your petition, if someone wants to begin the process for you, then they shall.
The Immortal Goon wrote:The nomination process remains the same. Someone must elect you and you must be seconded with no fierce opposition.

Should this occur, you will know--just like last time.

Thank you for your petition, if someone wants to begin the process for you, then they shall.

Sounds fair enough, thanks. In the meantime, i'm studying the issues and putting my money where my mouth is, so to speak.
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By ComradeTim
Thank you, former (and hopefully future) glorious leader.

It has been brought to my attention that the user Varax, has had fascist as her ideology this whole time but has still been allowed entrance and succor in the far leftist group. Seeing as I deny facism but am accused of it, I would advise said accusers to thus first and second my application, whilst apologising profusely.
By Conscript
Varax never really posted about socialism in the 5 years I've been here.

Regardless, it's just an argument that neither of you (along with Annatar and Cromwell) are really communists or Marxists. Chauvinism and anti-immigration views under the guise of 'they are culturally reactionary' is part and parcel of left-nationalist thought.

This Islam, and maybe Ukraine, stuff really is a good litmus test for these sort of 'socialists'.

Now on the other hand, I'd very much welcome DrSteveBrule. Left-libertarians might be slightly liberal, but at least they're not at all conservative, nationalist, or otherwise vulnerable to the brown.
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By Cromwell
Conscript wrote:Regardless, it's just an argument that neither of you (along with Annatar and Cromwell) are really communists or Marxists.

What have I got to do with any of this?

I've mentioned, previously, that I expect my past to serve as a bar-to-entry. As such, I've never applied to join.
By Conscript
Mostly just because you can be associated with this apparent new generation of leftist posters on pofo that can conceivably be left-nationalist, soviet patriots, national syndicalists, or otherwise flirt with the far-right on issues like immigration, Islam, etc.

That said, I think you're a bit more tame about it than the rest.
Last edited by Conscript on 19 Jan 2015 18:54, edited 1 time in total.
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By Cromwell
Conscript wrote:Mostly just because you can be associated with this apparent new generation of leftist posters on pofo that can conceivably be left-nationalist, soviet patriots, national syndicalists, or otherwise flirt with the far-right on issues like immigration, Islam, etc.

This "new generation" apparently consists of three individuals with quite distinct ideological trajectories.

Either way, if you want to actually debate the issue of the sincerity of my commitment to socialism, feel free to engage with the topic that I linked you to, previously, when you attempted to dress up your wild conjecture as legitimate critique.
By Conscript
Cromwell wrote:
This "new generation" apparently consists of three individuals with quite distinct ideological trajectories.

Either way, if you want to actually debate the issue of the sincerity of my commitment to socialism, feel free to engage with the topic that I linked you to, previously, when you attempted to dress up your wild conjecture as legitimate critique.

And you can count the amount of pofo socialists on two hands, at most, active ones are even smaller in number. Once upon a time Taxizen probably did the most to keep the communism subforum alive.

No thanks, I've already done that sort of thing for years on Soviet-Empire and Socialist Phalanx.
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By Cromwell
Conscript wrote:And you can count the amount of pofo socialists on two hands, at most, active ones are even smaller in number. Once upon a time Taxizen probably did the most to keep the communism subforum alive.

No thanks, I've already done that sort of thing for years on Soviet-Empire and Socialist Phalanx.

Which only solidifies my initial point. Why even bring my name up? Why make these ridiculous assertions if you're unwilling to follow them up?
By Conscript
I already told you why I brought your name up.

I'm just too lazy to dispute you're not a Marxist when you make it pretty easy and obvious.

Interests:Guild Socialism, Social Credit, Sorelian Marxism, Italian & British Fascism, Otto Strasser, National Syndicalism, Gnostic Heresies, Third Positionism, English Nationalism, British Republicanism and Utopian Socialism.

Yea, you're off in yellow socialist land like Tim, Annatar, etc. This actually reads a lot like Rei's:

Neocorporatism, Relational Market, Guild Socialism.

There is nothing Marxist about any of this, you even have Utopian Socialism listed for christ's sake.

The credit supply should be nationalised. New money should then be created and issued as wages for a massive programme of re-industrialisation in Britain.

After Britain has a productive capacity necessary to sustain itself, new credit should be issued as a dividend, free to all citizens, and only then will true consumer sovereignty be attained.

Money should serve the interests of man; debts-slavery must be ended and every kind of Shylock should be hanged.

This is just managing capitalism. There are no wages or money in socialism, nationalization is bourgeois (and Engels views the state is just a big capitalist in exactly this situation), and this is all just supposed to be 'socialism' (really state capitalism) but still on a national level.

The point is one can ostensibly be a socialist with these views, but never a Marxist, it shows some serious lack of familiarity with Marx actually.
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