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Well, you'll have to forgive the Nepalese girls for not being able to come out looking like this:

Image the middle of a war against voracious semi-feudalist rapists who were interested in killing any woman that wouldn't surrender all (ie, 100%) agricultural profits to the reactionary thieving state.
I was invited into this group..., which is a very fucking weird group for me to be in for the following reasons:

It's full of White people

I am a minority, like 10 to 13 percent minority in a European dominated country, so I would be directly opposed to any European nationalism or European power structure unless they can leave my kind the fuck alone, but they can't because they need non Europeans to do their dirty work, clean their bathrooms, work at their shitty fast food restaurants, do prison labor and etc. The European, to me is a predatory motherfucker that needs to:

1. Be put in balance with the rest of humankind instead of always trying to leech off of others and calling it diversity, social justice, trickle down economics or whatever the fuck the European likes to come up with to describe an unfair exchange.

2. Be isolated from everybody else, they can leech off of each other and leave people that don't want to fuck with them alone.

Which brings me to why this group might be good with me if

1. It's full of European Nationalists and others, that wish to come in balance with non Europeans.

2. It's full of European Nationalists that wish to leave everybody else the fuck alone.

As a Pan African Nationalist, of course I would totally not support assimilation into some parasitic European body nor the suppression of non European nationalist expression

Just like I don't support bullshit diversity, bullshit multiculturalism, bullshit PC, bullshit colorblindness and post racialism.

Or the equally bullshit White Privilege theory which really is European supremacy and dominance trying to control the real fact, that the European been winning recently and of course want to see its progeny prosper. Nothing about skin tone and all that bullshit.

I'm seriously starting to appreciate your merits. That is some straight-talking right there.

This is beautiful:
DeadPresidents wrote:The European, to me is a predatory motherfucker that needs to:

1. Be put in balance with the rest of humankind instead of always trying to leech off of others and calling it diversity, social justice, trickle down economics or whatever the fuck the European likes to come up with to describe an unfair exchange.

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By Rejn
slybaldguy wrote:The National Union is a third-positionist organization.

We advocate:
* Globally: Diversity and pluralism.
* Nationally: Sovereignty and localism.
* Ethno-cultural and social cohesion.
* Rejection of imperialism.
* Rejection of financial, industrial, cultural and migratory borderlessness.
* Rejection of political correctness, equalism and either bourgeois or ethnically-motivated censorship.

Conditions for membership:
* Support for nationalism world-wide (not merely one's own nationalism).
* Rejection of political correctness.

Ombrageux wrote:To clarify a point: We accept people of most political persuasions so long as they reject globalism. As such we are open to:
* Third positionists
* Left-wing nationalists
* Traditional social-democrats (e.g. Old Labour)
* Anti-immigration libertarians
* Paleoconservatives
* Direct-democrats
* Authoritarian reactionaries
* Etc.

The group is meant to be a pluralist, big-tent gathering which accepts differing viewpoints as normal and which is a space to discuss almost any topic in a gentlemanly manner.

After this clarifying point, I'd like to express an interest in joining this group, but some issues need to be sorted out first:

How can you reconcile the above post to the initial one?
  • Social democrats?!
  • Libertarians are never anti-immigration, and even then would support the other types of borderlessness.
  • Direct democracy isn't really an ideological position. What if you have a population that is inclined towards globalism?

Also, you mention "left-wing nationalists", but what is your stance on "right-wing nationalists"?
They can't reconcile it. The whole reason it looks disjointed, is because it's not a third position platform, they've simply stuck the words 'third position' on it later. So much so, that they only added on the term 'third position' that you see there at the top of the ideological list, after I sardonically pointed out that they had forgotten to put it in.

That's why Ombrageux's post was made at 1901 hrs, and then edited at 1931 hrs. My post beneath it quotes what it looked like before the edit.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 29 Jun 2014 02:02, edited 1 time in total.
By stalker
I am a minority, like 10 to 13 percent minority in a European dominated country, so I would be directly opposed to any European nationalism or European power structure unless they can leave my kind the fuck alone, but they can't because they need non Europeans to do their dirty work, clean their bathrooms, work at their shitty fast food restaurants, do prison labor and etc.

The reason "non Europeans" are overrepresented in those sectors is because they lack qualifications, in large part due to their low average IQ - this despite intense efforts on the part of most national governments to raise minority performance.

By "minority," I of course mean Arabs and Africans, not East Asians, other Europeans, South-East Asians, or Indians. For some reason they have relatively little trouble in adapting, which they focus on instead of honing their victimization complexes and whining about how the (white) man is keeping them down.

2. Be isolated from everybody else, they can leech off of each other and leave people that don't want to fuck with them alone.

There is indeed growing popular demand for and anger over open borders that provide easy entry to all manner of Third World riffraff. The National Union is for isolation, at least so far as unrestricted immigration is concerned.

Likewise it is against imperialism and aggressive cultural exports to those places where Europeans do not belong, e.g. the Middle East and Africa, in the same way that masses of Middle Easterners and Africans do not belong in Europe.
By stalker
Rejn wrote:How can you reconcile the above post to the initial one?
Social democrats?!
Libertarians are never anti-immigration, and even then would support the other types of borderlessness.
Direct democracy isn't really an ideological position. What if you have a population that is inclined towards globalism?

Note that Thilo Sarrazin is a card-carrying member of the SPD, and that the party has a very pragmatic approach to Russia.

I certainly don't see how social democracy per se is incompatible with the goals of this group, unless it veers too much into the direction of cultural Marxism. This admittedly has been the wont of social democratic organizations in the past few decades, but it is not intrinsic to them.
stalker wrote:By "minority," I of course mean Arabs and Africans, not East Asians, other Europeans, South-East Asians, or Indians. For some reason they have relatively little trouble in adapting, which they focus on instead of honing their victimization complexes and whining about how the (white) man is keeping them down.

You mean that you didn't notice it. For example, when - after the Los Angeles Riots of 1992 - the Koreans under Korean rights activist K. W. Lee came out and Lee declared that the primary problem was "white men" (his words!), and the "fucking white media" (his words!), and that "when you [Koreans] bring the honour, and when you bring the dignity to your foreparents, it will be like a wildfire" (his words again!), that maybe some East Asian population groups are displeased with you?

Or for instance, just last year, when Britain was looking to sign some trade initiative with India, how BBC Asian Network radio at midday when everyone was listening, did a half hour segment in which the obviously Asian hosts asked the rhetorical question, "do we even need anything from white people at this stage?" over and over again in various different ways.

None of this clued you all in on the fact that the high IQ minority groups also are justifiably suspicious of white people's intentions?
DeadPresidents wrote:The European, to me is a predatory motherfucker that needs to:

1. Be put in balance with the rest of humankind instead of always trying to leech off of others and calling it diversity, social justice, trickle down economics or whatever the fuck the European likes to come up with to describe an unfair exchange.

@Rei That post knocks everything the EU stands for. How can you of all people, a die hard EU supporter(at least you have been for a couple of months now) say it is epic?
I still don't understand what you are getting at. Why shouldn't I be able to regard white people in that way, while also supporting the existence of the EU?

If I regard you as a 'predatory motherfucker', it means I have to be careful when dealing with you, doesn't it?

What's the problem?
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 29 Jun 2014 02:20, edited 2 times in total.
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By Rejn
stalker wrote:
Note that Thilo Sarrazin is a card-carrying member of the SPD, and that the party has a very pragmatic approach to Russia.

I certainly don't see how social democracy per se is incompatible with the goals of this group, unless it veers too much into the direction of cultural Marxism. This admittedly has been the wont of social democratic organizations in the past few decades, but it is not intrinsic to them.

His or anyone's approach to Russia is irrelevant to me with regards to this group, as I don't see an opinion towards Russia having any bearing to the admission criteria or ideologies stated.

Social democrats
  • Support diversity within nations (multiculturalism)
  • Support borderlessness

Also, Thilo Sarrazin is not a social-democrat. He's only a member of the SPD because he managed to convince the party that he doesn't intend to implement the policies his theories suggest.

Wikipedia wrote:The party leadership of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) announced in August 2010 that it will investigate whether to terminate Sarrazin's membership, because allegedly his theses are diametrical to basic social-democratic values.[18] An arbitration committee, meeting in Berlin on 21 April 2011, decided that Sarrazin can remain a member of the party. The formal accusation that he had damaged the party with his theories could not be upheld, in particular because Sarrazin read a statement in which he said he had never intended to depart from social democratic values and that he had never intended to suggest that social-Darwinist theories should be implemented in political practice.[19] This in turn lead to dissatisfaction among many SPD party leaders.[20]
By stalker
None of this clued you all in on the fact that the high IQ minority groups also are justifiably suspicious of white people's intentions?

No, because a few pundits are not indicative of majority attitudes.

And to the extent they are they are merely projecting.


It's quite hilarious, really. Modern whites are, as a group - especially Anglo-Germanic whites - the least racist major population group on the planet. Any Western politician who made the comments that Lee Kuan Yew repeatedly made on race would be tarred and feathered and run out of office (and maybe prosecuted for hate speech, if it happened in Europe). And yet various minority and self-loathing white activists continue ranting on about "white privilege" and Europeans' nefarious intensions, even as they are displaced in their own historic countries.
Rei Murasame wrote:I still don't understand what you are getting at. Why shouldn't I be able to regard white people in that way, while also supporting the existence of the EU?

If I regard you as a 'predatory motherfucker', it means I have to be careful when dealing with you, doesn't it?

What's the problem?

If we are so dangerous then why do you support a European super state?
stalker wrote:And to the extent they are they are merely projecting.

Oh, you mean they are the 'least racist' on an interpersonal level one-to-one. Put them all in a room together though, and ask them to devise systemic policies, and you'll see how fast the masks drop and they'll be just like everyone else.

Well, just like everyone else except with a historical legacy wealth that enables them to do amazing amounts of damage to other peoples at a moment's notice. One of the features of being a high IQ minority group, is the ability to recognise that fact. It's also hard not to recognise it while standing in the middle of it as it actually happens.


jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:If we are so dangerous then why do you support a European super state?

To check and erode the other dangerous white-man super-state known as Russian Federation, which as opposed to ruling over its own white people in Muscovy, has instead set about on a 700 year long project to expand its borders by like 20000%, and ethnically-cleanse all Asians within its expanded borders (ie, the presently-existing Russian Federation), if it can manage it.

You should be able to understand how much I dislike the Russian Federation.

Also see the 'balance' part of DeadPresident's quote.

Furthermore, haven't we been over this in detail with maps and diagrams of pipelines and trade routes like about 7 or 8 times in multiple different threads in which you asked me this exact same question? Surely you know why I support the European project by now. If white people want to live in their own lands and not ethnically cleanse anyone, then I am absolutely fine with them living in their own lands.

But don't try to settle on any land on the Eurasian landmass past 35th Meridian East and expect me to be okay with that. I will oppose it.


Ethiopian monarchist wrote:Do you have a better nationalist party than?

Of course, see the PFTP: [Link]
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