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By slybaldguy
It doesn't concern me if another nation adopts the wrong policies and fails; providing the problem is contained within their own borders.The far bigger problem for me is when an unaccountable transnational entity forces neo-liberal policies on all nations. Each nation should be free to choose their own path. I don't think isolation is the way forward. I instead favour co-operation between nations on an issue by issue basis.

Current membership list:

PS. It would be great if we could achieve in a weekend what Rei has failed to achieve in 8 months.
Last edited by slybaldguy on 29 Jun 2014 12:23, edited 2 times in total.
Sounds inclusive and concentrates on common purposes.

Sign my white arse up.

Which brings me to why this group might be good with me if

1. It's full of European Nationalists and others, that wish to come in balance with non Europeans.

2. It's full of European Nationalists that wish to leave everybody else the fuck alone.

As a Pan African Nationalist, of course I would totally not support assimilation into some parasitic European body nor the suppression of non European nationalist expression

Just like I don't support bullshit diversity, bullshit multiculturalism, bullshit PC, bullshit colorblindness and post racialism.

Or the equally bullshit White Privilege theory which really is European supremacy and dominance trying to control the real fact, that the European been winning recently and of course want to see its progeny prosper. Nothing about skin tone and all that bullshit.

That seems to be the overall thrust of the proposal. A National Union would support your nationalism on your terms. A "black box" approach, if you like.
slybaldguy wrote:PS. It would be great if we could achieve in a weekend what Rei has failed to achieve in 8 months.

Well, when you lower the bar to the point where anyone who professes to be a nationalist regardless of their ideology, and where only a general feeling of xenophobia is necessary for joining (which is not to say that xenophobia is bad, it obviously has a useful function, just it's a pretty low bar to set), then yes, you would indeed be able to assemble a group faster.

You could make it even broader by literally putting criteria as:

  • Be suspicious of foreigners.
  • Support everyone's ability to be suspicious of foreigners.

Congratulations, you can now recruit almost 100% of the forum. However, would it really mean anything at that stage?
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 29 Jun 2014 18:20, edited 1 time in total.
Their decision on this should be interesting for sure. What now, guys? You are going to let the Turkish AKP-supporter who views neoliberalism's advent as an end-of-history event join?

This is delicious. Let's find out! If you let in Istanbuller, you might as well just let in Francis Fukuyama himself next, providing that he pronounces the requisite xenophobic shibboleth. Why not?
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By Solastalgia
In addition to what Rei has already said, aside from people who are anti-globalism (a term employed mostly by the right), most of the left-wing anti-globalization crowd, are against nationalism.

I'm against third positionism (aka neofascism) but I agree with some of the things you advocate, from sovereignty and localism, to anti-imperialism, and in turn financial and industrial globalization.

I also find it ironic that Slybaldguy says you need to support all nationalism, not merely ones own, and then says slanderous comments about indigenous people, many of whom have their own politics of native nationalism, which is very different than his third-position fascist nationalism.
Last edited by Solastalgia on 29 Jun 2014 18:53, edited 1 time in total.
slybaldguy wrote:So you can't provide a source? He appears to endorse abenomics which is good enough for me.

You are really putting this high-jump bar so low to the floor that people can just step right over it, with no trouble at all. My mind is just blown.

Istanbuller's xenophobia is reserved only for Mexicans and Syrians, it would seem.


Solastalgia wrote:I also find it ironic that Slybaldguy says you need to support all nationalism, not merely ones own, and then says slanderous comments about indigenous people, many of whom have their own politics of native nationalism, which is very different than his third-position fascist nationalism.


Also, since it has now been raised (I didn't want to be the one to point it out since I was hoping you would eventually, and now you have pointed it out!), 'indigenous forms of socialism' is conspicuously missing from the criteria list over here, and denigration of Native Americans seems to be tacitly condoned by the NU group. I agree that Slybaldguy needs to supply an explanation for this.
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By slybaldguy
Where have i made slanderous comments? Please provide a source.

Supporters of indigenous socialism can of course join. The opening post, which i approved, is pretty clear. Indigenous socialism would meet that criteria. Personally, i don't think is a need to list every single compatible ideology.
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By noemon

I would like to join too.

Personally I find myself on the dead on centre on most of issues, I fully agree with the founding principles.

Disregard for political correctness and national sovereignty are of paramount importance.
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By slybaldguy
Excellent. Istanbuller and noemon are in. Pikachu has expressed an interest.

Prospective members:
Pikachu (to be confirmed)
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By Solastalgia
slybaldguy wrote:Where have i made slanderous comments? Please provide a source.

How do you not remember? You were reprimanded for PoFo rule #3 violation against american indians. It was only four days ago. viewtopic.php?f=97&t=157234&start=60

slybaldguy wrote:[Zag Edit: Rule 3]

3. You are prohibited from transmitting through PoliticsForum any hateful or racially, sexually or ethnically objectionable material. As a guide: You should not attack groups or individuals on the basis of prejudices or stereotypes but only on the basis of their demonstrated actions or beliefs.
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By ArtAllm
I am interested in such discussions, and I hope that people who call names and accuse you of being "Anti-Something" or "Something-Phobic" (instead of confronting your arguments) will be excluded from this group.

BTW, I think that a nationalists has to be of a traditional sexual orientation and interested in the preserving of the traditional family.

By stalker
Some more candidates:

Has FRS said anything?
Thompson (will admit to having disagreements on him on various issues, but he fits most/all of these criteria)
Fritz_Bunkerwurst (ergo as with Thompson)
Independent_Srpska, if he promises not to turn everything into a Balkan discussion
Canis Lupus (?)
Igor Antunov (?)
Ideational Ontarian (?)

It would be great if we could achieve in a weekend what Rei has failed to achieve in 8 months.

I'm really happy with where this group is going. Congratulations are in order to slybaldguy and Ombrageux.
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