The Centre Ground - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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By Lexington
unbalanced zealot wrote:Hmm ... it is kind of ironic having a group leader of a Centre Ground group going by the name of unbalanced zealot.

For that reason, more than any other, I would be fine to take on the position.

Thank god, I would have ruined this whole enterprise

Unbalanced zealot for fearless group leader!
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By U184
Leaders, the great ones have their position thrust onto them.

The group. We as a group, lean to the left and a small handful are close to center, with Oxy being closest. IT would seem that we should, in order to be balanced, recruit some who lean right. Though I am unsure as to whom that would be.


Failing a balanced group. I would put forth the need for structured debate rules. Where x amount of members take on one side or the other, (For and against) present, rebuttal, respond, and closing. The members who are not actively involved in the debate would then take on the role of judging.

Should we adopt formal debate structure... we would need to decide on what direction we would want to go with.
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By U184


I should do one just for the group. So if everyone would be so kind as to either affirm your place on the chart, or let me know where you fall, I can update to suit.
@ KFlint

Economic Left/Right: 2.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.64


I might be the only one in the bottom right quadrant, so relative to this group I'm far-right.

unbalanced_zealot as group leader is a good choice.
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By KurtFF8
KFlint wrote:IT would seem that we should, in order to be balanced, recruit some who lean right. Though I am unsure as to whom that would be.

But then you won't all just eventually become revolutionary Leftists!
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By fuser
*waves at our secret commie agent* planted in the group to subvert it from inside..........
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By fuser
Mikema is in your group? I thought no commie/far leftist was allowed.

Anyway I was not talking about mike....................
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By Beren
KFlint wrote:I should do one just for the group.

Put me in the right place then: (-4;-4.41).

Your false chart going through the whole place really annoys me.

KFlint wrote:Fixed.

Not really.

By mikema63
I'm filled with burning curiosity about what's behind your closed door, can I be in for read only? I promise to be good!
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By Demosthenes
List of Center Ground threads:

1) Mikema, friend or foe?
2) Is Mikema isane?
3) Mikema: radical nutjob or sage pragmatist?
4) If mikema were in a back alley with you, would it be for a fight or a drug deal?
5) Is Mikema ticklish?
6) If you could go to any state with Mikema, which one would it be?
7) Which smiley should we always use when we speak with Mikema?

I'm really not sure why you're interested in what they're doing mikema. *shrugs*
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By JohnRawls
I am in, my view has been shifting a bit to the right on international affairs but i still am mostly centrist, so i would really appriciate centre group participation. Ill nominate Cartertonian as moderator if he isnt already for that little part of the forum.
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By slybaldguy
JohnRawls wrote:I am in, my view has been shifting a bit to the right on international affairs but i still am mostly centrist, so i would really appriciate centre group participation. Ill nominate Cartertonian as moderator if he isnt already for that little part of the forum.

Unbalanced Zealot has been sworn in as Dear Leader. I believe prospective members will only be considered with a recomendation from another member. I'm happy to formally support your application.

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