Revenge against a car! (a true story) - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk
this is way off the topic of someone feeling they have the right to damage or destroy someone else's property because they're angry with them.

Actually, when talking about cars, it's important to recognize the things that they have destroyed. And childhood is one of them.

That you can only see cars as "nice" doesn't say much about your ability to flesh out the morality of the consumption of dangerous products.

The best defense....
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By tallpaul
Actually, when talking about cars, it's important to recognize the things that they have destroyed. And childhood is one of them.

Childhood has been destroyed? :lol: Why has there been no news coverage?

That you can only see cars as "nice" doesn't say much about your ability to flesh out the morality of the consumption of dangerous products.

That you can only make things up about what I see shows the weakness of your position.

The best defense.... a carefully-crafted lie? It seems to be all you have to offer.
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By QatzelOk
Childhood has been destroyed? :lol: Why has there been no news coverage?

Because children don't own the media.

That you can only make things up about what I see shows the weakness of your position.

About what you see? I can only "make things up" (ridicule) about what you write. You don't write about what you see, you write about what you imagine to be true in the real world.

a carefully-crafted lie? It seems to be all you have to offer.

It's true that you're in a good position to evaluate my craft. But the content? Maybe after you've walked across a few thousand rice-paper runways without destroying any childhoods. :lol:
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By QatzelOk

Someone bashed in the sunroof on Mustafa's Audi last weekend.

I just found out tonight, and I told him I think it might have been the guy who lost his windshield wiper blade.

Mustafa said, "No, are you kidding. How would he know it was my car."

Thing is, we ran into this guy in the Canadian Tire parking lot near Mustafa's house. If that guy lives in the area, he might have noticed him driving his Audi, and decided to get yet more car revenge.

Okay, I'm not recommending that drivers kill one another in order to get cars off the road, but if they would limit their violence to each other's cars, the roads would be a lot safer (for cyclists and pedestrians).
By SouthBeirut
He claimed this act of returned violence would "teach that guy a lesson."
Is that true, in your opinion? Will the loss of a windshield wiper really force that driver to reconsider safety issues? Or is "turning the other cheek" really the best way to a less violent tomorrow?

He should have done it in the Lebanese way: Leave the car, punch and kick the driver until he apologizes.

Someone bashed in the sunroof on Mustafa's Audi last weekend.

Hah !
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By QatzelOk
I felt a bit bad for Mustafa.

But then again, it was only his car that got hurt.

And car-on-car violence is one of the few forms that are appropriate under the current situation, where a tyranical media-industrial-complex has hijacked the West's common sense with advertising and leveraged destruction of our cities.
By SouthBeirut
Some idiot almost ran over me today.. He then stopped the car and waited... I guess he was looking for a fight.. I didn't have any type of weapon with me, so I went back home without doing anything about it. :hmm:
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By QatzelOk
People don't even realize how hateful their cars make them.

They get brainwashed by their media into thinking happy thoughts about driving.
By Evilive
People don't even realize how hateful their cars make them.

It is weird how cars seem to bring out the worst in people. It makes them behave in ways they would never normally behave. I know from first hand experience. When I first started driving if someone cut me off or "wronged" me I would tailgate the shit out of them or pull next to them and communicate with sign language what I thought about them at that moment.

I've even gotten angry at bikers who hog up my lane if they refusing to move over into the grass, nearly colliding with several bikers/pedestrians.

Surprisingly, I have never been in any accidents and have never hit anyone/anything.(and I still have both of my windshield wipers. :D )

Also when I was having a bad day or depressed and angry I would definatly take it out on the road. One time flying past a cop over a bridge and not really giving a fuck that I was doing 20 over the speedlimit.

Now that I'm a bit older though I've mellowed out alot.
By SouthBeirut
Qatzel, how is the media responsible for that type of behavior that comes from people ? Details, please.
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By QatzelOk
Qatzel, how is the media responsible for that type of behavior that comes from people ? Details, please.

Commercial media was created for the commercials.

These commercials aim to change human behavior. That's what "managing popular opinion" and "branding" are all about. This is a multi-billion dollar industry, so these guys know what they're doing.

The advertising budget of many liberal democracies is greater than their education budgets. Propaganda and mythology get more funds than Learning and Reality.
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By tallpaul
These commercials aim to change human behavior. That's what "managing popular opinion" and "branding" are all about. This is a multi-billion dollar industry, so these guys know what they're doing.

Nice dance, Qatz, as usual.

Now.. why don't you just be a man, and admit that commercials don't make people turn into idiots when they are driving? Or at least, if you're going to stick to this absurd claim, why don't you provide a single example of commercials that encourage people to endanger others with their cars?
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By QatzelOk
why don't you just be a man, and admit that commercials don't make people turn into idiots when they are driving?

Sister Paul, I am neither man, a man, or the man.

I am a meme on the Internet.
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By tallpaul
tallpaul wrote:Now.. why don't you just be a man, and admit that commercials don't make people turn into idiots when they are driving? Or at least, if you're going to stick to this absurd claim, why don't you provide a single example of commercials that encourage people to endanger others with their cars?

Okay, let's replace "why don't you be a man" with "why don't you have some intellectual honesty".
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By QatzelOk
admit that commercials don't make people turn into idiots when they are driving?

Are you driving as you type?

**plays Pepsi commercial**

Now post something.
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By tallpaul
tallpaul wrote:admit that commercials don't make people turn into idiots when they are driving?

QatzTheArtfulDodger wrote:Are you driving as you type?

**plays Pepsi commercial**

Now post something.

Guess you can't substantiate your point, as usual.
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By QatzelOk
Commercials make people consumer more. This is true or companies wouldn't spend money on ads.

Consuming more can be a good thing if you are too skinny or very poor in other ways.

But if you already weigh too much, consume enough carbon to start your own glacier-melting company, and eat so much meat that your own city is choking on pig shit, then your are indeed an idiot because of advertising.

Not you, personally, TallPaul. But the media consumer in general.
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