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Talk about sports cars, aeroplanes, ships, rockets etc.

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By MB.
Does anyone here assemble model kits as a hobby? I have become very interested in airplane kits since I built a 1/48 scale Tamiya (sp) Harrier FRS1 kit last fall.



I'm currently awaiting the arrival of a Hobby Boss 1/48 A-10 Thunderbolt II, and am still building Hasegawa's 1/350 Mikasa kit. I find planes much more interesting then ships, but have also considered tank kits.

Anyway, is this a hobby anyone else pursues?
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By Thunderhawk
Outside of Warhammer I tried to assemble a model plane once. I noticed I was mediocre.

Havent bothered since.
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By MB.
I spent a ton of money on my Space Ork, Ultramarine and Sisters of Battle armies back in the day. I also own two very large Battlefleet Gothic fleets, Orks and Imperial (with some Space Marine ships).

A few years ago I tried to get back into Warhammer by collecting Tau and an Empire army. However, neither came to much. Anyway, I find actual model kits to be far more rewarding.
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By Doomhammer
I tried different things; planes (Fokker), ships (the Bismarck) and even a wooden sailing ship... I failed at every single one. I have zero patience, zero finger-hand control and a detestable lack of skills at this business. That plane looks pretty good.
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By War Angel
I used to be a big fan of these things when I was a kid. I still have some lying around, probably broken. I never bothered to paint them, though.
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By Yeddi
I never bothered to paint them, though.

That's what I always hate about these things, the painting nearly always looks amateur, and Bill's looks pretty damn good compared to the one and only model I ever made haha.
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By Notorious B.i.G.
I’ve started a Tamiya model kit of a P-47 Thunderbolt ‘Razorback’. It is my first attempt at modelling outside of Games Workshop of Flames of War. I tell you what, it is fucking hard. It’s been a difficult process and lots of errors are being made, but I guess that’s what happens when you’re new at something.

The problem I’m finding is dealing with the Tamiya spray on paints. On one section of fuselage I need three different colours. Gray for the bottom part, and green for the top, then red stripes. The instructions call for spray paints on the green and gray. After spraying the piece green I had to figure out a way of stopping the gray spray from getting on the green. So as an amature I sprayed the bottom of the fuselage hopping that it would work out. After getting gray spray flecks in my green I had to do it again. Needless to say after wasting so much paint I realised I should tape up the area where I didn’t want to spray to go.

But of course after I pulled the tape off there was a big build up of gray paint that made a visible protruding line. You know…the paint built up around the edge of the tape and dried into a bit of a bump.

So this leads me to my first question / querey, how do you stop that from happening? Because I can’t think of anyway of doing two different colours on one piece other than taping.

The next problem was painting on the red stripes. I have to now paint the red on (by hand not spray) over the top of the olive green. Boy it looks shit, you can still see the green beneath the red, and if I do another layer of paint I’ll loose all detail in the plastic.

It seems to me that what I need to do is paint everything I need to that isn’t green or gray, put the model together, then tape up all the bits that I don’t want the spray to get on to, then spray the model. But tapping up that much is f-ing hard considering that I’d need to cut the tap perfectly to match what is already painted.
I guess all that being said, I now have a lot of respect for people who can make very very good models.
By Lensky1917
Do LEGOs count? :D Seriously, though there is only one kind of model that I am interested in. Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow.

Why wouldn't LEGOs count? Like any model kit, they come with everything that you need, and you create something using all the pieces.
By Clausewitz
I did a few of those when I was a kid, but I never got the steadiness of hand to paint them well.
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By Unperson-S
I used to do them, the last one I did was Ark Royal (91).

That was years ago now.
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By Xopolis
I have some Russian fighters and helicopters at my parents house. I might get back into it some day. It really used to calm me down and I loved painting and assembling the parts.

edit: I HATE putting decals on, because if you mess up they easily tear, or might get stuck on crooked, or with air bubbles etc.
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By MB.
Decals do suck.
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By QatzelOk
I used to make models of cars.

The largest one I ever made was a one seventh scale model of a Mercedes convertible. The windows rolled down, the top folded into the trunk... it was amazing.

These models are now in a landfill somewhere. Like the rest of Western Civilization soon will be...

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