Global Socialism, reality in the years of today - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

As either the transitional stage to communism or legitimate socio-economic ends in its own right.
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As we see the decay of the spear head of "Democracy" with the sinkhole of a debt that will drag everything it can reach into the abyss of History, is it possible that Socialism will play the the right strings in peoples hearts once more in the dark times that will come? To me it's not if, it's when and to what extend will it stay to it's roots. Will it be a Democratic Socialism that over time will grow corrupt and weak,a utopia under tyranny that will collapse under weak leadership, or even a new form of Socialism guided by machines for this we are yet to see in these few years in which America will expand rapidly before collapsing into the books of history as so have great empires before them.

Socialism strikes fear into the hearts of many, but also brings warm memories of a time when food was always on your plate not much but something, a roof over your head and the freedom from MONEY where everything you ever needed was taken care of by the state. As modern society believe that they own the current government, just like sheep before slaughter they will find out the grim reality just before their mortality is tested that everything that has been fed to them such as healthcare and public schools are a principle ideas used to keep them occupied with the lesser things to hide them from discovering their true masters. The difference between socialist public spending and capitalist/democratic spending is that in the socialist circle, you earn these rights from working with the state but in the Capitalist/Democratic circle it's all from the pockets of the Dollar slaves who mindlessly work for the illusion of money that is printed onto a piece of paper.

With America realising that they are sliding into the abyss, they are poking and provoking the Russian bear by funding the coup of the pro-Moscow elected government in hopes that Russia will deal the first blow in order to shift the blame on the Economic catastrophe on the Russians and then with the largest military in the world they will bomb everyone into the stone age in hopes of coming on top. This is the Information age, when people can access massive information pools and make decisions based on multiple sources of information just like I do and it is certain to me for a fact that this American empire will fall over due to the decay and distrust the people have for the government knocking down everything in it's sphere such as Europe, Japan and South Korea who for a fact live of the American dept. Once the titans fall, the new will replace (China).

History repeats itself unless nations are unable to evolve into what the future throws at it. Long live the Red Revolution in the hearts of Children, the key to our future.

Useful links-
Japans Dept clock-
South Korean Dept clock -
American Dept Clock-
European Dept Clock-
American Congress Approval Ratings-
1) ... -2014.aspx
2) ... d-low.aspx
3) ... val-rating
European Union Ratings-
1) ... ews-532677
2) ... reece.aspx

*Please keep in mind that you are in the Information age, use this and make your own ideas. What I have presented you is from my personal opinion and we may share it or disagree with it completely.*
Socialism is retarded, and if you believe it you are a retard. People are designed to fight for every square inch of their existence, no one will ever give you anything for free...any fucking thing has a price. You are a gullible little nothing if you believe a system run by other humans will protect you.
Oxymoron wrote:..any fucking thing has a price. You are a gullible little nothing if you believe a system run by other humans will protect you.

1) Everything has a price, but as we all know the American Dollar is a worthless piece of paper backed by nothing at all. Yea, nothing! Currency is the biggest scam in human history and the Dollar spearheads it. After WW2, America bought European gold reserves with it's paper so essentially nothing for something acknowledge by all humans as valuable and that's how it became so powerful. Oh yea did I mention that they can denounce the Dollar system and claim it's not a real system of payment? It even says in the American constitution that nothing should be substituted for real money aka gold and silver, something I strongly recommend you read thoroughly before b*tching on forums. The price you pay in a socialist society is with your productivity and not by paper, that is essentially ROBBING people of what they produced for the companies they work for.

2) The government will protect you because it NEEDS you, it needs you to work, it needs you to keep the system running. Everything they offer is to keep the working class happy so that they will be productive, unlike in a capitalist economical situation where you can do nothing and make the illusion of wealth grow. Why do you think China, India and Russia are buying massive amounts of gold whereas USA Nationalised every inch of gold and god knows where it's gone but my guess it's long sold to the China with the European reserves to buy more dept. The Democratic view of government only gives illusion of power to the people and the Capitalistic mindset of economy only gives people the false hope that they can become something better if they work hard for paper that is not worth ANYTHING. On the other hand, in a Socialist government there are no illusions just facts. When the hype of democracy comes to an end, there will be total chaos and that is why America and it's puppets need a war with Russia just to cover their tracks. Look at Syria and Ukraine, both places with strong pro-Russian supporters and foreign militias fighting the pro-Moscow government funded by America and Co, or as I like to call it "Axis of Borrowers". They are digging your grave, and even you must knowledge this.

In concision do some research before posting hopeless arguments on a topic you do not fully understand. Top of the morning to you from here, who ever you are.
The society of the future WILL be erected on the following foundation, a trinity:

God (HeHerIt that is and was forever) - The Community - The Person - back to God

In any action undertaken the three elements by ABSOLUTE NECESSITY are present ! If not there's no existence (meaning; having a timespan smaller then the current universe's timespan, or more precise a timespan which is almost infinitely smaller than the lifespan of the universe (there is some scaling in the universe and things 10power23, power 80 are delimiters which seem to distinguish domains (eg. the very small, the middle, the very large)). A society which breaks this trinity down perishes as certain as 1 + 1 = 2.

This is a unique primal form (and therefore a prime number) all primal forms can be seen as prime numbers. (Not that they actually are the number but the concept of the prime number is a sufficient minimal description).

God is the Alpha and Omega, the obvious that there is. The primary creator and collector
The Person has a direct link to god and the ability to invent and explore.
The Community is the body to be inherited(socially, as ideas, rituals, rules etc.) and obviously consists of a collection of people.

God exists for us absolutely but not exclusively
The Person exists for god and the Community, it is the vessel of movement in every sense of the word, because God IS movement and direction !!
The Community exists for the Person(s) and god, and is the worldly haven. It is like a honeycomb it collects to distribute.

There is no concept of possession, things are enablers and primary created by god. Man cannot primaryly create anything but instead assembles and collects. Of course inventions are a faint mirroring of God's primary creation and an IMMENSE gift of joy ! Unique to man !
Only the Person is the agent of this invention no matter what he obviously inherited from the community. HERE Communism fails miserably with his apostate childish materialism (in fact a very carefully created lie, as the whole Bourgeoise undertaking), which Communism and all isms are sadly rooted in and therefore null and totally void, a mountain of miserable lies !

Kant was a miserable lier when he devillishly propagated the notion of pure reason as an absolute, KNOWING exactly (and his writing oozes from the twisting and nagging to circumvent the obvious further chain element, that if there is pure reason IT must come from somewhere (In Kant it's magic, it's there POOP and you have pure reason). This somewhere of course is around 3-4 Billion years of life evolution on this planet, which was preceded by the 'evolution' of the Universe and of course finally THE ONLY MAGIC and SOLE starting point the self-creation of god (that which suddenly was there, where beforehand was absolute nothing).

So Kant , that devil with his quirk then sets the SELF at the beginning of the chain of being ! Pure Talmudic reasoning !
Ha ! itself which is the master ! He exclaims ! And at the same immediately has to relativize by the muddy murky concept of the Citoyen or Bourgeois, a spiritual body which is the subject of the mind of a Citoyen or Bourgeoise. This creation imagined contains all the deductions of pure reasoning (which of course needs tight discipline and is of course only an exercise allowed for the Bourgeois a supreme being far above normal unschooled barbaric folks (also here very strong parallels to Talmudic murkyness and crazyness))!!
IT's NOTHING ELSE THEN OLD WINE IN NEW HOSES, the Philosophy of TYRANTS (which Nietzsche closed). This of course is not said by Kant because he fantasizes a community of these supreme beings as the Bourgeois ! Voila the Vessel for the so called ENLIGHTMENT has been created !
The era of the ME people and WORSHIP of SELF can start it's extremly bloody slaughter rage !
You see the building is rotten down to the very core ! I don't even want to go into the dichotomy of pure reasoning and practical reasoning
in which the tyranny of capitalism, rassism, sexism is virulently already pre-formatted. Of course Kant is not the sole progenitor, but he laid the philosphical foundation for all. Others like Marquis de Sade are going straight forward to illustrate what it means to
ENLIGHTEN people !! Read Justine and you know the whole program, it's there openly ! Everyone can read it. Absolute bestiality !
The French Revolution certainly was not that as what it is sold in schools, absolutely not !! HaHa ! There the Brotherhood once and for good took command respectively prepared and rigged the stage. They knew EXACTLY what they were doing !
(To relativise my rant against Kant, I judge him from here, today, while he was a child of time as me and you. His style of writing far surpasses my nested sentencing and was designed to impress and hide, because there are not that many principles which compromis his
system of thought), instead he turns around each item almost ad finitum always having his imagined or real philosophical enemies in sight.

Coming back to the divine trinity of god - man. We have now the means to work out how a society based on this real and only just foundation can be erected. That's not a one man job, but rather a work of many. This should only serve as a starting point to really start thinking !!

God's Blessings !

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