THX 1138 - Politics | PoFo

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By Omnist Priest
Has anyone seen this technocratic view of the future?

Will technocracy make life boring and dull?

Will people want to escape the country for stimulation?

Will crime become a problem, just because of extrmely bored people trying to have fun?

This movie shows what can happen to a technocracy where the planners are given absolute power because they control the computers which direct everyone's lives.
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By Omnist Priest
I disagree, I think that technocracy when developed will make everyone in the sequences neurotic, and eventually everything will be designed in a way that will make life just like THX 1138.

The movie was written to show, that although life is simpler and more fair, without the stimulation of alternation than life becomes meaningless.

People in technocracies would have the free time to begin to see Agent Smith's nihilist view point. The purpose of life is to die. Life becomes boring.

If Life does not become like this movie, than how will a technate be able to enforce laws that will enable people to have rights?

And if not, then how would your life be different from THX's in a fully developed technate?

As in the streetcar example, if you take away choices, you take away rights. That was what the Matrix was about. Eventually everything will be designed so well, that there is only one choice, and this is not freedom.
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By DeaExMachina
I will be honest as saying that I think Technocracy is a bit too optimistic about the nature of human behavior, but I would realy recomend remembering that movies are skillfully crafted works of FICTION designed to play to our fears & desires for the purpose of MAKING PROFIT. As such, I would really recomend not taking them too seriously. Their are way too many people who take these UNREALISTIC PROFIT MAKING MACHINES as gospel. I will confess that I haven't seen this movie specifically, but from your description it doesn't sound terribly realistic. At best it is an extreme exaggeration designed to warn us of what to avoid. At worst they tend to be Extremely Pretentious efforts to convey extremely simplistic ideas. (See 2001 A Space Odessey) :(
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By Omnist Priest
I stand by what I have said.

Will there be a constitution limiting the "perfection" of the design so that the efficiency of the system does not harm our choices?

What will stop the planners from making us wear the same clothes, and making it impossible to find privacy, can the citizens say no to a decision made by the sequences?

And by the way, the technate of THX had not a one difference from the technocratic design as far as I can see.

The only reason that the system had gotten out of hand was because the changes happened so slowly that no one noticed that anything had changed at all. (THX did not even know what his feeling was.)

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