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By briansmith
Did you burn anything down in celebration, Khenlein? Did any college students get shot and killed by police because of your team's "excellence" this time around?
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By Khenlein
Personally? I didn't burn down or shoot anything. Neither did anyone in Rhode Island as far as I know.

I can't/don't vouche for Massachusetts though, those crazy fucks.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
As I said, three out of four is a dynasty, but by no means in the class of the great dynasties of the past. This 'salary cap' excuse bs just means that the Pats have been beating up on teams of extreme parody... right? I mean the pats have never had to face the hi-payroll Cowboys, 49'ers or the Redskins in one year have they? No, they've faced average teams in an average league... and only have a 9 point margin to show for their 3 super bowl victories. The Cowboys won theirs by an average of 17 points. And these dynasties of old were never gifted their super bowl run by a 'tuck'. If not for that bad call we'd probably be seeing Oakland claim their 3rd title in 4 years. But at any rate, congrats to the Pats for another convincinb super bowl run.

BTW, did anyone feel like puking when seeing the Eagles piss away the game with horrible clock managment in the last 5 minutes of the game?
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By Demosthenes
BTW, did anyone feel like puking when seeing the Eagles piss away the game with horrible clock managment in the last 5 minutes of the game?

I'm still cleaning my living rooms carpet today over that debacle. That was the worst excusr for clock management I've seen since Mike Martz blew it last year and let Carolina win. I think actually, this was even worse than that.

As much as I HATE agreeing with that moron Chris Collinsworth, McNabb just looked exhausted a the end of the game...I know this is a grueling sport, and Jacksonville is a humid place to play, but c'mon....worn out in the Super Bowl??? What about all that "being the first black QB to wina s a starter" crap? ah...I better shut up, Though the defense didn't quite manage to play as good as I'd have liked I can't fault them that much. It looked far more to me (and apparently most people) that our offense just blew it at the wasn't because of Owens ankle, or Brian Westbrook...
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By uglygoat
ahem the majarushie fortold all this about mcnabb... ;)

i hear you about agreeing with colinsworth though! that little bastard had to plug the suck ass cleveland browns and bill belechoke and how he couldn't do squat with them, only to go on and win three superbowls. it makes it even more intolerable, as colinsworth caught the winning td pass for oakland, back in 80 or so when cleveland had a shot to go to the superbowl, only to lose at the last minute...
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By Goranhammer
It wasn't at the end of the game. It was poor management by McNabb, and for the whole coaching staff period. They ran out the clock the first half at a 7-7 tie, when I thought they should have been going for at least position for Akers to try a field goal. He's a great kicker.

Also, Reid should get his ass kicked for an onside with 1:45 left and 2 timeouts. Not even the most liberal, ignorant of coaches would be onsiding. You kick it away, you use your timeouts to stop the clock, and you count on your defense giving them a 3 and out, which they did. Too bad that, because of the onside, they ended up with the Pats punting to put Philly on their own 3, instead of their 40.

Philly deserved to lose that game. Great job defense-wise, but offensively and coaching-wise, they may as well have stayed home and let real people get involved.
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By Vivisekt
Khenlein wrote:Personally? I didn't burn down or shoot anything. Neither did anyone in Rhode Island as far as I know.

I can't/don't vouche for Massachusetts though, those crazy fucks.

It was very quiet here (outside, anyway) - something like four arrests in total, and only several hundred people out and about. The police, in their darth-vader riot gear, let people play in the streets for a whole 20 minutes before they told everyone to get to the sides again. They shot some college girl in the eye with a pepper ball (she died) the last time we were uppity, and so fans won't be fucking with the Boston police for awhile.

By the way - Brady needs to learn how to not spontaneously drop the ball and give it to the opposing team for no reason.
By briansmith
Also, Reid should get his ass kicked for an onside with 1:45 left and 2 timeouts. Not even the most liberal, ignorant of coaches would be onsiding. You kick it away, you use your timeouts to stop the clock, and you count on your defence giving them a 3 and out, which they did.

Actually, Aikman made a very good point last night about this very thing. You would do that if you had 3 timeouts, but since you only have 2, you should kick it onsides and try to get the ball back. At the time it made sense, I forget what the exact reasoning was behind this, but it was something to the effect of wanting to have those 2 timeouts to try to move the ball downfield and use the clock up yourself while you move, whereas if you kicked it deep, you would have to use both timeouts to stop the clock on the other team's offense, and even then they would still have basically 2 plays to let the clock drain.

By the way - Brady needs to learn how to not spontaneously drop the ball and give it to the opposing team for no reason.

His running back hit the ball while Brady was executing a play action. The fumble wasn't his fault necessarily. The failure to recover the fumble, though, was.
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By Vivisekt
TSaler wrote:His running back hit the ball while Brady was executing a play action. The fumble wasn't his fault necessarily.

Brady just wasn't paying enough attention - perhaps he was too busy "eye faking" the defense.

TSaler wrote:The failure to recover the fumble, though, was.

That was so pathetic, especially given the time he had to recover the football, the proximity to goal, and the score at the time. I recall hearing the dull vibration of one of my neighbors shouting "FUCK YOU BRADY" through the wall.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Rarely do those who are closest proximity come out of a pile like that with the pigskin. Normally its the dirtiest, ball-crushingest, scrappiest player who wrestles the ball out and can manage to keep his mitts on it. You cant expect a QB to come out of a pile like that with possesion.
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By Vivisekt
He had plenty of time to get control of the ball before anyone else even got there - but he couldn't even manage to fall on it though it was right infront of him.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
When the pile was forming the reply plainly showed he had initial 'possesion' of the ball, but thats not the way the game is played. In such situations, whoever comes out of the pile with the ball gets possesion.
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By Vivisekt
Canes wrote:When the pile was forming the reply plainly showed he had initial 'possesion' of the ball

That isn't what I saw. It was in front of him, sortof near his head (instead of firmly under him where it should have been), he was already laying down, and barely had a grip on it. He never actually recovered control of the thing - just sort of fumbled with it on the ground until he got buried.
By briansmith
Brady tumbled over the ball. He never had possession on the ground.
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By uglygoat
mcnabb apparently got the flu in the fourth. that's why he couldn't drive the team down the field, call a time out, initiate the two minute drill or even spike the ball to stop the clock... :lol:
By briansmith
My understanding is that his egg got scrambled on a hit up in his jaw (I was yelling at the TV, "Buckle up your chin-strap before you get your head knocked off!" - apparently he couldn't hear me down in Florida). He was mumbling and throwing up in the huddle. Freddie Mitchell had to call a couple plays for him as a result.

Well, I wasn't awfully critical of the "botched" end of the game, because I figured the Eagles had a strategy and were taking their time on purpose. Now that it turns out that they weren't, and that it was an injury that was hampering McNabb, it doesn't change anything for me. They still almost won, injury or not.
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By uglygoat
ahhhh so he got a concussion.. that would make sense. i've seen mcnabb run the two minute drill before....
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By Demosthenes
I read the same as well. Center Hank Fraley spoke openly, though he denied McNabb was injured and pointed to the last time the Eagles played in Jacksonville, when McNabb got sick and puked on the field then too.

On one hand it's still no excuse...on the other...I doubt I could do any better...heh...hell, I couldn't even do what he does at all.

Ah well, I don't believe in sour grapes, or excuses. The Eagles lost for whatever reason, and the Patriots were the better team that day and deserve their victory. Again, congratulations to them, and their fans...but honetly all this Boston winning crap is getting old fast...Now BC is in the college hockey finals...for the love of God it's not right for one city to win EVERYTHING!!!

At least the Bruins aren't playing right now.
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By uglygoat
and sen kerry is still in the senate.... ;)
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