Teh US vs Europe Flame thread (involves Football) - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By era o divertimento
And talk to me about NFL ONLY being appreciated in the US when there no longer exists an NFL Europe. OK??

They are down to six teams and average about 16,000 fans per game. I've covered more than enough pro sports to know that 16,000=11,000. Maybe.

They'll be gone soon.

95% of most 'americans' who watch football regularly have not the slightest idea of the preparation, teamwork, the precision, or the concise ballet that is a single NFL down

That percentage might just be a tad on the high side. It's not all that complicated of a game.
By repr0bate

From the horse's mouth. Yankball players are ballerinas. Case closed.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
That percentage might just be a tad on the high side. It's not all that complicated of a game.
Spoken like a 'fan'. Sure the rules are not terribly complicated so that the average person could not learn them and follow the game. But the strategy, the planning, the preperation, and what you DONT see would blow your mind. Its much more complicated than you think. The NFL quarterback is cleary the smartest, quickest thinking, and most mentally and physically tough athlete of any sport, period.
By era o divertimento
Canes, I've played football and covered the NFL and Division-I (UCLA mostly) for newspapers and magazines.

Now, think about what you just wrote and apologize. Tearfully if possible.
By bradley
What 'sprinters' play in the NFL??
Dean Chambers, disgraced sprinter par excellence.

And the 'world series' IS the WORLD series. It is a contest between two teams consisting of THE BEST INTERNATIONAL players in the world.
Tsaler once explained to me that no foreign teams could ever play. And no foreign teams ever do. who do you think you're kidding by asserting that the title 'world series' is in any way appropriate?

And talk to me about NFL ONLY being appreciated in the US when there no longer exists an NFL Europe. OK??
my gratitude for wboxerw for dealing with this. Even I watched the superbowl. That doesnt mean it is anything more than an American sport, through and through. Not many other sports have 'american' in their name... none apply to the world.

And quit trying to prop up your silly sport of rugby, its quite pathetic.
i watched the superbowl, you never make more than one, perhaps two passes. It is very much hit and run, no matter how many 'blockers' are helping the pass go through, that's still set play, not actual intrateam interaction.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
It's not all that complicated of a game.
I've played football and covered the NFL and Division-I (UCLA mostly) for newspapers and magazines.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Go sell your bullshit to someone who might buy it....
who do you think you're kidding by asserting that the title 'world series' is in any way appropriate?
Because its the worlds best players. Period.
my gratitude for wboxerw for dealing with this.
Come talk to me when NFL Europe no longer exists.
i watched the superbowl, you never make more than one, perhaps two passes. It is very much hit and run, no matter how many 'blockers' are helping the pass go through, that's still set play, not actual intrateam interaction.
You understand nothing about football.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
BTW... who the fuck is Dean Chambers?? And which practice squad did he play for??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
By repr0bate
Go sell your bullshit to someone who might buy it....

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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By Comrade Ogilvy
even you brits admitted to watching the super bowl but now today nobody but americans watch it....
:lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
By era o divertimento
Advanced physics, macroeconomics and learning to speak and write Chinese from scratch are among things in this world that are complicated, at least to me.

A sport, any sport, is not complicated.


Now, back to the topic. Who here has some info to share on Wayne Rooney? I've seen him play a couple times and am extremely intrigued by him.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Advanced physics, macroeconomics and learning to speak and write Chinese from scratch are among things in this world that are complicated, at least to me.

A sport, any sport, is not complicated.

You've already convinced me that you konw nothing about football, you can stop now.
By era o divertimento
Canes, I've learned a couple things about dealing with anonymous people on the Internet:

1) When dealing with conservative types that can spell and actually put thoughts together, be as ruthless as they are. They usually change the argument or get into a big funk and just lash out randomly. Treat people as they treat others.

2) Don't argue at all with someone well below you in every immaginable category. It's just aggravating and you end up looking like a tool.

Canes, you are officially a Number 2.
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By Prosthetic Conscience
Wayne Rooney: what do you want to know? His sexual preferences (prostitutes old enough to be his grandmother, apparently), his club, what?

The sprinter is question is Dwain Chambers, and his attempt to recover from his athletics drugs ban by switching to Americall football is not exactly going well:

Suspended sprinter Dwain Chambers has returned to Britain to ponder the next move in his disrupted sporting career.

The European 100m champion went to the USA in July to play American football after getting a two-year athletics ban for testing positive for THG.

He joined Californian team Chabot Junior College in a bid to reach the NFL within two years.

But Briton Chambers was forced to head home when his visa expired while he was applying for a student extension.


The Personal Assurance Knights are pleased to announce that sprinter Dwain Chambers has signed to play for them this season.
Last year the PA Knights won the BSL National Championship and nearly matched their domestic success with success in Europe, reaching the final of the EFAF (European Association of American Football) Cup in Austria. This year the PA Knights are the only UK team to be playing in the EFAF Cup and intend to carry the flag for the UK and make the fans proud.


I don't think he's exactly proof of the calibre of NFL players - he never got near them.
By era o divertimento
Wayne Rooney: what do you want to know? His sexual preferences (prostitutes old enough to be his grandmother, apparently), his club, what?

Obviously I know his club, but what is the feeling in the UK about him? Is he being hyped up, or is he England's next hope for the future? Is he playing on the national team yet?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
2) Don't argue at all with someone well below you in every immaginable category. It's just aggravating and you end up looking like a tool.

Canes, you are officially a Number 2.
When all else fails, fein superiority, you look like a tool anyway.

The sprinter is question is Dwain Chambers, and his attempt to recover from his athletics drugs ban by switching to Americall football is not exactly going well:
Ahh, by sprinter I thought you meant some rugby position. But just as well, sprinters dont translate to the NFL, regardless of your nationality. Its been tried many times but they rarely ever make it. To be a wide reciever or d-back in the NFL you need height, thickness, toughness, AND (but not always) speed. Wishful thinking on his part.
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By Prosthetic Conscience
Yes, he first played for England in 2003 - the youngest ever player (17 years 111 days). He can be a bit of a thug, but he has got genuine ability.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
You've already convinced me that you konw nothing about football, you can stop now

I watched the superbowl. Im not into NFL, but my best friend is an american citizen and he invited me over. We ate tons of taco`s and drank budweizer`s. Now back to my point, sure NFL is 95% about strategy. And there is a huge amount of different strategies but that doesnt mean its complicated. Its like chess. Chess is a simple, and not a very advanced game. The only thing that makes a difference is if you are smart or not.
McNabb`s prooved this with his silly decisions at the superbowl.

And the 'world series' IS the WORLD series. It is a contest between two teams consisting of THE BEST INTERNATIONAL players in the world.

Evry year, there is a National cross country skiing championship in Norway. Norway has the best skiers in the world. But that doesnt mean we can call it the "world championship". If you cant understand this then you sir are a moron.[/quote]
By Hibbett Assistant Coach ¼
So, Bradley foreign teams can't win the world series? I guess the Toronto Bluejays should give back their trophies because they're obviously not real. Or maybe you just don't know what you are talking about. :roll:

Btw just to help you out, Toronto is a Canadian city. Here's some education for you: http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/
By Spin
SO how many nations send out teams to the world championship and how often do Non american teams win?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Evry year, there is a National cross country skiing championship in Norway. Norway has the best skiers in the world. But that doesnt mean we can call it the "world championship". If you cant understand this then you sir are a moron.
If its only a 'national' event with just Norwegians competing then of course youre a moron. If its the worlds best skiers from all over the world competing in the pinnacle of skiing competition, then my friend, it is INDEED a world championship. Call it what the fuck you want but it is what it is.

You're the moron if you believe that the Majors only have american players, or that I consider it the world championship because the 'US has the best players'. The majors consists of the best players in the world, bar none, from all over the world. Period. Not just american, not just Japanese, not just Cuban or Dominican, the WORLD.

And spin, dozens of countries have sent competitors to the world series. Including Japan, the DOminican Republic, Puerto Rico, and even CUBA sends ITS best players... :lol: :lol:
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