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By Todd D.
I figured that we have some random threads about each event, but no one thread about any MMA news that may or may not deserve it's own separate topic. So I guess we can just discuss the random goings-on here

Upcoming cards:
UFC 74: Respect
August 25, 2007
Main Card
Heavyweight championship bout: Randy Couture vs. Gabriel Gonzaga
Welterweight bout: Georges St. Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck
Light heavyweight bout: Renato Sobral vs. David Heath
Lightweight bout: Joe Stevenson vs. Kurt Pellegrino
Middleweight bout: Patrick Côté vs. Kendall Grove
Preliminary Card
Middleweight bout: Travis Lutter vs. Ryan Jensen
Lightweight bout: Marcus Aurelio vs. Clay Guida

UFC 75: Champion vs. Champion
September 8, 2007
Light Heavyweight Championship (Possible UFC / PRIDE unification bout): Quinton "Rampage" Jackson vs. Dan Henderson
Light heavyweight bout: Matt Hamill vs. Michael Bisping
Heavyweight bout: Mirko "Cro Cop" Filipović vs. Cheick Kongo
Light heavyweight bout: Houston Alexander vs. Alessio Sakara

Also, in the States, UFC 75 is NOT going to be a Pay Per View. It will air on tape delay on Spike TV.

White has gone back and forth as to whether the Hendo vs. Rampage fight will be for unification. His most recent comments indicate that it WILL be, but who knows.

With Gomi leaving PRIDE and their inability to sign Fedor, I think White is realizing just how fucked as an organization PRIDE was when they bought it. K1 and EliteXC are both paying WAY more than UFC is (Sokoudjou apparently got offered 30 000 per fight from UFC, 200 000 from EliteXC and "more than 200k" from K1), so it's going to be difficult to get those folks in to the Octagon without some shakeups to the pay structure.
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By Xopolis
Is that you in your avatar? You look so noble with your suspenders, and that...Tesla coil behind you. :eek:
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By Blake
UFC 74: Respect
August 25, 2007
Main Card
Heavyweight championship bout: Randy Couture vs. Gabriel Gonzaga
Welterweight bout: Georges St. Pierre vs. Josh Koscheck
Light heavyweight bout: Renato Sobral vs. David Heath
Lightweight bout: Joe Stevenson vs. Kurt Pellegrino
Middleweight bout: Patrick Côté vs. Kendall Grove
Preliminary Card
Middleweight bout: Travis Lutter vs. Ryan Jensen
Lightweight bout: Marcus Aurelio vs. Clay Guida

Gabriel round one or two stoppage from GnP

ER...GOD I hope GSP wins, just because Kos is boring for me.

He is a decent striker with unbelievable takedowns and control. Unlike Sherk, he takes NO risk to finish a fight once it is on the ground, but could be the future of 170 if he grows a pair.

Sobral by sub if he has any fight left in him. Round...uh...2

Stevenson by domination, start to finish, followed by a sub.

Kendal Grove by sub. Cote can't do shit on the ground. Only packs a hard hit and Grove's length should stifle Cote's striking.

Lutter via sub.

GUIDA AND AURELIO? FUCK YEAH! I hadn't noticed. I think Guida's wrestling can control, but I am PSYCHED about the Pride fighters finally coming over.

As for the other card
Give me Rampage by size and chin and boxing ability with comparable wrestling (given size difference)

Give me Bisping. Hamill always gets hurt, but never against someone with the striking and killer instinct of Bisping. Hamill will have officially impressed me if he can finish Michael. His chance comes in the size difference. Bisping needs to cut weight. He looks like he walks around at 206- 212. He could def make 185 with a good conditioning coach and some wrestlers around him.

Cro cop packs the kind of superior power that could take the quicker Kongo. He also has a GnP game and ANYONE can take Congo down. Still either way. Give me Mirko by new found fire.

Apparently Sakara falls down when he gets touched anywhere near his head area...Alexander may attempt to do just this. Houston by tko round 1
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By Blake


So what do you think of Sherk testing positive for steroids? BIG FUCKING SURPRISE that "The Muscle Shark" is using, huh? I liked him as a fighter too. He exhibited great takedowns and ground control/ Passed Franca's gusrd like it wasn't there. I was looking forward to Penn stopping him in the second round for the title, as well. Fuckin moron! WHY? They test every single championship match...why do it?
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By Todd D.
Franca posted an explanaition on his blog:
In the next few days, the results from the California Commission will be released. The tests will show that I had a "banned substance" in my system.

I would like to apologize to my fans, the UFC, my students and family. I offer only an explanation and not an excuse. I made a decision during a difficult time in my training for the fight that I regret.

About 8 weeks out from the fight, I badly injured my ankle during a training session. For the following week I had rested it, rehabbed it and tried to work around the injury. It was obvious that I could not train as required.

I contacted the UFC and explained my injury and how I could not possibly train to the level I thought I would need in order to be properly prepared for my fight. I asked the UFC if we could push the fight out to the following UFC with the chance that it could happen. They explained that they could not do that and that the card had been set and it isnt as easy as just moving around a fight. I totally understood their position. They asked me to keep them informed should I not be able to fight.

I had not fought for 5 months. Fighting is literally how I put food on my wife and childs table and how I pay my bills. As a fighter though, even at this level, I live a simple life and I literally live from fight to fight. Not getting a paycheck for another few months and losing my chance to fight Sean for the title was overpowering. Fighting is the life I chose and I love it.

As a lightweight fighter, our purses are comparatively small. The public sees the payouts. As lightweights, we do not pull down the money anything near the bigger guys. Its just the way it is. I think Sean fought and defended his title for less than $30,000. Its no ones fault, its just the market. I love the sport, I love the people in the sport.

At this point I was desperate and needed anything I could to get my injury as close to healing as possible and be able to recover from the daily training regimen I was going through. I made the shortsighted choice to hopefully accelerate the healing process and allow me to keep training. Under the pressure of literally not being able to pay next months bills I made a choice. I had to fight and did whatever I could to do so.

I hope my fans, students, the UFC and the public accept my sincere apology. Whatever punishment is dictated by the California Athletic Commission I will understand. I would like to get through this very difficult time and the times ahead and get back to fighting. All the best to my fans and much thanks to my family and friends that continue to support me during these times.

It's a tough situation, because compared to other MMA organizations, the UFC pays peanuts (hence their inability to sign Fedor, Gomi, and others). He's living fight to fight, and if he had to pull out that means no money for him...but at the same time, he KNEW that he was going to be tested for a title bout, and he knew that not only would he not get paid, but now he's going to be fined and suspended (probably for a year), meaning he's actually losing money on the whole ordeal.

Sherk's level was 12ng / ml, compared to 2 for you and me, and 6 for an "extremely dedicated athlete". It's high, but it's not super "HOLY SHIT YOU WERE ROIDED OUT TO THE GILLS high that you'd think by looking at him. He has yet to comment, but my guess is that, being the champion, he's going to appeal. Sounds comparable to the Marquadt test from a few years back, and I believe he got that overturned as well.

Looks like your boy BJ is on a fast track to the title now, eh Blake?
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By Blake
Only Nate's result was overturned with his B sample I believe. Sean's A and B both tested positive. I feel bad for Sherk. Every time he interviews, he talks about how he just needs to do better so he can feed his family...well, not now. You screwed THEM, as well as yourself and the fans.

If you think he would have stopped BJ at have a lot of "thin" Penn left to watch. Look at what St. Pierre did to Sherk with striking and not getting taken down. Penn is one and a half times the striker Georges is. And notoriously tough on wrestlers once the ground starts. Wrestling>bjj BUT masterful bjj (think Penn, Fedor, Aoki)>wrestling over and over and over. Plus, no size advantage for chin advantage...look at what Hughes did to Sherk, how he never let him control him. Penn is much better at not being controlled than Hughes

Wait and see. Wait and see. I've been wrong before, but show me one fight Penn wasn't winning before he gassed. Sorry, I am obviously a Penn "nut hugger" He is the only fighter really. My favorite.

BTW have you checked out It is awesome. I really respect what he is trying to do with it. As far as I know, it the only full free resource for MMA. He teaches technique, philosophy, fight videos. Check it out.

BTW Shogun vs Forest Griffin. YAY! Shogun arrives.
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By Todd D.
If you think he would have stopped BJ at have a lot of "thin" Penn left to watch. Look at what St. Pierre did to Sherk with striking and not getting taken down. Penn is one and a half times the striker Georges is. And notoriously tough on wrestlers once the ground starts. Wrestling>bjj BUT masterful bjj (think Penn, Fedor, Aoki)>wrestling over and over and over. Plus, no size advantage for chin advantage...look at what Hughes did to Sherk, how he never let him control him. Penn is much better at not being controlled than Hughes

I think Penn would have destroyed Sherk, no doubt there. Remember, I don't dislike Penn, I just don't think he's the "greatest p4per right now" like you do.

I fully expect this to be among the last times we see Griffin in the Octagon. Shogun killed, KILLED, Rampage, and Forrest ain't Rampage.
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By Blake
I know. You gotta love Forrest though. There is no real reason he should win this fight...other than it is taking place in

He has balls though. He will make a decent and popular gatekeeper for the LHW div.

All I gotta say about wait and see. I understand why you don't say is the best p4p and really until Fedor loses a legitimate fight, he has to take the title.

Here is something interesting. Look at Fedor, Penn and Shogun. You will be hard pressed to say these three are not P4P contenders or the absolute best fighters in MMA. And NONE of them look roided up. I am not saying Fedor and Shogun haven't used anabolics for training purposes, but they are certainly not roided up. I am not saying they did either, btw.

SO...who are YOU picking in GG vs Couture? I said I wouldn't pick against Couture again but GG is exactly the kind of guy that has always posed a problem for him. A bigger, stronger submission grappler. I have also watched his fights again and he is impressive. I even think he could hold the title for awhile.

Speaking of which...we really need to see Fedor and Josh Barnett in the UFC...I hate that business prevents great fights...I know it's a business, but we also need to see the great match ups AND Fedor needs to fight some class A competition before he loses his edge. Same for Barnett, though 2006 will probably tide him over for a couple of years...
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By Todd D.
#1281652 recently caught up with Red Devil Manager Vadim Finkelstein, who oversees the M-1 Mixfight promotion and the career of PRIDE heavyweight champion Fedor Emelianenko.

Is Fedor close to signing with the UFC? What are Finkelstein's thoughts on doing business with Dana White and BodogFight? How do you see the development of MMA in Russia, and how has your organization (M-1) contributed to this over the last 10 years and where do you see the promotion going in the future?

Vadim Finkelstein: That's a few questions; I'll try to address them one at a time. I started M-1 Mixfight here, it St. Petersburg 10 years ago. Since that time we have developed a lot, to the point of having regular television coverage on a state channel with large ratings and staging events frequently.

VF: That was the BodogFight event in St. Petersburg on April 14. I thought Bodog behaved very badly in regard to that event. They acted as though the whole organization of the event and everything surrounding it, the VIPs such as Jean Claude Van Damme and Vladimir Putin, was because of them. In reality I and my brother [Evgeny Finkelstein] organized 90 percent of it.

The logo for the event was also very unfortunate, Bodog Fight was very prominent and they almost hid a small M-1 logo in the corner in all marketing materials, so that it was almost impossible to see. So I am not particularly pleasantly disposed towards BodogFight at the moment. Russian president Vladimir Putin has been recently been described as a big fan of MMA and of Russian fighters. Could you please discuss his involvement with the sport?

VF: Initially I believe Putin saw our fighters on the weekly program which has been run on NTV, one of the national channels. He is a big fan of Fedor Emelianenko, and was present at the BodogFight event on April 14 as a personal guest of Fedor's. Please talk about the support the city of St. Petersburg has given you for putting together this event.

VF: The city and its officials have been fantastic to work with on my projects over the last 10 years. The city is helping hugely, financially, from its reserves. They paid for some of the hotels, the work on the pontoon and other aspects of the production also. As we did not sell tickets to this event and the television rights aren't paying a huge amount the help has been very welcome.

We could have of course staged it in an arena, like last time, however I wanted to show off the city I love to the rest of the world.

I've even had the Guinness Book of Records call as they want to enter the event as the first MMA tournament held on a floating pontoon. Please discuss the perception of MMA in Russia, it is not a sport that is that well known, and what you are doing to change that.

VF: Much the same as it was in the U.S. when it first started; MMA in Russia was initially vilified as thugs brawling without rules and was very much looked down upon. Videos of street fights and such were constantly shown and the sport suffered.

We have worked very hard to legitimize MMA into a sport that is slowly becoming more and more popular and one that young people aspire to participate and compete in. We are going to show the event in the middle of the beautiful city center, with $5 million yachts anchored around the ring and 300-year-old palaces in the background. We've come a long way. What's the next move for M-1 Mixfight?

VF: We are planning on holding an event later on in the year in Moscow, that Fedor may fight in if we have no success in signing with one of the organizations with who we are currently in negotiations with. Please discuss how you feel about Russian fighters going overseas to fight, when the sport is developing here so fast and is soon going to be able to match the kind of money they could be getting in the US or in Japan.

VF: I have no problem with this, if it's good for my fighters, it's good for M-1 and it's good for me. I would be very happy if tomorrow Aleksander was to go fight in PRIDE or K-1. I do not see us as competing with those organizations. UFC, PRIDE and K-1 are not our competitors; rather I would be very happy to work together with any of them in developing the sport further in this country.

I am talking about collaborations similar to the one with BodogFight, except that BodogFight is not an organization that has integrity and I will not work with them again. They used us to get a foot in the door in Russia and have now started developing their own business here on their own. Last week I found out that they have landed a weekly spot on Channel One here. In fact this makes me happy when you get down to it, as it's all contributing to the development of the sport here, and I think that's the most important thing. As Fedor's manager, can you please fill us in on the current state of his contract negotiations.

VF: At the moment we are in negotiations with a number of organizations who have put offers on the table. I'll be blunt in saying that the UFC offer is the most financially attractive one. However they are very harsh in their terms and are not very flexible in actually negotiating them.

Fedor has now been the PRIDE heavyweight champion for four years and I think we have earned the right to negotiate a contract that suits both parties. Instead we are faced with a blunt "you are either in or you're out." This does not really suit us. If the negotiations continue in a similar manner, we'll prefer to fight for less money but with an organization which is more flexible.

The problem is that Fedor is the face of Combat Sambo in Russia. His popularity is at a level where he is acquainted with president Putin himself, in part because he is so successful and well known for Combat Sambo here.

Combat Sambo is a Russian sport that's not at a level of difficulty of MMA, but is hugely popular with our public. Fedor must represent Russia in Combat Sambo and at world championships, specifically the ones coming up in September. All we want him to do is compete something like once a year in Combat Sambo. But the UFC is not happy with that.

Their proposal has all kinds of clauses, all kinds of fines etc. that do not suit us. The UFC is not really that eager to communicate and negotiate. The negotiations are still continuing, and we will try very hard to get our demands met, if not Fedor will simply not compete in the UFC, even though that will be unfortunate as they currently have one of the, if not the, strongest, heavyweight divisions in the world. What do you think of the way the UFC markets itself? I am asking specifically about an interview Dana White gave recently where he mentioned that the negotiations [for getting Fedor into the UFC] were continuing, but that he was dealing with "crazy Russians," and he wasn't sure what they were going to do next.

VF: I think that first thing is that the UFC politics are that they probably want an American champion. I think it's safe to say that in America this is the case.

But in theory, if the organization is honorable, take the Japanese for example, for them the sport and integrity of the success of the fighters was most important. Their philosophy was that once at a high level the fighters were going to be matched with only the top level of the competition, and we know that eventually if you only face the best, eventually you will lose.

The UFC is slightly different. They have their own ways of doing things. For example, I suggested that they have a UFC event in Russia, which I would organize for them, including financial assistance. They said that didn't suit their current development plans.

I requested the right to show UFC content during the television slot we have with the state broadcaster in Russia. They declined and said that they had their own people who would organize this here. And today those people came to me to ask me to place the UFC content into our slot. I was fine with this, it's going ahead. I'm not a spiteful person. What matters is the exposure of the sport in Russia, UFC, or other organizations, it doesn't matter. What's important to me is my fighters getting recognition and the sport gaining popularity here.

Of course I prefer that they came to me for help in Russia, in organizing an event for them here in St. Petersburg, or in Moscow, no on else could do what I can. There is no one in Russia that can even get close to us with MMA promotion. As Fedor's manager, how long would you like to see his career progress for, and also who would you like to see him fight before he retires?

VF: He's only 30, there is lot's of time left to fight still. The UFC is of course fighting in the cage, not in the ring. And we'd prefer that he would not fight the very strongest opponent straight away. Of course we want to fight strong fighters, but would like an opportunity to grow, get a little used to the new format.

I have absolutely no doubt that right now Fedor is the strongest heavyweight in the world, and could beat anyone they throw at him, but we would nevertheless like an opportunity to develop a little, get used to the new surroundings. There are elbows now, etc.

Of course we want to fight with them. Though there are other opportunities, other organizations. There is the offer from K-1, a good offer, though a little less in terms of finances, mostly as they do not have the kind of revenue streams that the UFC currently has today, due to PPV.

But there are other factors. The UFC is only interested in Fedor; they are not considering other Red Devil fighters. K-1 is prepared to take our boys and provide other assistance as well, in developing the team. But we're not in a huge hurry. If Fedor is not signed for a while, I will organize a match here for him.

We have the resources and audience and television rights to make a good go of it here. The first large overseas organization that properly enters into Russia will do very well. But the UFC is not interested. They are only interested in North America and a few European shows.

I've tried to explain this to Dana White, I suggested working together as I believe there is a lot of potential in this part of the world for joint ventures to be hugely successful. Apart from Russia there are other former republics of the Soviet Union which will be good sources of revenue in the future also, as there is growing interest in the sport which will only increase over time. Could you please discuss some of the other fighters who represent Red Devil?

VF: It's hard for me to talk about any of the developing fighters specifically. Everyone is young and promising; everyone is rapidly developing and will be very strong in the future.

Of course if we are talking about Fedor's level, it has to be said initially that he is an absolutely unique individual. He is a champion inside. Quite a lot of good fighters, when they win they begin to relax a little, I call it winners disease. Fedor doesn't have this at all. He prepares for each fight like it was his first one. This trait is unique to him, that he, honestly, doesn't believe that he is the best. He's told me that he looks at his flaws, his strengths and that's all.

At the same time other teams, from the US, Japan, Holland, they are not sleeping either. They are developing their skills and levels, and we need to keep up with this.

We need to work more on tactics. I think we are currently stronger in the stand up then on the ground. Fighters like Roman [Zentsov] and Amar [Suolev] depend on their very strong striking ability to win fights. That's why they lose when fighting American wrestlers who dumbly take them down and lie on them for the duration match, winning through these tactics. Usually this doesn't make for a very beautiful fight either.

Just today I had a discussion with the trainers and we agreed that we are going to concentrate more on ground fighting going forward. What are your plans for the next year?

VF: I'm not going to stop or slow down. I'm thinking about organizing a big event in Moscow later this year. It's also probable that I will strike a deal with a large international organization like the UFC or K-1 or someone of their stature in order to work together.

We have considerable resources in Russia, America, Korea and Japan. We can further develop television and internet coverage. We can do very well financially together.

Basically, as a last word, I am interested in helping to make MMA the number one combat sport all over the world.

I love that he implies UFC is a Xenophobic organization (St. Pierre, Silva, Arlovski, anyone?) but then admires THE JAPANESE?! Interesting stuff though.
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By Blake
Yeah, I thought that was a weird comment. I am super-annoyed that we, the fans, don't get to Fedor in the UFC facing top competition, just because the contract won't allow for combat sambo. I understand why the contracts are that way, but it is too controlling IMO. I's Fedor...
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By Gnote
Fucking white belts. Ban 'em.

Does anyone think that Sobral has been the victim of some horrible luck over his last few fights? People keep talking about how Liddell kicked his ass, which is true of course, but it was a lucky fucking strike.

Babaloo seems like he could be a real fighter.

Not that I know anything about anything.

I'm really looking forward to the Aug 25 show. I think Couture will continue to surprise and will beat Gonzaga due to a perfectly constructed an executed game plan. I also think that GSP is at risk in his bout with Koscheck - I feel that the former will fall victim to another 'lay and pray' type Koscheck match.
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By Todd D.
Does anyone think that Sobral has been the victim of some horrible luck over his last few fights? People keep talking about how Liddell kicked his ass, which is true of course, but it was a lucky fucking strike.

One time might be considered a lucky strike, but Liddell destroyed him twice, both in the first round I believe. He also got KO'd by Lambert a few months ago in the 2nd. I dunno, he hasn't impressed me.

I'm really looking forward to the Aug 25 show. I think Couture will continue to surprise and will beat Gonzaga due to a perfectly constructed an executed game plan.

I've learned not to bet against Couture, and I do love his fights, but that's why I want him to lose. The UFC will sign Fedor at some point, and I really don't want poor Randy to be the Apollo to Fedor's Drago.
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By Blake
I REALLY don't see Couture beating Gonzaga. I just can't see it. Ricco Rodrigez, Josh Barnett, big strong sud wrestlers...Randy was hopeless against them. I know I shouldn't bet against him, but I really see GG dominating this fight.

I love Babalu. Chuck had his number...that's it. Chuck had a lot of people's number. Renato gave Emilianenko all he could handle and beat Shogun.

Mostly I want Rampage vs Shogun right now. Shogun broke Page's rib last fight and that did the trick. He got Page during the time that he starts slow. I think this could be a real war.
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By Todd D.
Like I said, I have learned not to bet against Couture, but you're right, it appears that GG is going to beat him. Then again, Gonzaga is coming off a HUGE win and we've seen people get too cocky coming off big wins (Forest Griffin, I am looking in your direction...). So who knows.

As far as Hendo vs. Rampage goes, man that's a tough call. I wouldn't want to be in the same room with Rampage and have to scratch my nose at this point. At the same time, Hendo beat Silva and Silva beat Rampage. I know that doesn't mean a lot, but it's just something to think about. I'll say Rampage, but a Hendo KO in 2 wouldn't shock me at all. Hendo's not going to tap, and I can't remember him ever being rocked on his feet (I think he might have been rocked in his first fight with Wanderlei, but I'd need to watch the fight again). If Rampage is going to win, I think it's going to have to go the distance.
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By Blake
I am going to go on a limb...and say that Rampage will dominate every aspect of the fight with Hendo. Hendo has never really been dominated, so I could easily be wrong. I just see Page being too big and nullifying Hendo's striking, vie not being afraid of a take down. DAMN Hard to say though. Linland gave Page a whole lot of trouble...We'll see though! Last year it would have been a fantasy.
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By Gnote
5 days...
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By Todd D.
And I just moved to Albuquerque! The Dish guys are supposed to come on Saturday to install it, so let's hope there's no delay.

EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot that this Saturday is the PPV, and we still have a few weeks before Rampage-Hendo.
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By Gnote
I'm super psyched for this Saturday's event.

I think Randy is going to find a way to beat Gonzaga. I love Randy - he's a total class act.

I'm worried about GSP. Koscheck will likely try to take him down and lay on him for 3 rounds.
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By CampusMartius
What time will UFC74 be shown on Spike on the West Coast?

And no, Couture has no chance. Gonzaga is too big, young, and hungry
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By Gnote
CampusMartius wrote:And no, Couture has no chance.
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