Look at mine!!! - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Talk about and show off personal signature and avatar images.
By Wilhelm
I'm sooo patriotic!

The two guys there are President Alvaro uribe on the right, and the other one is General Jorge Enrique Mora, commander of the Colombian armed forces.

I didn't do it, a friend did it for me, as I suck at using photoshop.
By Skullers
it's too wide though
Shoot the traitor! He is making this page take longer then it would have to!......as if I would notice those couple of pixels on a 1mbit line :evil:
By Kov
Haha, what have we here! The SIG POLICE ARE HERE!

Great... it even rimes...

There hasn't been any polls that I have seen ab[…]

Russia-Ukraine War 2022

@litwin Zelensky thought also Putin bluffs... […]

Israel used an apocalyptic weappon... the pager b[…]