Recommended reading - Politics | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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Could anyone recommend articles, essays and/ or books about fascism?

I am very interested in the far-east and would prefer to read about Japanese fascism then German or Italian.

Current affairs capture my interest. Ancient history much less so.

Thanks in advance.

PS- Some forums sticky (hold at the top of the page) threads that are particularly helpful or relevant to new posters. And yes, I know they don't exist.
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By fuser
The must reading is :

The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini

For Japan

The Theory of Japan's National Polity and Pure Socialism by Ikki Kita

But wait for fascists on board for more and better suggestions.
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By Fasces
Past reading lists offered when people asked this question:

Fasces wrote:
l’Industrie Henri de Saint-Simon
Introduction à l'économie moderne Georges Sorel
The political doctrine of fascism Alfredo Rocco

Letters from an Inhabitant of Geneva to His Contemporaries Henri de Saint-Simon
To all Englishmen and Frenchmen who are passionate about the public good Henri de Saint-Simon
l’Organisateur Henri de Saint-Simon
Prospectus Aguste Comte
Système de Politique Positive Aguste Comte
The Philosophy of Poverty Pierre-Joseph Proudhun
Sintesi di Dottrina della Razza Julius Evola
Metaphysics of War Julius Evola
Men Among the Ruins Julius Evola
Revolt Against the Modern World Julius Evola

Scholarly Works
Neither Right Nor Left: Fascist Ideology in France Zeev Sternhell
The Birth of Fascist Ideology Zeev Sternhell
The Nature of Fascism Roger Griffin
Modernism and Fascism Roger Griffin
International Fascism: Theories, Causes and the New Consensus Roger Griffin
Fascism, Totalitarianism, and Political Religion Roger Griffin

Works by Leaders
My Life Sir Oswald Mosley
My Rise and Fall Benito Mussolini
Doctrine of Fascism Benito Mussolini
Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler
Hitler's Second Book Adolf Hitler
The Myth of the Twentieth Century Alfred Rosenberg

Other Works
The Futurist Manifesto Filippo Marinetti
Constitution of the Free State of Fiume
Declaration of Verona

Related Works
The Leviathan Thomas Hobbes
The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli
Discourses on Livy Niccolo Machiavelli
The Social Contract Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Starship Troopers Robert Heinlein

I invite you all to contribute to the list. The list, as it stands at initial posting, was jotted down relatively quickly from memory. An immense number of works are missing. Please contribute. There are a lot of us here that have some scholarly background in fascism, and a condensed list of important works can be a resource for others on the forum, and ourselves in general to expand our knowledge of the fascist phenomenon.

Rei Murasame wrote:You've covered a lot already (you listed like all the Ze'ev Sternhell stuff!), so I'll add these just quickly - although lists like this are always really hard to make, and come out looking a bit 'random' and always incomplete, nevertheless, let's try:

  • The Book of Tea, by Kakuzo Okakura
  • Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  • The Antichrist, by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  • The Man-Made World; or Our Androcentric Culture, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • Democracy: The God That Failed, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (disregard his Libertarian 'solutions'. This will mean fighting against Hoppe while reading him.)
  • Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy, by Carl Schmitt
  • Social Economics, by Friedrich von Wieser
  • The Law of Power, by Friedrich von Wieser
  • On Identity, by Alain de Benoist
  • The Analects of Confucius
  • The Sayings of Mencius
  • Sources of Japanese Tradition Volume Two, by Arthur E. Tiedemann (particularly for sections involving Fujiwara Seika and Hayashi Razan!)
  • Britain and Japan: a comparative economic and social history since 1900, by Kenneth Douglas Brown
  • The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins
  • Moving the Mountain, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • The Family Way: A New Approach to Policy Making, by Harriet Harman
  • Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: A sociological view of the decay of modern society, by Alain de Benoist
  • What is Racism?, by Alain de Benoist
  • What is Sovereignty?, by Alain de Benoist
  • Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right, by Tomislav Sunic
  • The Language Instinct, by Steven Pinker
  • The Order of Things, by Michel Foucault
  • The Origins of the British: A Genetic Detective Story, by Stephen Oppenheimer

Joseph de Maistre, Considérations sur la France
--- Les Soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg
--- Examen de la philosophie de Bacon
Louis de Bonald, Théorie du pouvoir politique et religieux
--- Théorie de l'éducation sociale
--- Réflexions sur l’intérêt général de l’Europe
--- De la famille agricole et de la famille industrielle
Antoine de Rivarol, Maximes, pensées et paradoxes
François-René de Chateaubriand, Le Génie du Christianisme
--- Mémoires d'outre-tombe
Charles Nodier, Thérèse Aubert
--- Souvenirs, épisodes et portraits pour servir à l'histoire de la Révolution et de l'Empire
Alfred de Vigny, Servitude et grandeur militaires
--- Les Destinées
Honoré de Balzac, Les Chouans
--- Sur Catherine de Médicis
Antoine Blanc de Saint-Bonnet, L'Unité spirituelle
--- La Restauration française
--- L'Amour et la Chute
Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly, L'Ensorcelée
--- Les Prophètes du passé
--- Polémiques d'hier
Paul Bourget, Nos traditions nationales, comment les défendre?
--- La Renaissance du traditionalisme en politique
René de La Tour du Pin, Vers un ordre social chrétien
Charles Maurras, Dictateur et Roi
--- Enquête sur la monarchie
--- L'Avenir de l'intelligence
--- Mes idées politiques
--- L'ordre et le désordre
Léon Daudet, Souvenirs des milieux littéraires, politiques, artistiques et médicaux
--- Le Stupide XIXe siècle
Jacques Bainville, Histoire de France
--- La monarchie des lettres
René Benjamin, Valentine ou la folie démocratique
--- Aliborons et démagogues
--- Les Augures de Genève
Pierre Lasserre, Le Romantisme français
--- La Doctrine officielle de l'Université
--- Le Germanisme et l'esprit humain
Abel Bonnard, Les Modérés
--- Ce monde et moi
Pierre Gaxotte, La Révolution française
--- Le Siècle de Louis XV
Thierry Maulnier, La crise est dans l'homme
--- Mythes socialistes
--- Au-delà du nationalisme
Georges Bernanos, La Grande Peur des bien-pensants
--- La France contre les robots
Henri Massis, Défense de l'Occident
--- La Guerre de trente ans (1909-1939)
--- L'Occident et son destin
Jean de La Varende, Les Belles Esclaves
--- La mélancolie
--- Gentilhomme d'hier et d'aujourd'hui
Jacques Maritain, Art et scolastique
--- Antimoderne
--- Réflexions sur l’intelligence et sur sa vie propre
Jean de Fabrègues, Avec notre temps, oui, mais pour le sauver
--- Christianisme et civilisation
Louis Dimier, Histoire et causes de notre décadence
Gustave Thibon, Destin de l'homme
--- Retour au réel
--- La crise moderne de l'amour
Pierre Boutang, La politique considérée comme souci
--- Ontologie du secret
--- Reprendre le pouvoir

Giuseppe Prezzolini, La teoria sindacalista
--- Vecchio e nuovo nazionalismo
--- La Voce, 1908-1913. Cronaca, antologia e fortuna di una rivista
Giovanni Papini, Un uomo finito
--- Maschilità
--- L'esperienza futurista
--- Gog
--- Il libro nero
Enrico Corradini, Sopra le vie del nuovo impero
--- Discorsi nazionali
--- L'unità e la potenza delle nazioni
--- La riforma politica in Europa
Ardengo Soffici, L'Arlecchino
--- La ritirata del Friuli
--- Primi principi di un'estetica futurista
--- Battaglia fra due vittorie
Gabriele D'Annunzio, Prose scelte
--- Laudi
--- Contemplazione della morte
--- Oratoria politica
--- Il libro segreto
Curzio Malaparte, La rivolta dei santi maledetti
--- Le nozze degli eunuchi
--- L'Europa vivente e altri saggi politici
--- Italia barbara
--- Technique du coup d'état
Agostino Lanzillo, Origine e contenuto dell'economia corporativa
Berto Ricci, Errori del nazionalismo italiano
--- La rivoluzione fascista
Alfredo Rocco, La trasformazione dello stato; dallo stato liberale allo stato fascista
Giovanni Gentile, Fascismo e cultura
--- Origini e dottrina del fascismo
--- Discorso agli Italiani
--- Genesi e struttura della società
Camillo Pellizzi, Fascismo-aristocrazia
Sergio Panunzio, Diritto, forza e violenza: lineamenti di una teoria della violenza
--- Che cos'è il fascismo
--- Il sentimento dello Stato
--- Il concetto della dittatura rivoluzionaria
--- Teoria generale dello Stato fascista
Carlo Costamagna, Storia e dottrina del fascismo
Giuseppe Bottai, Scritti
Ugo Spirito, I fondamenti dell'economia corporativa
--- Dall'economia liberale al corporativismo
--- Critica della democrazia
A.O. Olivetti, Lineamenti del nuovo Stato italiano
--- Commercio e corporativismo
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Come si seducono le donne
--- Futurismo e fascismo
--- Il poema africano della Divisione "28 ottobre"
--- Patriottismo insetticida
--- Canto eroi e macchine della guerra mussoliniana
Fillìa, Il Futurismo: ideologie, realizzazioni e polemiche del movimento futurista italiano
Mario Sironi, Scritti e pensieri
Gioacchino Volpe, Guerra, dopoguerra, fascismo
--- L'Italia in cammino: l'ultimo cinquantennio
--- Scritti sul fascismo: 1919-1938
--- Storia del movimento fascista

Maurice Barrès, Le Culte du Moi
--- Du sang, de la volupté, de la mort
--- Scènes et Doctrines du nationalisme
--- Le Roman de l'énergie nationale
--- Les Amitiés françaises
Georges Valois, L'Homme qui vient
--- Le Père
--- L'Économie nouvelle
--- La révolution nationale: philosophie de la victoire
--- L'Homme contre l'argent
Édouard Berth, Les Méfaits des intellectuels
--- La Fin d'une culture
--- Cahiers du Cercle Proudhon
Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, Socialisme fasciste
--- Gilles
--- Avec Doriot
--- Notes pour comprendre le siècle
--- Textes politiques 1919-1945
Robert Brasillach, Les Sept couleurs
--- Histoire de la guerre d’Espagne
--- Notre avant-guerre
--- Lettres écrites en prison
Jacques Benoist-Méchin, Histoire de l'armée allemande
--- L'Ukraine, des origines à Staline
--- Rêve le plus long de l'Histoire
--- De la défaite au désastre
Marc Augier, J'ai vu l'Allemagne
--- Les volontaires
--- Les hérétiques
Jean-Pierre Maxence, Histoire de dix ans 1927-1937
Alphonse de Châteaubriant, La Réponse du Seigneur
--- La Gerbe des forces
Henri Béraud, Les raisons d'un silence
--- Écrits dans Gringoire (1928-1937)
Lucien Rebatet, Le Bolchévisme contre la civilisation
--- Les Décombres
Maurice Bardèche, Les Temps modernes
--- Qu’est-ce que le fascisme?

Juan Donoso Cortés, Discurso sobre la Dictadura
--- Ensayo sobre el catolicismo, el liberalismo y el socialismo
Jaime Balmes, Filosofía fundamental
--- El criterio
--- Consideraciones políticas sobre la situación de España
Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo, La ciencia española
--- Historia de los heterodoxos españoles
--- Ensayos de crítica filosófica
Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, Los cruzados de la Causa
--- El resplandor de la hoguera
--- Gerifaltes de antaño
Ángel Ganivet, Idearium español
Eugenio d'Ors, Glosari
--- Nuevo Glosario
--- Novísimo Glosario
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, ¿Fascismo en España?
--- Escritos filosóficos
José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Obras completas
Ramiro de Maeztu, La crisis del humanismo/Authority, Liberty and Function in the Light of the War
--- Defensa de la Hispanidad
--- Defensa del Espíritu
Ernesto Giménez Caballero, Circuito imperial
--- Genio de España
--- La nueva catolicidad: Teoría general sobre el Fascismo en Europa
Luis Rosales, La mejor reina de España: Figuración en prosa y verso
Agustín de Foxá, Un mundo sin melodía
--- Nostalgia, intimidad y aristocracia
José Antonio Maravall, Teoría del saber histórico
--- Antiguos y modernos: La idea de progreso en el desarrollo inicial de una sociedad
--- Estado Moderno y mentalidad social: siglos XV al XVII
Onésimo Redondo, El Estado Nacional
--- Textos políticos
Rafael Sánchez Mazas, Oración por los muertos de la Falange
--- Fundación, Hermandad y Destino
--- Las aguas de Arbeola
Dionisio Ridruejo, Poesía en armas: Cuaderno de la campaña de Rusia
José María Pemán, Elegía de la tradición de España
--- Poema de la Bestia y el Ángel
Vicente Risco, Nós, os inadaptados
--- El libro de las Horas
--- Leria
--- Orden y caos
Pedro Sainz Rodríguez, La evolución de las ideas sobre la decadencia española
--- La mística española
Josep Pla, Cròniques parlamentàries
--- Notes del capvesprol
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, El casamiento engañoso
--- Javier Mariño
--- Mi fuero interno
Eugenio Montes, El viajero y su sombra
--- Elegías europeas
--- La estrella y la estela
Pedro Laín Entralgo, Los valores morales del Nacionalsindicalismo
--- España como problema
--- La espera y la esperanza
Gonzalo Fernández de la Mora, El crepúsculo de las ideologías
--- La envidia igualitaria
Leopoldo Lugones, Mi beligerancia
--- La organización de la paz
--- La patria fuerte
--- Política revolucionaria
Manuel Gálvez, El espiritu de aristocracia y otros ensayos
Leonardo Castellani, Seis ensayos y tres cartas
--- Notas a caballo de un país en crisis
--- Las ideas de mi tío el cura
Nicolás Gómez Dávila, Escolios a un texto implícito
--- Nuevos escolios a un texto implícito

Nikolai Karamzin, Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia
--- History of the Russian State
Nikolai Gogol, Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Demons
--- A Writer's Diary
--- Winter Notes on Summer Impressions
Ivan Aksakov, A Slavophile Statement
Apollon Grigoriev, My Literary and Moral Wanderings
Ivan Goncharov, The Precipice
Nikolai Strahkov, The Struggle Against the West in Russian Literature
Fyodor Tyutchev, Poems and Political Letters
Konstantin Leontiev, Against the Current: Selected Writings
Lev Tikhomirov, On Monarchist Statehood
--- On the Religious and Philosophical Fundamentals of History
Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Reflections of a Russian Statesman
Vasily Rozanov, Fallen Leaves
--- Solitaria
--- The Apocalypse of Our Time and Other Writings
Nikolai Gumilev, Selected Works
Ivan Ilyin, Foundations of Struggle for the National Russia
--- On Monarchy and Republic
Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Christ and Antichrist
--- The Menace of the Mob
Nikolai Berdyaev, The Meaning of History
--- The New Middle Ages
--- The Russian Revolution
--- The Origin of Russian Communism
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The First Circle
--- August 1914
--- The Gulag Archipelago
--- Warning to the West

Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, Das Recht der jungen Völker
--- Das dritte Reich
Carl Schmitt, Politische Theologie. Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität
--- Die geistesgeschichtliche Lage des heutigen Parlamentarismus
--- Der Begriff des Politischen
--- Theorie des Partisanen
Stefan George, Das neue Reich
Ernst Jünger, In Stahlgewittern
--- Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis
--- Feuer und Blut
--- Der Arbeiter
--- Blätter und Steine
Friedrich Georg Jünger, Der Aufmarsch des Nationalismus
--- Die Perfektion der Technik
Oswald Spengler, Der Untergang des Abendlandes
--- Preußentum und Sozialismus
--- Der Mensch und die Technik
Edgar Julius Jung, Die Herrschaft der Minderwertigen
--- Föderalismus aus Weltanschauung
--- Sinndeutung der deutschen Revolution
Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit
--- Erläuterungen zu Hölderlins Dichtung
--- Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes
--- Nietzsche I und II
--- Die Technik und die Kehre
Ernst von Salomon, Die Geächteten
--- Die Stadt
--- Die Kadetten
--- Der Fragebogen
Friedrich Hielscher, Das Reich
Werner Sombart, Händler und Helden
--- Der moderne Kapitalismus
--- Der proletarische Sozialismus
--- Deutscher Sozialismus
Othmar Spann, Der wahre Staat
--- Der Schöpfungsgang des Geistes
--- Gesellschaftsphilosophie
Hans Bogner, Die Bildung der politischen Elite
--- Platon im Unterricht
Max Hildebert Boehm, Das eigenständige Volk
August Winnig, Vom Proletariat zum Arbeitertum
--- Europa. Gedanken eines Deutschen
Ernst Niekisch, Politik und Idee
--- Der politische Raum deutschen Widerstandes
--- Die dritte imperiale Figur
Hans Freyer, Soziologie als Wirklichkeitswissenschaft
--- Revolution von rechts
--- Theorie des gegenwärtigen Zeitalter
Georg Quabbe, Tar a Ri: Variationen über ein konservatives Thema
--- Das letzte Reich: Wandel und Wesen der Utopie
Ludwig Klages, Die Grundlagen der Charakterkunde
--- Mensch und Erde
--- Der Geist als Widersacher der Seele
Gottfried Benn, Der neue Staat und die Intellektuellen
--- Kunst und Macht
--- Ausdruckswelt. Essays und Aphorismen

Novalis, Blüthenstaub
--- Glauben und Liebe oder der König und die Königin
--- Die Christenheit oder Europa
Friedrich von Schlegel, Philosophie des Lebens
--- Philosophie der Geschichte
Adam Müller, Die Elemente der Staatskunst
--- Vermischte Schriften über Staat, Philosophie und Kunst
Thomas Carlyle, On Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History
--- Past and Present
--- Latter-Day Pamphlets
Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or
--- The Present Age
--- Fear and Trembling
--- The Sickness Unto Death
Ernest Hello, L'Homme
--- Du néant à Dieu
Louis Veuillot, Mélanges religieux, historiques et littéraires
John Ruskin, Unto This Last
--- Sesame and Lilies
--- The Crown of Wild Olive
--- The Queen of the Air
--- Fors Clavigera
Albert de Mun, Discours et écrits divers
Léon Bloy, Exégèse des lieux communs
--- Les dernière colonnes de l'Église
--- Journal
Georges Sorel, Réflexions sur la violence
--- Les illusions du progrès
Charles Péguy, Notre jeunesse
--- Un nouveau théologien
--- L'Argent
D.H. Lawrence, Fantasia of the Unconscious
--- Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine and other essays
--- Apocalypse and the writings on Revelation
Hilaire Belloc, The Servile State
--- Economics for Helen
--- The Crisis of Civilisation
G.K. Chesterton, What's Wrong with the World?
--- The Outline of Sanity
--- The Resurrection of Rome
Paul Claudel, Positions et propositions
--- Qui ne souffre pas…Réflexions sur le problème social
Miguel de Unamuno, Soliloquios y conversaciones
--- Contra esto y aquello
--- Del sentimiento trágico de la vida
--- La agonía del cristianismo
Fernando Pessoa, Textos Filosóficos
Carl Gustav Jung, Der Mensch und seine Symbole
--- Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken
Max Scheler, Der Genius des Kriegs und der Deutsche Krieg
--- Krieg und Aufbau
--- Vom Umsturz der Werte
--- Vom Ewigen im Menschen
René Guénon, La crise du monde moderne
--- Le symbolisme de la croix
--- Le règne de la quantité et les signes des temps
Julius Evola, Rivolta contro il mondo moderno
--- Gli uomini e le rovine
Nae Ionescu, Curs de filosofie a religiei
Petre Tuțea, Între Dumnezeu şi Neamul meu
--- 322 de vorbe memorabile
Constantin Noica, Spiritul românesc la cumpătul vremii
--- Semnele Minervei
--- Între suflet și spirit
Mircea Eliade, Le Mythe de l'éternel retour
--- Mythes, rêves et mystères
--- Le Sacré et le profane

Arthur de Gobineau, Les Pléiades
--- La Troisième République et ce qu'elle vaut
Charles Baudelaire, Salon de 1846
--- Le Peintre de la vie moderne
--- Journaux intimes
Arthur Schopenhauer, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung
--- Parerga und Paralipomena
Jacob Burckhardt, Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien
--- Weltgeschichtliche Betrachtungen
Friedrich Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra
--- Jenseits von Gut und Böse
--- Zur Genealogie der Moral
--- Götzen-Dämmerung
--- Der Antichrist
Brooks Adams, The Law of Civilization and Decay
Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams
Paul Valéry, Variétés
--- Regards sur le monde actuel
--- Mauvaises pensées et autres
W.B. Yeats, A Vision
--- On the Boiler
Emil M. Cioran, Transfiguration de la Roumanie
--- Précis de décomposition
--- Histoire et Utopie
--- De l'inconvénient d'être né

Karl Ludwig von Haller, Handbuch der allgemeinen Staatenkunde
--- Restauration der Staatswissenschaft oder Theorie des naturich-geselligen Zustandes
Frédéric Le Play, L’Organisation de la famille selon le vrai modèle signalé par l’histoire
--- La Constitution essentielle de l’humanité
--- Économie sociale
Alexis de Tocqueville, De la démocratie en Amérique
--- L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution
Hippolyte Taine, Les Origines de la France contemporaine
Ernest Renan, Qu’est-ce qu’une nation?
--- La Réforme intellectuelle et morale de la France
Gustave Le Bon, Psychologie des Foules
--- Psychologie du socialisme
--- Psychologie de l'éducation
--- Psychologie politique
Georges Vacher de Lapouge, Les Sélections sociales
--- L'Aryen, son rôle social
--- Race et milieu social
Vilfredo Pareto, Les systèmes socialistes
--- Trattato di sociologia generale
--- Trasformazione della democrazia
Robert Michels, Zur Soziologie des Parteiwesens in der modernen Demokratie
Gaetano Mosca, Sulla teorica dei governi e sul governo parlamentare
--- Elementi di scienza politica
José Ortega y Gasset, España Invertebrada
--- La rebelión de las masas
Arnold Gehlen, Der Mensch: Seine Natur und seine Stellung in der Welt
--- Die Seele im technischen Zeitalter
--- Moral und Hypermoral: Eine pluralistische Ethik
--- Urmensch und Spätkultur: Philosophische Ergebnisse und Aussagen
Bertrand de Jouvenel, Le réveil de l'Europe
--- Du Pouvoir: Histoire naturelle de sa croissance
Julien Freund, L’Essence du politique
--- Les Problèmes nouveaux posés à la politique de nos jours
--- Sociologie du conflit
Josef Pieper, Zucht und Maß. Über die vierte Kardinaltugend
--- Muße und Kult
Anthony Ludovici, A Defence of Aristocracy: A Text-Book for Tories
--- The False Assumptions of "Democracy"
--- The Specious Origins of Liberalism: The Genesis of a Delusion
Pitirim Sorokin, Fads and Foibles in Modern Sociology and related sciences
--- Social and Cultural Dynamics
--- The Crisis of Our Age
Robert Nisbet, The Quest for Community: A Study in the Ethics of Order and Freedom
--- History of the Idea of Progress
--- Prejudices: A Philosophical Dictionary
Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, The Menace of the Herd
--- Liberty or Equality
Philippe Ariès, L'Homme devant la mort
--- Un historien du dimanche
--- Le présent quotidien, 1955-1966
René Girard, La Violence et le sacré
--- Le Bouc émissaire
Helmut Schelsky, Die Arbeit tun die anderen: Klassenkampf und Priesterherrschaft der Intellektuellen
--- Der selbstständige und der betreute Mensch: Politische Schriften und Kommentare
--- Die Soziologen und das Recht
--- Funktionäre, gefährden sie das Gemeinwohl?

Alain de Benoist, Vu de droite
--- Les Idées à l'endroit
--- Démocratie: le problème
--- Au-delà des droits de l'homme
--- Nous et les autres. Problématique de l'identité
Pierre Vial, Pour une renaissance culturelle: le GRECE prend la parole
Georges Dumézil, L’Idéologie tripartite des Indo-Européens
--- La Religion romaine archaïque
--- Mythe et Épopée
--- Heur et Malheur du guerrier, aspects de la fonction guerrière chez les Indo-Européens
Jean Mabire, L'Écrivain, la Politique et l'Espérance
--- Les Dieux maudits
Louis Rougier, La Mystique démocratique, ses origines, ses illusions
--- La Défaite des vainqueurs
--- Les Mystiques économiques
--- Le Génie de l'Occident
Michel-Georges Micberth, Petite Somme contre les gentils
--- Révolution droitiste
Dominique Venner, Le Blanc Soleil des vaincus
--- Histoire critique de la Résistance
--- Histoire et tradition des Européens: 30 000 ans d'identité
--- Le Choc de l'histoire: religion, mémoire, identité
Louis Pauwels, Le Matin des magiciens
--- Le Droit de parler
Paul Sérant, Où va la droite ?
--- Les vaincus de la libération
Jules Monnerot, Démarxiser l'université
--- Désintox. Au secours de la France décérébrée
Jean Parvulesco, La spirale prophétique
--- Une stratégie transcendantale pour la « Grande Europe »
--- Vladimir Poutine et l'Eurasie
Jean Cau, Lettre ouverte aux têtes de chiens occidentaux
--- Discours de la décadence
--- Croquis de mémoire
--- L'Ivresse des intellectuels: Pastis, Whisky et Marxisme
--- Contre-attaques: éloge incongrue du lourd
Vintilă Horia, La rebeldía de los escritores soviéticos
--- Viaje a los Centros de la Tierra
--- Consideraciones sobre un mundo peor
Gerhard Nebel, Von den Elementen
--- Das Ereignis des Schönen
--- Schmerz des Vermissens
Armin Mohler, Die Konservative Revolution in Deutschland 1918–1932
--- Von rechts gesehen
--- Liberalenbeschimpfung. Drei politische Traktate
Karlheinz Weißmann, Alles, was recht(s) ist: Ideen, Köpfe und Perspektiven der politischen Rechten
Günter Rohrmoser, Das Elend der kritischen Theorie
--- Der Ernstfall: Die Krise unserer liberalen Republik
--- Konservatives Denken im Kontext der Moderne
Günter Maschke, Das bewaffnete Wort: Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1973 - 93
Gerd-Klaus Kaltenbrunner, Rekonstruktion des Konservatismus
--- Elite. Erziehung für den Ernstfall
--- Vom Geist Europas
Botho Strauß, Paare Passanten
--- Beginnlosigkeit
--- Wohnen Dämmern Lügen
--- Die Fehler des Kopisten

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Einzelheiten, Maximen und Reflexionen
--- Gespräche mit Goethe
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria
--- Aids to Reflection
Walter Scott, Essays on Chivalry, Romance, and Drama
--- Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Edgar Allan Poe, Essays and Reviews
Thomas de Quincey, Suspiria de Profundis
--- The English Mail-Coach
Jules Lemaître, Les Contemporains: Études et portraits littéraires
--- Impressions de théâtre
Azorín, Clásicos y modernos
--- Los valores literarios
--- Al margen de los clásicos
Titu Maiorescu, În contra direcției de astăzi în cultura română
--- Retori, oratori, limbuți
Guillaume Apollinaire, Méditations esthétiques
--- Les Diables amoureux
Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Der Dichter und diese Zeit
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--- Die Idee Europa
--- Das Schrifttum als geistiger Raum der Nation
T.E. Hulme, Speculations
Le Corbusier, Vers une architecture
--- Urbanisme
George Santayana, The Sense of Beauty
--- Interpretations of Poetry and Religion
--- Character and Opinion in the United States
--- The Life of Reason
Massimo Bontempelli, Novecentismo letterario
--- L'avventura novecentista
Rudolf Borchardt, Ausgewählte Werke 1900-1918
T.S. Eliot, Selected Essays
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Ezra Pound, The ABC of Reading
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Ford Madox Ford, Great Trade Route
Evelyn Waugh, Waugh in Abyssinia
David Jones, Epoch and Artist
--- The Dying Gaul
Jacques de Lacretelle, Le demi-dieu ou le voyage en Grèce
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--- Qui est La Roque?
Henry de Montherlant, Mors et vita
--- Le Solstice de juin
Ramon Fernandez, Itinéraire français
Wyndham Lewis, The Art of Being Ruled
--- Time and Western Man
--- Men Without Art
Heimito von Doderer, Die Wiederkehr der Drachen
Roger Nimier, Les écrivains sont-ils bêtes?
--- Variétés: L'Air du temps
Antoine Blondin, Ma vie entre des lignes
--- Un malin plaisir

Mihai Eminescu, Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Giosuè Carducci, Verner von Heidenstam, Ion Creangă, Duiliu Zamfirescu, Rudyard Kipling, Saki, Knut Hamsun, Luigi Pirandello, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Saunders Lewis, Cyriel Verschaeve, Josef Weinheber, Jacques Perret, Leopoldo Panero, Gerardo Diego, Radu Gyr, Gunnar Gunnarsson, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Paul Morand, Jacques Chardonne, Marcel Jouhandeau, Jacques Laurent, Yukio Mishima, Raymond Abellio, Pierre Gripari, Vladimir Volkoff, Dominique de Roux, Jean Raspail, Renaud Camus, Michel Déon
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I've looked through the lists and I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Where can I learn about Corporatism in 20th century Japan?
What about present day China?
S Korea during industrialization?
By mikema63
I find it easier to start with a very general text and work my way deeper on specific ideas I'm interested in.

You could start with a book like Fascism from the oxford readers series that assembles bits from a lot of different authors to try and give a general view.
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I think I'm more interested in learning about Asian politics and current affairs than fascism generally.

Fascism is only interesting to me in an Asian context.
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By ThirdTerm
In contrast to Euro-centric works on comparative fascism that set Japan apart from Germany and Italy, this book emphasizes parallels between Japan and its Axis Allies. Romantic nationalist ideologies attracted a strong following in all three nations as they emerged as modern states in the late 1800s. In both Germany and Japan these were, from the beginning, strongly racial in nature. Spurred by grievances against the "status quo" powers, all three took up aggressive policies in the 1930s, producing a short-lived "fascist era." Japan's prominent role demands a broader perspective and consideration of "fascism" as more than a purely European phenomenon.

Several contributors examine how fascism was understood in the 1930s by, for example, influential theorists, an antifascist literary group, and leading intellectuals responding to capitalist modernization. Others explore the idea that fascism’s solution to alienation and exploitation lay in efforts to beautify work, the workplace, and everyday life. Still others analyze the realization of and limits to fascist aesthetics in film, memorial design, architecture, animal imagery, a military museum, and a national exposition. Contributors also assess both manifestations of and resistance to fascist ideology in the work of renowned authors including the Nobel-prize-winning novelist and short-story writer Kawabata Yasunari and the mystery writers Edogawa Ranpo and Hamao Shirō. In the work of these final two, the tropes of sexual perversity and paranoia open a new perspective on fascist culture. This volume makes Japanese fascism available as a critical point of comparison for scholars of fascism worldwide. The concluding essay models such work by comparing Spanish and Japanese fascisms.

- [PDF] Japanese Fascism Revisited - Stanford University by M Willensky:

- Showa Japan: Fascist? | Politics Forum .org:
By foxdemon
AFAIK wrote:I've looked through the lists and I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Where can I learn about Corporatism in 20th century Japan?
What about present day China?
S Korea during industrialization?

I think the key term is Asian Values.

Note 'Asian Values' as espoused by various far east leaders emphasis regionalism, social consensus and collectivism rather than individualism, strong rule by a single party, assertion of the rightness of the the state. Sounds very similar to the western idea of fascism, no?

What the wiki article linked to above missing out on is the origin of the idea of 'Asian Values' that Lee Kuan Yew, Dr Mahathir and others were carrying on about. The concept is descended from the philosophy of Imperial Japan, created as a Japanese centered counter to Western ideas of imperialism in the early 20th century. I believe Japanese political thought in the Imperial period was influenced by Western Fascism.

The Japanese Imperial political doctrines were adopted in Asia by the various local militias formed by the Japanese during WWII. In Indonesia, for example, the local militia became the pro independence movement, led by future rulers such as Sukarno. So there was continuity between Japanese Imperial occupation and the independence movements and the succeeding nation states.

So I think you will have to start with early 20th cent Japan and study the rise of the generals and the political ideas they used to legitimate that movement. Then look at Japanese anti-western/colonial propaganda and the effect on shaping the post war independence movements. Finally we get to the modern era and the needs of Asian states to define themselves in their own terms to avoid being intellectually colonized by western entities.

Curiously there is a perception in the west that Asian Values are defunct as a result of being discredited after the Asian melt down in 1997. This seems odd as the state that did best, Malaysia, rejected western economic principles while those who followed western advice and practice did worse (eg: Thailand). One would think the 1997 crisis would have reinforced the need for developing ones own system of belief to avoid the body of ideas around which society is organized being biased to serve the ambitions of a possible rival.

A good paper on the subject here.
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