Should africans be fascist - Politics | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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This is the question, for FRS, Rei , fasces and the fascists, of all the Ethic races should Fascism should be necessary for Africans, due to us being the most disenfranchise, most suffering and more in poverty people in the world, since I dream of a stable single African state in the continent (mainly rule by Ethiopia whose monarchy has been restored and modernize for reasons my own) How do we convince the populous in African and overseas that fascism is the an alternative form of government do you think they need it, do they think they need it or do they just believe it's just more oppression to them. In some cases it's better than the welfare liberal democracy in America and to the corrupt non-stable authoritarian states in Africa, and if it's any group of people that NEEDS to have pride, self management, traditional values economical nationalism and most importantly the family, it is the black race. Since each country is different in Africa and most won't agree to a single African state, it must be united by force, but before any of that can happen, there should be one African country that has the most stable government with strong strict army that defend itself from terrorists and warlords, then it must promote the idea of pan Africanism and spread influence to other countries, then to promote economic progress it must do business with the major powers, send their brightest students, overseas to learn from other countries, trade overseas and to other African countries, then to gain more influence it should portray themselves as a savior, willing to help other countries militarily and economically, then it should be a protectorate of the African countries, finally it must create it's own "Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere" this will all be done under the fascist state if one of those African country ever becomes one. So what country in Africa should be a fascist state, should Africans promote the idea of black fascism and, how should it function. The closet thing we had of black fascism was, Marcus Garvey and his "back to Africa" movement.
welcometohavoc wrote:You think replacing your corrupt dictators with another dictator will make things better for you?

Well, it may help if a new elite is motivated by an ideology instead of just expediency/self interest.
Wouldn't that require the development of industrial capitalism first? Trying to turn tribal, agrarian societies into socialist states seems like a recipe for disaster.
Not really. Urban Proletarians in Africa (certain parts, generalizing Africa as one Homogeneous mass would be the worst mistake) are as much numerous (if not more) as urban proletarians were in Russia during Russian revolution.
Yes, they are good example.

Specially Somalia considering the utter chaos it finds itself after the dissolution of SDR. With massive increase in literacy, life expectancy etc these states were a success even when these states were in existence for a very brief time.
Specially Somalia considering the utter chaos it finds itself after the dissolution of SDR

Because of the actions of the SDR, which ignored tribal and national allegiances (pursuing a dream of a "Somali" people). Of course, despite their rhetoric, the government was still dependent on tribal support, meaning that certain sectarian groups were given favor under the government, and when the Somali government began to falter, these other groups, which did not enjoy the right of sovereignty, took the opportunity to seize powers.

Communism is fundamentally incapable of addressing the problems that plague Africa - Africa needs nationalism to stabilize their societies and throw out these borders which divide nations, before any communist society is feasible. People do not forget their blood because of a few decades of propaganda.

Humanity is a tribal society, and it is only within a tribal identity that socialism becomes possible. Multiethnic communist societies are fundamentally instable and will always break apart in bloody conflict. Ask the Soviets. Ask Tito. Ask Ethiopia. Ask Somalia. Which communist states remain today? Vietnam - homogeneous. North Korea - homogeneous. China - homogeneous (91% Han).
and yet Somalia is more chaotic with dissolution of SDR than during the era of SDR.

Fall of these states were due to many reasons and not just tribal conflict, personally I am not much of a fan of SDR, would had preferred Ethiopia's communist regime in their conflict.

Fasces wrote:Communism is fundamentally incapable of addressing the problems that plague Africa

What problem?
and yet Somalia is more chaotic with dissolution of SDR than during the era of SDR.

Yes - as should be expected for a post-colonial state. The SDR failed to maintain the stability of colonial Somalia.

Fall of these states were due to many reasons and not just tribal conflict, personally I am not much of a fan of SDR, would had preferred Ethiopia's communist regime in their conflict.

Tribal conflict was the major instigating factor. People are unwilling to share resources with those of an opposing tribe, making a communist state unstable.

What problem?

Read the rest of that line.
Last edited by Fasces on 30 Oct 2013 14:21, edited 1 time in total.
Forget politics its all lies, thievery and murder. Freemarket capitalism is the way to go, create wealth don't steal it, its a surer path to prosperity. Any gobby cunt in a uniform tells some lies about how he is your master and you gotta dosh him up or he "has" to beat you up needs to killed as a matter of self defence.
I've never actually considered Siad Barre's state communist. Socialist? Absolutely. It was also fiercely nationalist. That lethal combination which tends to accomplish extraordinary things. It was a left-nationalist state I would say and Barre never attempted to cement atheism either - It was more akin to the Islamic socialism of Qaddafi's Libya than the communist Derg of Ethiopia, the Eastern Bloc, the USSR, China, etc. Barre was really more of an adept opportunist than a doctrinaire Marxist. He was all too happy to do away with all pretenses of respect for Marxist-Leninism once the Soviet Union and Cuba began backing communist Ethiopia in the Ogaden War after the monarchy fell over there.

Beyond uniting or attempting to unite the Somalis in their ancestral territory, he also made strides in education, standardization of the Somali language, ending corruption, land reform, etc.

Somalia was definitely better off when, in the tradition of its varied history, it had a strong and recognized leader with international ties with one great power or another, a socialist economy, nationalist instruction for the youth, and a sense of actual unity.

Now half the country is overrun by Al-Qaeda/Al-Shabaab or pirates or just local criminals, there are established breakaway secessionist movements, foreign troops hold the other half and are deployed in the capital city, U.S. drones hold the skies at will, its territorial waters have been an unguarded playground for overfishing by foreign commercial vessels and dumping nuclear waste, and the country is just about at the lowest position in every ranking.

- By the way Ethiopian, this is quite an interesting topic with a good potential for discussion. I received your private comments, but got sidetracked in the past few days and have to revisit it as my mind has been elsewhere.
Last edited by Far-Right Sage on 31 Oct 2013 08:49, edited 1 time in total.
Fasces wrote:Yes - as should be expected for a post-colonial state. The SDR failed to maintain the stability of colonial Somalia.

SDR was much better than colonial Somalia as already pointed out considering the great achievement in Education Health care etc.

Fall of SDR was much more complex than just tribal identity or communism. Even then given the three variables, Education, Health care, Stability SDR will still come out on top in comparison to either post SDR Somalia or Colonial Somalia.

Your only complaint seem to be that it didn't last long not that SDR was bad for Somalia in itself. So, yes communism is the solution for Africa only this time it should entrench itself.

Tribal conflict was the major instigating factor. People are unwilling to share resources with those of an opposing tribe, making a communist state unstable.

Tribal conflict is a problem for Africa which socialism can overcome. Your stance that Africa needs a major redrawing of her Borders based on tribal identities is recipe for more conflict and instability only.

Read the rest of that line.

I missed your edit.

Humanity is a tribal society, and it is only within a tribal identity that socialism becomes possible.Humanity is a tribal society, and it is only within a tribal identity that socialism becomes possible. Multiethnic communist societies are fundamentally instable and will always break apart in bloody conflict. Ask the Soviets. Ask Tito. Ask Ethiopia. Ask Somalia. Which communist states remain today? Vietnam - homogeneous. North Korea - homogeneous. China - homogeneous

This is a very very simplified analysis. Correlation and causation shit and there was no bloody conflict (civil war) during dissolution of USSR.

Would in let's say 1972, you would had said that Communism seems to work in multiethnic states?
mikema63 wrote:No, go communist.

Fuck that I had enough of African communism, it was because of that The great Ethiopian monarchy with it's 3000 year old, traditions and foundation was overthrown and was replace with the communist Derg which was like many communist governments, oppressive, brutal and kill 2 million Ethiopians and when it was overthrown it was replace by the less brutal, more corrupt "democratic socialist" EPRDF, but I bet your still happy about this, by the way communism is genocidal dead end for us, because it involves more modernization and a fully function capitalist society, which we have neither one.
taxizen wrote:Forget politics its all lies, thievery and murder. Freemarket capitalism is the way to go, create wealth don't steal it, its a surer path to prosperity. Any gobby cunt in a uniform tells some lies about how he is your master and you gotta dosh him up or he "has" to beat you up needs to killed as a matter of self defence.

The last thing Africa needs right now is Anarchism. There are to many lawless states, genocide bewteen ethic groups and warlords will easily take advantage of the chaos
No - trying to force the disparate peoples and cultures of the continent into any of the various one-size-fits-all Western ideological straightjackets I've seen proposed here will only result in bad outcomes.
J Oswald wrote:No - trying to force the disparate peoples and cultures of the continent into any of the various one-size-fits-all Western ideological straightjackets I've seen proposed here will only result in bad outcomes.

Do you have a better idea to unite the African Diaspora under one roof, to stop the genocide, the poverty, warlordism, and corrupt liberal government

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