Favorite Current Monarch in Europe - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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For those in the forum who would support a monarchy who of the eight families in Europe would you support if you were a resident of that nation? Also is there any nation that you would like to see bring back the monarchy?
By Comrade Juanito
Id have to say Juan Carlos....as for a country to bring back a monarchy? I wouldnt mind seeing italy with a king instead of their foolish prime minister.
By FascistDictator
Ahh yes Juan Carlos of Spain one of my favorites, it was Francisco Franco who prepared him for the crown. And I too would like to see the Savoy's reclaim the throne in Italy, but right now i guess and leader would be better than PM Berlusconi.
By Jesse
I loathe them all equally. Monarchy isn't viable in a technologized society, and even in older times, too much of a dice-throw.
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By Adrien
I know that this question wasn't for guys like me but i thought i might add a little comment; like Jesse i dislike them all equally, they are all obsolete in nowadays society, and they are all some kind of reactionnary symbol.
By Al Khabir
I support none of them (I dislike monarchy just as Jesse and Adrien). I think that now a monarchy would probably be counter productive.,

However, aside from their modern irrelevance, there is one major reason to dislike them- none of them are descended from their heroic or infamous predecessors- to have a Plantagenet or Tudor on the throne of England, a descendent of Gustav Adolf in Sweden, the heir of Philip of Spain or the fourth Emporer Bonaparte would really be an acheivement.

Call me a romanticist like Byron if you like, but a return to the uncertain days of history would be fascinating and uncertian.
By Al Khabir
And a nation where the monarchy should return... America, to return them to the rulership of the English. "Taxation without representation" would be our battlecry.
By Jesse
Al Khabir wrote: uncertain days of history would be fascinating and uncertian.

Doesn't that go without saying? :P

On another note, Al Khabir, I'd quite appreciate you critiqueing my works on Civitas, should you get the chance.
By Steve
Ahh yes Juan Carlos of Spain one of my favorites, it was Francisco Franco who prepared him for the crown

Didn't Juan Carlos do the opposite of what Franco prepared him to do? ;)

I also think it is interesting how Bulgaria re-elected their former king as Prime Minister, 50 or so years after his abdication.

But I'm not much of a monarchist myself, I also see it as a little outdated, especially having a Queen of Canada who only actually comes here once every few years or so.
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By Truth-a-naut
I'd only support monarchy if I was the King or Emperor.
I don't see why any of you would like being ordered around by someone.
What are you, sheep?
By Milorg
As a norwegian, I'd have to say king Harald. Even though he's a bit slow.. But favorite. Princess Madeleince of Sweden. She is too cute...

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