Doesn't Diversity Presume Inequality? - Politics | PoFo

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Just something to maybe add to the list of leftist oxymorons. In order for things to be diverse, they have to be different. If they're different, they're not the same and if they're not the same, they are by definition not completely equal with each other, right?

The best counter-argument I have been able to formulate to this is that diversity would lead to temporary inequality, which is supposed to be alleviated. I think however that this segways into another argument I made some time ago, which is that the metaphysics of progressivism has no feasible end in sight, thereby robbing it of any concept of the peak of all things (God, etc.) and therefore making every extant and possible being an inferior to future beings, creating an eternal chain of subservients.

Although very subtle, I do believe that this metaphysical presumption is vaguely realized through progressive's growing totalitarian tendencies.
I have said for awhile that egalitarianism has outlived its usefulness, or alternatively it has to be understood in a limited context. At the same time, the left will argue that apes should have the equivalent of human rights.
blackjack21 wrote:I have said for awhile that egalitarianism has outlived its usefulness, or alternatively it has to be understood in a limited context. At the same time, the left will argue that apes should have the equivalent of human rights.

Some seem to believe their dog should have greater rights than a human, especially if the human is still in the womb.
The left don't want to be consistent or coherent they want to drag human civilisation down, tear it up and remake it as an inhuman dystopia consequently it does not matter a hoot that diversity is inconsistent with equality. "Equality" gives them an excuse to tear down functioning chains of command and "diversity" gives them an excuse to open the borders to hostiles.
One way to get Cultural Marxists to shut up is to say two words:

"Gentile Equity."

No one seems to want to talk about the Jewish pay gap. No one wants to talk about the massively disproportionate number of Jews at the our top universities. Now the usual answer, if you're lucky enough to get an answer at all is that Jews are super intelligent and hard working. They've earned their success. When Gentile White people are successful its because of privilege racism and prejudice. Its never because they've earned it. So if Jews are inherently racially superior, we would expect Christian and Druze Israelis to really struggle, living in a country packed full of diligent geniuses. But in-fact what we see with Christian and Druze Israelis is quite the reverse.

Lefties used to love Asians, seeing them as docile foot soldiers for their rainbow coalitions. However lefties have had enough of their success and are now demanding equity from Asians the same as they have done for Whites. Asians, generally not be weighed down by neo Christian guilt are starting to speak up against this diversity hypocrisy and double standards.
Suntzu wrote:Folks aren't equal, never have been. Just use you eyes. We got smart one, dumb ones, short ones and tall one. :eh:

Whether it is right or wrong, the idea was that we are created equal in the womb, but there is where it ends.
Rugoz wrote:And right-wingers want less diversity and claim not to be egalitarian.

We understand too much diversity cause too many conflicts. We would rather live in peace.
SSDR wrote:Yeah I fucking hate when people emphasize social hierarchies. In my eyes, no one is above me for shits lol :lol:

Then, I advise you not to look up.
Praise the Lord.
Hong Wu wrote:Just something to maybe add to the list of leftist oxymorons. In order for things to be diverse, they have to be different. If they're different, they're not the same and if they're not the same, they are by definition not completely equal with each other, right?


1+2+3 = 6

Different equations, equal value.

Women/men; black/white; left/right

They can be equal but different.

A diverse environment is more competitive. Workers living in a diverse society are exposed to tougher competitions compared to those in a non-diverse society. Asian skaters currently dominate men's figure skating and Russian male skaters are behind by 20 years. ISU changed the rules so that skaters like Jason Brown with no quad jump become more advantageous. This is why the Chinese Exclusion Act and the White Australia Policy were introduced to protect white working-class jobs from Asian workers who were seemingly more capable and diligent. Trump's Mexican Wall and Theresa May's Brexit would have the same effect to eliminate foreign competitors from the respective job markets, too.
SSDR wrote:@Hindsite, Yeah I don't look up to anyone. :p

That's called defiance. Pecking orders are part of nature. That's why Washington pols are so upset that Trump won. It upset the pecking order.
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