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By neopagan
I started this thread as a kind of opposite to the Best Movie Ever one. I am delighted how well it has turned out. It seems there is more grist for the mill here.
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By Godstud
This thread should be called, "The worst movie you have ever seen.". since I'd probably walk out of the worst movie ever, or turn the channel.
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By Rejn
I don't usually watch movies as I'm often disappointed by them, but the two movies I disliked the most are Battle Los Angeles and Eragon. I'm not sure which I disliked more.
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By Dagoth Ur
Movies are precisely about low expectations and pleasant surprises.

Oh and Contact is the worst movie ever. Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey and boring as fuck.
By OllytheBrit
White Heat. I'm pretty good at impersonating JC by the way

'Made it, Ma! Top of the world!'
'You dirdy rat!'

My Clint Eastwood is quite good too. 'You feeling lucky, punk? Go ahead - make my day!' Image
By OllytheBrit
Sithsaber wrote:[youtube]VG2Fv56RTf4[/youtube]

Maggie and the Pirate

Image I've just wasted a mine and a half of my life!
By Decky

My mind had blocked out that terrible experience. God that was bad.
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By Nets
Boondock Saints.

Tarantino is unbearable enough. Vapid Tarantino imitators are one step too far.
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By Drlee
"Dr. T and the Women"

I stopped at Walmart on the way home and bought a sleeveless T-shirt.
My friends and I had a festival for the worst movie we could find, that you could stand to sit through that wasn't notoriously a shit movie.

The nominees were:

Nightmare on Elm Street 5
Sex and the City II
Mario Bros.
Street Fighter
Wicker Man (Nicholas Cage remake)
On Deadly Ground
Disney's Blank Check
Highlander: The Source

Pretty much everyone agreed Sex and the City II was the worst, but we had to disqualify it since nobody watched the whole thing. Thus, Highlander: The Source won this year.
By Decky
Wicker Man (Nicholas Cage remake)

As long as you think of it as a comedy it is briliant.
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By KlassWar
Decky wrote:The terrible American remake of wicker man.

*cringes in pain*

Motherfucker, I'd halfway managed to suppress the memory of how shitty that was and now you bring it up again!!!

emmitt wrote:Every movie by Quentin Tarantino.
I've actually tried to like his movies but they're all just too horrible.

And I don't care what anyone thinks. His movies are awful. He's just totally overrated. Period.

He IS extremely overrated, but Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction were pure gold.
Last edited by KlassWar on 23 Mar 2014 23:46, edited 1 time in total.
By benpenguin
Anybody watched Kick Ass 2? I raged hard seeing that shit, it was a direct insult to kick ass 1 and the series.

Also Les Miserable - I swear everybody who said they cry during the movie have shit for brains, horrible plot, horrible character developments...(The scenes are done well though, to be fair)

And a whole swarm of mega budget, money wasting and pretentious Chinese movies but I'm sure nobody cares, "Curse of the Golden Flower" for example...
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