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By annatar1914
Weeks later and we're still talking about this election, and still talking about President Trump. It seems like this 2020 election will go down in history like the other contested elections of US history, except that this is all happening when this nation has serious internal problems and a definite case of Imperial over-extension worldwide.

Trump has broken Liberals, he really has. And the GOP establishment as well. I well understand their motivations for all this Impeachment madness-they don't want President Trump running for and winning a second Presidential term in 2024, at all costs-which is interesting in itself...I guess people in the Deep State are not as dismissive of Trump as a political foe as their propaganda from 2015-2020 has tried to suggest to the public.

Fact is, I think in important respects President Trump is even more powerful now than when he was President, accomplishing several strategic goals already which favor his longer term planning. Or rather, he is letting his opponents help him accomplish his long term strategic goals for him.
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By Godstud
annatar1914 wrote:I well understand their motivations for all this Impeachment madness-they don't want President Trump running for and winning a second Presidential term in 2024, at all costs-which is interesting in itself
It's about him instigating an insurrection after undermining the Democratic process, with lies and untruths. Have you been paying attention, atall?

annatar1914 wrote:I guess people in the Deep State are not as dismissive of Trump as a political foe as their propaganda from 2015-2020 has tried to suggest to the public.
Deep state is a conspiracy theory. Stop using it if you want to have a realistic discussion.

annatar1914 wrote:Fact is, I think in important respects President Trump is even more powerful now than when he was President,
Far from it. He's lost power because he didn't back his insurrection, or the idiots who stormed the Capitol buiding, and because he's been de-platformed. He can't talk to his cultists, every minute of the day.

Trump gone from most important person(in his mind) in the USA. to a Has-been situation.

Why are you still defending Trump, as if you are a cultist?
By annatar1914
@Godstud , It's from these replies that I can infer that President Trump has broken many people of your political persuasion, and conservatives too. You said;

It's about him instigating an insurrection after undermining the Democratic process, with lies and untruths. Have you been paying attention, atall?

No, it's about the lengths both sides will go to to get rid of the other, that's what it's really about.

Deep state is a conspiracy theory. Stop using it if you want to have a realistic discussion.

Every government in existence since the world was made has had a ''Deep State'', a permanent establishment that does not change even if the forms of government and the alleged heads of governments change hands. It does not.

Far from it. He's lost power because he didn't back his insurrection, or the idiots who stormed the Capitol buiding, and because he's been de-platformed. He can't talk to his cultists, every minute of the day.

Just watch. He almost has his opponents right where he wants them, so much so that even you will probably see it when it happens.

Trump gone from most important person(in his mind) in the USA. to a Has-been situation.

Unfortunately this is not and will not be the case.

Why are you still defending Trump, as if you are a cultist?

Are you are so blinded by political Manicheanism that you cannot attribute any natural talents to your opponents? Indicating something that is happening, or has happened, or will happen, and why, is not ''defending'' anyone. It's describing a process, and what you or I think of the process is irrelevant from a practical standpoint.

It's like the weather. If I say that it will be colder or warmer tomorrow than it was today in a certain place, my feelings about it being cold or hot won't change the facts about the weather tomorrow one way or another, will they?
By late
annatar1914 wrote:

Just watch. He almost has his opponents right where he wants them, so much so that even you will probably see it when it happens.

How very Q of you...
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By Godstud
Sorry, @annatar1914, but when it comes to Trump, you defend him AS a cultist and logic and reason doesn't even enter into it. Your arguments are dishonest and you insult your own intelligence by engaging in his defense. You're the one who is "broken", and it IS about your feelings.

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By Saeko

Your posts are literally 100% delusional. You need help. I'm not even joking. You seriously sound like you need psychiatric help.
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By XogGyux
Rancid wrote:The only thing that could end Trumpism is economic progress for all Americans.

Woulnd't be holding my breath for that. Didn't we have economic progress with Obama after yet another republican destroyed the economy? Did it help anything?
I mean, you say "all americans" but that seems kind of utopian.
We are not dealing with rational people. If you gave all Americans a mansion, a Bentley and 2billion dollars they would still be complaining about pizzagate, pedophiles and communism. You have people in this thread that have argued in the past that vaccines are part of a conspiracy by billgates to implant tracking chips into people. It is pretty hard to convince people with rational arguments and evidence when the thought processing unit is defective to begin with. :lol:
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By colliric
Saeko wrote:

Turns out the Trumptards were the real pedophiles all along.

Actually her daughter said her mother's account was hacked and retracted her statement.

She obviously had embarrassing bathtime photos of her own kid still on her phone.
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By JohnRawls
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By Rancid
XogGyux wrote:Woulnd't be holding my breath for that. Didn't we have economic progress with Obama after yet another republican destroyed the economy? Did it help anything?
I mean, you say "all americans" but that seems kind of utopian.
We are not dealing with rational people. If you gave all Americans a mansion, a Bentley and 2billion dollars they would still be complaining about pizzagate, pedophiles and communism. You have people in this thread that have argued in the past that vaccines are part of a conspiracy by billgates to implant tracking chips into people. It is pretty hard to convince people with rational arguments and evidence when the thought processing unit is defective to begin with. :lol:

Yea, and that's what my point, that it's not gonna happen. Hence the US is doomed to become another Russia.
By annatar1914
Saeko wrote:@annatar1914

Your posts are literally 100% delusional. You need help. I'm not even joking. You seriously sound like you need psychiatric help.

@Saeko ;

Says the person who only supports these total idiots out of your own desire to see destruction and chaos. :roll:

Fact is, the Democrats are right on schedule, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory with all their opening moves, failing to see that this is a longer term game. It's obvious that they're demented, because nothing can talk them out of these divisive actions. And anyone who warns them of these political mistakes, like myself, is ''needing psychiatric help"? :lol: :excited:

Trump isn't going away anytime soon, and his enemies, blinded by hate and fear, are handing him long term victory (it's strange how none of you can see Trump as playing any long term strategy politically speaking) right at the moment when Biden and Schumer and Pelosi could have sealed his political fate with unifying and patriotic efforts (or at least the appearance of these things), but they absolutely didn't, and don't likely have that intelligence and political wisdom within them to do so, anymore than the liberal contingent on PoFo does. The same things that make them Liberals politically speaking make them what they are as a whole...

Of course you know all this, because politically you're basically a kind of 'accelerationist.' with few real Liberal ideals, if any.

So therefore on PoFo we have the spectacle of anyone who displays any kind of political common sense and foresight being lumped in with ''Q'' and the Trump supporters :excited:
By Pants-of-dog

While I think Trump is very smart when it comes to a quick con, he seems to be a very short term thinker. This can be seen by his inconsistency in almost everything.

Can you provide a concrete example of Trump playing any long term strategy politically speaking?
By annatar1914
Pants-of-dog wrote:@annatar1914

While I think Trump is very smart when it comes to a quick con, he seems to be a very short term thinker. This can be seen by his inconsistency in almost everything.

Can you provide a concrete example of Trump playing any long term strategy politically speaking?

@Pants-of-dog ;

At this point, considering the deranged and exceedingly stupid reactions from the Liberal Reactionaries, I'd rather not give the game away as I see it, because few if any will break through the groupthink to consider it. I'm sure some few politically liberal people like Tulsi Gabbard get it on some level though.

I'll just grab some popcorn and watch this political theater play out, when President Trump gets his free podium on national television to say what he would want to say. I'll just keep watching as the pretense of calling for national unity evaporates into calls for retaliation against Trump voters. I'll just keep watching the horrible optics and stupid comments and the stupid actions and failures to act appropriately do their corrosive and self-destructive work .
By Pants-of-dog

Feel free to provide an example from the past of Trump playing any long term strategy politically speaking. You do not have to give away his current supposed plan.
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By Saeko
colliric wrote:Actually her daughter said her mother's account was hacked and retracted her statement.

She put our a video at 8 am sharp saying her mom's phone was hacked after she'd called the police and the officer that responded took her mother's side.

She obviously had embarrassing bathtime photos of her own kid still on her phone.

No, the daughter was 16 in the nude photo. The photo was a photo of a photo on her daughter's phone. That means that she intentionally acquired, possessed, and distributed child pornography. Of her own daughter.
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