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By Drlee
Old people are so lazy and are such bums. They should have saved their money instead of expecting the government to pay for their lack of foresight

Old friend. What are you doing to me!

You come from Canada with universal health care and Old Age Pension even more liberal than the US and moved to a country that covers 99.5% of its citizens with health care and allows them to retire on their Social Security 7 years before the US even offers reduced benefits.

As you know I am still working though in my late 60s and do not draw social security payments yet so I assume no personal affront intended. The rest of the geezers, particularly those in the republican party seem to think that what is good for them would not be good for everyone. They somehow believe that people who are 64 1/2 do not need health care while those 65 and over need better health care. They are, of course, hypocrites. God forbid that US Social Security/Medicare recipients only got what they paid in.
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By Stormsmith
I was dead surprised when, maybe 18 months ago, I watched 2 veteran anchour women discussing the benefits Canadian parents receive when having a child. Apparently, maternity leave and baby bonuses were new to them.
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By Drlee
I think most US folks would be stunned if they saw what civilized countries pay for health care and what is covered. The fact remains that the US:

Pays vastly more for health care than any other country. Full stop.

Outcomes in the US are not the best in the world in any category. But we are getting better. When did we start getting better? When Obama care became law.

People in the US die from preventable diseases and treatable infectious diseases at a higher rate than in comparable countries.

Drugs in the US are the most expensive in the world even though we are where most of them were invented.

People in the US wait longer to see the doctor than in other countries.

And how about this. Seeing a doctor after hours is covered in the Netherlands once you meet your $300.00 per year deductible but even before that the after-hours visit is less than $100.00.

We could have the best health care in the world for far less than we are paying now. But we would have far fewer billionaires.


This is why I believe that people who do not favor universal health care are simply not intelligent enough to understand what the rest of the world takes for granted.
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By Godstud
Drlee wrote:Old friend. What are you doing to me!
SARCASM. :D I'm just doing that to make a point.

Drlee wrote:They are, of course, hypocrites. God forbid that US Social Security/Medicare recipients only got what they paid in.
That's the point I was trying to make, while these same people rant about poor people not contributing, while they accept benefits that they might not necessarily "deserve". Welfare is only OK when THEY benefit from it.
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By Drlee
That's the point I was trying to make, while these same people rant about poor people not contributing, while they accept benefits that they might not necessarily "deserve". Welfare is only OK when THEY benefit from it.

Very true.

If there was one prayer that every Christian ought to offer every night it is this:

"God save me from what I deserve."
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By Stormsmith
We could have the best health care in the world for far less than we are paying now. But we would have far fewer billionaires, and the Hindsights would be paying less taxes in the bargain.

This is why I believe that people who do not favor universal health care are simply not intelligent enough to understand what the rest of the world takes for granted.

You'd have fewer billionaires but more home owners.

I suggest for remedying the situation people should have more information. First, all congress persons, senators, and major-league appointees should divulge their stock portfolios. In this case, you'd be looking at health and drug transactions. Second, since we are both Anglo phonic countries, make sure CBS and BBC are part of everyone's regular TV line up. It will take years for the word to become common knowledge but if this knowledge had been the case when Bush 1 was president and health care was being trashed, Hillary Clinton would have had uni health care done and dusted when Billl Clinton was president. Think of the lives worsened or lost, to say nothing of the money, because of the political forces that shut down the Clintons.

I am a firm believer that you never disrespect the elderly (as a group of people) and a nation owes it to it's seniors to ensure they are taken care of. You never disrespect the elderly and you always look out for your elderly. We wouldn't be here without them and they have given us the country we are fortunate enough to have today. One day, some of us will be old if we are privileged enough to make it to that age.
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By jimjam
There’s been so much action that almost nobody noticed this week when the New York attorney general announced Trump has coughed up $2 million to repay money he stole from his foundation. O.K., “stole” is pretty harsh. What would you call it if somebody established a charity and then used a large chunk of other people’s donations to buy portraits of himself — one six feet tall — purchase sports memorabilia and pay off legal settlements for his private businesses? The Trump charity scandal is an old story, but the impeachment process puts it in a new light. Particularly if you combine it with the money he’s piling up from his Scottish golf resort (thank you Air Force visitors), the Washington hotel (welcome, Saudi officials) and from what the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington estimated were more than 2,300 conflicts of interest between his personal finances and his day job.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:There’s been so much action that almost nobody noticed this week when the New York attorney general announced Trump has coughed up $2 million to repay money he stole from his foundation. O.K., “stole” is pretty harsh. What would you call it if somebody established a charity and then used a large chunk of other people’s donations to buy portraits of himself — one six feet tall — purchase sports memorabilia and pay off legal settlements for his private businesses?

An unofficial borrowed loan.
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By Drlee
An unofficial borrowed loan.

It must have just slipped his mind to repay it. If he is really worth the 10 billion dollars he claims that he is it is strange that he would need a loan of $2 million from a charity. $2 million only being 0.0002 of his net worth. Surely if I was that wealthy I would have far more than that lying about. If he was only earning 2% of his net worth, 2 million is less than 2 days earnings.

But fortunately the New York Attorney General caught this oversight. I find it curious that someone as wealthy as he claims to be would have to be sued to repay such a pittance. And fight it. And then admit that he used the money to pay business debts and fund his campaign. And then, after agreeing in writing that he broke the law, agree to repay 8 charities and have his foundation forcibly shut down by the state government.

Consider Hindsite:

As part of the settlement, Mr. Trump, who at first dismissed the suit as a political attack, made 19 detailed admissions, acknowledging, for example, that the foundation had purchased the $10,000 portrait of himself that was ultimately displayed at one of his Florida hotels.

He admitted to using the foundation’s money to settle obligations of some of his for-profit companies, including a golf club in Westchester County, N.Y., and Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Florida which he frequently visits.

And he admitted that the foundation had given his presidential campaign control over about $2.8 million that the foundation had raised at a veterans fund-raiser in Iowa in January 2016. Mr. Trump acknowledged the fund-raiser was in fact a campaign event.

Now I know that you and many other followers of Trump do not care much about his honesty. I can't wait for your excuse. But, you see, that is what is wrong these days. This is huge news. It should get him impeached all by itself. If Obama had done such a thing the republicans would foaming at the mouth. They go into apoplexy at the very thought that an illegal alien lies to get treatment for their sick child at an emergency room but let their golden boy billionaire rip off the poor and veterans and they refer to it as an oversight.

Funny outcome. Trump's children are ordered by the court to take classes so they can learn how not to steal money from charities.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:An unofficial borrowed loan.

Gottcha …… ;)

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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:It must have just slipped his mind to repay it. If he is really worth the 10 billion dollars he claims that he is it is strange that he would need a loan of $2 million from a charity. $2 million only being 0.0002 of his net worth. Surely if I was that wealthy I would have far more than that lying about. If he was only earning 2% of his net worth, 2 million is less than 2 days earnings.

But fortunately the New York Attorney General caught this oversight. I find it curious that someone as wealthy as he claims to be would have to be sued to repay such a pittance. And fight it. And then admit that he used the money to pay business debts and fund his campaign. And then, after agreeing in writing that he broke the law, agree to repay 8 charities and have his foundation forcibly shut down by the state government.

Consider Hindsite:

Now I know that you and many other followers of Trump do not care much about his honesty. I can't wait for your excuse. But, you see, that is what is wrong these days. This is huge news. It should get him impeached all by itself. If Obama had done such a thing the republicans would foaming at the mouth. They go into apoplexy at the very thought that an illegal alien lies to get treatment for their sick child at an emergency room but let their golden boy billionaire rip off the poor and veterans and they refer to it as an oversight.

Funny outcome. Trump's children are ordered by the court to take classes so they can learn how not to steal money from charities.

I really don't know much about the case. I was just giving another possibility. But it seems that Trump had others operating the foundation and I don't think that would be an impeachable offense anyway.
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By Drlee
I don't think that would be an impeachable offense anyway.

Theft by deception of two million dollars, violation of sundry campaign finance laws are not impeachable offenses? :lol:
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:Theft by deception of two million dollars, violation of sundry campaign finance laws are not impeachable offenses? :lol:

Actually, for the Democrats, Trump eating two scoops of ice cream while all his guest are served one scoop would be impeachable, if they could get enough votes.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Actually, for the Democrats, Trump eating two scoops of ice cream while all his guest are served one scoop would be impeachable, if they could get enough votes.

Poor Donald. Poor poor Donald. I'm starting to feel sorry for the fat guy. :*( It's like Robert DiNiro said, "The president is supposed to set an example of trying to do the right thing. Not be a nasty little bitch. Because that’s what he is. He’s a petulant little punk. There’s not one thing that I see in him or his family, not any redeeming qualities. They’re out on the take. It’s like a gangster family."
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By BigSteve
jimjam wrote:Poor Donald. Poor poor Donald. I'm starting to feel sorry for the fat guy. :*( It's like Robert DiNiro said, "The president is supposed to set an example of trying to do the right thing. Not be a nasty little bitch.

Well, if anyone knows anything about being a little bitch, it's Robert DeNiro...
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By Drlee
@BigSteve Well, if anyone knows anything about being a little bitch, it's Robert DeNiro...

Really? Please tell us why you think Robert DiNiro is a "little bitch" other than he insulted your hero.
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By Godstud
Didn't @BigSteve start a whole thread about how DeNiro was robbed for not getting an award his acting in The Irishman? :lol:
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