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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:This is why I am voting a straight Republican ticket in 2020.

Because you like to steal elections? God bless you my friend. At least you don't lie like a rug like your man Obese Donald.
What do you mean by saying they "stole" the elections?
you salty democrats dont know how to lose just admit that you fucked up. you put the worst possible candidate in the US history
even thought almost the entire media was pro democrat and its still the case
democrats took control over Hollywood and the media and they still lost the elections what a bunch of sore losers
just admit defeat stop making excuses
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By blackjack21
Tainari88 wrote:Let me repeat:

1) Avoid War.

2) Avoid Economic Collapse.

3) Avoid uncertainty and unstable conditions.

@Doug64 is right. The Preamble to the United States Constitution provides its intent. It might behoove you to repeat your points to the governments of Central America, who seem to be sending hordes of their populations to the United States, because they cannot seem to follow your directives. The irony of the immigration problem we face, is that people are fleeing to America to get away from the conditions you are listing. I don't think Trump gets all the credit for it, since illegal immigration has been a problem for a long time. However, it does seem that you could try to spread your message to countries where populations are fleeing to go to the United States, as it seems they are not able to follow your three points.

Tainari88 wrote:Americans are by and large ignorant and arrogant.

So much so that millions of people come here every year, legally and illegally, so that they can be among ignorant and arrogant people?

Tainari88 wrote:Governments that are based on republican forms of governance are not supposed to be run like for profit businesses at all.

They are supposed to be run for the common good. However, working for the common good is lost as soon as the government provides funding to special interests.

Tainari88 wrote:They often fail to study economic development in human history and never understand how slavery and feudalism died off and wage labor replaced it.

"Market economics" is why slavery and feudalism died off. When the state has no money and has to share power with warlords, the lack of currency and free labor prevent free markets from developing. You've moved to a country where the poor have little in the way of economic opportunity and drug lords vie with the government for the control of territory and the regulation of business (namely, drugs and human trafficking).

Zionist Nationalist wrote:you salty democrats dont know how to lose just admit that you fucked up. you put the worst possible candidate in the US history

Yes, but they seem to be ready to repeat the mistake by doubling down on unpopular policies. For example, they not only want to ignore the problem of illegal aliens undercutting the wages of working class Americans, the Democrats want to remove existing fencing, decriminalize illegal immigration, and give "undocumented migrants" free healthcare at the expense of US citizens who don't have it, because they can't afford it. It's hard to believe they are doing it, but it's true.

As the Democrats move more to the left, sitting Democrat members of Congress are getting worried by both the Progressives and the anti-immigration constituencies. 'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats
Yet, as they are forced to provide ever more money for illegal immigrants, it's taking money away from the citizens they are supposed to be serving--AND, the very people who left the Democratic party and voted for Trump.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:even thought almost the entire media was pro democrat and its still the case
democrats took control over Hollywood and the media and they still lost the elections what a bunch of sore losers

They're not just losing elections. They are losing money. CNN and other leftist news outlets are losing money and cutting jobs. In my area, DirectTV won't carry the local NBC station, because Disney wants top dollar for Star Wars--not having realized that George Lucas' version was what people wanted, not political correctness and multiculturalism force fed to them via the Star Wars franchise. They seem to think they are entitled to get big money for storied franchises they've ruined with political correctness, multiculturalism, feminism, etc.

I was thinking Trump still needed an inside straight to win in 2020, but the way the Democratic primaries are headed to such radical pastures, it may be easier for Trump to win in 2020 than many realize.
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By Tainari88
blackjack21 wrote:@Doug64 is right. The Preamble to the United States Constitution provides its intent. It might behoove you to repeat your points to the governments of Central America, who seem to be sending hordes of their populations to the United States because they cannot seem to follow your directives. The irony of the immigration problem we face is that people are fleeing to America to get away from the conditions you are listing. I don't think Trump gets all the credit for it since illegal immigration has been a problem for a long time. However, it does seem that you could try to spread your message to countries where populations are fleeing to go to the United States, as it seems they are not able to follow your three points.

So much so that millions of people come here every year, legally and illegally, so that they can be among ignorant and arrogant people?

They are supposed to be run for the common good. However, working for the common good is lost as soon as the government provides funding to special interests.

"Market economics" is why slavery and feudalism died off. When the state has no money and has to share power with warlords, the lack of currency and free labor prevent free markets from developing. You've moved to a country where the poor have little in the way of economic opportunity and drug lords vie with the government for the control of territory and the regulation of business (namely, drugs and human trafficking).

Yes, but they seem to be ready to repeat the mistake by doubling down on unpopular policies. For example, they not only want to ignore the problem of illegal aliens undercutting the wages of working-class Americans, the Democrats want to remove existing fencing, decriminalize illegal immigration, and give "undocumented migrants" free healthcare at the expense of US citizens who don't have it, because they can't afford it. It's hard to believe they are doing it, but it's true.

As the Democrats move more to the left, sitting Democrat members of Congress are getting worried by both the Progressives and the anti-immigration constituencies. 'Members are looking over their shoulders': Democrats spooked by new primary threats
Yet, as they are forced to provide ever more money for illegal immigrants, it's taking money away from the citizens they are supposed to be serving--AND, the very people who left the Democratic party and voted for Trump.

They're not just losing elections. They are losing money. CNN and other leftist news outlets are losing money and cutting jobs. In my area, DirectTV won't carry the local NBC station, because Disney wants top dollar for Star Wars--not having realized that George Lucas' version was what people wanted, not political correctness and multiculturalism force fed to them via the Star Wars franchise. They seem to think they are entitled to get big money for storied franchises they've ruined with political correctness, multiculturalism, feminism, etc.

I was thinking Trump still needed an inside straight to win in 2020, but the way the Democratic primaries are headed to such radical pastures, it may be easier for Trump to win in 2020 than many realize.

Ay Blackjack, you stay in the nation you love and I stay in the nation I love eh? Lol. I am applying to become a Mexican citizen and don't want to live in the states. I don't like what the USA has become. A nation with fascist tendencies who can't get over its lost grip on power in the world due to overspending on incessant wars, and who can't accept the white folks won't be the majority in the near future. It is no longer my set of problems Blackjack. Lol. I am just fine where I am. I am an anthropologist Blackjack, not someone who thinks falsely that the human race or species is somehow so different in human behavior based on some bullshit based on myth and not on reality. Any nation engaging in the false belief that they are collapsing due to illegal immigration and other bullshit thoughts is bound to lose power. The USA is a nation that has grown due to immigrants. It is the nature of the beast in the USA. People flock to the USA because the vast majority of the world is poor and has little in terms of wealth. But the USA's links with corporations are in the end extremely unhealthy. For everyone. Do you start putting them ahead of every other priority? You are not going to survive over time. Guaranteed.

They are marrying corporate interests and dropping the 'common good'. So? Let them face what many old and ancient civilizations found out long before in history--you betray the common good? You wind up being abandoned by the vast majority in human history, Do you think internal disputes for power, and arrogance and ignorance and exploiting people and being stupid is exclusively a non-American trait? Lol. It is human. And the consequences are the same in history. Loss of power. I am studying Mayan history. They had a very interesting fight for power in the 13th century here. If you study old human civilizations for a very long time Blackjack you realize in the end? Human beings are human beings. They make similar miscalculations and suffer from the same foibles and stupidities of arrogance and lack of understandings over and over again. But they usually wind up learning enough....to change into something new...with time.

You and I will never agree on some very very important fundamental principles. I don't believe human beings respond best to selfish behavior. I don't believe the private property is a concept that is eternal and lastly, I don't think Europeans are the only ones with the right 'genes' for power. Lol. End of the debate with you.

I wish I had more time for you Blackjack, but I am limited severely in time this week. And you and your typing speed might be forcing me to give you more time than I have. I forgot how thorough you are.

You got a serious liberal people problem in your nation. I am not a liberal. I never will be one. So? I don't care how many problems you have with the liberals in California. They are the majority there and you are stuck with those pendejos. It kind of makes me smile.

One more thing, do you think the Mexicans I interact with every day here have some false notions about the superiority of the USA constitution and that is the reason why the USA has more wealth than the Mexicans? I suggest you speak enough Spanish to discuss history in depth with some of these very intelligent Mexican lawyers and listen to what they think about all that US Constitution and how it is supposedly going to save the nation from collapse. It won't. Because all of it is in contradiction and the corrupt are not limited to Latin America. They are part of the American scene and backed by law. It is legal to be a bribe-accepting politician in the USA. They are called special interests and lobbyists. Mexicans are good at spotting contradictions in other people's verbal diarrhea. No one cares about the myth. It is about if something is giving them enough to live on or not. Reality is what politics has to be about. Not a myth.

Are you going to marry that girlfriend of yours eventually? Or no? That my dear would surprise me if you did....el dificil is what you are.
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By jimjam
Tainari88 wrote:I wish I had more time for you Blackjack, but I am limited severely in time this week. And you and your typing speed might be forcing me to give you more time than I have. I forgot how thorough you are.

I know what you mean. Both you and he are very bright …. your values, however bend your brightness in different directions. He is super fast in both his typing and thinking but usually engages in self serving sophistic logic which I do not have time, with my pathetic plodding brain, to engage. If he is in a benign frame of mind, however, he will talk straight and engage in an actual exchange of ideas on an equal footing.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:
I thought you loved Lyndon Johnson? The US cannot have socialized medicine until this fascist policy is removed.

Trump actually ran against big pharma. He hasn't done too much to them yet, but he's still talking about it.

I hardly "love" LBJ. JFK was positioned to start a withdrawal from Vietnam when he encountered Alan Dulles' brain removal operation. I believe there were about 75 dead American boys at that point. LBJ upped that number to over 58,000. LBJ murdered over 58,000 American boys and uncounted "yellow" people. (spare me the legalistic bullshit about how this wouldn't fly in a court of law.) I do love LBJ's medicare program which he got through prior to the Medical Industrial Complex' completing it's control over our "leaders".

I have noted with interest Obese Donald's words condemning Big Pharma's anti capitalistic deck rigging. Talk, however, is cheap. We continue to await concrete results.
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By blackjack21
Tainari88 wrote:I don't like what the USA has become. A nation with fascist tendencies who can't get over its lost grip on power in the world due to overspending on incessant wars, and who can't accept the white folks won't be the majority in the near future.

The US has had fascist tendencies since 1933 at least. A good chunk of Nazism's Final Solution was just hyper extreme versions of US-UK Eugenics. The Democrat's undying love for late term abortions etc. isn't based on life of the mother or health. It's straight up Eugenics. Planned Parenthood was founded on Eugenic Abortion. Trump's concern about the effect of illegal immigration on unskilled labor rates in the US is hardly new either. There are lots of come ons here extolling the virtues of Eisenhower Republicans, because they made their peace with labor unions and the New Deal. Yet, Eisenhower's administration also ran Operation Wetback--a name I wish people knew more about, because I find the reactions of the politically correct to be enormously entertaining, and probably the #1 reason I like Donald Trump.

Tainari88 wrote:I am an anthropologist Blackjack, not someone who thinks falsely that the human race or species is somehow so different in human behavior based on some bullshit based on myth and not on reality.

You mean like IQ and aptitude? There's pretty solid evidence correlating everything from wage rates, sexually transmitted disease rates, crime rates, unwed pregnancy rates, and so forth to IQ and mental aptitude. At my age now, I find it absolutely hysterical to hear Europeans go increasingly silent on the matter as they are now tackling things like stabbing epidemics in London. I still think the political left there loves to call Trump and Americans generally "racist," but they are now confronted with the same problems America has had over many decades. America's violent crime rate is identical to pre-multicultural Europe's if you just control for race (which yes, I know, can be unfair, but we don't test everyone's IQ). As violent crime increases in Europe, again if we control for race (or IQ), we can see where the increases are coming from. If this type of argument entertains you, I would suggest a new thread as we're deviating a bit from Election 2020 as a topic--which in my view is really going to be about blue collar and working class people deciding whether to stick with Trump or believe in a Green New Deal with free everything from the Democrats.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't believe the private property is a concept that is eternal and lastly, I don't think Europeans are the only ones with the right 'genes' for power. Lol.

I don't either, and never said otherwise. I have argued the IQ point here and elsewhere many times. In my line of work, we have lots of darker skinned people from India. We have a lot of East Asians too. As I have said many times, we do not see a lot of Africans or South Americans (mestizo, not Spanish decent). I just got off a call early this morning with some guys in Spain. I could do the same with a guy from Peru I used to work more closely with. He's Spaniard, not a bit of native American. He has a Peruvian accent, and is quite funny and a pleasure to work with. He reminds me of the Ricky Ricardo character from I Love Lucy. Brilliant guy. Yet, he's not Aztec, Mayan, Inca, etc. He's Spaniard through and through. I've travelled through Central and South America too. The class divides there are the same as elsewhere.

jimjam wrote:I do love LBJ's medicare program which he got through prior to the Medical Industrial Complex' completing it's control over our "leaders".

Has it never occurred to you that the Medical Industrial Complex was behind Medicare? The medical business was not opposed to Medicare, and they aren't opposing mandatory insurance coverage either. In fact, they are pushing for it. Any guesses why? Perhaps the profit margins to be had in the medical business?

What I find impossibly condescending is that the establishment cannot justify a general theory on these mandates, but insists they are perfectly reasonable. Why, for example, could a lobby not push through a bill making it mandatory for you to purchase at least 2 cartons of cigarettes, 4 cigars and 4/5ths of liquor every month? What I'm trying to say is: be very careful what you try to get the Supreme Court to implement as "constitutional" given the complete absence of such commentary in the constitution. It may come back to bite you in ways you do not expect.

People that believe in universal healthcare also tend to push it as a moral obligation, a human right, something all European societies do and so forth. However, humanity has lived for 10s of thousands of years without any healthcare systems at all. Try living without food, shelter and clothing. Those are required, and yet aren't pushed as something that is some sort of fundamental right. Any guesses why? Perhaps the profit margins in those businesses don't tickle the fancy of political lobbyists and big business?

Most welfare state policies are inherently fascist ideas. That's another thing I find puzzling about today's politics. Take away the Final Solution and aggressive military posture of Nazism. What you're left with looks very much like post-imperial France, the UK, Japan, the US--basically a huge chunk of the alliance fighting Nazi Germany. Most of Mein Kampf sans the anti-communist anti-Jew rhetoric is basically the policy of every Western European welfare state.

jimjam wrote:I have noted with interest Obese Donald's words condemning Big Pharma's anti capitalistic deck rigging. Talk, however, is cheap. We continue to await concrete results.

We do indeed.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:Because you like to steal elections? God bless you my friend. At least you don't lie like a rug like your man Obese Donald.

I don't see how my voting a straight Republican ticket in 2020 has anything to do with stealing elections. I see it as performing a civic duty for the betterment of my state and my country.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:I don't see how my voting a straight Republican ticket in 2020 has anything to do with stealing elections. I see it as performing a civic duty for the betterment of my state and my country.


Trump and Republistan have rejected democracy and representative government for decades.

Winning free and fair elections is not what Republicans and Trump are about.

They are a neo-Confederacy and cult of personality happy to steal elections for a living.

Why would he and they start moderating their radical views when theft, deception and fear-mongering have served them so well ?

Donald Trump's Presidency and his Senate co-conpsirators are a 12-alarm dumpster fire of radical Reverse Robin Hoodism busy raiding the national treasury and ballot boxes for extra cash.

America will be much more woke in 2020 than the 2016 sleepwalking country that allowed this imposter and his co-conspirators to run America into a lawless Robber Baron state on steroids.

Democrats need to focus on healthcare, infrastructure, green energy, campaign finance corruption reform, female sovereignty, sensible immigration reform, fair taxation, voter registration and wiping regressive Republicanism off the face of the political map.

Trump is a Presidential black hole.

Mitch McConnell's Senate is where democracy goes to die.

The Republican Party hasn't seen the center since George H W Bush raised taxes, since Nixon created the EPA, and since Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex.”

This is why I am voting a straight Republican ticket in 2020.
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By Tainari88
blackjack21 wrote:The US has had fascist tendencies since 1933 at least. A good chunk of Nazism's Final Solution was just hyper extreme versions of US-UK Eugenics. The Democrat's undying love for late-term abortions etc. isn't based on the life of the mother or health. It's straight up Eugenics. Planned Parenthood was founded on Eugenic Abortion. Trump's concern about the effect of illegal immigration on unskilled labor rates in the US is hardly new either. There are lots of come-ons here extolling the virtues of Eisenhower Republicans because they made their peace with labor unions and the New Deal. Yet, Eisenhower's administration also ran Operation Wetback--a name I wish people knew more about because I find the reactions of the politically correct to be enormously entertaining, and probably the #1 reason I like Donald Trump.

Do you mean like IQ and aptitude? There's pretty solid evidence correlating everything from wage rates, sexually transmitted disease rates, crime rates, unwed pregnancy rates, and so forth to IQ and mental aptitude. At my age now, I find it absolutely hysterical to hear Europeans go increasingly silent on the matter as they are now tackling things like stabbing epidemics in London. I still think the political left there loves to call Trump and Americans generally "racist," but they are now confronted with the same problems America has had over many decades. America's violent crime rate is identical to pre-multicultural Europe's if you just control for race (which yes, I know, can be unfair, but we don't test everyone's IQ). As violent crime increases in Europe, again if we control for race (or IQ), we can see where the increases are coming from. If this type of argument entertains you, I would suggest a new thread as we're deviating a bit from Election 2020 as a topic--which in my view is really going to be about blue collar and working class people deciding whether to stick with Trump or believe in a Green New Deal with free everything from the Democrats.

I don't either, and never said otherwise. I have argued the IQ point here and elsewhere many times. In my line of work, we have lots of darker skinned people from India. We have a lot of East Asians too. As I have said many times, we do not see a lot of Africans or South Americans (mestizo, not Spanish decent). I just got off a call early this morning with some guys in Spain. I could do the same with a guy from Peru I used to work more closely with. He's Spaniard, not a bit of native American. He has a Peruvian accent and is quite funny and a pleasure to work with. He reminds me of the Ricky Ricardo character from I Love Lucy. Brilliant guy. Yet, he's not Aztec, Mayan, Inca, etc. He's Spaniard through and through. I've traveled through Central and South America too. The class divides there are the same as elsewhere.

Has it never occurred to you that the Medical Industrial Complex was behind Medicare? The medical business was not opposed to Medicare, and they aren't opposing mandatory insurance coverage either. In fact, they are pushing for it. Any guesses why? Perhaps the profit margins to be had in the medical business?

What I find impossibly condescending is that the establishment cannot justify a general theory on these mandates, but insists they are perfectly reasonable. Why, for example, could a lobby not push through a bill making it mandatory for you to purchase at least 2 cartons of cigarettes, 4 cigars and 4/5ths of liquor every month? What I'm trying to say is: be very careful what you try to get the Supreme Court to implement as "constitutional" given the complete absence of such commentary in the constitution. It may come back to bite you in ways you do not expect.

People that believe in universal healthcare also tend to push it as a moral obligation, a human right, something all European societies do and so forth. However, humanity has lived for 10s of thousands of years without any healthcare systems at all. Try living without food, shelter, and clothing. Those are required and yet aren't pushed as something that is some sort of fundamental right. Any guesses why? Perhaps the profit margins in those businesses don't tickle the fancy of political lobbyists and big business?

Most welfare state policies are inherently fascist ideas. That's another thing I find puzzling about today's politics. Take away the Final Solution and aggressive military posture of Nazism. What you're left with looks very much like post-imperial France, the UK, Japan, the US--basically a huge chunk of the alliance fighting Nazi Germany. Most of Mein Kampf sans the anti-communist anti-Jew rhetoric is basically the policy of every Western European welfare state.

We do indeed.

Blackjack, I am going to be very succinct with you about what I think you are about. You fundamentally believe in class systems and you think it is about performance and what the IQ or aptitude of an individual is about or his racial or ethnic composition...etc. In the end, if you believe that is what human society should be based on and you take it to its ultimate consequences? What does one do with the ones with less than stellar IQ and aptitudes? Relegate them to what? Do with them what? I happen to believe that human beings of all backgrounds and abilities have innate human value. Those class systems are fundamentally used to justify the power of a small elite and rarely has to do with one group's natural intelligence superiority. I don't see human life and human society as you do....as one would think of it in utilitarian ways Blackjack. I don't see human society or human beings as useless, useful, good for this or good for that. I think human beings are all born, they grow, they age and they die off...like all living things do here. And all bring something with them for either helping out human society or not. It is their choice Blackjack. I don't waste my time categorizing people in columns with labels about their being Native Indigenous people of the Americas, Asians from the Indian subcontinent, Africans from this part or that, or Europeans, etc. They are all one homo sapien species for me Blackjack. All with tremendous variations and a lot of different lives and experiences. You either see them as a whole unit that is an integral part of nature or not. You either see them as worthy of respect or not. You either see them as an important part of groups or not. Wasting them in wars and death without any sense of respect for how much work goes into raising a single human being and how many people got to expend their time and energies on that person and thinking people are discardable or not as good as the next guy is for a person with a different thought process than I have.

I love human beings as a species too much for thinking of them as objects or as something to exploit or manipulate Blackjack. I don't like how you think about others that are not from your ethnic background. I don't like how you cope with humans in general. It is not my values and never will be.

In strictly scientific terms Blackjack, I am not going to be a Eugenecist or culling the herd for the best of the breed and shit of that nature. I find that trying to control things too much. Science for me is about observing what is already present in nature and figuring out why that exists and then seeing if you can work in tandem with it to benefit the most species and the most people who need the help. Trying to make a buck out of it or trying to deny rights to people to solidify my own group's power position in the world doesn't interest me Blackjack. I know you understand me. You and I are fundamentally different because we think in very different ways about what it means to be a human in society. And never the two shall have much common ground. Philosophically no.

I am holistic. So I see you in a holistic way. The son of a doctor. Upper middle class. Anglo. From the far right basically and with very little understanding or interest in the experiences of others who are not that. If I am wrong? Correct me. I am the opposite of that Blackjack. I will always want to know about the lives of many different groups and people. I want to know why they differ...not to say I am the superior human. But to figure out why they are as human as I am but are so different and how that is beautiful and how that is natural and how I can learn something new from that difference.

That is what I am about Senor Blackjack.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:Trump and Republistan have rejected democracy and representative government for decades.

Winning free and fair elections is not what Republicans and Trump are about.

They are a neo-Confederacy and cult of personality happy to steal elections for a living.

Why would he and they start moderating their radical views when theft, deception and fear-mongering have served them so well ?

Donald Trump's Presidency and his Senate co-conpsirators are a 12-alarm dumpster fire of radical Reverse Robin Hoodism busy raiding the national treasury and ballot boxes for extra cash.

America will be much more woke in 2020 than the 2016 sleepwalking country that allowed this imposter and his co-conspirators to run America into a lawless Robber Baron state on steroids.

Democrats need to focus on healthcare, infrastructure, green energy, campaign finance corruption reform, female sovereignty, sensible immigration reform, fair taxation, voter registration and wiping regressive Republicanism off the face of the political map.

Trump is a Presidential black hole.

Mitch McConnell's Senate is where democracy goes to die.

The Republican Party hasn't seen the center since George H W Bush raised taxes, since Nixon created the EPA, and since Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex.”

This is why I am voting a straight Republican ticket in 2020.

You apparently studied political propaganda instead of political history. Politicians from both parties have been happy to steal elections. I grew up in a Democrat family and I remember when I was young that my grandfather acknowledged that LBJ was very happy to win his primary run for Senate by a small margin of dead voters. You can google this if you wish.

It appears to me that the Democrats have been the warmongers. I served during the highly unpopular Vietnam War that was begun by a Democrat president and ended by a Republican president. You can google this too if you wish.

I found out too late that the last democrat that I voted for lied directly to my face. The Democrat Party has recently moved too far to the left for me. Democratic socialism is not the kind of democracy I wish to live in. Therefore, I must vote again for President Trump and the Republicans as my representatives. Mitch McConnell's Senate is where democratic socialism goes to die by the grim reaper.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:You apparently studied political propaganda instead of political history. Politicians from both parties have been happy to steal elections. I grew up in a Democrat family and I remember when I was young that my grandfather acknowledged that LBJ was very happy to win his primary run for Senate by a small margin of dead voters. You can google this if you wish.

It appears to me that the Democrats have been the warmongers. I served during the highly unpopular Vietnam War that was begun by a Democrat president and ended by a Republican president. You can google this too if you wish.

I found out too late that the last democrat that I voted for lied directly to my face. The Democrat Party has recently moved too far to the left for me. Democratic socialism is not the kind of democracy I wish to live in. Therefore, I must vote again for President Trump and the Republicans as my representatives. Mitch McConnell's Senate is where democratic socialism goes to die by the grim reaper.

Has Donald ever told a lie :eek: ?
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:Has Donald ever told a lie :eek: ?

Everyone has lied at some point in their life. Do you remember any of the lies you told? All I can say is that Trump has never lied to my face to get me to vote for him like the democrat did.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Everyone has lied at some point in their life. Do you remember any of the lies you told?

this does not address my question and is beside the point.

Hindsite wrote:Trump has never lied to my face to get me to vote for him

perhaps he has and you did not notice.

Hindsite wrote:It appears to me that the Democrats have been the warmongers

Oh that life would be that simplistic. JFK (a Democrat, you can google that :) ) was pulling out of Vietnam until he ran into Alan Dulles' brain removal operation. LBJ , a Democrat, made the military industrial complex very happy by escalating the Vietnam war and over 58,000 mothers of dead American boys, and God only knows how many Vietnamese mothers, very unhappy. I hold LBJ, a Democrat, personally responsible for the death of 58,145 American soldiers (the death toll was 58,220, 75 of which took place prior to LBJ.)War is clearly a bipartisan pastime. Look at the dumb war that GW Bush, a Republican, started in Iraq. War has nothing to do with the political party in power and everything to do with profits to be made by the military industrial complex. Your boy Obese Donald is making the military industrial complex very happy by selling billions of dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia to be used against it's neighbors for the usual reasons given to justify war for centuries.

Here's an aside for you HS: when LBJ ran for congress he set up a card table piled high with $20 bills while a line of voters passed by. Each received a $20 in return for his vote.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:perhaps he has and you did not notice.

And perhaps that is why I am voting for President Trump again.

jimjam wrote:Here's an aside for you HS: when LBJ ran for congress he set up a card table piled high with $20 bills while a line of voters passed by. Each received a $20 in return for his vote.

That is the best reason yet that I have heard for voting for LBJ.
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By blackjack21
Tainari88 wrote:Blackjack, I am going to be very succinct with you about what I think you are about.

Succinct doesn't necessarily imply thoughtfulness. Blaise Pascal was reported to have once said, "Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte," which is often attributed to Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain as, "If I had more time, I'd have written you a shorter letter." Hasty generalizations can lead you astray.

Tainari88 wrote:You fundamentally believe in class systems and you think it is about performance and what the IQ or aptitude of an individual is about or his racial or ethnic composition...etc.

You've got the cart before the horse. I think political class systems evolve from nature. In my mother's family's maternal lineage, they have more or less always been working poor, but reasonably intelligent. Yet, in my father's family's paternal lineage, they have always been upper middle class to rich. I can trace my mother's lineage back about 200 years with maternal lineage, which is difficult to do. With paternal lineage, it's relatively easy to go back nearly a thousand years. In the British class system, the class system itself would explain why someone with my surname still sits in the house of lords, but that's become political now too and attenuating. That is to say, Salic Law, primogeniture, etc. explains how wealth and position is retained to the eldest son of the eldest son. A generation or two of educational advantage might explain why other than the eldest son does well. Marrying well for the daughters explains that in the first generation. However, once you get passed a few generations, class cannot reliably explain persistent advantage, because wealth evaporates and has to be regenerated. Even in a republic like the United States, enormous wealth like that held by the Vanderbilts evaporates over generations. The recently deceased Gloria Vanderbilt made a name for herself with designer jeans/fashion. Her gay son, Anderson Cooper, also made a name for himself as an anchor on CNN. Their success is much harder to attribute to a class system that favors them. Maybe her mother's famous name? Yet, she had no trust fund to propel her to success or sustain her. Anderson Cooper had a successful mother, but no well-known name. The fact is that the same lineages tend to rise to the top. My father's family doesn't seem to make the list of Kings. Why? We tend to be brutally honest, preferring that to dishonesty and treachery. That's a trait. Genetically, I have better than average episodic memory and high non-verbal IQ. At my age, I tend to amaze my long-term friends with details I can remember from our childhood that they have long forgotten. That's not white privilege. That's genetic. You can overthrow the government, but a new class system emerges and the same lineages tend to find themselves at or near the top. Barack Obama is related to Mitch McConnell and Dick Cheney, has slave owners in his past, etc. Most American presidents have distant ties to British nobility or even royalty. You think that those ties allow people to hold a position in a class structure. I think the lineage--and the selective breeding of the aristocracy--creates natural advantages. The class system evolves and changes, but as they say, the cream always rises to the top.

Tainari88 wrote:In the end, if you believe that is what human society should be based on and you take it to its ultimate consequences?

That is a normative statement. I'm not saying that's how it should be. I'm making a positive statement. I'm saying that's how it is.

Tainari88 wrote:What does one do with the ones with less than stellar IQ and aptitudes? Relegate them to what? Do with them what?

That is a very compelling question that Charles Murray and the late Richard Herrnstein were raising with The Bell Curve. They were not saying, "Hey folks, we did a bunch of studies and it turns out that whites and Asians are a lot smarter than blacks and Hispanics," but that did not stop supposed academics and their media apparatus from attacking them. Charles Murray wrote another book called Coming Apart to reframe the issue within a single race so that people would look at the IQ issue squarely within the white population and the attendant class and cultural differences. They could not attack it as racist, so they ignored it.

Automation is coming and coming fast. So this question is going to be pressing politically and the old order/establishment will not be able to answer it. That's a big part of why I have decided I no longer support it.

Tainari88 wrote:I happen to believe that human beings of all backgrounds and abilities have innate human value.

I do to for the most part, but I am not an egalitarian. I would happily execute the guy that killed my childhood friend's daughter. Frankly, I don't think he's a credit to the human race or that he will ever turn it around to make a valuable contribution. I see no point in life in prison when the death penalty could rid us of people like that. Whereas, I think you'd nurse him in prison for the rest of his life, but be too afraid to let him out for fear of what he would likely do to others.

Tainari88 wrote:Those class systems are fundamentally used to justify the power of a small elite and rarely has to do with one group's natural intelligence superiority.

The class systems themselves? Perhaps. However, I think you can overthrow them and still arrive in a similar situation. Soviet Russia is a fine example. Post-Soviet Russia is also a fine example.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't see human society or human beings as useless, useful, good for this or good for that. I think human beings are all born, they grow, they age and they die off...like all living things do here. And all bring something with them for either helping out human society or not.

People have a pecking order just as chickens do. We do not see chickens reading Marx and disagreeing with the pecking order as a result. Americans more or less invented the cellular phone market; yet, the European market became more sophisticated until the iPhone and later Android broke the hold of the big carriers to determine what phones could be sold with what features. Now, it's the power of smart phone "apps," and that market power belongs to Apple and Google--and it must be broken now too. We live in a world where a few genius marketers like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. take the technologies invented by other unknown geniuses--usually invented for other reasons; very often military reasons--and make massive commercial successes out of them. In doing so, they marshal many people with above average IQs. I'm one of them; one of many. I'm aware of it, but I don't get to feel super special, because everyone I work with is highly intelligent.

Yet, the very same society can let AT&T, Verizon and a few others keep feature phones out of the US market for a decade, and we US consumers have to look longingly at the "superior" Europeans for a time with their feature phones. That's the state and oligopoly seeking to maximize profits over free markets and technological advancement. That's another one of the reasons I left the Republican party. George W. Bush, who I voted for, donated money to and raised money for is responsible along with AT&T and a few others for allowing major telecom firms to dominate internet service and leave most of the US far behind in network speeds compared to countries like South Korea. Take that, McCain-Kennedy, and their constant acquiescence to left wing political correctness demands, and frankly I have no use for the Republicans either.

Tainari88 wrote:It is their choice Blackjack.

Not everybody can invent a smartphone or cobble together technologies invented by others to create superlative value. They don't necessarily have the mental equipment for high levels of abstraction. What Murray (and Herrnstein) was saying is that we cannot take the idiot, put him in college and arrive at a brain surgeon. What we do is we put the idiot in college, s/he fails out of college, and s/he's saddled with a debt s/he cannot repay. It's cruel and barbaric, and it is done by people who have a vested financial interest in continuing that activity. Meanwhile, we've cancelled out vocational schooling--hollowing out our industrial base and leaving lower skilled people unemployed, turning to alcohol and drugs, which leads to innumerable social problems, which the people who benefit from the system say is because the higher IQ people are "racist," when they know full well that isn't why the problem exists--more reason that I no longer see a reason to support the establishment.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't waste my time categorizing people in columns with labels about their being Native Indigenous people of the Americas, Asians from the Indian subcontinent, Africans from this part or that, or Europeans, etc.

Not much of an anthropologist then, are you?

Tainari88 wrote:They are all one homo sapien species for me Blackjack.

And you see no difference between Pit Bulls and Rottweilers on the one hand, and poodles and bichons on the other? They're just dogs? You can get a team of Alaskan huskies to pull you on a sled in the snow. How do you think that would work out with a team of poodles?

Tainari88 wrote:You either see them as worthy of respect or not.

I'm not suggesting you abuse or disregard the value of poodles. I just don't recommend trying to get a team of poodles to pull you on a sled through fields of snow in Alaska. Your ideas are a product of the great luxury of not having to fight for survival and basic dignity, coupled with the absence of greed for more and more. You are content. That will not provide employment for people with lower skills in the face of advancing automation.

Tainari88 wrote:Wasting them in wars and death without any sense of respect for how much work goes into raising a single human being and how many people got to expend their time and energies on that person and thinking people are discardable or not as good as the next guy is for a person with a different thought process than I have.

That sort of thought process changes with one's station, ambitions, etc. As I said, you are content in a physical sense and you aren't ambitious to acquire more physical wealth for yourself compared to many people in this world.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't like how you think about others that are not from your ethnic background. I don't like how you cope with humans in general.

I cope very well with people outside of my ethnic background. It's actually common among high IQ people, as you already know from your anthropology studies. As I've said repeatedly, my line of work involves many people from India and East Asia. Have you ever been to India? Seen the class system there? In my line of work, we need every able-minded person we can get. We cannot afford to discriminate. It would be economic suicide. We also cannot afford to delude ourselves that an idiot will make a good programmer. We even accommodate Islam, because there are many great programmers who are Muslim. Back when I used to drink coffee, I remember almost tripping over a Muslim colleague at a start-up, because he had setup his prayer rug just around a corner in a small office where we were working. When I was in Dubai about 6 weeks ago, I had to adjust to the regular use of religious language in the workplace. ʾIn shāʾa llāh If I said that in the United States in English, people would think I was off my rocker. "Q: How long will it take you to get this done? A: If God wills it, about 2 days." Simultaneously, we also accommodate transgender people. I have a male colleague, let's call him "Steve" who now wants to go by, let's say "Gloria". Personally, I find capitalist imperialist multicultural dogma overbearing and unnecessary. Yet, I work within it. Some work colleagues want to use non-traditional pronouns, some want to change from a man into a woman, and others think a woman's place is under a burqa and at home, not at work. Your effort to try to paint people like me as closed-minded is rather comical. I've also travelled far and wide and seen many things.

Tainari88 wrote:In strictly scientific terms Blackjack, I am not going to be a Eugenicist or culling the herd for the best of the breed and shit of that nature. I find that trying to control things too much.

That's a sweet disposition. Yet your stated profession arose with ethnology as a sibling, and it was husbanded by European empires in their effort to understand the peoples of the world they intended to rule over. Some used their positions to advocate (successfully) for the abolition of slavery, or gender equality and the right of women to vote. Others developed scientific theories that apply to all species, except humans; for example, Charles Darwin's work--with the Nazis and the Progressives being notable exceptions. The irony is that even though you are trained as an anthropologist--my studies are limited to the behavioral sciences required for a business degree--I'm better able than you to operate in societies where women have fewer rights or are expected to abide by different customs. For example, I can appreciate the cultural need for taxis for females in Dubai, where the drivers are also female, and find some amusement at the "pink taxis." When shopping in India, I allow a female colleague to hold my shopping bags so they don't feel uncomfortable, because in India--I'm told by my female colleagues--the women hold the bags. I do not say, "That's wrong. You shouldn't tolerate that. India needs to be more like the United States." It is a peculiar state of affairs that these days it is the conservatives who are fundamentally more tolerant than the liberals.

Tainari88 wrote:The son of a doctor. Upper middle class. Anglo. From the far right basically and with very little understanding or interest in the experiences of others who are not that.

Do you know many doctors? Do you really think my father taught me that it is perfectly alright to only treat people who can pay? That it's okay to conduct Tuskeegee experiments or Joseph Mengele experiments on black people or Jews? Do you really think my father taught me that it's okay to let non-Anglos suffer from diseases? My grandfather, my father's father, was a veterinarian. My grandfather ran this place for the State of Montana:


It's right on the grounds of the capitol building, as it was and is that important to the State of Montana; however, I do believe the building is used for other purposes now. The agriculture and livestock department is now in a different building.

Yes, they were estimable men. Virulent racists that hated all but Anglos? You must be watching way too much mainstream television. That is just what the establishment thinks is a workable "reverse psychology" that will teach us that "racism is bad," which has had the effect of making us think most of the establishment are hopelessly ignorant of the people of the society they purport to represent and that they could be easily replaced by people with virtually no political experience.

Did I tell you my grandfather was part of a US delegation to the Baghdad Pact? That he met a very young Queen Elizabeth, Pope Pius XII and President Eisenhower? A religious man and ardently anti-communist. Some sort of Ku Klux Klansmen? :roll: You've couldn't be further from the truth. Being anti-communist is so far from being a racist, sexist or homophobe, it's really just comical. I don't feel the need to even take that sort of thing seriously anymore.

See, I think David Duke has more personal integrity than Nancy Pelosi, because he states what he really believes and despite his shortcomings, that's really the best he can do. Nancy Pelosi knows better, but she still goes out and says things like "Trump wants to make America white again," and she knows perfectly well that's not the case. When I say I think David Duke has more personal integrity than Nancy Pelosi, that doesn't mean I agree with David Duke on anything. It just means that when David Duke says what he believes, I can take him at his word that he really believes what he's saying and doing. When Nancy Pelosi says that MS-13 murderers have a "spark of divinity," she's got something else up her sleeve. She's a snake, and I can't trust anything she says.

Tainari88 wrote:But to figure out why they are as human as I am but are so different and how that is beautiful and how that is natural and how I can learn something new from that difference.

Really? Do you find it fascinating that Hitler's economic blueprint for Germany became the economic footprint for France, the UK and to a lesser extent the US in the postwar era? A welfare state with unemployment benefits, a national health service, etc? Or do you recoil in horror that his regime set about to exterminate Jews, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled people, Jehovah's Witnesses, and political dissidents and his doctors performed medical experiments with a dearth of medical ethics, and his best scientists were employed to developing what became the future of weaponry--missiles, nuclear weapons on top of them, jet planes, etc.? You say that you are interested, but there are a lot of horrific people in this world too. Hitler was an asshole of monumental proportions, but he had enough integrity to say what he believed in Mein Kampf; and, he carried it out to the horror of millions. Is that beautiful and natural, and are you learning from that difference?
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By Tainari88
@blackjack21, everything you wrote confirmed everything I already knew about you. You are a product of your environment and your background and you are who you are. I will never have much in common with how you view the world we live in and how you view human society. Why? Because we have some incredibly different ways of thinking about what human society is about. Again, class systems are not based on nature and the cream rises to the top no matter what. Humanity's love of power plays and their need to retain power and use violence and terror to keep power is a very old story. And a very long one. In the end, one doesn't have real power over other people and other societies by using any kind of oppression and fear to control others whom you want to retain and manipulate for some less than human purpose...in the end? Fear doesn't replace love or caring deeply to get a change to happen when it is necessary.

You can tell me many stories about how you get along with others from other backgrounds and so on....but in the back of your mind, you are always seeing them as 'the other' first and not as your absolute equal. You don't believe in true egalitarianism. You stated it yourself. As long as you think that way Blackjack....you will be seeing everyone through a very specific lens. And it is bound to lead you astray.

That is all that is relevant to say about what you said. Did you know in Mexico there were no Mexican anthropologists til after WWII? No, they were supposedly not 'prepared' to understand the culture they were from like who? The ones who knew more than they did. Lol. the legacies of living colonialistic histories have long and vast inequalities.

Primarily, the differences between you and I has to do with values. I won't ever value what you value Blackjack. The important thing for me near the end of human life is the question of if you felt you did something with your life that went beyond your own limited life. How did you serve people? Did you do it with love and respect and did something to help humanity along towards a better society for all? Or were you a taker who gave nothing for others and only created pain suffering and waste and problems?

And in many human religions, even the worst sinners are supposed to be redeemable eh? Ask yourself Senor Blackjack, who have you loved and who loved you back in this world. Who do you care about? And why do you care? Are you capable of caring about others who are not as bright as you are or as educated as you are? Who do you spend your time on?

We are all limited in time in this world. Make it count. I don't want to spend my time culling the herd and worrying about those with the lack of 'IQ' that is high being a burden on human society. How I need to control for the cream of the crop. All of the people who are the best in this world are about keeping their egos under control and serving others without any selfishness involved and not allowing their bright minds and fine advantages go to waste using it only for self-serving gains. In the end Blackjack21, no one is eternal and what leaves behind in the group is what is going to be exactly what you put forth.

You never answered me about the girlfriend? is it going to get serious or have you moved on to new pastures? My problem is no one wants to get rid of me Blackjack. They all want me around and they all complain about not having enough time with me in this world. For me, that is success eh.... ;) Buenos Dias.

I got a lot to do today. But I might be inspired tonight to write some more replies to your diatribe of explanations there. A good contrast.
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By jimjam
Tainari88 wrote:How did you serve people? Did you do it with love and respect and did something to help humanity along towards a better society for all?

Here is a quote from a speech given today by Megan Rapinoe at a parade in NYC given to honor the USA world champion women's soccer team:

“This is my charge to everyone: We have to be better, we have to love more and hate less. Listen more and talk less. It is our responsibility to make this world a better place,” Rapinoe told the crowd.

Pretty much the exact opposite of what is puked out on a daily basis by Obese Donald and his dual propaganda ministers Rush and Sean who all will remind us ,on a daily basis, who we need to hate.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:Here is a quote from a speech given today by Megan Rapinoe at a parade in NYC given to honor the USA world champion women's soccer team:

“This is my charge to everyone: We have to be better, we have to love more and hate less. Listen more and talk less. It is our responsibility to make this world a better place,” Rapinoe told the crowd.

It is obvious that she is full of hate when she said that she is willing to talk only to people that agree with her. She just spewed out that propaganda speech to look good to the crowd at that time. She certainly doesn't put love into practice.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:She certainly doesn't put love into practice.

Your boy Obese Donald sure does :lol:

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