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By blackjack21
Tainari88 wrote:Humanity's love of power plays and their need to retain power and use violence and terror to keep power is a very old story.

So it is with chickens and chimpanzees--with species that pre-date humans; that is, a very old story indeed.

Tainari88 wrote:In the end, one doesn't have real power over other people and other societies by using any kind of oppression and fear to control others whom you want to retain and manipulate for some less than human purpose...in the end? Fear doesn't replace love or caring deeply to get a change to happen when it is necessary.

So, you're saying Hitler didn't have any real power over the people who were killed under his command? I find this sentiment sweet, but impossibly naïve.

Tainari88 wrote:but in the back of your mind,

We all have a "back of your mind," a prefrontal cortex, an amygdala, a ventral tegmental area, a hippocampus, etc. That's not who a person is, it's what a person is. Your dog loves you until you are dead and he is impossibly hungry. Then, he eats you. Deputies: 57-Year-Old Texas Man Was ‘Entirely Consumed By His Own Dogs’. Hiding from nature won't make it go away.

Tainari88 wrote:you are always seeing them as 'the other' first and not as your absolute equal.

Everyone sees 'the other' when dealing with others. Psychologically, we have to recognize otherness as part of self-preservation and socialization among other factors.

Tainari88 wrote:You don't believe in true egalitarianism.

No. I don't. In rejecting Marx, I also have to reject the poetic extremes of Jefferson. Uniform application of the law is different from presuming everyone has the same strengths, weaknesses, and other attributes. As I said, I wouldn't bother trying to get a pack full of bichons to pull me on a sled through the Alaskan snow. Alaskan or Siberian huskies? Sure. That does't mean I think that bichons or poodles should be summarily executed. It just means I recognize their abilities and disabilities.

Tainari88 wrote:Did you know in Mexico there were no Mexican anthropologists til after WWII?

That's not surprising. As I said, anthropology is an imperialist's discipline.

Tainari88 wrote:I won't ever value what you value Blackjack.

You are an anthropologist, now in Mexico. What is your opinion of human sacrifice in Meso-American culture? Did the Aztecs sacrifice humans for love, or were they filled with hate? Does it matter to you?

Tainari88 wrote:The important thing for me near the end of human life is the question of if you felt you did something with your life that went beyond your own limited life. How did you serve people?

I don't think reflection is a bad thing, but I don't think deluding yourself is something to aspire to either. When I worked in mass storage, I mused that I don't work for the NSA and I don't know that I work for the NSA. Mass data storage is used by CERN looking for the Higgs-Boson, etc. It could provide a deeper understanding of the physical world, but someone might use that knowledge to make a better atomic bomb, or perhaps a sub-atomic bomb. Some people used the software I worked on to upload pictures of their cat. Some to stream pornography. Others to violate movie copyrights with bit torrent. I have absolutely no doubt that some uses involve governments spying on their citizens. As I am now in telecommunications, I'm quite sure that part of what I do helps them to do just that. Yet, I also generally trash the establishments in ways that many of you really don't seem to understand. However, I'm not sure it's important that you understand.

Tainari88 wrote:Are you capable of caring about others who are not as bright as you are or as educated as you are? Who do you spend your time on?

Clearly, I'm spending some of that time on you. I don't populate all of my arguments with assertions that everyone who disagrees with me is either stupid or a Nazi, for example.

Tainari88 wrote:I don't want to spend my time culling the herd and worrying about those with the lack of 'IQ' that is high being a burden on human society. How I need to control for the cream of the crop.

You may not, but those pushing agendas like Eugenic abortion are doing just that. The welfare state is expensive. The welfare state is incentivized to get rid of what Hitler and his ilk referred to as 'useless eaters.'

Tainari88 wrote:You never answered me about the girlfriend? is it going to get serious or have you moved on to new pastures?

It's serious on other dimensions. Saving someone's life isn't a purely selfish act.

Back on topic, it appears ObamaCare could be coming up for an encore, and maybe even a final exit during the 2020 election cycle:

Appeals Court Looks Askance at Obamacare
By Sivad
blackjack21 wrote: Your dog loves you until you are dead and he is impossibly hungry. Then, he eats you. Deputies: 57-Year-Old Texas Man Was ‘Entirely Consumed By His Own Dogs’. Hiding from nature won't make it go away.

That doesn't mean shit, a lot of dogs have sacrificed their own lives to save or protect the people they love. Just google "dog dies saving owner", dogs run into fires and fight off packs of wolves to save people. Some dogs will even starve themselves to death from grief when a loved one dies. Higher mammals override their base natures all the time and the nobler aspects of ourselves aren't just illusions that vanish when circumstances deteriorate, when the shit hits the fan you start to see demonstrations of real heroism and sacrifice which show that the bonds that connect us are much more than just convenient fictions.
By Sivad
Tainari88 wrote: My problem is no one wants to get rid of me Blackjack. They all want me around and they all complain about not having enough time with me in this world. For me, that is success eh.... ;)

I don't know about that, the best people are the ones nobody really likes having around because they tell the world the truth about itself. The very best people are the ones society turns on and puts to death. So the way I look at it is if you don't end up getting yourself crucified or at the very least ostracized by the babbitts and their retard hordes you probably didn't fully succeed at being a person. :lol:
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:Trump actually ran against big pharma. He hasn't done too much to them yet, but he's still talking about it.

The Trump administration has abandoned a centerpiece of its efforts to address high drug prices, backing away from requiring some discounts to be passed directly to consumers under Medicare that could have lowered their out-of-pocket costs.

President Trump had announced the proposal with great fanfare in January as part of the administration’s efforts to deal with the rising costs of prescription drugs, which have fueled public outrage. But the decision to kill the proposal is the second time this week that Mr. Trump’s drug-pricing initiatives have failed.

In a statement Thursday, Judd Deere, a spokesman for the White House, said, “Based on careful analysis and thorough consideration, the president has decided to withdraw the rebate rule.” ( :lol: That's a good one. Translation for Obese Donald's "uneducated" base: the lobbyists for Big Pharma win again and the people/peons lose. )

"Nobody knew that healthcare was so complicated..." DJT :?:

Like almost everything DJT announces he will do to actually help non-billionaires, it's all hat and no cattle.
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By Tainari88
blackjack21 wrote:So it is with chickens and chimpanzees--with species that pre-date humans; that is, a very old story indeed.

Oh Senor Blackjack, I think trying to compare different species is a mistake. I can't compare apples to oranges now can I? Only apples with other apples and oranges with other oranges Verdad Senor? Now chimps have a lot in common with us. They punish the chimps that run around hoarding fruit from other chimps. They also studied groups that eliminate the oppressive chimps that use terror to rule and the stress levels go down for the entire troop of chimps. And the non Alpha chimps still have sex but only behind the Alpha chimps back. Why? Because subterfuge is the name of the game when your basic needs are not being met. One would think human civilization will learn that what makes us civilized is not using old and primitive fear tactics to keep everyone in line...but one should be intelligent and say? Hmm, how do I keep immigration down? I think what motivates so many people to be moving out of their home nations is about economic instability. Poverty. So how does one make sure all of the people's basic needs are being met? By having an elite make enormous amounts and letting the vast majority fight it out for the crumbs to the point of having to leave their homes and their native cultures to be the bottom of the socioeconomic barrel in some other nation. It doesn't work. So? Dog eat dog cream of the crop elitist shit thoughts never work over time. Why do you think revolutions surge and emerge and are bloody things with the elitist heads on a pike and a bunch of burned buildings and no food in the market and chaos and rebuilding after a firebombed city as the final result? War is expensive and nasty and it wastes everything, human lives, art, infrastructure, pollutes and destroys. And the greedy and those who use terror and are racists and discriminatory and insist on that as the only way to rule always eventually reap that kind of result. I don't think that is the way out of problems for the human species. Maybe you do? I don't know...Alla tu.

So, you're saying Hitler didn't have any real power over the people who were killed under his command? I find this sentiment sweet, but impossibly naïve.

Anyone has real power over someone else pointing a gun at them. But what kind of power is it based on? Fear and terror. A primary emotional state. What happens with terrified people? They are either in fight or flight mode. And react that way. They can freeze and not think or they fight violently like an animal being cornered and attacked. How predictable are human beings when cornered and attacked? Do you know what they are willing to do to the person doing that to them? Do you want an entire society using that kind of power to get people to do things they are highly unwilling to do? What was Hitler's final result? Victory? You only get so far with terror tactics Blackjack. The problem with the Hitlers in history is that they think they can control all the elements in the world out there. You can't. You can't even speak the majority of the world's spoken languages to find out what they are talking about. Most wars contain elements of chaos. And the weaponry for today's world is very deadly. It won't just affect one nation. The radiation will make the rounds all over the world and affect almost every ecosystem out there. We are in the long haul as a species in one boat and if we keep up with the selfish terror tactics for retaining power it will be our end. Guaranteed. You either agree with my assessment or not.

We all have a "back of your mind," a prefrontal cortex, an amygdala, a ventral tegmental area, a hippocampus, etc. That's not who a person is, it's what a person is. Your dog loves you until you are dead and he is impossibly hungry. Then, he eats you. Deputies: 57-Year-Old Texas Man Was ‘Entirely Consumed By His Own Dogs’. Hiding from nature won't make it go away.

You should read "Ghost in your Brain" it is about how malleable human minds are especially with learning and 're-programming' we are living cells and they are made for adaptation and change. Because that is what this type of system requires. People don't have to accept that their behavior and their thoughts are beyond their ability to adapt or change. They can change their behavior and they can change their attitudes and their thought patterns even in their very old age. A problem with conservative thought in politics is thinking that change is something that can't happen because it is destructive. Change is just part of living. We are changing every single day Blackjack. But why not change dealing with improving life for the group. For the largest possible human group? Why fight for a power that is ephemeral at best and retained through a weak power structure. A weak power structure is the one based on FEAR and terror. All you need to do is see how the liberated prisoners from those concentration camps felt and acted towards the Nazis they were finally able to get a hold of. Did they have compassion towards them? No. Did they care about them? No. They got exactly from the prisoners what they gave....and that is what I mean about what you leave in the group is what you put forth. Do you want to leave problems? Do you want to leave destruction and pain and chaos and selfishness and only your power group counts mentality behind? It is your choice Blackjack. I already made mine. If it comes down to your life or mine and you are the one threatening do you really think an IQ that is higher is going to save you from a low IQ person with their finger on the trigger and in pain because you are part of the fucked system that thinks their low IQ is useless and needs to be relegated to shit and nothing status in the society in which he shares his air and space? You either learn to get along with many people in this world or you wind up losing your life because you failed to realize they also can pull some triggers and use terror on you. You don't need to be a genius to kill somebody Blackjack. You just need to either be desperate enough, angry enough or in enough internal pain to not care about what is going on anymore. Is that the kind of society you are shooting for Blackjack?

Everyone sees 'the other' when dealing with others. Psychologically, we have to recognize otherness as part of self-preservation and socialization among other factors.

How is that establishing healthy relationships Blackjack? Where the other isn't your equal? You tell me what happens when someone knows that you think they are not your equal and you treat them as 'inferiors' in some subtle and not so subtle ways? How does that manifest in your life? You tell me...How do you think the other reacts to knowing that you opine they are not your equal? You tell me (I am all ears?). Do you think people are not able to instinctively know that someone thinks they are inferior or not? You don't have a very sound understanding of how power relationships work with humans in very unbalanced relationships--either that or you just don't give a damn and think it doesn't have a consequence. I am here to tell you Blackjack it does. They are processing your lack of giving a damn about your thinking they are inferior to you in some way. In the end? People resent being treated as less than. I can guarantee you that human beings will never really accept that person's power over them. In fact, they will actively seek to undermine that fake power....because they resent it. It is an offense to their dignity and to their sense of being as human as you are. People are not stupid Blackjack. They know who the class snobs are in this world. Do you want to be a class snob for your entire life? I don't. Plus, for me? I know how error-filled and stupid it is to be that. So I don't want any part of it.

No. I don't. In rejecting Marx, I also have to reject the poetic extremes of Jefferson. Uniform application of the law is different from presuming everyone has the same strengths, weaknesses, and other attributes. As I said, I wouldn't bother trying to get a pack full of bichons to pull me on a sled through the Alaskan snow. Alaskan or Siberian Huskies? Sure. That doesn't mean I think that bichons or poodles should be summarily executed. It just means I recognize their abilities and disabilities.

Have you noticed something Blackjack? You keep quoting and using an example about some dogs to humans. Try using human societies as real examples of something you want to talk about. Not dogs, animals, chimps, fruit. We are all one species and we have been over the reason variation in nature exists in this world. It is a mechanism for survival. Our blueprint for being able to adapt to a changing world. And within each human organism, there is a vast array of possible mutations and changes. Changes and variation are not some kind of plague that must be controlled or culled out of the ability to exist...it is there for a reason. The problem is thinking technology will overcome what nature is. Nature is our superior. We come from nature and don't live apart from it. That is the big error. Thinking like Hitler that we control all possible elements out there. We don't. Act like we don't. And be very very realistic on what technology can do and can't do. Don't expect it to be able to give more than what the natural ways of the law of nature have used for millions of years based on real experiences and real change. We are the product of that world. Not something apart from it. That is something the very controlling and the ones who keep insisting on class systems and culling the herd keep forgetting.

That's not surprising. As I said, anthropology is an imperialist's discipline.

Anthropology comes from the Greek of anthropos. The study of humans. Anthropos means mankind or humankind. Logos. It means the study of. I study human beings. In all their bad aspects (which there are many) and good aspects, (which are many). The imperialists throughout history distort many things to fit their narrative. Including taking away the recorded history of the people who lose in wars for power. The first thing they do is burn the other books libraries or recorded history and they undermine any sense of identity and continuity. It is deliberate. You erase a history so you can impose what you want from them instead. Does it work? Not really. People again over time resent it. Here the land of the Mayab still exists. They still speak Mayan and they talk about what they find meaningful. There are whole groups of people the Spaniards gave up on trying to impose their culture on. It is interesting. You visit them and there they are....and they explain how and why they weren't very successful the Spaniards dealing with them. Despite the European diseases and the issues. History is not about just one group's point of view in the end. It is about the points of view of the many. Because the reality is the successful humans are the ones who survive into the future. Despite how difficult it is.
But power is a fickle thing Blackjack. The defeated get to be in the power seat. The powerful get defeated. The Spartans were very warrior oriented Greeks. They sought perfection and would discard human beings that were considered defective. If they were lucky they would give them away to 'weaker' Greek groups living nearby. They needed to dedicate their full waking hours to war. And everything that meant for them. So they did not have enough time for agriculture and growing food. They would go to the group that did dedicate themselves to that. They would terrorize the Helots and take their crops with threats of death and destruction. In the end, they lost to some Persians...and there was this or that problem. Nothing is eternal in human history and you know it Blackjack. But I think we need to get beyond primitive forms of social organization in which we hate on people and see them as our inferiors and start working on a sense of mutual cooperation so we can SURVIVE what is coming. And that is the truth. And we won't survive hoarding everything and being territorial and selfish and seeking violence as the form of dealing with life. It won't be good for survival. It just won't work.

You are an anthropologist, now in Mexico. What is your opinion of human sacrifice in Meso-American culture? Did the Aztecs sacrifice humans for love, or were they filled with hate? Does it matter to you?

I dealt with this question with another person on another thread long ago. I will give you the same answers. Do you think human sacrifice and animal sacrifice is something exclusive to Meso-American Imperial cultures? They are not. The Greeks and the Romans sacrificed human beings in the arena all the time. In bloody and painful ways. They persecuted Christians and crucified people. That is human sacrifice and in order to control the population, it is a very terrifying act. Keep them always in fear of the Roman Caesars and the Roman legions. The Turks against the Armenians, the Nazis with the Jews and the so on, all human sacrifice. And on a mass scale. War is human sacrifice. In the old Testament you got Abraham ordered by his benevolent Lord to sacrifice his son Isaac and prove to him that he is faithful. Do you think the Mesoamerican civilizations thought differently about their sun god Blackjack? The sun god that brought light to the world and life to plants, animals and cool water in a hot climate to thristy people? In anthropology the first rule is to suspend judgment and live among those you wish to try to understand for a long time and observe and live like them. They start to make a lot of sense Blackjack because humans are adapting to what they have in their world. In their environment. Most local people know more about their town than outsiders do. I suggest you try to live and think and be like another ethnic group for a long long time and then say and believe you are superior to them...you won't. Because the experiences they have will be yours and their 'strange behavior and inferior ways' won't seem so after living in their shoes for a long time. It will make sense. But empathy is not something class snobs excel at Blackjack. They lack that ability. A defect of theirs...I am afraid....and hard to overcome. I have hope for you Blackjack. :) :D ;)

I don't think reflection is a bad thing, but I don't think to delude yourself is something to aspire to either. When I worked in mass storage, I mused that I don't work for the NSA and I don't know that I work for the NSA. Mass data storage is used by CERN looking for the Higgs-Boson, etc. It could provide a deeper understanding of the physical world, but someone might use that knowledge to make a better atomic bomb, or perhaps a sub-atomic bomb. Some people used the software I worked on to upload pictures of their cat. Some to stream pornography. Others to violate movie copyrights with bit torrent. I have absolutely no doubt that some uses involve governments spying on their citizens. As I am now in telecommunications, I'm quite sure that part of what I do helps them to do just that. Yet, I also generally trash the establishments in ways that many of you really don't seem to understand. However, I'm not sure it's important that you understand.

No Blackjack, you are fascistic in very telling ways. I won't have much in common with you. The establishment is neoliberal and liberal. Not my deal either. But fascists are not the solution for a society I would love to have. So I am not part of the class system warriors who think they need to cull the herd.

Clearly, I'm spending some of that time on you. I don't populate all of my arguments with assertions that everyone who disagrees with me is either stupid or a Nazi, for example.

I don't generally have any time anymore for debates. But I like contrasting argumentation. It is good for readers who want contrasting arguments...it makes them think? Do I agree with Blackjack21 or Tainari88? That is what debate fora are for anyway. Contrasts. Not for people to agree all the time. That doesn't work in debates.

You may not, but those pushing agendas like Eugenic abortion are doing just that. The welfare state is expensive. The welfare state is incentivized to get rid of what Hitler and his ilk referred to as 'useless eaters.'

The Welfare state was invented to prevent a bunch of poor people from hitting the street and creating chaos and mayhem. Lol. I noticed this Mexican city I am living in doesn't have a lot of homeless people in the street. And Mexico doesn't have a welfare state per se. So where do the homeless go? To state run and subsidized housing and so on run through collective charities. Private welfare. Mexicans in general don't have food stamps and free government anything. Everyone works for a living. They work or they don't work and risk crime and being sent to jail. But in general this city has less crime than where I lived in Colorado. It is lower in crime rate.

It's serious on other dimensions. Saving someone's life isn't a purely selfish act.

Back on topic, it appears ObamaCare could be coming up for an encore, and maybe even a final exit during the 2020 election cycle:

Appeals Court Looks Askance at Obamacare

It is interesting here in Mexico I can buy state run health insurance as a foreigner. It is reasonable and well done. Or I can become a citizen and eventually get free health care. It depends. The Mexican system is interesting. I find it very interesting. I can tell you this....the car insurance and home owner's insurance is super super cheap and it covers a lot. Lol. It goes to show....all that premium stuff is a rip off in the states. The drug prices are a lot lower here for prescription drugs. My neighbor is older and a retiree from working in the social security office here. She gets everything free. She gets a sizable pension and has her own small business. She doesn't get why Americans are so stubborn about socialized medicine. It is the only way to go for her. Lol.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 11 Jul 2019 18:52, edited 3 times in total.
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By Stormsmith
"Nobody knew that healthcare was so complicated..." DJT  

He might have asked one of the throng of countries that actually have health care how it's managed. :roll:
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By jimjam
Stormsmith wrote:He might have asked one of the throng of countries that actually have health care how it's managed. :roll:

no need to. he is, after all, a very stable genius.
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By Tainari88
Sivad wrote:I don't know about that, the best people are the ones nobody really likes having around because they tell the world the truth about itself. The very best people are the ones society turns on and puts to death. So the way I look at it is if you don't end up getting yourself crucified or at the very least ostracized by the babbitts and their retard hordes you probably didn't fully succeed at being a person. :lol:

Oh, you are talking about revolutionaries and other plotters to overthrow the government. I have been one of the pursued by the government so? Your assessment doesn't apply to me or my family. Hee Hee. I am talking about being wanted by people. People want to talk to you and confess their problems and be there for them. I apparently am the one they love to talk to about all their problems. I love people Sivad. And I like listening to them.

I like talking to you too. And many others. But also isn't it wonderful to just look at my birds here in the Yucatan?....who land on tree branches outside my bedroom, and sing in the morning, and the iguanas who climb the trees, and you see hummingbirds looking for nectar and butterflies fluttering around. I live close to where the meteor hit and killed off the dinosaurs....somehow the dinosaurs became all these birds.....who live in this region....killed off but evolved....the water forced deep under the land....deep underwater....it is about nature...so you think I am through with your kind of species eh? Wait a minute, I am just transforming you into these lovely things that sing and fly....free and open and full of space....the wind is your challenge. Leave the hot land that killed off your predecessors and becomes something new....that is the power of the kind of nature we have. Taking something extinct and making it something totally new and wonderful to take its place. It should teach us a lot about how to live.
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By Tainari88
jimjam wrote:no need to. he is, after all, a very stable genius.

I laugh at most of the stuff from the states now Jimjam. Here? The headlines in the Mexican newspapers are things like "Donald Trump esta Loco" and "Discurso que da Trump no tiene sentido" "The speech Trump made doesn't make sense." Etc.

In fact, most of what is flashed in front of Mexican TV is Trump and some fiery hellfire in the background. Dinner table topics for family dinners with Mexican families I have been to dinner with say things like, "Trump is in league with Satan. Most likely. Who else does and says those things but some demon Mom..." Lol.

I am thinking even the television anchors and others are getting tired of Trump tweets and craziness. I don't pay attention to him. I am following Latin American politics now. Much more interesting for me. :)
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By jimjam
Tainari88 wrote:it is about nature...

For myself it has always been about nature. I have lived by the ocean most all of my life. Simply to gaze out over the water and listen to the sound of waves grants me my goal …. peace of mind. I live a 10 minute walk from the ocean where I jog most days. This evening I jogged into a blood red high Summer setting sun. :)

Tainari88 wrote:People want to talk to you and confess their problems and be there for them. I apparently am the one they love to talk to about all their problems.

I,too, play this role. I seem to be a counselor for lost souls who cross my path. I am very good at judging a person's heart, quickly. If they have evil hearts, I simply smile and move on. If they are good hearted, I try to help. For example, I have a nephew who was ruining his life with drugs. I am lucky in that I spend Winter in the tropics and Summer in Maine. I set my nephew up last winter in my Maine house for a few months to remove him from his "friends" who were killing him. He wanted to pay me. I told him this was a family deal and I wouldn't take a nickel. He ended up forcing some Cuban cigars on me :) .

Tainari88 wrote:I am thinking even the television anchors and others are getting tired of Trump tweets and craziness.

I have noticed this also. The novelty has worn off and he has become quite predictable and boring. His #1 "weapon" has been his outlandishness and unpredictability. This weapon is now useless against a smart and tough person. God only knows who will face him in the election but someone like Kamala Harris i'm sure would cut him up and hang him out to dry.
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By blackjack21
Sivad wrote:That doesn't mean shit, a lot of dogs have sacrificed their own lives to save or protect the people they love.

Indeed. People do the same, but even people will turn to cannibalism when in desperate straits.

Sivad wrote:Higher mammals override their base natures all the time and the nobler aspects of ourselves aren't just illusions that vanish when circumstances deteriorate, when the shit hits the fan you start to see demonstrations of real heroism and sacrifice which show that the bonds that connect us are much more than just convenient fictions.

That is the nature of social animals. You assert this as if I have said otherwise. I'm simply saying that some of this is hard wired into people.

Tainari88 wrote:Oh Senor Blackjack, I think trying to compare different species is a mistake.

Why? I'm not saying the species are equals by any stretch of the imagination. I'm just saying that species have innate tendencies. Social animals learn social behavior.

Tainari88 wrote:The problem with the Hitlers in history is that they think they can control all the elements in the world out there. You can't.

You'll get no argument from me. That's why I think our own establishment is nearing its end. It's why I find it comical to watch AOC blast Nancy Pelosi. I like Trump for the same reason.

Tainari88 wrote:And the weaponry for today's world is very deadly. It won't just affect one nation. The radiation will make the rounds all over the world and affect almost every ecosystem out there.

Chernobyl is more dangerous in the long run than a nuclear weapon. I think countries seeking nukes are just plain stupid. The weapons were only meant to deliver a knockout blow to war making industry, which was centralized during WWII. If you nuked NYC today, you would do absolutely nothing to the ability of the United States to produce weapons. You'd just kill a lot of New Yorkers and piss off a very powerful country.

Tainari88 wrote:You should read "Ghost in your Brain" it is about how malleable human minds are especially with learning and 're-programming' we are living cells and they are made for adaptation and change. Because that is what this type of system requires. People don't have to accept that their behavior and their thoughts are beyond their ability to adapt or change. They can change their behavior and they can change their attitudes and their thought patterns even in their very old age.

Behavior can indeed change, but it can be difficult to change--especially around addictive substances. Even down to processed food, people will manipulate combinations of fat, sugar, salt and unami (in the form of monosodium glutamate) to get people to eat more of the product and thus buy more of it. Cheez-its anyone? That's pretty much the crack cocaine of food. You know what works well with addiction? Religion.

Tainari88 wrote:A problem with conservative thought in politics is thinking that change is something that can't happen because it is destructive.

Conservative thought isn't about resisting change for its own sake. It is about conserving useful institutions. In America, conservative means preserving freedom. That's why conservatives typically oppose big government.

Tainari88 wrote:We are changing every single day Blackjack. But why not change dealing with improving life for the group.

I'm high IQ Tainari88. I have no problem with change. I deal with it constantly. I work on the leading edge of technology. It's low IQ people who resist change. This is well established in social studies.

Tainari88 wrote:If it comes down to your life or mine and you are the one threatening do you really think an IQ that is higher is going to save you from a low IQ person with their finger on the trigger and in pain because you are part of the fucked system that thinks their low IQ is useless and needs to be relegated to shit and nothing status in the society in which he shares his air and space? You either learn to get along with many people in this world or you wind up losing your life because you failed to realize they also can pull some triggers and use terror on you. You don't need to be a genius to kill somebody Blackjack. You just need to either be desperate enough, angry enough or in enough internal pain to not care about what is going on anymore. Is that the kind of society you are shooting for Blackjack?

It is precisely what I'm warning the establishment about. I did not say that 60M Americans were deplorable. That was Hillary Clinton. Do you understand the meme "Learn to Code" and why it was funny for conservatives to say that to journalists who had been laid off? Journalists had been saying that to coal miners, steel workers, auto workers, and factory workers of many stripes for decades. Not everybody is good at abstraction.

Tainari88 wrote:How is that establishing healthy relationships Blackjack? Where the other isn't your equal? You tell me what happens when someone knows that you think they are not your equal and you treat them as 'inferiors' in some subtle and not so subtle ways? How does that manifest in your life? You tell me...

Tell me Tainari88, did you change your own diapers as an infant? Were you that competent? I'm guessing you weren't and someone with superior skills and greater development had to do that for you. People are not equal. Just because everyone is unique doesn't mean that you have to treat people badly. When people speak of identity politics, my response to a "first woman president" is that we need to have a first midget president. Take this making the rounds on the news today:

The dude is like five feet tall. If the left is serious about identity politics, let's have a midget for president. That would be even better than Trump.

Tainari88 wrote:How do you think the other reacts to knowing that you opine they are not your equal? You tell me (I am all ears?).

I'm pretty sure they think that I am saying they are inferior. Why? Because that is what modern egalitarian propaganda teaches. They are making an inference based largely on Marxist or anti-aristocratic politics. In integer math, not equal implies a greater than or less than relationship. In more abstract math, that's not necessarily the case. In computer science, you could say at an abstract level that two objects instantiated by the same class are equal at one level of abstraction. At the level of identity, they are most certainly not. If we bank at the same bank, the computer logic that computes my account is identical to the logic that computes yours. The database structure for your checking account is the same data structure for my checking account. Yet, we have different amounts of money in our accounts, and our accounts are numbered differently to identify them uniquely. That is, all accounts are the same at one level of abstraction, but at an absolute level they are all absolutely different and none of them are the equal of the other. That's reality. That's fact. That's not, however, how a person inculcated with Western or Marxist propaganda would interpret a statement on inequality, because they are typically not trained in math and logic, but national and cultural myths are a secular religion in the West and propagated constantly.

Tainari88 wrote:The first thing they do is burn the other books libraries or recorded history and they undermine any sense of identity and continuity. It is deliberate.

Who authored OP thread opposing the destruction of a mural of George Washington painted by a communist and funded by Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal? That was me. Do you think the left destroying murals and taking down statues and preventing children from reading anti-racist Mark Twain books because they might contain the N-word in them is a good idea? The globalists do. Haven't you noticed that I oppose the globalists?

Tainari88 wrote:Do you think human sacrifice and animal sacrifice is something exclusive to Meso-American Imperial cultures?

Of course not.

Tainari88 wrote:War is human sacrifice.

So is abortion.

Tainari88 wrote:Do you think the Mesoamerican civilizations thought differently about their sun god Blackjack?

I imagine they had their own dogma, but they were not unique in worshiping the sun. The Romans did. Sunday is named for Sol Invictus, the invincible Sun.

Tainari88 wrote:I suggest you try to live and think and be like another ethnic group for a long long time and then say and believe you are superior to them...you won't.

Tainari88, I think you are wasting your time with me, because you do not understand what I am saying. I am talking about individuals and you are talking about groups. I am not a Marxist. So I do not subscribe to ideas like white supremacy and other such nonsense. I do not find myself in unlike ethnicities and feel myself superior to them. :roll: On the contrary, I work with other ethnicities across the globe on a daily basis. I'm pointing out the fact that people like me and high IQ people in other societies can and do work together on a global basis daily. Lower IQ people generally do not. I am not the person calling 60M Americans deplorable. That's coming from the Democratic party. Donald Trump is not saying "all Mexicans are rapists" and other lies that the media tells. He is saying that a lot of illegal immigrants have criminal backgrounds and are not wanted in their societies, and they come to the US illegally where they commit crimes. A lawful immigration system would allow us to keep those people out of our society. Similarly, Trump wants a skills-based immigration system that furthers American business by matching people with available jobs when there aren't any qualified Americans willing to do them at market rates. By contrast, the globalists want to drive down wage rates and use illegal immigration to that end. By accusing people of being racist, etc., the globalists/capitalists have tricked you into furthering their agenda. I am capitalist, but nationalist too.

Tainari88 wrote:But empathy is not something class snobs excel at Blackjack. They lack that ability.

Right. That's why Trump won. He's not a snob. He will shake a coal miner's dirty hand. Hillary Clinton will not. People like Elizabeth Warren patronize people with statements like, "I'm gonna get me a beer," and then drink the beer out of the bottle as if it is the first time she drank a beer in her life. People see right through that. That's why Trump is likely to win again.

Tainari88 wrote:I have hope for you Blackjack. :) :D ;)

You're wasting your time there too. I don't treat people snobbishly. In California, it's rich liberals who are the snobs.

Tainari88 wrote:And Mexico doesn't have a welfare state per se. So where do the homeless go? To state run and subsidized housing and so on run through collective charities. Private welfare. Mexicans in general don't have food stamps and free government anything. Everyone works for a living.

Right. That's also true in Dubai. There are poor people, but no beggars or homeless or drug addicts lying around. Everyone who can work does work. The welfare state zaps people's souls.

Tainari88 wrote:But in general this city has less crime than where I lived in Colorado.

Idle time is the Devil's Workshop...

Tainari88 wrote:She doesn't get why Americans are so stubborn about socialized medicine.

Compare a US county hospital to a private hospital. It doesn't take much to understand why Americans don't want to have the health care offered at county hospitals. Heck, I just had an outpatient surgery and it was like going to the Ritz Carlton.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:You know what works well with addiction? Religion

the opiate of the people? My wife is a serious born again Baptist and I frequently attend Sunday services with her. It is fascinating to observe their remarkably high intolerance to pretty much anything whatsoever outside of their cultural bubble. I have met a lot of good people amongst their world but find their zero tolerance toward non conformity somewhat off putting. I find this trait not only super boring but a clear indication of their essential insecurity and mental distress. Good example: her son by a previous marriage is a Baptist minister who literally considers consumption of a drop of beer to be a "sin". I drink one beer every evening …… this I assume makes me a serious "sinner" and quite deplorable.

blackjack21 wrote:I did not say that 60M Americans were deplorable

But they certainly are "poorly educated" ……….. a "diploma" from Trump "University" would doubtless stand them in good stead. :lol: No offense but I find Obese Donald's hypocrisy unacceptable.

I am enjoying the back and forth between you and Miss T. You are a good match. I generally side with Miss T on the side of nature and compassion vs. money, materialism and predatory capitalism.
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By jimjam
I recently attended a Fundamentalist Baptist Sunday service in the heart of Obese Donald Land, Southern Idaho. The preacher was a fire and brimstone guy who felt a need to periodically raise his voice to a shouting level. About 2 thirds of the way thru he informed us that, a few minor character flaws notwithstanding, it was important to re elect Obese Donald (not his naming :lol:, he looked rather well fed himself ) because Don was "a real man". Presumably the preacher himself was, by his own definition, a "real man". We were also encouraged to shun and condemn gays, liberals and "socialists".

I presume that Jesus himself would vote, shun and condemn accordingly.
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By Kaiserschmarrn
Internal polling for the Democrats:

I expect one of the main planks of the Trump campaign will be baiting the Democrats, and especially the new crop, to appear as crazy and extreme as possible. Not that this will be particularly hard.
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:I presume that Jesus himself would vote, shun and condemn accordingly.

Jesus will not be voting. He will be King of kings and Lord of lords.
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Jesus will not be voting. He will be King of kings and Lord of lords.

Like Obese Donald …………… ? :eek:
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:Like Obese Donald …………… ? :eek:

I think he may be the Trump of God, sounding the warning.
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By jimjam
There are four states that matter in 2020: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. Win three out of four of those states and Trump is a one-term president. No matter how popular something might be with activists in Los Angeles or donors in Manhattan, it’s dead weight or worse if it isn’t a winner with Rotary Club members in Kenosha, Wisconsin
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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:There are four states that matter in 2020: Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida. Win three out of four of those states and Trump is a one-term president. No matter how popular something might be with activists in Los Angeles or donors in Manhattan, it’s dead weight or worse if it isn’t a winner with Rotary Club members in Kenosha, Wisconsin

To me, it looks like Trump is going to win again.
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