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By JohnRawls
Donna wrote:Check out Steve Carell's new Netflix sitcom Space Force, it's right up your alley.

I thought so too but i gave up after the middle of 2nd episode. Not sure why.
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By Hindsite
Ingraham: 'The experts' blow it again
Jun 5, 2020

The only group of people with lower unemployment now are the African Americans who instead of going back to work decided to continue taking unemployment and protest, riot, and loot for a living. :lol:
By Doug64
Here’s dueling narratives on the impact the rioting, looting, and arson will have on the presidential election. From three-term member of the Democrat National Committee Lanny Davis comes this:

72 hours cementing the real choice for November

    Between the early evening of June 1 and June 3, the American people saw, clearly and unambiguously, the clear choice they face on Nov. 3 between Donald Trump and Joseph Biden.

    On June 1, at 7:01 pm, Donald Trump arrived at the historic St. John’s Church, the “Church of the Presidents,” after he made the short walk across Lafayette Park from the White House. As he approached, peaceful protesters in the area were dispersed, under orders of Mr. Trump’s Attorney General William Barr, by flash-bang explosions and tear gas. All to create a political photo op for Mr. Trump standing in front of the church that he almost never visited in the last three and one-half years. He stood there, saying nothing, frowning, holding the bible – upside down.

    Minutes before, he warned the media in the Rose Garden that he would deploy U.S. military forces to states and cities against American citizens, “dominating” them. Previously he had warned on Twitter, “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”

    The next morning, June 2, in stark contrast, Joe Biden went to historic Philadelphia, where our constitution was written, and stood in front of City Hall with a backdrop of American flags.

    “The president held up a bible at St. John’s Church yesterday,” he said. “If he opened it instead of brandishing it, he could have learned something: That we are all called to love one another as we love ourselves… I will seek to heal the racial wounds that have long plagued this country -- not use them for political gain.”

    He spoke with deep feeling about the tragedy of George Floyd. He alluded to America’s systemic racism not just in the criminal justice system but in all aspects of our society, and the need for fundamental, not incremental change. (The next day, President Obama did the same – as usual, brilliantly and touching Americans of all ages and all races).

    Then shortly after Biden’s speech, former Republican two-term president, George W. Bush, released a statement on behalf of himself and his wife, Laura.

    “We serve our neighbors best when we try to understand their experience,” he said. “There is a better way — the way of empathy, and shared commitment, and bold action, and a peace rooted in justice. I am confident that together, Americans will choose the better way.”

    There can be little doubt that by the expression, the “better way” – using the words “empathy and shared commitment” -- President Bush was telling Americans he hoped they would vote for Joe Biden. This was probably for the first time in American history that a former president from one party endorsed a candidate from the opposing party -- and over an incumbent president from his own party.

    Later that night, Sarah Longwell, a conservative Republican and recent founder of “Republicans Voters Against Trump,” wrote: “Biden understands America, what it stands for and what it means in a way Trump does not, never has and never will. It’s too bad Biden has already chosen a campaign slogan, because Reagan's ‘Morning in America’ could hardly be more fitting.”

    About the same time, the Atlantic published a statement from the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, who said: “Whatever Trump's goal in conducting his visit, he laid bare his disdain for the rights of peaceful protest in this country, gave succor to the leaders of other countries who take comfort in our domestic strife, and risked further politicizing the men and women of our armed forces. There was little good in the stunt.”

    Finally, late the next day, on Wednesday, June 3, the coup de grace was delivered. Former Trump Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, a highly-respected retired four-star Marine Corps general, said: “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.”

    There is, of course, a lot of time between now and Nov. 3. But the contrasting messages and impressions between Trump and Biden that most Americans saw within those three days are not likely to change.

    Because the dark, divisive, threatening Mr. Trump is … truly Donald Trump.

    And the Joe Biden who spoke in Philadelphia the next day – with words of healing, unity and hope -- was truly Joe Biden.

And from health care consultant and frequent contributor to The American Spectator David Catron:

A Very Real Silent Majority Will Reelect Trump

    Tuesday morning, President Trump tweeted two words that succinctly describe the winning coalition that will assure his November reelection: “SILENT MAJORITY.” This prompted a considerable amount of fustian mirth from the Twitter mob, a number of ostensibly serious opinion pieces in the corporate media, and contemptuous dismissal by the Democrats. The consensus was that Trump was indulging a Nixonian fantasy whereby white suburbanites frightened by an increasingly diverse electorate would save his presidency. This interpretation betrays profound ignorance about the term “silent majority,” which never had any racial connotation, and disregards what suburban voters really fear — Democratic incompetence in a time of economic uncertainty and social unrest.

    The ongoing riots in cities “governed” by supine Democrats, combined with the genuine threat that the violence will metastasize outward to the suburbs, is their most conspicuous fear. And they want action. A Morning Consult poll released Tuesday reveals that 71 percent of registered voters support calling in the National Guard to assist the police in quelling the riots, including 67 percent of suburban women. Likewise, 58 percent of voters support calling in the U.S. military if necessary, including 54 percent of suburban women. In other words, clear majorities support President Trump’s intention to deploy U.S. troops if state officials are unable or unwilling to contain the violence. Moreover, he possesses the power to do so. As Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote in the New York Times Wednesday morning:

      This week, rioters have plunged many American cities into anarchy, recalling the widespread violence of the 1960s.… Some governors have mobilized the National Guard, yet others refuse, and in some cases the rioters still outnumber the police and Guard combined. In these circumstances, the Insurrection Act authorizes the president to employ the military.… This venerable law, nearly as old as our republic itself, doesn’t amount to “martial law” or the end of democracy, as some excitable critics, ignorant of both the law and our history, have comically suggested. In fact, the federal government has a constitutional duty to the states to “protect them from domestic violence.”

    Sen. Cotton’s straightforward and irrefutable essay has caused something of an insurrection at the Times. The New York Post reports, “Dozens of New York Times staffers erupted in outrage at the newspaper publishing an op-ed from Republican Sen. Tom Cotton urging President Trump to call out the U.S. military to crack down on protests that have turned violent.” In addition, the Times has been inundated by angry letters from its readers, a denunciation from the News Guild of New York, and outraged tweets from its own “journalists.” In the end, it may be necessary for the president to send in troops to protect James Bennet, the hapless editorial page editor who decided to print Sen. Cotton’s heretical op-ed. Bennett certainly can’t count on the protection of New York City’s Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio.

    Mayor de Blasio has been so feckless during the riots that even New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) called him on the carpet for failing to prevent instances of looting and destruction of property in the city: “I believe the mayor underestimates the scope of the problem.… What happened in New York City was inexcusable.” Included on the growing list of Mayor de Blasio’s incredibly incompetent decisions was his refusal to accept assistance from the National Guard: “We do not need the National Guard to come into New York City.” Nor has Gov. Cuomo backed up his threat to remove the mayor and call in the National Guard. These two characters are by no means the only Democrats to remain inert while the riots escalate. At the beginning of the week, the president made it clear that he is losing his patience:

      My first and highest duty as President is to defend our great country and the American people. I swore an oath to uphold the laws of our nation, and that is exactly what I will do.… But in recent days, our nation has been gripped by professional anarchists, violent mobs, arsonists, looters, criminals, rioters, Antifa, and others. A number of state and local governments have failed to take necessary action to safeguard their residents.… If a city or a state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.… America is founded upon the rule of law.

    It goes without saying, of course, that most Democratic governors have made all manner of ill-informed claims about Trump’s remarks. Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker (D) said, “I reject the notion that the federal government can send troops into the state of Illinois.” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) claimed, “Trump is determined to sow the seeds of hatred and division.” Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak (D) declared, “Unfortunately, the President has once again taken the path of inciting combativeness, stoking racial tensions, and creating division when we need unity more than ever.” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) brayed, “I pray no soldier and no civilian is injured or killed by this reckless fit.” Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (D) claimed, “You don’t diffuse violence by putting soldiers on the streets.” And the beat goes on.

    All five of the Democratic governors named above have ostensibly activated the National Guard in their states. Yet, it’s obvious that they don’t intend to deploy the troops in any meaningful way. States with GOP governors such as Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah have deployed their troops effectively. Among the states with Democratic governors, the activation has been largely a matter of public relations. In fact, when Secretary of Defense Mark Esper requested National Guard assistance from Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) to protect various national monuments in the District of Columbia, Gov. Northam refused. Esper then turned to Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan (R), who agreed to send the requested troops.

    So, what about that silent majority? The Morning Consult poll noted above makes it clear that they want order restored. This, along with a fast economic recovery, is precisely what the president has pledged. Meanwhile, Trump’s likely general election opponent maunders about systemic racism while struggling to keep his figures straight concerning how many lives and jobs have been lost to the pandemic. As former Clinton pollster Doug Schoen writes, “The political risk to Democrats is becoming associated with the riots … which would result in the party losing the White House and risking their House majority.” The Democrats already own the riots, and the silent majority is quietly counting the days to November 3.
By Pants-of-dog
Doug64 wrote:Here’s dueling narratives on the impact the rioting, looting, and arson will have on the presidential election.

You did not mention the overwhelming amount and pervasiveness of police brutality.

Do you think those will have an effect on voting?
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By jimjam
None of BunkerBitch's actions this past week reflect a well man. And then, when I thought I had seen everything, Friday arrived and I learned the man sent out 177 tweets :eek: on Friday alone. Our country is in the middle of the worst virus outbreak in over a century. We have massive unemployment with millions of people fearing they may never get their old job back. And he tweeted 177 times. And then, to top it off, he had the audacity to declare that because the unemployment rate dropped, George Floyd had a good day.

By the end of the day I had to ask myself, seriously, if he would have declared Friday a bad day for George Floyd if the unemployment rate had increased.
By Doug64
jimjam wrote:And then, to top it off, he had the audacity to declare that because the unemployment rate dropped, George Floyd had a good day.

You're drinking the kool-aid. Here's what Trump actually said:

    “Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, color, gender or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, ‘this is a great thing that’s happening for our country.’ This is a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody, this is a great, great day in terms of equality.”

Trump was actually lauding the peaceful protests carried out in George Floyd's name as a great day for equal rights. But the MSM(D) can't have that, it undercuts their "Orange Man Bad" campaign, so they have to lie about what he said yet again.
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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:None of BunkerBitch's actions this past week reflect a well man. And then, when I thought I had seen everything, Friday arrived and I learned the man sent out 177 tweets :eek: on Friday alone. Our country is in the middle of the worst virus outbreak in over a century. We have massive unemployment with millions of people fearing they may never get their old job back. And he tweeted 177 times. And then, to top it off, he had the audacity to declare that because the unemployment rate dropped, George Floyd had a good day.

By the end of the day I had to ask myself, seriously, if he would have declared Friday a bad day for George Floyd if the unemployment rate had increased.

The irony is that Trump is doing more to de-convert republicans and possibly even move them to the left than any other "president" before him. How many generals have come out in repudiation of this guy?
:lol: :lol:
We now have 3 parties in this country wether we know it or not. Crazytrumpism, Republicans and Democrats :lol:
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By jimjam
Doug64 wrote:You're drinking the kool-aid. Here's what Trump actually said:

    “Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, color, gender or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, ‘this is a great thing that’s happening for our country.’ This is a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody, this is a great, great day in terms of equality.”

Trump was actually lauding the peaceful protests carried out in George Floyd's name as a great day for equal rights. But the MSM(D) can't have that, it undercuts their "Orange Man Bad" campaign, so they have to lie about what he said yet again.

Oh my :lol: . You trump zombies are very adept at selective quoting and taking things out of context to make Bunker Bitch look good. What you quoted was a true quote that was isolated from a Bunker Bitch speech bragging about how unemployment went down a tad and everything was now swell.

trump rolled his eyes when asked how the unemployment numbers for blacks and Asian-Americans could be declared a victory.

“You are something,” trump said, refusing to answer. Bunker Bitch also ignored a question from another reporter who asked how a better economy would have protected Mr. Floyd.
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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:Oh my :lol: . You trump zombies are very adept at selective quoting and taking things out of context to make Bunker Bitch look good. What you quoted was a true quote that was isolated from a Bunker Bitch speech bragging about how unemployment went down a tad and everything was now swell.

trump rolled his eyes when asked how the unemployment numbers for blacks and Asian-Americans could be declared a victory.

“You are something,” trump said, refusing to answer. Bunker Bitch also ignored a question from another reporter who asked how a better economy would have protected Mr. Floyd.

I keep saying, every time it seems that he is starting to put his neck above the waterline on one scandal, a new one shows up to push him down into the depths. If the protests was not going around, those unemployment numbers might have been a relative victory (don't get me wrong, they are abysmal) but that opportunity was flushed down the drain the second that he started treating his own people like a dictator would and now this is all that the news are talking about :lol: . $10 says that when the protests start getting under control something else pops up.
Remember when all that FOX news would do is criticize what color suit Obama was wearing? OMG.

This guy is going to become a dictator if we don't put a check. Bunch of people say that he would leave. But the one thing that we know from Trump is that he does not like to lose, he is a sore loser, never admits defeat/or that he is wrong. Luckily we have seemed former ex-generals speak up, hopefully it reflects the general sentiment of the military.
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By jimjam
Colin Powell endorsed Democratic former US vice-president Joe Biden on Sunday, becoming the first major Republican to publicly back trump's rival ahead of November’s election.

Powell, who led the US military during the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq under Republican former President George HW Bush and later led the Department of State under President George W Bush, said trump has “drifted away” from the US Constitution and posed a danger to the country and its democracy.

trump in a tweet called Powell “a real stiff”. jimjam has it from a reliable source that Bunker Bitch's tweet #86 on Sunday declared that Powell has "a really super bad farting problem that has been known to clear out whole rooms" :eek:
By Doug64
jimjam wrote:Oh my :lol: . You trump zombies are very adept at selective quoting and taking things out of context to make Bunker Bitch look good. What you quoted was a true quote that was isolated from a Bunker Bitch speech bragging about how unemployment went down a tad and everything was now swell.

It’s called a pivot. Politicians do regularly cover more than one subject at a time, you know. The fact that you have to chop off the part where Trump says “Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, color, gender or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement.” so you can claim he was talking about the job numbers tells us who is engaged in selective quoting and taking what he said out of context.
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By Drlee
“Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, color, gender or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. We can’t let that happen. Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying, ‘this is a great thing that’s happening for our country.’ This is a great day for him, it’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody, this is a great, great day in terms of equality.”

Yea @Doug64. Except no. This is not about "equal treatment in every encounter..." It is about police violence that unfairly affects black people. Think of it this way. It is NOT ok that police violence increases against white folks thereby leveling the playing field. The demonstrations are against excessive violence against black folks.

If, because of the steps taken to stop excessive violence against black people the rest of us benefit, well that is nice. But we can't let the "all lives matter" assholes water this issue down.

While it is true that we have a problem across the board with police brutality it is not equally focused on all citizens. And it is true that it all should be eliminated. But the black community needs help and they need it now. And Trump has done LESS than nothing to help them. Indeed he has sent in federal troops to attack peaceful protestors. So if George is looking down what he should be saying it that a good first step would be to get rid of a racist president.
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By jimjam
Doug64 wrote:It’s called a pivot. Politicians do regularly cover more than one subject at a time, you know. The fact that you have to chop off the part where Trump says “Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, color, gender or creed. They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement.” so you can claim he was :lol: talking about the job numbers tells us who is engaged in selective quoting and taking what he said out of context.

0H! A PIVOT!! That changes everything :lol: Look sonny I grew up with trump the puke in N.Y.C. …… I am one year older than he and for the 27 years I spent in NYC he was always in the background our #1 con artist. We all knew he was a full of shit con man who robbed, lied and sued suckers endlessly then and he still is. Sorry Bud ….. you been conned..... I don't have time to waste with dupes. They say you can't smarten up a chump but ………. there is hope. You may want to look into getting a "degree" from Trump University …. :lol:
Last edited by jimjam on 08 Jun 2020 03:41, edited 1 time in total.
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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:0H! A PIVOT!! That changes everything :lol: Look sonny I grew up with trump the puke in N.Y.C. …… I am one year older than he and for the 27 years I spent in NYC he was always in the background our #1 con artist. We all knew he was a full of shit con man who robbed, lied and sued suckers endlessly then and he still is. Sorry Bud ….. you been conned..... I don't have time to waste with dupes.

This is what I don't understand. The guy was infamous being a con man LONG before he was even a "republican". It is not like democrats invented the years and the tons of shady things that he has done after the fact as a way to combat him... He was despicable long before and even if he had stayed a "democrat" he would have been just as despicable.
By Doug64
@Drlee Sorry, I don't see the point in responding to someone that considers me a liar.

XogGyux wrote:This is what I don't understand. The guy was infamous being a con man LONG before he was even a "republican". It is not like democrats invented the years and the tons of shady things that he has done after the fact as a way to combat him... He was despicable long before and even if he had stayed a "democrat" he would have been just as despicable.

All true, which is why I didn't vote for him last time and won't this time. That doesn't change the fact that when he won in 2016 (both the nomination and then the election) the Left and their fellow travellers went bugnuts crazy and have never recovered, resulting in them proving themselves as despicable as he is.
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By XogGyux
Doug64 wrote:@Drlee Sorry, I don't see the point in responding to someone that considers me a liar.

All true, which is why I didn't vote for him last time and won't this time. That doesn't change the fact that when he won in 2016 (both the nomination and then the election) the Left and their fellow travellers went bugnuts crazy and have never recovered, resulting in them proving themselves as despicable as he is.

Like what, what specifically is considered bugnuts "crazy" that the left has done?
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By jimjam
XogGyux wrote:This is what I don't understand. The guy was infamous being a con man LONG before he was even a "republican". It is not like democrats invented the years and the tons of shady things that he has done after the fact as a way to combat him... He was despicable long before and even if he had stayed a "democrat" he would have been just as despicable.

What you need to understand is that trump will go down in history as perhaps the greatest and most talented con artist ever. He will offer some scraps from the table to whoever will add to his wealth and power. Take the heavy duty religious right. trump saw that they were a sizable voting bloc that marched in lock step and pretty much did as they were told. He gave them some judges, lots of lip service, sat in at various prayer events and posed with a bible which he obviously doesn't live by. In return for these scraps these folks easily overlooked his pussy grabbing, adultery, endless lies and thievery and too much more to enumerate. This is what con artists do.
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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:What you need to understand is that trump will go down in history as perhaps the greatest and most talented con artist ever. He will offer some scraps from the table to whoever will add to his wealth and power. Take the heavy duty religious right. trump saw that they were a sizable voting bloc that marched in lock step and pretty much did as they were told. He gave them some judges, lots of lip service, sat in at various prayer events and posed with a bible which he obviously doesn't live by. In return for these scraps these folks easily overlooked his pussy grabbing, adultery, endless lies and thievery and too much more to enumerate. This is what con artists do.

Sorry, no matter how many times you or anyone else suggests that there is some sort of planning/intentionality to the things this moron do to convince me of that. The guy is a chaotic force, there is no planning on his part. He is more of a consequence of the "political" evolution of characters based on the selective selection of a systematically uninformed and divided electorate. He is not a Hittler, a Napoleon, a Ceasar a Stalin. There is no strategy. Don't get me wrong, he can be just as dangerous as those guys. No need to have a brain to cause harm, look at poison Ivy :lol: .
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By Drlee
@Drlee Sorry, I don't see the point in responding to someone that considers me a liar.

Well that is the short list......

But if it is too hard I understand.
By Doug64
XogGyux wrote:Like what, what specifically is considered bugnuts "crazy" that the left has done?

You mean besides abandoning all journalistic ethics and any pretense of believing in free speech, due process, or the presumption of innocence, all in an attempt to overthrow the 2016 election? Then there's the fabrication of a crime when they can't find any evidence of one to use against one of Trump's appointees and now the judge's insane attempt to keep the case going when the Justice Department tries to end the fiasco. And now we can add its support of looters, arsonists, and fanatical thugs over local businesses (many of them minority-owned) and the police trying to protect them. And of course its steady stream of lies about and distortions of Trump's statements and actions. And let's not forget their crackpot predictions, such as that if Trump loses the election he'll try to overthrow the government and institute a dictatorship, and tinfoil-hat conspiracy theories such as him being a bought-and-paid-for puppet with Putin pulling the strings.
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