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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:trump declared himself a wartime president fighting an invisible lethal enemy. The Virus. And then he immediately surrendered to the enemy. Fifty Governors were put in charge to fight fifty separate wars. As Churchill declared the first casualty of war is truth. trump very easily promoted the theory that the virus was under control.It would magically go away. And currently almost 100% of the new cases are harmless.Clearly no need for masks. And POTUS will not wear one. His belief that wearing a mask would make him look silly, or mess up his makeup, has surely played a role. But it’s also true that masks remind people that we haven’t controlled the coronavirus and Trump wants people to forget that awkward fact. And why this theatre of the absurd? To get trump four more years.The price? Just thousands of unnecessary American deaths.

Can you imagine if it was an actualy literal war.
"We are in war with china, im a wartime president"
We won, ignore the bombs exploding on newyork, LA, Washington. That is all the mainstream media lying to you :lol: .
By Doug64
Drlee wrote:Stopped reading there. Why do you post this bullshit Doug? Do you really believe this garbage?

Do I believe that Chicago had 87 shootings and 17 fatalities over the Independence Day weekend? That New York had 44 shootings and 11 deaths? That Philadelphia had 31 shootings and 7 deaths? That Atlanta had 23 shootings and the death of an 8-year-old girl when her mother drove past an illegal roadblock and at least one protestor shot up their car? Why yes, I do.

Your boy Trump is still down double digits in the polls but he, at least, has your vote. :roll:

And Drlee lies once again about my intentions come November.
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By Drlee
And Drlee lies once again about my intentions come November.

Tell it to someone who believes your bullshit. You are going to vote for Trump and if you don't vote for him and vote for Biden, throw your vote away.

Just like Julian, you do not seem to know what the BLM movement is.

Your nonsensical crime statistics have nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Just another Fox News diversionary tactic.
By Doug64
Drlee wrote:Your nonsensical crime statistics have nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

Right, looting and destruction of businesses (often Black businesses), arson, riots, and murder, as well as rising crime rates independent of the protests, all during a time the Left is calling for defunding the police isn’t going to have any impact in the election at all, at all. :lol:
By Pants-of-dog
Doug64 wrote:Do I believe that Chicago had 87 shootings and 17 fatalities over the Independence Day weekend? That New York had 44 shootings and 11 deaths? That Philadelphia had 31 shootings and 7 deaths? That Atlanta had 23 shootings and the death of an 8-year-old girl when her mother drove past an illegal roadblock and at least one protestor shot up their car? Why yes, I do.

And Drlee lies once again about my intentions come November.

You cited the Washington Times.


    A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

    Although the Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias, they report straight news with a much lower bias. Therefore, we rate them Right-Center biased overall. We also rate them Questionable and factually mixed due to poor sourcing, holding editorial positions that are contrary to scientific consensus, and numerous failed fact checks.


Do you have any good sources that explain why the US had hundreds killed or wounded by gunfire last weekend?

Is this just a thing you guys do for the Fourth if July weekend?

Chicago actually had 1200 extra cops on the street. Perhaps they are the cause of the 87 shootings and 17 fatalities.
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By Drlee
Right, looting and destruction of businesses (often Black businesses), arson, riots, and murder, as well as rising crime rates independent of the protests, all during a time the Left is calling for defunding the police isn’t going to have any impact in the election at all, at all.

It simply is not happening as your source describes it.

But you shallow take on politics is evidence in the above.

Would you describe democrats as "the left"? Certainly nobody with any knowledge of politics would but that does not stop Trumps hive of drones.

Perhaps you would like to explain why Trump, who you consider a conservative, spends money like a drunken sailor and Biden, who you idiotically call "the left" is for balancing the federal deficit to the extent possible.

You really don't know what "the left" is and you damned sure have no idea of what a conservative is.
By Doug64
Pants-of-dog wrote:A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news.

So the entire MSM(D) are questionable sources, then, while your source notes that “[a]lthough the Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias, they report straight news with a much lower bias.” So reading a straight news story in the Times, there’s actually a strong chance it’s at least factually neutral since it’s still keeping the editorializing out of its news, which is more than I can say for most other MSM.

Drlee wrote:It simply is not happening as your source describes it.

If the numbers are wrong, feel free to provide links with the right ones.
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By jimjam
I've had enough sense to despise Trump since first becoming aware of him in New York 35 years ago. I'm more interested in the psychology of the masses that embrace this miscreant. Neal Gabler said it best the day after the 2016 election: "American just committed suicide." The white minority feels they are losing "their" country and if they can't have it they want to destroy it for the coming majority of people of color. So they embraced someone who would blow it up for them. And he has succeeded far beyond even their hateful expectations. The only consolation is that we're more aware than ever of the shortcomings of our systems--of government, police, health care, etc.--and have the chance to forge a new nation built on principles of fairness and concern for our fellow citizens. It is going to be hard work, but let it begin.
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By Drlee
So in another act of national suicide Trump has taken us out of the World Health Organization.

Trump followers, who are not smart enough to see how damaging this is, will support it. Trump supporters are, without the slightest doubt, the most unintelligent people I have ever met. (I just claimed that for racists a few minutes ago but I have to say that if someone supports Trump they are a racist.)
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By XogGyux
Drlee wrote:So in another act of national suicide Trump has taken us out of the World Health Organization.

Trump followers, who are not smart enough to see how damaging this is, will support it. Trump supporters are, without the slightest doubt, the most unintelligent people I have ever met. (I just claimed that for racists a few minutes ago but I have to say that if someone supports Trump they are a racist.)

Well for one I don't believe they would take that as an insult, they are really trying to create a culture of embracing ignorance and stupidity, so calling someone that is actively trying to be stupid stupid doesn't do much.
His supporters are fanatics that's all.
But then you find this


It seems he is having some performance difficulties.
By Pants-of-dog
Doug64 wrote:So the entire MSM(D) are questionable sources, then, while your source notes that “[a]lthough the Washington Times has a very strong right editorial bias, they report straight news with a much lower bias.” So reading a straight news story in the Times, there’s actually a strong chance it’s at least factually neutral since it’s still keeping the editorializing out of its news, which is more than I can say for most other MSM.

If the numbers are wrong, feel free to provide links with the right ones.

So you agree that your news source is probably being misleading. But you are arguing that this is fine because you believe the same about other news sources, without any evidence.

This is a good example of bias.

What argument are you trying to support with this source?
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By jimjam
According to the Fact Checker team at The Washington Post, between Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017, and May 29, 2020, he made 19,127 false or misleading claims.
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By Hellas me ponas
jimjam wrote:According to the Fact Checker team at The Washington Post, between Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017, and May 29, 2020, he made 19,127 false or misleading claims.

Welcome to politics kid :lol:
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By XogGyux
jimjam wrote:According to the Fact Checker team at The Washington Post, between Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017, and May 29, 2020, he made 19,127 false or misleading claims.

Uhm... that's about 12/day.
If he were to work 12h/day that would be a lie per hour of work, except he doesn't work that much, chances are he is averaging 2-3 lies per hour of work. :lol: :knife:
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By XogGyux
Another shit day. Nearly 60k in the US.
If this thing shows any sort of seasonality preferentially for winter, we are seriously fucked. Those diseases that do can spike by orders of magnitude.
By Doug64
Pants-of-dog wrote:So you agree that your news source is probably being misleading. But you are arguing that this is fine because you believe the same about other news sources, without any evidence.

Nope, I agree that the Washington Times editorial board has a conservative viewpoint, so naturally the MSM(D) and their supporters believe the newspaper is published in the depths of hell. Meanwhile, I've watched the MSM(D) have a meltdown and throw away all journalistic ethics after Trump won the election, in pursuit of their crusade to overturn that election. So considering the source, why should I take seriously anything negative they say about any Conservative news source? I used to listen to Democrats and read Liberal columnists. Not anymore.

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By Hindsite
jimjam wrote:According to the Fact Checker team at The Washington Post, between Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017, and May 29, 2020, he made 19,127 false or misleading claims.

I just wish to point out to everyone that The Washington Post is "Fake News" when it comes to reporting on the Trump of God.
By Doug64
And looking at the Senate:

Susan Collins' 'toss-up' Senate race takes nasty turn under national spotlight

    STANDISH, MAINE — Sen. Susan M. Collins is a Trump toady in the pocket of the insurance companies, and her likely Democratic opponent, Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, is a liar who covers for child predators. That is, if all you have to go on are political ads.

    The name-calling and negative attacks on television speak volumes about the competitive nature of the “toss-up” Senate race. Already the most expensive in Maine’s history, the contest is drawing national attention because it will go a long way in deciding whether Republicans keep calling the shots in the upper chamber of Congress.

    “The Collins team recognizes that this is a battle, that this is a nationally targeted race, that not just the country but the whole world is watching this and that the campaign is under the microscope,” said Josh Tardy, a former state House Republican leader who serves as co-chairman of the campaign.

    Ms. Collins‘ fate could hinge on her ability to convince voters that her independent streak is alive and well in an era of intense polarization — all while running on a ticket with President Trump, for whom she did not vote in 2016 and has been mum on whether she will back him this fall.

    “The theme Democrats are trying to develop is that ‘I voted for Collins all these times before, why should I vote for her again?’” said James Melcher, a professor of political science at the University of Maine at Farmington. “They are trying to develop the idea that she used to be all right, but now she has changed, and that money and Mitch McConnell have changed Collins into something she didn’t use to be.”

    Ms. Collins, 67, first won her seat in 1996. She cruised to a 37-point reelection victory in 2014 and is seeking her fifth term in a contest that is testing her reputation for working across party lines.

    Her votes in favor of Mr. Trump’s tax cuts in 2017 and to confirm Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court helped boost her standing with Republicans and avoid a primary challenge from her right flank.

    Those votes, though, also provided her rivals with ammunition.

    Democrats say she falls in line with Mr. Trump and Mr. McConnell, the Senate majority leader, when it matters most and that she is not a friend of pro-choice voters.

    Indeed, Mrs. Gideon, who has endorsements from NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said Justice Kavanaugh’s dissent against a recent ruling striking down Louisiana abortion restrictions was evidence that Ms. Collins‘ vote has opened the door to assaults on abortion rights.

    Collins spokesman Kevin Kelley said that argument is bogus.

    “To suggest that Justice Kavanaugh’s dissent in this particular case is a vote to outlaw abortion is absurd and not based in fact,” said Mr. Kelley, noting that Ms. Collins agreed with the decision. “As Justice Gorsuch wrote, ‘in truth, Roe v. Wade is not even at issue here.’”

    Mr. Melcher said the president has put Ms. Collins in a tough position.

    “I think Collins‘ biggest problem is President Trump,” he said. “I don’t think she would be having anywhere near this level of trouble with a President McCain or President Romney.

    “In this era of Trump, where things are very polarized, there is a lot of, ‘Which side are you on?’ and her approach winds up not making people as happy as it used to,” Mr. Melcher said. “It has made it difficult for her to keep a foot on both of those platforms.”

    Ms. Collins did not accompany Mr. Trump last month during his visit to Maine.

    She has been touting her work on behalf of people with diabetes and has been highlighting a recent scorecard from The Lugar Center at Georgetown University that ranked her as the most bipartisan senator for seven straight years.

    She also has focused on her co-author role in the Paycheck Protection Program, which has helped keep small businesses afloat during the coronavirus crisis.

    “She views this as a referendum on her public service and her resume,” Mr. Tardy said. “She looks at every election as a job interview, and she is trusting that Maine will reelect her with numbers that are not as close as the press is making it out to be.”

    A poll from the National Republican Senatorial Committee late last month found Ms. Collins with an 8-point lead over Ms. Gideon. A Public Policy Polling survey released this week painted a different picture, showing Ms. Gideon with a 4-point lead, 46% to 42%.

    The Collins forces questioned the methodology of the PPP survey, which found that 46% of voters think Ms. Collins is “more a partisan voice for Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell” and 42% think she is “more an independent voice for Maine.”

    Mr. Tardy panned the findings.

    “When the results get reported in November, there are going to be some pollsters who are going to just say the tide must have turned,” he said. “No, you just got it wrong.”

    Democrats, meanwhile, have added over 40,000 voters to their ranks since the 2016 election, according to the Portland Press Herald. It gives them a 90,000 voter registration edge over the Republican Party, which has added 4,000 voters.

    The Maine Republican has attributed the numbers to Mrs. Gideon’s contested primary election this month.

    In another warning sign, Mrs. Gideon last week reported raising more than $8 million in her latest campaign finance report, doubling the haul of Ms. Collins.

    Mrs. Gideon, however, has burned through $5 million more than Ms. Collins, who also is trying to navigate the reality of campaigning during the COVID-19 epidemic.

    “It’s a more challenging environment in which to reach people,” Ms. Collins told The New York Times over the weekend. “Being grossly outspent makes it harder because I can’t offset that by increasing the number of appearances that I’m doing.”

    Ms. Collins has taken a more aggressive approach over the airwaves than she has during her previous campaigns.

    The latest Collins campaign ad accuses Ms. Gideon of doing nothing as speaker of the Maine House in response to COVID-19 and job losses.

    “Sara Gideon and her dark-money allies lie over and over an endless barrage of attack ads,” says the ad, citing fact-checkers asserting that the Democrat is operating in mistruths. “Sara Gideon 100 days wasted. Zero leadership.”

    The NRSC, the campaign arm of Senate Republicans, is accusing Ms. Gideon of doing nothing when she learned that a fellow state lawmaker was preying on high school girls.

    “For almost six months, Speaker Gideon was aware of an alleged child molester in the state legislature,” the narrator says. “She did nothing. Only when it was recovered by the press did she act.”

    Ms. Gideon is firing back by saying she was the first person in the state Legislature to call on the accused state representative to resign “when evidence of misconduct was revealed” and saying Ms. Collins has refused to stand up to Mr. Trump.

    “But even with mountains of evidence, Susan Collins gives Donald Trump a pass,” the narrator says in an ad. “Susan Collins shouldn’t be lecturing anyone about leadership.”
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By Drlee
Interesting article Doug. I notice something interesting about it.

The democrats are attacking their opponents actions as a Trump supporter and her actions as a sitting Senator. That is, of course, what she should be judged on . Nothing dirty about that at all. In fact, according to your article her campaign manager said:
“I think Collins‘ biggest problem is President Trump,” he said. “I don’t think she would be having anywhere near this level of trouble with a President McCain or President Romney.

“In this era of Trump, where things are very polarized, there is a lot of, ‘Which side are you on?’ and her approach winds up not making people as happy as it used to,” Mr. Melcher said. “It has made it difficult for her to keep a foot on both of those platforms.”

Ms. Collins did not accompany Mr. Trump last month during his visit to Maine.

But what do the republicans do? Do they forward Collins' plan for the future? Do they defend her years in office? Do they point out where she has broken with Trump who is highly unpopular in Maine? Nope. All they have is this:

“For almost six months, Speaker Gideon was aware of an alleged child molester in the state legislature,” the narrator says. “She did nothing. Only when it was recovered by the press did she act.”

So this must be the nasty part about which the highly partisan paper is speaking.

Here is Arizona, we have not voted for a Democratic Party presidential candidate but once since 1948. One poll paid for by republicans has the race within the margin of error with 7% uncommitted and another party independent poll shows Biden up by 8 points.

It is a long way from November but things are looking very bad for Republicans.
By Doug64
Drlee wrote:Interesting article Doug. I notice something interesting about it....

But what do the republicans do? Do they forward Collins' plan for the future? Do they defend her years in office? Do they point out where she has broken with Trump who is highly unpopular in Maine? Nope. All they have is this:

From the article:

    [Ms. Collins] has been touting her work on behalf of people with diabetes and has been highlighting a recent scorecard from The Lugar Center at Georgetown University that ranked her as the most bipartisan senator for seven straight years.

    She also has focused on her co-author role in the Paycheck Protection Program, which has helped keep small businesses afloat during the coronavirus crisis.

    “She views this as a referendum on her public service and her resume,” Mr. Tardy said.

Apparently, you need to read a bit more closely.
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