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By BeesKnee5
Didn't Clinton get more votes than trump?

Obviously just not in the right places but it does make arguments about whether she could/couldn't attract enough votes mute, as she clearly did get enough votes.
By Finfinder
Politics_Observer wrote:@Finfinder

Well, if there is one thing I can say in favor of Bernie is that he is genuine and not fake. Still, I don't think he was qualified to be President regardless.

I agree with that.
By Finfinder
Beren wrote:Jeff Sessions loses Alabama GOP Senate runoff to Trump-backed Tommy Tuberville

Also: Trump Is Forever

What do you think?

I think Sessions ended his career when he sold out to the deep state and appointed a special council to the fake Russian hoax. He pulled a McCain and ruined his career.

BeesKnee5 wrote:Didn't Clinton get more votes than trump?

Obviously just not in the right places but it does make arguments about whether she could/couldn't attract enough votes mute, as she clearly did get enough votes.

I guess if you want to spin it that way I wouldn't

The reality is we DO NOT elect a president by popular vote. Secondly the amount of votes can be accounted for in California alone which hasn't voted for a Republican president in 30 years. Even when Clinton rigged the primary,attempted to rig the main election, and had the deep state and media on her side. Clearly she cannot attract votes.

added do not
Last edited by Finfinder on 15 Jul 2020 23:20, edited 1 time in total.
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By blackjack21
Finfinder wrote:Tell me with a straight face you think Biden is the guy best suited to have his fingers on the nukes!!!

I'm not too worried about anyone starting a nuclear war, but I think if Biden has Lewy body dementia, it could be a problem. He does have apparent cognitive issues and it seems to manifest when he talks. His campaign is notably apathetic too. Maybe he has a fluctuating span of attention, but that's not super evident just yet. However, we don't see anything like hallucinations, mood disorders, or obvious problems with sleep yet. That's when it starts getting serious.

Finfinder wrote:Long shot dark horse money bet is the Beast. :D

I still think Trump is in a better position, but a big part of it is the Democrats going so far to the left, defunding the police, etc.

Beren wrote:Stock market indices are not macroeconomic figures whatsoever, you won't find them in any real macroeconomic analysis, like doctors won't ask you to measure your daily mood somehow to help them set up diagnoses and treatments for you like they do according to your blood pressure, for example, which is a real medical data.

The stock market as a whole is real financial data. The US markets are worth over $30 trillion. If they fall by 33%, $10T evaporates from the asset base. Additionally, stocks are often purchased on margin--creating money supply. You think the Fed's economists ignore the stock market? Why do you think the Fed cut rates to zero when the market took a dive? Why do you think they start buying equity assets as part of quantitative easing? If asset prices collapse, margin loans get called, and money supply collapses. Then, people run to the bank and take all their money out, and money supply crashes further. That's what happened in 1929. Maybe some college professor stroking his beard all day long doesn't think much about the stock market, but the Fed certainly does.
By Pants-of-dog

The US does not elect a POTUS by popular vote. If it did, Clinton would be POTUS, since she won the popular vote.
By Finfinder
blackjack21 wrote:I'm not too worried about anyone starting a nuclear war, but I think if Biden has Lewy body dementia, it could be a problem. He does have apparent cognitive issues and it seems to manifest when he talks. His campaign is notably apathetic too. Maybe he has a fluctuating span of attention, but that's not super evident just yet. However, we don't see anything like hallucinations, mood disorders, or obvious problems with sleep yet. That's when it starts getting serious.

That is because he hasn't really worked very hard. I don't see him able to keep up with a busy campaign schedule. The guy doesn't even know what state he is in from time to time.

blackjack21 wrote:I still think Trump is in a better position, but a big part of it is the Democrats going so far to the left, defunding the police, etc.

I meant Hillary is the dark horse long shot bet to get the nomination. You think they are going into this battle with Biden? They are already making excuse to bail out of the debates. It's ugly.
By Finfinder
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Finfinder

The US does not elect a POTUS by popular vote. If it did, Clinton would be POTUS, since she won the popular vote.

Clearly I meant to say we do not if you read the entire post.
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By Drlee
Isn't this fun.

First we have Finfinder just trolling his teenage ass off. He has not made a single argument that holds water. Ever.

Then we have Blackjack21 posting this: "but I think if Biden has Lewy body dementia".

Now I know that Blackjack is trolling as usual. He does not know what the symptoms of LBD are and, even for a medical professional it is a devilishly difficult disease to diagnose.

These two clowns are the best Trump can muster. He is in very serious trouble.

I will never count him out. He is far too dishonest for that and the republican party far to invested in him to go easily. That said, the polls that came out yesterday and today from two very reputable sources show Trump and his down ticket suck-buddies to be in deep shit.
By Finfinder
Drlee wrote:Isn't this fun.

First we have Finfinder just trolling his teenage ass off. He has not made a single argument that holds water. Ever.

Then we have Blackjack21 posting this: "but I think if Biden has Lewy body dementia".

Now I know that Blackjack is trolling as usual. He does not know what the symptoms of LBD are and, even for a medical professional it is a devilishly difficult disease to diagnose.

These two clowns are the best Trump can muster. He is in very serious trouble.

I will never count him out. He is far too dishonest for that and the republican party far to invested in him to go easily. That said, the polls that came out yesterday and today from two very reputable sources show Trump and his down ticket suck-buddies to be in deep shit.

LOL @Drlee is so off in his political analysis he can't make the connection Tuberville won by double digits with Trumps support. More telling Tuberville is an ex Auburn football coach that won in Tuscaloosa the home of the University of Alabama, the storied and hated rival of Auburn University.

Drlee wrote:These two clowns are the best Trump can muster. He is in very serious trouble.

I will never count him out. He is far too dishonest for that and the republican party far to invested in him to go easily. That said, the polls that came out yesterday and today from two very reputable sources show Trump and his down ticket suck-buddies to be in deep shit.

@Drlee is so convinced and convicted in his polls and projections he has to hedge his bets. :lol: :lol:
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:It is a national disgrace. The man is mentally ill. As a CNN reporter said tonight, the White House is staffed with "Kool-Aid drinkers and next of kin". Trump spent 50 minutes making a campaign speech in the rose garden. This is something that no other president would ever have done. At least not so blatantly.

President Trump is using his genius to campaign during the Chinese virus.

Drlee wrote:Sessions was defeated by a football coach in Alabama today.

Jeff Sessions accepted the Attorney General job offered by Trump then immediately becomes a trader to Trump by his actions. He deserves to be defeated in disgrace. There is no wonder that Trump endorsed that football coach over the trader Sessions.

Drlee wrote:Our poor country. We have fallen so badly.

It appears like that because of the Marxist BLM and Antifa and the socialist Democrats and their left-wing lying media that are misinforming the public by propaganda and fake political news.

Drlee wrote:@Hindsite If I did not know that you are nothing but a troll I would feel very sorry for you. If you are not a troll, I feel very sorry for our country that you are permitted to vote.

You should feel sorry for our country for all those that plan to vote for dementia Joe Biden. I am pro-life for sinless babies in the mother's womb and not for convicted criminals that lose their life sinfully resisting police. Since I also believe in Christian religious liberty, law and order, secure borders, a strong military, a good economy, and punitive actions against China for unleashing their Chinese bat virus, I must vote to re-elect the president that I call a Trump of God. None of what I believe is important for our Christian nation will even be attempted by sleepy Joe Biden and the left-wing Marxist Democrats, who have opposite goals.
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By Wulfschilde
He wasn't fired, he was put into a different position (so he's still employed) and the deputy manager was promoted.

National Association of Police Organizations drops support for Biden, declares support for Trump.

I read that this group has 241,000 members along with, I assume, their families and friends. It also has a fairly good track record of backing the winner in an election.
By BeesKnee5
Finfinder wrote:I guess if you want to spin it that way I wouldn't

The reality is we DO NOT elect a president by popular vote. Secondly the amount of votes can be accounted for in California alone which hasn't voted for a Republican president in 30 years. Even when Clinton rigged the primary,attempted to rig the main election, and had the deep state and media on her side. Clearly she cannot attract votes.

It's not spin to say she attracted more votes but didnt win under the electoral system.

It is spin to say she cannot attract votes when she attracted more votes than her opponent, unless you are saying Trump also cannot attract votes.
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By Beren
blackjack21 wrote:The stock market as a whole is real financial data.

The issue is whether stock market indices are macroeconomic data, however, they're not.
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By JohnRawls
Beren wrote:The issue is whether stock market indices are macroeconomic data, however, they're not.

They are to a degree macroeconomic data actually. But macroeconomic data is only one part of it and not the most important one. Trust and belief is built by the said data. And then that Trust or belief creates higher stock values of sorts. So having shitty macroeconomic data increases the chances of a stock or market as a whole failing but is not necessarily the only factor that decides this. Basically if you can pump up trust and belief in growth/income then the stock or market will rise.

Another part of it, is perhaps some stocks being valued less than they should be valued. Like Boeing right now. Yes it had a rough patch but it will recover. I am kinda sad that i didn't invest in to it at 100 because i was seriously considering it. Just had no free money lying around. Was to lazy to sell other stocks and invest in to Boeing. Now its at 180 or something. It will continue to go up significantly as soon as COVID ends and MAX-q issues are resolved. From a making money perspective, if COVID lasts longer than BOEING stock should crash again and it should be bough immediately.
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By Beren
JohnRawls wrote:They are to a degree macroeconomic data actually.

There's no such a thing as macroeconomic data to a degree, actually.

This whole issue is rather off-topic here and has been "overdebated" anyway, I guess. I don't have any more to add at least.
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By JohnRawls
Beren wrote:There's no such a thing as macroeconomic data to a degree, actually.

This whole issue is rather off-topic here and has been "overdebated" anyway, I guess. I don't have any more to add at least.

I guess. What i meant to say is that it is part of it and either takes away or builds trust or belief basically. Is it based on macroeconomic data itself, then the answer is a no.
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By Beren
Or maybe there's one more thing I have to add. If physicists found the general equation of the universe someday, stock market indices could be there somewhere in it too, as stock markets are also legitimate parts of the universe, however, stock market indices still wouldn't be real physical data with any relevance for physics used by physicists.
By Doug64
Some bad news for the Biden campaign:

National Association of Police Organizations endorses Trump, bails on past Biden backing

    The National Association of Police Organizations endorsed President Trump’s reelection Wednesday, citing his “steadfast and very public support” for law enforcement.

    In a brief letter to Mr. Trump, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times, NAPO President Michael McHale said the president’s support was critical in the wake of the attacks on law enforcement following the death of George Floyd.

    The president’s outspoken public praise of law enforcement appreciated “during this time of unfair and inaccurate opprobrium being directed at our members by so many,” said Mr. McHale.

    “We particularly value you directing the Attorney General to aggressively prosecute those who attack our officers,” he wrote.

    The group, which represents more than 1,000 police unions and 241,000 sworn officers, did not endorse a candidate in the 2016 presidential election. It endorsed the Obama-Biden ticket in 2008 and 2012.

    The decision to side with Mr. Trump this year delivered a blow to presumed Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden, who prides himself on being a “union man” and longtime ally of police.

    The NAPO endorsement revealed the depth of the cracks in Mr. Biden’s police support since he sided with racial justice protesters and fellow Democrats who have been hammering police departments with accusations of racism and brutality.

    Officials from other police unions told The Times that they felt abandoned when Mr. Biden refused to condemn attacks on police following the death of Mr. Floyd, a Black man who died under the knee of a White police officer in Minneapolis.

    “Biden seems to have abandoned the police and his support for the police because it is not popular to support the police at this time,” said Paul DiGiacomo, president of the Detectives’ Endowment Association, the second-largest labor union representing New York City Police Department officers.

    “It’s disappointing, but most politicians are doing that,” he continued. “I feel that if you support us, stand your ground. We don’t deserve not to be supported.”

    In recent weeks, Mr. Biden has tried to appeal to both police and protesters. He called for concrete changes to law enforcement but stopped short of embracing extreme leftist proposals to defund and dismantle police departments.

    Mr. Biden says he does not support the defund-the-police movement but said some funding should be “absolutely” redirected from police to social programs.

    Last month, the Biden campaign unveiled a criminal justice plan that proposes an additional $300 million for community policing to improve relationships with officers and residents. He also pledged to create a national police review board within his first 100 days in office.

    Mr. Biden has called for an end of the transfer of military weapons to local police departments, a ban on chokeholds and a national “use of force standard.”

    The police union officials who praised Mr. Biden’s landmark anti-crime legislation in the 1990s and considered him a stalwart defender of the men and women in blue, say his current rhetoric is surprising.

    “I think police officers and associations look at Joe Biden today, and it’s hard not to contrast the candidate today with the senator of 15 or 20 years ago,” said Bill Johnson, executive director of NAPO. “Mr. Biden, like a lot of candidates, moved to the left party during the primaries, but once it was clear that he was going to be the nominee, he didn’t stop.”

    Mr. Biden’s new police overhaul plan would roll back parts of the 1994 crime legislation that he championed. The get-tough 1994 bill was viewed as a liability for him with Black voters this year.

    Tom Scotto, who previously served as president of NAPO, worked closely with Mr. Biden on anti-crime legislation and considers him a friend. He wished the Democratic candidate would more forcefully condemn the attacks on police but said he still considers Mr. Biden to be a steadfast supporter of law enforcement.

    “I find it impossible to believe that Joe’s support for law enforcement has wavered unless he tells me it to my face,” he said. “There is nobody, but nobody, but nobody in the entire Congress of the United States that has done more for law enforcement than Joe Biden. He’s done more than 20 members of Congress today put together.”

    Others are skeptical.

    Mr. DiGiacomo said he believes Mr. Biden’s failure to distance himself from the “defund the police” movement may have cost him other endorsements from unions.

    “Right now, I can’t see any police or law enforcement group backing him after what he said dancing around the subject of policing in America,” he said.

    While Mr. Biden walks a fine line between police and protesters, Mr. Trump stood firmly on a law-and-order platform.
    The contrast could not be sharper.

    On Monday, Mr. Trump held a White House event honoring law enforcement where he said Democrats’ “anti-cop crusade” is causing the violent crime plaguing major cities.

    “It’s all far-left cities where they have no understanding of what has to be done,” Mr. Trump said of recent spikes in crime. “If that’s what you want for a country, you probably have to vote for ‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden, because he doesn’t know what’s happening. But you’re not going to have it with me.”

    Mr. Trump also signaled that his administration will take more aggressive action against violent crime. Last week, the Justice Department ramped up the number of federal agents to combat rising violence in Kansas City.

    Mr. Johnson said law enforcement officers have noticed the difference between the two candidates.

    “It is very fair to say that officers are concerned by what they’ve seen and not seen,” he said. “It would be so welcome to receive even just a word of encouragement and, on the other side, condemn the violence and deadly attacks that are ongoing against the police.

    “The public presentation of Mr. Biden’s campaign regarding law enforcement makes us very concerned about what his administration would look like with support for rank and file officers,” he said.
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