" Trump Has Sabotaged America’s Coronavirus Response" - Page 164 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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It has become apparent that we are all on our own now with respect to the coronavirus. The drumbeat continues... the administration has shown it is willing to sacrifice schooling, the elderly, the poor, the imprisoned, all for the sake of.... what? I dunno. Winning?

Oklahoma is pleading with the trump campaign to cancel the event, slated for a 20,000-person indoor arena — or at least move it outdoors. The event will not be moved outdoors. It's Tulsa. In June. The temperature will not drop below 90ºF until well after sunset.

His hair would fall. His makeup would run.
jimjam wrote:It has become apparent that we are all on our own now with respect to the coronavirus. The drumbeat continues... the administration has shown it is willing to sacrifice schooling, the elderly, the poor, the imprisoned, all for the sake of.... what? I dunno. Winning?

Clearly, they are not concerned over coronavirus. We had 1500 so-called medical professionals endorse the riots. This is entirely about trying to use coronavirus to prevent Trump from rallying his base. It is going to fail. Nobody seriously believes that authorities are worried about the health and welfare of Trump supporters.

jimjam wrote:Oklahoma is pleading with the trump campaign to cancel the event, slated for a 20,000-person indoor arena — or at least move it outdoors. The event will not be moved outdoors. It's Tulsa. In June. The temperature will not drop below 90ºF until well after sunset.

Apparently, over 800k people wanted to attend the event. Trump rallies this summer are going to be huge.
Clearly, they are not concerned over coronavirus. We had 1500 so-called medical professionals endorse the riots. This is entirely about trying to use coronavirus to prevent Trump from rallying his base. It is going to fail. Nobody seriously believes that authorities are worried about the health and welfare of Trump supporters.


Sure. The lib'rals and Antifa planted a fake Chinese var'rus to kill 300,000 people so Trump won't win no 'lection.

Even you can't be that besotted with him to make this claim.

there are over one million ticket requests now.

:lol: That is remarkable in a city of less than 500,000 and less than a million in the metropolitan area. Come on @Sivad If you are not just making this up then the number no doubt came from the Trump campaign...... Shall I post the inauguration pictures here?

It would be fun to think about though. One million people wanting to get on the airplane, fly to Tulsa in June, and cram an arena during the deadliest pandemic in 100 years. All to hear a narcissist liar talk about his penis size.. I would not be surprised. I have never met a smart Trump supporter. Not one.

On EDIT. I have to take back what I said about @Sivad . He did not make this up. It is all over the news. Of course the source is the Trump Campaign....so.....
Last edited by Drlee on 17 Jun 2020 03:26, edited 1 time in total.
blackjack21 wrote:Clearly, they are not concerned over coronavirus. We had 1500 so-called medical professionals endorse the riots. This is entirely about trying to use coronavirus to prevent Trump from rallying his base. It is going to fail. Nobody seriously believes that authorities are worried about the health and welfare of Trump supporters.

Nice dodge. I was not referring to riots or thousands of morons signing away their legal rights to attend a disease ridden trump worshiping fest. I was referring to the "administration (ie. trump)" doing dick to help protect the Americans he pretends to lead.

blackjack21 wrote:Apparently, over 800k people wanted to attend the event

who told you this? trump? :lol: I know you have brains so, I assume, playing a fool is just part of your act :lol: .
Drlee wrote:

:lol: That is remarkable in a city of less than 500,000 and less than a million in the metropolitan area. Come on @Sivad If you are not just making this up then the number no doubt came from the Trump campaign...... Shall I post the inauguration pictures here?

:knife: there are easily 5 million people within a 3 hour drive of the venue and it's the mecca of evangelical Christianity and the heart of MAGA country. One million ticket requests is perfectly plausible.
Drlee wrote:Sure. The lib'rals and Antifa planted a fake Chinese var'rus to kill 300,000 people so Trump won't win no 'lection.

You guys aren't going to win the election anyway.

'We disagree': Medical professionals counter coronavirus lockdown protesters
Health experts: COVID-19 fears shouldn't shut down protests
The noble lie about masks and coronavirus should never have been told

jimjam wrote:Nice dodge. I was not referring to riots or thousands of morons signing away their legal rights to attend a disease ridden trump worshiping fest. I was referring to the "administration (ie. trump)" doing dick to help protect the Americans he pretends to lead.

He's done plenty. He can help by getting governors to stop using dictatorial powers against us.

Sivad wrote:there are easily 5 million people within a 3 hour drive of the venue and it's the mecca of evangelical Christianity and the heart of MAGA country. One million ticket requests is perfectly plausible.

They are afraid Trump rallies will be bigger than the riots.
blackjack21 wrote:He's done plenty. He can help by getting governors to stop using dictatorial powers against us.

Obviously ….. :lol:

Jan. 22
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” Obese Donald

I want Fatso to keep his fat ass out of my state of Maine. My governor knows the neighborhood and is doing a great job.

blackjack21 wrote:You guys aren't going to win the election anyway.

And you guys sound like Hillary supporters in '16. Interesting how you are able to ignore millions upon millions who see Fatso's incompetence and are not falling for his con job. You get a pass because you are on the take ……….. you got your payoff.
blackjack21 wrote:You guys aren't going to win the election anyway.

You are right. We lost already, so don't even waste your energy voting. :lol:

Dude, you have a president that won by the thinnest razor-sharp margins (lost popular vote). On top of that, he was against a candidate that was unpopular that clearly alienated the progressive base while fueled the right-wingers. On top of that, there was overconfidence that chances decimated the turnout for democrats. The guy won by the most unlikely combination of events that are not going to repeat, certainly not all at once. To add to this, he has not won hardly any voters since he became president if anything he has lost supporters. Long time republican organizations and people are actively speaking against him, campaigning against him.
There are half a dozen national crisis in our country right now... and he is the incumbent.
He lost the house of representative by big margins and many governorships. Those republican candidates that tried to cozy up to Trump for a win, lost. As a result, most if not all of the senators/representative going into election now are trying to keep distance with trump (something that is hard because when they do they get lashed out by him, see Lisa Murkymurky and Mitt Romney.
Even if he could fix the current turnmoil in this country to avoid a massive turnout of black/democratic/progressive voters... you still have plenty of scandals in the pipeline that we are expecting very soon:
John Voltron's book on how he doesn't give a shit about presidency.
Trump's own niece's book on how Trump is precisely the vile asshole we all know he is
and the Taxes which are probably going to receive action in July... which is unlikely to uphold his "protest" and release them to congress. We all know that when and if that happens we will get an insight of whats going on. Even if it is not a leak (which I think it WILL happen) you might see "proposals" that will hint at what is in the taxes indirectly as the media tries to reverse engineer from there backward.

There is plenty of time for adds to remind his voters that he used the wall as a prop for the 2018 elections and then quickly forgot it and nothing has been done.
There is plenty of time for adds to remind his voters how he shut down the goverment for over a month as a dare contest against nancy pelosi and lost like the little bitch he is.
There is plenty of time to remind his most racists voters that under his watch, we will have a more inclusive world, we will get rid of aunt jemima shit and confederate flags inside NASCAR. I am not saying that the 60M people that voted for Trump voted exclusively because they wanted a racists... but if only 1Mil of those did... now they don't have a good reason to go out and vote for this guy.
There is plenty of time to remind the voters that the Judge that he put in the court not only rejected Trump's administration case against LGBT but actually wrote the decision himself. Throwing cold water at the illusion that just putting a bunch of judges in the court will get everything and anything these fucking bigots want... Another reason for those fanatic evangelics not to go out and vote.
There is plenty of time for adds to show how Trump has made our country look weak and has alienated our allies.
There is plenty of time for adds to show how Trump abused the military against our own citizens
There is plenty of time for adds to show how many respected militaries leaders do not respect trump but actually think he is an irresponsible maniac. I don't personally give much weight to this, but this is one of those non-sense shit that republicans like to run on... their "love" for the military.

All that trump has in his favor is the years of anti-democrat hate that half the country has... and that is not going to be enough.

The noble lie about masks and coronavirus should never have been told

That lie, if I remember correctly, was first spread from the podium by people from the CDC/NIH, the federal government. Probably with "good intentions" because it was to preserve PPE for healthcare providers since at the time the news were all about PPE and the chaos that occurred in Italy scared the crap out of everyone. I am pretty sure they very well knew they were lying, anyone that have BIOLOGY 101 training would know that. I was in fact surprised that it did not receive enough criticism/backlash early on.
Of course, this lie was necessary only because of the administration's complete failure at tackling the pandemic. If instead of playing and boasting how shit would "magically disappear" we had leadership that commanded the creation of PPE and created a system to put quota/administrate this... maybe the lie would not have been needed. China built a hospital in 6 days... we couldn't build paper masks to save our population. China tested millions of people in 1 week, our government did not even attempt to regulate panic buying in the stores. China has temperature checkpoints everywhere. Our fucking "leader" has not promoted a consistent, unifying message as to mitigate the surge of cases during opening (which is after all what he wants).
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=htt ... AdAAAAABAD
Trump is no more ruthless than this guy. Trump can pretend to be machoman all he wants but at the end of the day we all know that he is a bunkerbitch.

They are afraid Trump rallies will be bigger than the riots.

Even his inaguration pales in comparison.
You know who made a shiton of rallies? Fidel Castro... He loved the attention, he loved having hundred of thousands and even millions gather to hear his stupid speeches. This is what Trump is... a dictator wannabee. There is a half dozen crisis in this country that are not going away anytime soon. His energy and time should be focused on those issues and not on boosting his ego or playing golf. It is pathetic that in a country with racial tensions, police morale in the floor, a pandemic, economic uncertainty this guy is wasting his time in this shit, exposing his supporters to a potentially deadly disease...
Godstud wrote:Trump is a piece of shit floating in a bucket of piss. I see him losing this election, because Yanks can't be THAT stupid, can they?

The ground is moving so fast under the feet of this moron. This morning when I was posting my previous answer I had not idea that bolton's shit would come out this quickly :lol:
Trump is a piece of shit floating in a bucket of piss. I see him losing this election, because Yanks can't be THAT stupid, can they?

They most certainly can. After all. We have these mental midget Trump supporters wanting to go to a Trump rally during a pandemic. They are so monumentally stupid that they will risk their lives for a president, we find out today, while being investigated for colluding with Russia, asked China to help him win the election.
Ahead of President Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Okla., Saturday night, his campaign acknowledged that six staff members who were working on the event had tested positive for the virus during routine screening. trump, made aware of the sick campaign aides before departing for the rally, was incensed the news was made public, according to two people familiar with his reaction.

I just love it when Donald is incensed ….. especially when the cause of his incensment is ….. the truth. He really is quite entertaining.
The Fat Guy incensed :lol:
Godstud wrote:I hope they do contact tracing, as that rally is going to be packed full of infections, from stupid Trumpsters. :knife:

Fucking morons worshiping the biggest moron of them all.

Well, of course it is going to be bad. But apparently, the "millions of people that RSVP" can fit, and still not fill, a 20k auditorium. Don't get me wrong, 10 people is too large of a crowd for this imbecile, let alone 20k poor idiots that might get sick. This will severely blemish his ego, expect more angry tweets.
Remember when he got booed in a few sports events a while ago and then he kept trying to go to different events until finally, he got into an even that the cheers were a bit more? Anyone want to take bets onto how long it will take for this moron to try to do more rallies at progressively more red states/areas to satisfy his ego?
https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/ ... index.html

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ea_vG2iUcAA ... ame=medium

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ea_OnGGXgAI ... ame=medium

Just as much enthusiasm as when he was inaugurated. :lol:
I wonder how many of those people were paid to go there :lol: , he has been known to do that! J/K I am sure those people are genuine patriots, they have the flag-themed attire to prove it.
Lmbo the president is a big bitch baby and everyone in the White House is extra sad today because bunker bitch's virus rally, where gross old racists took turns spitting into each other's mouths, wasn't big enough.

Like they thought bunker bitch would be in a better mood after the rally but now he's just yelling at all of them and blaming them for not bringing a bigger crowd. Just lmfao at everyone in the White House, whose full time job is coddling a fat old baby. Idiots like blackjack look up to this man because they are somehow sadder and dumber than the President of the United States.
How can that be? He sold a million tickets!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Liars and their Liar in Chief. :lol:

Oh joy. I see that the Covid-19 cases have risen to nearly their highest point during the entire pandemic. Good job USA! You're #1 just like Trump said you'd be!

Live: WHO reports largest 24-hour increase in coronavirus cases
The UN health agency recorded 183,000 new cases, with Brazil and the US reporting the most new infections.

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/ ... 49593.html


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