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By Godstud
one Degree wrote:The continued fantasy Trump is an idiot and will eventually destroy this or that is getting kind of pathetic.
Who said he was an idiot? I said he's ignorant of economics, and proof is in the pudding.

I would not say, however, that he's a great businessman. The evidence is to the contrary. That he had to go to Russia to get loans showed that he burned his business bridges in the USA.

@Oberon Economics is not "astrology". Your ignorance if economics is quite startling.

Economics can be defined in a few different ways. It’s the study of scarcity, the study of how people use resources and respond to incentives, or the study of decision-making. It often involves topics like wealth and finance, but it’s not all about money. Economics is a broad discipline that helps us understand historical trends, interpret today’s headlines, and make predictions about the coming years.

Economics ranges from the very small to the very large. The study of individual decisions is called microeconomics. The study of the economy as a whole is called macroeconomics. A microeconomist might focus on families’ medical debt, whereas a macroeconomist might focus on sovereign debt. ... -economics ... ience.html
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By Crantag
Zamuel wrote:Not talking about a financial crisis, talking about an employment crisis coupled with a drop in the modern standard of living Chinese workers now enjoy.

How many Chinese do you think are employed supplying American demand for cheap goods? Idle hands do the devils work, as China well knows. And there are all kinds of forbidden ideas floating around China just waiting for followers with time on their hands. Do you remember the "Old" repressive Chinese government? Think those displaced workers are going to cheerfully accept it's return?

Well, that flew right over your head.

What do you think was the effects of the global financial crisis/global recession (from which, China did not suffer so much, by the way) on demand for Chinese exports?

Let me give you a hint. It was an across-the board reduction in demand for Chinese exports which far exceeded the reduction in demand which is perceptively likely to occur from a United States tariff on steel and aluminium.

Zamuel wrote:No, the US has been one of their largest and most predictable customers, a fact reflected by their dumping excess production here.

You were right in your phraseology; key word 'has been', which strikes directly to my broader point.

Zamuel wrote:Not directly, but add superior American goods to international markets and a minor but significant market share (those willing to pay for quality) will slip from China's grasp.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just what is it the US produces anymore, besides bombs and Hollywood blockbusters?

Or do you mean the inferior cars produced by Government Motors or something?
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By Zamuel
Crantag wrote:What do you think was the effects of the global financial crisis/global recession (from which, China did not suffer so much, by the way) on demand for Chinese exports?

Let me give you a hint. It was an across-the board reduction in demand for Chinese exports which far exceeded the reduction in demand which is perceptively likely to occur from a United States tariff on steel and aluminium.

(Only one i in aluminium I think) Nice old empire flourish though ...

You're right China did not suffer much, neither did their US trade surplus, $$$ isn't their problem ... Recall how many dollar stores were built that year? They doubled in number here around Tucson Az. (But we got a lot of Mexican shoppers in those good old days.) You often couldn't find a spot to park near Harbor freight outlets (everyone needed to save some $$$ you see?)

Just what is it the US produces anymore, besides bombs and Hollywood blockbusters?

Pretty much everything, just in much smaller quantities than the past ... Soon to be a LOT more if this trade war gets serious. You think Trump is done? Watch for an all inclusive tariff, it's on the way unless China caves. I do think Xi will be forced to deal on Trumps terms, but there may be some sword rattling first (another thing Trump wants.)

Libertarian353 wrote:Oh automation will come for your job before the Coal miners.

We're the ones that do the automating, if you haven't figured that out... :roll:

Libertarian353 wrote:Why? Blackjack21 is just a dogwhistling racist. He just want to destroy USA cause a Black man tainted the highest office in the country.

Obviously that isn't my motive, or I wouldn't have left the Republican party well before Obama was seriously considered viable for the White House.

annatar1914 wrote:I'll go even further, VS, and posit that it is Anarcho-Capitalism that will be the final phase of Capitalism in it's Imperialist period. Furthermore, I can show the earliest trends of Anarcho-Capitalism not in Libertarianism, but on the practical level, in Fascism. Mind you, I'm not saying anything ad hominem or emotionally loaded, but just facts, things I and a few others I've read that I notice from history.

We'll have to discuss this shortly, I think :D

We really need to see digital currencies thrive as more than a value store for anarcho-capitalism to materialize. At this point, I think bitcoin and the underlying blockchain are still computationally too expensive.

Godstud wrote:Who said he was an idiot? I said he's ignorant of economics, and proof is in the pudding.

He graduated from UPenn Wharton. I'm guessing he knows more about economics than you. Where did you get your business degree?
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By Crantag
Zamuel wrote:(Only one i in aluminium I think) Nice old empire flourish though ...

You're right China did not suffer much, neither did their US trade surplus, $$$ isn't their problem ... Recall how many dollar stores were built that year? They doubled in number here around Tucson Az. (But we got a lot of Mexican shoppers in those good old days.) You often couldn't find a spot to park near Harbor freight outlets (everyone needed to save some $$$ you see?)

There was a shock to China's export sector, which again was my main point all along. China increased the pace of its domestic spending, including on infrastructure. There was a huge shift in employment from manufacturing to construction in direct response to the shock of 2008-9. As the chart I posted shows, there was also an expansion of the service sector, which coincided with a relative decrease in manufacturing/construction employment in China.
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By Godstud
blackjack21 wrote:He graduated from UPenn Wharton. I'm guessing he knows more about economics than you. Where did you get your business degree?
:lol: I'm not running the USA, you numpty. Mind you, a business degree does not mean he knows fuck all about economics. Economics is a different degree. You're comparing apples to oranges.

Earning a business degree requires taking courses in a wide array of subjects like management, accounting, computer applications and finance. The addition of courses in business ethics, organizational behavior and social interaction will help students develop leadership skills and will give them an extensive knowledge of how to run a business.

On the other hand, an economics degree teaches students how to analyze and explain data. Therefore, courses in this program will require students to learn and apply mathematical theories and write papers explaining their findings. Calculus, statistics, micro- and macroeconomics and econometrics are a few examples of courses economics majors will be required to complete. ... -economics

But, since you can't tell the difference, are you sure you should even comment on the subject? Americans are notoriously stupid...
Hong Wu wrote:As Trump put it in a recent tweet, when you're $500 billion down it's hard to lose by shaking things up.

I had not seen that quote. Excellent example of a ‘thinker’ applying reality to theory. Much more important than any degree or economic theory.
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By Godstud
That's a prime example of an idiot not knowing what a trade deficit is, and that it's not a bad thing. :lol:

You guys are dumb enough to think Trump is infallible. :knife:
Godstud wrote:That's a prime example of an idiot not knowing what a trade deficit is, and that it's not a bad thing. :lol:

You guys are dumb enough to think Trump is infallible. :knife:

Not at all. I find it humorous the people calling Trump dumb don’t realize how dumb they are. Refusing to recognize our own limitations by defaming others is not very flattering.
Libertarian353 wrote:Georgism might play a role in HOAs/private cities. Where you could set up contractual land fees to effectively be LVTs in order to disincentivize idle land use.

That would be like saying I am both an Anarcho-Capitalist and a Communist because I believe that a private land owner many collectivize his own land to be jointly owned by all of his tenants (like a monastery or a commune)...That does not make me communist anymore than it makes me a Theocrat because I believe landowners can enforce covenant obligations on their own property or a Nationalist because I believe a private property owner can determined what color people he wants to live on his own property, or Leftist because I believe Property owners can allow any immigrants or products to their own land if they so choose. The common-thread here is private property absolutism which true theocracy, true nationalism, true leftism, and true communism all either qualify or deny.

In the same measure, you cannot be a Georgist and also an Anarcho-Capitalist, for both of those systems believe that private property absolutism must corrected somehow, which invariably requires some sort of coercion to prevent private property from existing (hence, a government to do the coercing).

I am all for people creating communes on their own property, but I shouldn't have to do it if I don't want to. A Georgist does not accept this proposition except in the short term until Georgism can be fully implemented in a nation and eventually the world. Once again, either requiring coercion or the miraculous conversion of every human being to go along with it voluntarily is required for Georgism, both are against the notions of Anarcho-Capitalism.

annatar1914 wrote:Trying too hard there, ''Danny''


annatar1914 wrote: God of course is wonderful,


annatar1914 wrote:guns are great


annatar1914 wrote: Bacon is terrible

:eh: Don't be hatin' on bacin'

annatar1914 wrote:and Victoribus Spolia has at least an internal consistency to his ideology that I have not seen in yours.

Thanks bro.
Godstud wrote:But, since you can't tell the difference, are you sure you should even comment on the subject? Americans are notoriously stupid...

I have a bachelor of science in business. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA and summa cum laude honors. That's why I asked about your experience in the subject matter, and where you obtained your business degree. You didn't answer. Rather you just insulted me as usual, and then insulted the intelligence of a nation of 300M people--a nation with the largest economy on Earth no less, that produces a quarter of the Earth's goods and services with only 5% of the world's population.

The difference between a bachelor of arts and a bachelor of science is that the degree in science requires you to take higher maths so that you can isolate independent and dependent variables and determine their statistical relevance. Pretty much every business degree in the United States, whether of arts or science, requires completing courses in both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. They also require courses in finance.

UPenn Wharton is considered one of the best in the country; one of the best in the world. Donald Trump is undoubtedly educated in the subject matter.

One Degree wrote:Not at all. I find it humorous the people calling Trump dumb don’t realize how dumb they are. Refusing to recognize our own limitations by defaming others is not very flattering.

I find it humorous too. I especially find it humorous that the left has tried to tie its positions to "high intelligence" and anyone else's positions to "stupidity." It makes it entertaining to express support for Trump for the most vapid of reasons, when I totally disagree with him on things like health care.

Trump's approval rate hit 51% even though he gets essentially 100% negative press. This is probably due to his recent efforts with tariffs and using the military to defend the US Southern border.

Trump is awesome!
blackjack21 wrote:I have a bachelor of science in business. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA and summa cum laude honors. That's why I asked about your experience in the subject matter, and where you obtained your business degree. You didn't answer. Rather you just insulted me as usual, and then insulted the intelligence of a nation of 300M people--a nation with the largest economy on Earth no less, that produces a quarter of the Earth's goods and services with only 5% of the world's population.
Blah blah blah. You try to insult me every time you make a post, and make stupid assumptions and insinuations about me. Suck it up, pretty boy. You do the same to me every time you post, as if it makes your childish arguments better. It doesn't, and turn about is fair play. I merely did what you keep doing to me, with the same fact-finding that you use.

I don't give a rat's ass about your so-called bachelor degree, that someone came all over. It is quite meaningless. You haven't a clue what economics since you argue that a business degree is also degree in economics. It's not. :lol:

Why do I need to justify my position with a degree, when even the one you might have, isn't worth the paper it's written on, when it comes to a discussion about Trump's Dumb Economics?

Blackjack21 wrote:Donald Trump is undoubtedly educated in the subject matter.
That is not borne by what he SAYS, so you'll pardon me if I don't think that the degree he purchased has done him any good. You are making an assumption like that, because you are a big Trump fan-boy, and have always been one. Reason doesn't enter into your arguments, when it comes to Trump.

Blackjack21 wrote:Trump's approval rate hit 51% even though he gets essentially 100% negative press.
More fan-boy fake facts from the biggest Trump fan-boy. :knife:

Blackjack wrote:Trump is awesome!
See? :moron:
Hong Wu wrote:As Trump put it in a recent tweet, when you're $500 billion down it's hard to lose by shaking things up.

Trump tweets are a good source of propaganda and entertainment. Factual data is not his strong point. Politifact says $375 billion.
jimjam wrote:Trump tweets are a good source of propaganda and entertainment. Factual data is not his strong point. Politifact says $375 billion.

You obviously are not in the same financial category as Trump. Quoting figures without rounding to the nearest half trillion would eliminate you from receiving many government social invitations. Your figures are a vulgar peasant interpretation without real significance. As if $125 billion is real money to a Washington politician.
blackjack21 wrote:a nation with the largest economy on Earth no less, that produces a quarter of the Earth's goods and services with only 5% of the world's population.



Did @Godstud, Insult AMERICA?!! He just needs some Freedom....




I have a bachelor of science in business. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA and summa cum laude honors. That's why I asked about your experience in the subject matter, and where you obtained your business degree. You didn't answer. Rather you just insulted me as usual, and then insulted the intelligence of a nation of 300M people--a nation with the largest economy on Earth no less, that produces a quarter of the Earth's goods and services with only 5% of the world's population.

Blackjack21, this is a mistake that liberals often make in keeping with there ersatz erudition, but actual Marxists rarely do make the mistake of doubting the intelligence of the Capitalist Elite. None of them from Marx on to the present day doubt the ability of this most Bourgeosie of nations to mobilize and to produce and to organize the forces of Capitalist production. And also, most folks like you and President Trump are well and pointedly aware of the Marxian critique and the crisis of Capitalism; do you personally think Trump is more Keynes or Austrian School Capitalist economics?

The difference between a bachelor of arts and a bachelor of science is that the degree in science requires you to take higher maths so that you can isolate independent and dependent variables and determine their statistical relevance. Pretty much every business degree in the United States, whether of arts or science, requires completing courses in both Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. They also require courses in finance.

UPenn Wharton is considered one of the best in the country; one of the best in the world. Donald Trump is undoubtedly educated in the subject matter.

What he does is what he feels he is compelled to do by the nature of the crisis, he will be engaged in saving Capitalism from itself, of that I'm certain. Now, having said that, he is more than a mere politician who lives in a Capitalist society and who has to deal with businessmen, Trump is an actual Capitalist and one who I think believes in Capitalism and it's benefits. There will be a huge change in outcomes just from that fact alone.

I find it humorous too. I especially find it humorous that the left has tried to tie its positions to "high intelligence" and anyone else's positions to "stupidity." It makes it entertaining to express support for Trump for the most vapid of reasons, when I totally disagree with him on things like health care.

I can't really call them ''Left'' B21. Left is where I'm at. They are just a Capitalist party working on ways to prevent class consciousness from arising among the working people.

Trump's approval rate hit 51% even though he gets essentially 100% negative press. This is probably due to his recent efforts with tariffs and using the military to defend the US Southern border.

That does resonate with many people, to be sure.

Trump is awesome!

Remains to be seen, to put it mildly. But he will without a doubt keep beating his enemies, and they'll go down every time wondering why. I guess that's amusing enough.
I can't really call them ''Left'' B21. Left is where I'm at. They are just a Capitalist party working on ways to prevent class consciousness from arising among the working people.

Now you have done it. You revealed the secret that the sensationalizing of racism tries so hard to prevent from being revealed. Keep safe, they will be coming for you. They can’t admit they are being so duped.
Rancid wrote:I guess you didn't understand what I wrote.....

I was talking about China's response. Maybe this will help you a little.

I deal in actual commodities like corn and soybeans. China being the highest bidder is not necessarily good for the American consumer. There is a cause and effect to China's counter tariff. Cheaper domestic commodity prices help the American consumer. Trust me China won't screw themselves in the end just out of spite.
Last edited by Finfinder on 05 Apr 2018 20:58, edited 1 time in total.
blackjack21 wrote:We're the ones that do the automating, if you haven't figured that out... :roll:

Unless that involve actual maintenance of A.Is, I doubt it.

blackjack21 wrote:Obviously that isn't my motive, or I wouldn't have left the Republican party well before Obama was seriously considered viable for the White House.

Your motive is ethno-nationalism, hell your post on SA land grabs already implied your race relations.

Victoribus Spolia wrote:That would be like saying I am both an Anarcho-Capitalist and a Communist because I believe that a private land owner many collectivize his own land to be jointly owned by all of his tenants (like a monastery or a commune)...That does not make me communist anymore than it makes me a Theocrat because I believe landowners can enforce covenant obligations on their own property or a Nationalist because I believe a private property owner can determined what color people he wants to live on his own property, or Leftist because I believe Property owners can allow any immigrants or products to their own land if they so choose. The common-thread here is private property absolutism which true theocracy, true nationalism, true leftism, and true communism all either qualify or deny.

Why not? A landowner can do what he wants as he pleases. If he decides that anarcho-communism is the way to go he can choose to relinquish his land to the tenets and join them. It's all about NAP and consent. Who are you to decide what's communist/georgist/nationalist/theocrat/leftist/etc? The idea is freedom of choice and non-coercion. Property is essential but not the end all be all. Not every ancap will own land, it's about making money and freedom of what's best for yourself.

blackjack21 wrote:that produces a quarter of the Earth's goods and services with only 5% of the world's population.

When a quarter of the Earth's goods and services is not produce by 5% of the world's population, that's says nothing.
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