Don The Con concedes the election - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Voter fraud is as miniscule in mail-in ballots as it is in normal ballots. That's a fact. I know you like to dispute facts with your stupidities, but that's your problem. The claims of voted fraud have been thoroughly debunked and are mostly myth. I know you like conspiracy theories, though, so by all means, keep on "believing".
Godstud wrote:@Rich
Voter fraud is as miniscule in mail-in ballots as it is in normal ballots. That's a fact. I know you like to dispute facts with your stupidities, but that's your problem. The claims of voted fraud have been thoroughly debunked and are mostly myth. I know you like conspiracy theories, though, so by all means, keep on "believing". ... da/612625/
LOL I intuitivly thought that Mail votes favor republicans thinking of old people and my experience in florida. Sure enough I found this article and it seems even republicans agree they are favored. This stupid trump the dump is certainly harming himself as I suspected.
All we need is a couple of tiktokers and facebook teenagers to start telling their grandparents that democrats will steal the election like trump says if they send a ballot and voila, an instant trump loser :lol:
What a fucking moron.
Hindsite wrote:Yes, ballots getting lost is another problem with massive mail-in voting in the November election. The nation is not prepared enough to be able to prevent fraud with massive mail-in ballots either. That is what the Democrats want. They want illegal immigrants, prisoners, and even dead people's votes to be counted. That is because they will be Democrat votes. This time the police will surely be voting for Trump.
Praise the Lord.

any word yet on a trump plan to provide affordable health care to all Americans or is all we are going to hear about is donald's desperate election fraud scam? yes we all want honest elections but how about an actual policy outline like infrastructure repair from your boy Johnny One Note. Tax reform to help poor folks, raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $7.26 :lol: . There are all sorts of things the fat guy can do to help po folk.
jimjam wrote:any word yet on a trump plan to provide affordable health care to all Americans or is all we are going to hear about is donald's desperate election fraud scam? yes we all want honest elections but how about an actual policy outline like infrastructure repair from your boy Johnny One Note. Tax reform to help poor folks, raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $7.26 :lol: . There are all sorts of things the fat guy can do to help po folk.

Haven't heard anything, but it does not matter much with a Democrat majority that obstructs anything Trump tries to do.
Hindsite wrote:Haven't heard anything

i was just wondering if he had a detailed program he was running on that was more specific than dumb slogans. But i know he has difficulty with details longer than one paragraph. I guess we can assume the same ole same ole tax cuts for billionaires and red beanies for po folk.
In a new federal court filing, the Manhattan district attorney’s office suggested for the first time that it is investigating Trump and his company for possible fraud.

i see this as a major reason for donald's increased desperation :)
So 3 months away from the elections with a pandemic raging, protest in multiple cities, some states at the brink of bankruptcy, worsening relations with the second (possibly first now?) most powerful country in the world with the closing of consulates, economy in ruins, eviction crisis staring at us and none of that is keeping him busy away from twitter and/or messing around with tiktok...
Yes I know, your feelings are hurt because they trolled you in Tulsa... get over it you fucking idiot! You ban tiktok and 2secs latter another site doing something similar will pop up, just like you morons tried to do with Parler nonsense that you and your stupid FOX brainwashing machine tried to unsuccessfully push.
jimjam wrote:In a new federal court filing, the Manhattan district attorney’s office suggested for the first time that it is investigating Trump and his company for possible fraud.

i see this as a major reason for donald's increased desperation :)

I don't think so. It is much simpler than that, it is fear of failure, it is an embarrassment. That's all he ever cared about, the appearance of success.
He can get out of prosecution easily, just hand the presidency over to pence and get a pardon. Done and done.
If it is fear of being prosecuted, not resigning might be a risk. If he loses, pence might not be necessarily be willing to taint whatever reputation is left by issuing a pardon for no reason. If he "pardons himself" there is a decent chance that this could be challenged. After all, the court did say that president is not above the law, and as far as I know, this would be unprecedented.
The other alternative is that he might have financial risk instead of and/or in addition to criminal exposure. The risk of losing money and/or being exposed as not having much or being in deep debt could ruin his scams and he might feel that as president he has a better shot as stonewalling the investigations than otherwise.
I think it is one of those things, money or simply ego.
XogGyux wrote:just hand the presidency over to pence and get a pardon.

It's not that easy.

According to wiki, pardons issued by a president apply only to federal law. Pardons for state crimes are handled by governors or a state pardon board.

jimjam wrote:i was just wondering if he had a detailed program he was running on that was more specific than dumb slogans. But i know he has difficulty with details longer than one paragraph. I guess we can assume the same ole same ole tax cuts for billionaires and red beanies for po folk.

President Trump did mention that he wanted to give the middle class the next tax cut and he might do something on healthcare by executive order. He has not presented the details as far as I know. That may come as part of his campaign for reelection.
ingliz wrote:It's not that easy.

According to wiki, pardons issued by a president apply only to federal law. Pardons for state crimes are handled by governors or a state pardon board.


I think you are correct, I was not considering this.
That being said I do think it is highly unlikely that Trump would ever see the inside of a cell. Politically (even if he loses) that would be a risky move as presumably he would still have wide support and it wouldnt look good to put a 70ish old man, ex-president in jail unless the crimes are extensive and with solid, indisputable evidence. Even then there might be issues with national security (the guy knows classified information/protocols/etc) and prison. Most likely than not he would be in some sort of "house arrest" and spend the remainder of his days in Mar-a-Lago playing golf with a GPS ankle brace :lol: . That is, if there is no political pressure to just let him go with some sort of slap on the wrist (fine?).
Idk, maybe im too cynic nowadays. I don't see him meeting justice.
XogGyux wrote:I don't think so. It is much simpler than that, it is fear of failure, it is an embarrassment. That's all he ever cared about, the appearance of success.
He can get out of prosecution easily, just hand the presidency over to pence and get a pardon. Done and done.
If it is fear of being prosecuted, not resigning might be a risk. If he loses, pence might not be necessarily be willing to taint whatever reputation is left by issuing a pardon for no reason. If he "pardons himself" there is a decent chance that this could be challenged. After all, the court did say that president is not above the law, and as far as I know, this would be unprecedented.
The other alternative is that he might have financial risk instead of and/or in addition to criminal exposure. The risk of losing money and/or being exposed as not having much or being in deep debt could ruin his scams and he might feel that as president he has a better shot as stonewalling the investigations than otherwise.
I think it is one of those things, money or simply ego.

I agree but this has to be a consideration:

President Trump is still better than anything else Washington D.C. has to offer America's law abiding tax paying legal American citizens. Only Communist fools will ever vote against policies that improve America's economy. The World is a small place and America will someday free any and all that oppose Anarchy. President Trump is the CEO of the Free World and his second term will put an end to the communist career criminal politicians that attempted to form a one world order with Obama Gate. If you did not love President Trump's triumphant first term in office against the establishment you will definitely have the ability to support him winning his second term or why don't you leave America during his second term if you are against the prosperity of America's law abiding taxpaying legal citizens. Never vote for an Antifa Loving, BLM Supporting, Police Defunding, HUD Ghetto Creating, Leftist Democrat. Biden is a Brain Dead Idiot. Birds of a feather.......Illegals still Suck!
ness31 wrote:I don’t know what he meant by the question marks. But he should have known what was going to come of that tweet, and frankly it doesn’t do the Conservatives any good.

Maybe he did know. It certainly got the news media talking about it. It looks like he baited them into it as usual. :lol:
The Communists of the Planet are always hoping for America's demise. If the Presidential Election continues without any voter fraud by Either Party America will heal. The Communists and the Demon Rats are praying that Hillary and Nancy do not let the cat out of the bag. So many swamp creatures that are still left in the leftist party. Beto and Biden should purchase the NRA and restore it into a Socialist Glory Hole for Rinos and the like. President Trump is slowly castrating the Leftist Part of the Democrat Party. Crooked Hillary really did act ballsy before his first term. Great things will happen in America during President Trump's second term. All communism must be purged from all of America's political Arenas. Never support an Antifa loving, BLM Supporting, Police Defunding, Leftist Democrat this Century. Illegals and Radical Muslims still Suck!
One reason the president’s election-delay proposal is absurd is because he demands that the country reopen fully at the same time he argues that something as fundamental as an election cannot be held. Donald could assist the U.S. Postal Service in preparing for a busy election. Instead, he has demagogued the mail-in system by falsely claiming fraud, and he has appointed a leader to the Postal Service who is seeking to slow down delivery and gut the service. In short, Donald has a large degree of control over whether the election can be held safely, and he’s doing nothing to ensure that it will be.

After the election of 1864, Abraham Lincoln responded to critics who had suggested that it be postponed. “It has long been a grave question whether any government, not too strong for the liberties of its people, can be strong enough to maintain its own existence in great emergencies,” he wrote. “But,” he continued, “the election was a necessity. We can not have free government without elections; and if the rebellion could force us to forego, or postpone a national election it might fairly claim to have already conquered and ruined us.”

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